path: root/testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog001/Trit.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog001/Trit.hs')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog001/Trit.hs b/testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog001/Trit.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb6d03c9e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog001/Trit.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+module Trit (Trit, rationalToTrit, getIntegral, getFraction, getFraction',
+ neg, addTrits, subTrits, shiftLeft, shiftRight, multiply
+ ) where
+import Stream
+import Utilities
+import Data.Ratio
+type Mantissa = Stream
+type Fraction = Stream
+type Trit = (Mantissa, Fraction)
+-- Convert from a Rational number to its Trit representation (Integral, Fraction)
+rationalToTrit :: Rational -> Trit
+rationalToTrit x
+ |x<1 = ([0], rationalToStream x)
+ |otherwise = (u', rationalToStream v)
+ where u = n `div` d
+ u' = toBinary u
+ v = x - (toRational u)
+ n = numerator x
+ d = denominator x
+-- Get the integral part of Trit
+getIntegral :: Trit -> Mantissa
+getIntegral = fst
+-- Get the fraction part of Trit, with n digit of the stream
+getFraction :: Int -> Trit -> Stream
+getFraction n = take n. snd
+-- Get the fraction part of Trit
+getFraction' :: Trit -> Stream
+getFraction' = snd
+-- Negate a Trit
+neg :: Trit -> Trit
+neg (a, b) = (negate' a, negate' b)
+-- Add two Trits
+addTrits :: Trit -> Trit -> Trit
+addTrits (m1, (x1:x2:xs)) (m2, (y1:y2:ys)) = (u,addStream (x1:x2:xs) (y1:y2:ys))
+ where u' = addFiniteStream m1 m2
+ c = [carry x1 x2 y1 y2]
+ u = addFiniteStream u' c
+-- Substraction of 2 Trits
+subTrits :: Trit -> Trit -> Trit
+subTrits x y = addTrits x (neg y)
+-- Shift left = *2 opertaion with Trit
+shiftLeft :: Trit -> Trit
+shiftLeft (x, (y:ys)) = (x++ [y], ys)
+-- Shift right = /2 operation with Trit
+shiftRight :: Trit -> Integer -> Trit
+shiftRight (x, xs) 1 = (init x, (u:xs))
+ where u = last x
+shiftRight (x, xs) n = shiftRight (init x, (u:xs)) (n-1)
+ where u = last x
+-- Multiply a Trit stream by 1,0 or -1, simply return the stream
+mulOneDigit :: Integer -> Stream -> Stream
+mulOneDigit x xs
+ |x==1 = xs
+ |x==0 = zero'
+ |otherwise = negate' xs
+ where zero' = (0:zero')
+-- Multiplication of two streams
+multiply :: Stream -> Stream -> Stream
+multiply (a0:a1:x) (b0:b1:y) = average p q
+ where p = average (a1*b0: (average (mulOneDigit b1 x)
+ (mulOneDigit a1 y)))
+ (average (mulOneDigit b0 x)
+ (mulOneDigit a0 y))
+ q = (a0*b0:a0*b1:a1*b1:(multiply x y))
+start0 = take 30 (multiply (rationalToStream (1%2)) zo)
+zo :: Stream
+zo = 1:(-1):zero
+ where zero = 0:zero
+start1 = take 30 (average (rationalToStream (1%2)) (negate' (rationalToStream (1%4))))