path: root/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/CheckBoundsOK.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/CheckBoundsOK.hs')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/CheckBoundsOK.hs b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/CheckBoundsOK.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..096566f60e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/CheckBoundsOK.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+-- This test verifies that correct (not out-of-bounds) uses
+-- of primops that we can bounds-check with -fcheck-prim-bounds
+-- do not cause spurious bounds-checking failures.
+-- Currently this tests most ByteArray#, Array#, and SmallArray# operations.
+-- (Theoretically it could also test Addr# operations,
+-- since those /can/ be bounds-checked with the JS back-end.)
+{-# LANGUAGE GHC2021 #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
+module Main where
+import Data.Array.Byte
+import Data.Bits
+import Control.Monad
+import GHC.Exts
+import GHC.IO
+import GHC.Word
+import GHC.Int
+import GHC.Float
+import GHC.Stable
+import System.IO
+ when (CONDITION) $ IO $ \s0 -> \
+ case (READ_OP) arrU# i# s0 of \
+ (# s1, v# #) -> case (WRITE_OP) arrP# i# v# s1 of \
+ s2 -> (# (WRITE_OP) arrU# i# ((INDEX_OP) arrF# i#) s2, () #)
+ when (i < size `div` (WIDTH)) $ IO $ \s0 -> \
+ case (0, 7) of \
+ (CON v0, CON v7) -> case (CAS_OP) arrU# i# v0 v7 s0 of \
+ (# s1, v' #) -> (# s1, () #)
+wrapEffect :: (State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld) -> IO ()
+wrapEffect eff = IO (\s0 -> (# eff s0, () #))
+testByteArraysOfSize :: Int -> IO ()
+testByteArraysOfSize (size@(I# size#)) = do
+ let mkArr op = IO $ \s0 -> case op size# s0 of
+ (# s1, newArr #)
+ -> (# setByteArray# newArr 0# size# 123# s1,
+ MutableByteArray newArr #)
+ MutableByteArray arrU# <- mkArr newByteArray#
+ MutableByteArray arrP# <- mkArr newPinnedByteArray#
+ ByteArray arrF# <- do
+ MutableByteArray arrToFreeze <- mkArr newByteArray#
+ IO $ \s0 -> case unsafeFreezeByteArray# arrToFreeze s0 of
+ (# s1, frozenArr #) -> (# s1, ByteArray frozenArr #)
+ let !nws = finiteBitSize (0 :: Int) `div` 8
+ !bufP = mutableByteArrayContents# arrP#
+ forM_ [0..size] $ \i@(I# i#) -> do
+ -- test valid aligned read/write ops
+ -- (expressed via CPP macro because of non-uniform representations)
+ ALIGNED_RW(1, readWord8Array#, indexWord8Array#, writeWord8Array#)
+ ALIGNED_RW(2, readWord16Array#, indexWord16Array#, writeWord16Array#)
+ ALIGNED_RW(4, readWord32Array#, indexWord32Array#, writeWord32Array#)
+ ALIGNED_RW(8, readWord64Array#, indexWord64Array#, writeWord64Array#)
+ ALIGNED_RW(nws, readWordArray#, indexWordArray#, writeWordArray#)
+ ALIGNED_RW(1, readInt8Array#, indexInt8Array#, writeInt8Array#)
+ ALIGNED_RW(2, readInt16Array#, indexInt16Array#, writeInt16Array#)
+ ALIGNED_RW(4, readInt32Array#, indexInt32Array#, writeInt32Array#)
+ ALIGNED_RW(8, readInt64Array#, indexInt64Array#, writeInt64Array#)
+ ALIGNED_RW(nws, readIntArray#, indexIntArray#, writeIntArray#)
+ ALIGNED_RW(4, readFloatArray#, indexFloatArray#, writeFloatArray#)
+ ALIGNED_RW(8, readDoubleArray#, indexDoubleArray#, writeDoubleArray#)
+ ALIGNED_RW(1, readCharArray#, indexCharArray#, writeCharArray#)
+ ALIGNED_RW(4, readWideCharArray#, indexWideCharArray#, writeWideCharArray#)
+ -- TODO: What is the right condition is for Addr# with the JS backend?
+ ALIGNED_RW(nws, readAddrArray#, indexAddrArray#, writeAddrArray#)
+ ALIGNED_RW(nws, readStablePtrArray#, indexStablePtrArray#, writeStablePtrArray#)
+ -- test valid unaligned read/write ops
+ -- (expressed via CPP macro because of non-uniform representations)
+ -- no primops for unaligned word8 access
+ UNALIGNED_RW(2, readWord8ArrayAsWord16#, indexWord8ArrayAsWord16#, writeWord8ArrayAsWord16#)
+ UNALIGNED_RW(4, readWord8ArrayAsWord32#, indexWord8ArrayAsWord32#, writeWord8ArrayAsWord32#)
+ UNALIGNED_RW(8, readWord8ArrayAsWord64#, indexWord8ArrayAsWord64#, writeWord8ArrayAsWord64#)
+ UNALIGNED_RW(nws, readWord8ArrayAsWord#, indexWord8ArrayAsWord#, writeWord8ArrayAsWord#)
+ -- no primops for unaligned int8 access
+ UNALIGNED_RW(2, readWord8ArrayAsInt16#, indexWord8ArrayAsInt16#, writeWord8ArrayAsInt16#)
+ UNALIGNED_RW(4, readWord8ArrayAsInt32#, indexWord8ArrayAsInt32#, writeWord8ArrayAsInt32#)
+ UNALIGNED_RW(8, readWord8ArrayAsInt64#, indexWord8ArrayAsInt64#, writeWord8ArrayAsInt64#)
+ UNALIGNED_RW(nws, readWord8ArrayAsInt#, indexWord8ArrayAsInt#, writeWord8ArrayAsInt#)
+ UNALIGNED_RW(4, readWord8ArrayAsFloat#, indexWord8ArrayAsFloat#, writeWord8ArrayAsFloat#)
+ UNALIGNED_RW(8, readWord8ArrayAsDouble#, indexWord8ArrayAsDouble#, writeWord8ArrayAsDouble#)
+ UNALIGNED_RW(1, readWord8ArrayAsChar#, indexWord8ArrayAsChar#, writeWord8ArrayAsChar#)
+ UNALIGNED_RW(4, readWord8ArrayAsWideChar#, indexWord8ArrayAsWideChar#, writeWord8ArrayAsWideChar#)
+ -- TODO: What is the right condition is for Addr# with the JS backend?
+ UNALIGNED_RW(nws, readWord8ArrayAsAddr#, indexWord8ArrayAsAddr#, writeWord8ArrayAsAddr#)
+ UNALIGNED_RW(nws, readWord8ArrayAsStablePtr#, indexWord8ArrayAsStablePtr#, writeWord8ArrayAsStablePtr#)
+ when (i < size `div` nws) $ do
+ let testFetchModify :: (MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> Int# -> Int#
+ -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Int# #))
+ -> IO ()
+ testFetchModify op
+ = IO (\s -> case op arrU# i# 137# s of (# s', _ #) -> (# s', () #) )
+ testFetchModify fetchXorIntArray#
+ testFetchModify fetchOrIntArray#
+ testFetchModify fetchNandIntArray#
+ testFetchModify fetchAndIntArray#
+ testFetchModify fetchSubIntArray#
+ testFetchModify fetchAddIntArray#
+ IO $ \s0 -> case atomicReadIntArray# arrU# i# s0 of
+ (# s1, v #) -> (# atomicWriteIntArray# arrP# i# v s1, () #)
+ TEST_CAS(8, I64#, casInt64Array#)
+ TEST_CAS(4, I32#, casInt32Array#)
+ TEST_CAS(2, I16#, casInt16Array#)
+ TEST_CAS(1, I8# , casInt8Array#)
+ TEST_CAS(nws, I#, casIntArray#)
+ -- test valid range ops
+ forM_ [0..size] $ \rangeLen@(I# rangeLen#) -> do
+ let ixs | rangeLen == 0 = [-4 .. size + 4] -- empty ranges are not out-of-bounds
+ | otherwise = [0 .. size - rangeLen]
+ forM_ ixs $ \i@(I# i#) -> do
+ wrapEffect (setByteArray# arrU# i# rangeLen# 234#)
+ forM_ ixs $ \j@(I# j#) -> do
+ wrapEffect (copyByteArray# arrF# i# arrU# j# rangeLen#)
+ wrapEffect (copyMutableByteArray# arrU# i# arrP# j# rangeLen#)
+ wrapEffect (copyMutableByteArray# arrU# i# arrU# j# rangeLen#)
+ case compareByteArrays# arrF# i# arrF# j# rangeLen# of
+ v -> wrapEffect (setByteArray# arrP# j# rangeLen# (v `andI#` 255#))
+ let !rangeP = bufP `plusAddr#` j#
+ wrapEffect (copyAddrToByteArray# rangeP arrU# i# rangeLen#)
+ wrapEffect (copyMutableByteArrayToAddr# arrU# i# rangeP rangeLen#)
+ wrapEffect (copyByteArrayToAddr# arrF# i# rangeP rangeLen#)
+data Array a = Array (Array# a)
+data MutableArray s a = MutableArray (MutableArray# s a)
+data SmallArray a = SmallArray (SmallArray# a)
+data SmallMutableArray s a = SmallMutableArray (SmallMutableArray# s a)
+testArraysOfSize :: Int -> IO ()
+testArraysOfSize (size@(I# size#)) = do
+ let mkArr v = IO $ \s0 -> case newArray# size# v s0 of
+ (# s1, newArr #) -> (# s1, MutableArray newArr #)
+ MutableArray arrM# <- mkArr 0
+ Array arrF# <- do
+ MutableArray arrToFreeze <- mkArr 0
+ forM_ [0 .. size - 1] $ \(i@(I# i#)) -> do
+ wrapEffect (writeArray# arrM# i# i)
+ wrapEffect (writeArray# arrToFreeze i# i)
+ IO $ \s0 -> case unsafeFreezeArray# arrToFreeze s0 of
+ (# s1, frozenArr #) -> (# s1, Array frozenArr #)
+ forM_ [0 .. size - 1] $ \(i@(I# i#)) -> do
+ -- test read/index/write
+ IO $ \s0 -> case readArray# arrM# i# s0 of
+ (# s1, vm #) -> case indexArray# arrF# i# of
+ (# vf #) -> (# writeArray# arrM# i# (vm + vf) s1, () #)
+ -- test casArray
+ IO $ \s0 -> case casArray# arrM# i# 0 7 s0 of
+ (# s1, _, _ #) -> (# s1, () #)
+ -- test valid range ops
+ forM_ [0..size] $ \rangeLen@(I# rangeLen#) -> do
+ let ixs | rangeLen == 0 = [-4 .. size + 4] -- empty ranges are not out-of-bounds
+ | otherwise = [0 .. size - rangeLen]
+ forM_ ixs $ \(i@(I# i#)) -> do
+ forM_ ixs $ \(j@(I# j#)) -> do
+ wrapEffect (copyArray# arrF# i# arrM# j# rangeLen#)
+ wrapEffect (copyMutableArray# arrM# i# arrM# j# rangeLen#)
+testSmallArraysOfSize :: Int -> IO ()
+testSmallArraysOfSize (size@(I# size#)) = do
+ let mkArr v = IO $ \s0 -> case newSmallArray# size# v s0 of
+ (# s1, newArr #) -> (# s1, SmallMutableArray newArr #)
+ SmallMutableArray arrM# <- mkArr 0
+ SmallArray arrF# <- do
+ SmallMutableArray arrToFreeze <- mkArr 0
+ forM_ [0 .. size - 1] $ \(i@(I# i#)) -> do
+ wrapEffect (writeSmallArray# arrM# i# i)
+ wrapEffect (writeSmallArray# arrToFreeze i# i)
+ IO $ \s0 -> case unsafeFreezeSmallArray# arrToFreeze s0 of
+ (# s1, frozenArr #) -> (# s1, SmallArray frozenArr #)
+ forM_ [0 .. size - 1] $ \(i@(I# i#)) -> do
+ -- test read/index/write
+ IO $ \s0 -> case readSmallArray# arrM# i# s0 of
+ (# s1, vm #) -> case indexSmallArray# arrF# i# of
+ (# vf #) -> (# writeSmallArray# arrM# i# (vm + vf) s1, () #)
+ -- test casSmallArray
+ IO $ \s0 -> case casSmallArray# arrM# i# 0 7 s0 of
+ (# s1, _, _ #) -> (# s1, () #)
+ -- test valid range ops
+ forM_ [0..size] $ \rangeLen@(I# rangeLen#) -> do
+ let ixs | rangeLen == 0 = [-4 .. size + 4] -- empty ranges are not out-of-bounds
+ | otherwise = [0 .. size - rangeLen]
+ forM_ ixs $ \(i@(I# i#)) -> do
+ forM_ ixs $ \(j@(I# j#)) -> do
+ wrapEffect (copySmallArray# arrF# i# arrM# j# rangeLen#)
+ wrapEffect (copySmallMutableArray# arrM# i# arrM# j# rangeLen#)
+main :: IO ()
+main = forM_ ([0..4] ++ [24..32]) $ \size -> do
+ testByteArraysOfSize size
+ testArraysOfSize size
+ testSmallArraysOfSize size