path: root/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/cgrun026.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/cgrun026.hs')
1 files changed, 250 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/cgrun026.hs b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/cgrun026.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f15f93f8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/cgrun026.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
+-- !!! simple tests of primitive arrays
+module Main ( main ) where
+import GHC.Exts
+import Data.Char ( chr )
+import Control.Monad.ST
+import Data.Array.ST
+import Data.Array.Unboxed
+import Data.Ratio
+main = putStr
+ (test_chars ++ "\n" ++
+ test_ints ++ "\n" ++
+ test_addrs ++ "\n" ++
+ test_floats ++ "\n" ++
+ test_doubles ++ "\n" ++
+ test_ptrs ++ "\n")
+-- Arr# Char# -------------------------------------------
+-- (main effort is in packString#)
+test_chars :: String
+ = let arr# = f 1000
+ in
+ shows (lookup_range arr# 42# 416#) "\n"
+ where
+ f :: Int -> UArray Int Char
+ f size@(I# size#)
+ = runST (
+ -- allocate an array of the specified size
+ newArray_ (0, (size-1)) >>= \ arr# ->
+ -- fill in all elements; elem i has "i" put in it
+ fill_in arr# 0# (size# -# 1#) >>
+ -- freeze the puppy:
+ freeze arr#
+ )
+ fill_in :: STUArray s Int Char -> Int# -> Int# -> ST s ()
+ fill_in arr_in# first# last#
+ = if (first# ># last#)
+ then return ()
+ else writeArray arr_in# (I# first#) ((chr (I# first#))) >>
+ fill_in arr_in# (first# +# 1#) last#
+ lookup_range :: UArray Int Char -> Int# -> Int# -> [Char]
+ lookup_range arr from# to#
+ = if (from# ># to#)
+ then []
+ else (arr ! (I# from#))
+ : (lookup_range arr (from# +# 1#) to#)
+-- Arr# Int# -------------------------------------------
+test_ints :: String
+ = let arr# = f 1000
+ in
+ shows (lookup_range arr# 42# 416#) "\n"
+ where
+ f :: Int -> UArray Int Int
+ f size@(I# size#)
+ = runST (
+ -- allocate an array of the specified size
+ newArray_ (0, (size-1)) >>= \ arr# ->
+ -- fill in all elements; elem i has i^2 put in it
+ fill_in arr# 0# (size# -# 1#) >>
+ -- freeze the puppy:
+ freeze arr#
+ )
+ fill_in :: STUArray s Int Int -> Int# -> Int# -> ST s ()
+ fill_in arr_in# first# last#
+ = if (first# ># last#)
+ then return ()
+ else writeArray arr_in# (I# first#) (I# (first# *# first#)) >>
+ fill_in arr_in# (first# +# 1#) last#
+ lookup_range :: UArray Int Int -> Int# -> Int# -> [Int]
+ lookup_range arr from# to#
+ = if (from# ># to#)
+ then []
+ else (arr ! (I# from#))
+ : (lookup_range arr (from# +# 1#) to#)
+-- Arr# Addr# -------------------------------------------
+test_addrs :: String
+ = let arr# = f 1000
+ in
+ shows (lookup_range arr# 42# 416#) "\n"
+ where
+ f :: Int -> UArray Int (Ptr ())
+ f size@(I# size#)
+ = runST (
+ -- allocate an array of the specified size
+ newArray_ (0, (size-1)) >>= \ arr# ->
+ -- fill in all elements; elem i has i^2 put in it
+ fill_in arr# 0# (size# -# 1#) >>
+ -- freeze the puppy:
+ freeze arr#
+ )
+ fill_in :: STUArray s Int (Ptr ()) -> Int# -> Int# -> ST s ()
+ fill_in arr_in# first# last#
+ = if (first# ># last#)
+ then return ()
+ else writeArray arr_in# (I# first#)
+ (Ptr (int2Addr# (first# *# first#))) >>
+ fill_in arr_in# (first# +# 1#) last#
+ lookup_range :: UArray Int (Ptr ()) -> Int# -> Int# -> [ Int ]
+ lookup_range arr from# to#
+ = let
+ a2i (Ptr a#) = I# (addr2Int# a#)
+ in
+ if (from# ># to#)
+ then []
+ else (a2i (arr ! (I# from#)))
+ : (lookup_range arr (from# +# 1#) to#)
+-- Arr# Float# -------------------------------------------
+test_floats :: String
+ = let arr# = f 1000
+ in
+ shows (lookup_range arr# 42# 416#) "\n"
+ where
+ f :: Int -> UArray Int Float
+ f size@(I# size#)
+ = runST (
+ -- allocate an array of the specified size
+ newArray_ (0, (size-1)) >>= \ arr# ->
+ -- fill in all elements; elem i has "i * pi" put in it
+ fill_in arr# 0# (size# -# 1#) >>
+ -- freeze the puppy:
+ freeze arr#
+ )
+ fill_in :: STUArray s Int Float -> Int# -> Int# -> ST s ()
+ fill_in arr_in# first# last#
+ = if (first# ># last#)
+ then return ()
+{- else let e = ((fromIntegral (I# first#)) * pi)
+ in trace (show e) $ writeFloatArray arr_in# (I# first#) e >>
+ fill_in arr_in# (first# +# 1#) last#
+ else writeArray arr_in# (I# first#) ((fromIntegral (I# first#)) * pi) >>
+ fill_in arr_in# (first# +# 1#) last#
+ lookup_range :: UArray Int Float -> Int# -> Int# -> [Float]
+ lookup_range arr from# to#
+ = if (from# ># to#)
+ then []
+ else (arr ! (I# from#))
+ : (lookup_range arr (from# +# 1#) to#)
+-- Arr# Double# -------------------------------------------
+test_doubles :: String
+ = let arr# = f 1000
+ in
+ shows (lookup_range arr# 42# 416#) "\n"
+ where
+ f :: Int -> UArray Int Double
+ f size@(I# size#)
+ = runST (
+ -- allocate an array of the specified size
+ newArray_ (0, (size-1)) >>= \ arr# ->
+ -- fill in all elements; elem i has "i * pi" put in it
+ fill_in arr# 0# (size# -# 1#) >>
+ -- freeze the puppy:
+ freeze arr#
+ )
+ fill_in :: STUArray s Int Double -> Int# -> Int# -> ST s ()
+ fill_in arr_in# first# last#
+ = if (first# ># last#)
+ then return ()
+ else writeArray arr_in# (I# first#) ((fromIntegral (I# first#)) * pi) >>
+ fill_in arr_in# (first# +# 1#) last#
+ lookup_range :: UArray Int Double -> Int# -> Int# -> [Double]
+ lookup_range arr from# to#
+ = if (from# ># to#)
+ then []
+ else (arr ! (I# from#))
+ : (lookup_range arr (from# +# 1#) to#)
+-- Arr# (Ratio Int) (ptrs) ---------------------------------
+-- just like Int# test
+test_ptrs :: String
+ = let arr# = f 1000
+ in
+ shows (lookup_range arr# 42 416) "\n"
+ where
+ f :: Int -> Array Int (Ratio Int)
+ f size
+ = runST (
+ newArray (1, size) (3 % 5) >>= \ arr# ->
+ -- don't fill in the whole thing
+ fill_in arr# 1 400 >>
+ freeze arr#
+ )
+ fill_in :: STArray s Int (Ratio Int) -> Int -> Int -> ST s ()
+ fill_in arr_in# first last
+ = if (first > last)
+ then return ()
+ else writeArray arr_in# first (fromIntegral (first * first)) >>
+ fill_in arr_in# (first + 1) last
+ lookup_range :: Array Int (Ratio Int) -> Int -> Int -> [Ratio Int]
+ lookup_range array from too
+ = if (from > too)
+ then []
+ else (array ! from) : (lookup_range array (from + 1) too)