path: root/testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog003/ImmList.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog003/ImmList.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog003/ImmList.hs b/testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog003/ImmList.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 70d81633d2..0000000000
--- a/testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog003/ImmList.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE CPP,PatternGuards #-}
-module ImmList where
-import Control.Concurrent
-import Data.IORef
-import qualified Data.Sequence as S
-import Data.Sequence (Seq, (|>), (<|), (><), ViewL(..))
-import Data.Maybe
-import Data.Foldable
-#if 0
-newtype ListHandle a = ListHandle (IORef (Seq a))
-newList :: IO (ListHandle a)
-newList = do
- r <- newIORef S.empty
- return (ListHandle r)
-addToTail :: Eq a => ListHandle a -> a -> IO ()
-addToTail (ListHandle r) x =
- atomicModifyIORef r $ \s -> (s |> x, ())
-find :: Eq a => ListHandle a -> a -> IO Bool
-find (ListHandle r) x = do
- s <- readIORef r
- return (isJust (S.elemIndexL x s))
-delete :: Eq a => ListHandle a -> a -> IO Bool
-delete (ListHandle r) x = atomicModifyIORef r $ \s ->
- case S.breakl (== x) s of
- (xs, ys) | c :< zs <- S.viewl ys, c == x -> (xs >< zs, True)
- | otherwise -> (xs >< ys, False)
-printList :: Show a => ListHandle a -> IO ()
-printList (ListHandle r) = do
- s <- readIORef r
- print (toList s)
-cntList :: Show a => ListHandle a -> IO Int
-cntList (ListHandle r) = readIORef r >>= return . S.length
-newtype ListHandle a = ListHandle (IORef [a])
-newList :: IO (ListHandle a)
-newList = do
- r <- newIORef []
- return (ListHandle r)
-addToTail :: Eq a => ListHandle a -> a -> IO ()
-addToTail (ListHandle r) x =
- atomicModifyIORef r $ \s -> (s ++ [x], ())
-find :: Eq a => ListHandle a -> a -> IO Bool
-find (ListHandle r) x = do
- s <- readIORef r
- return (x `Prelude.elem` s)
-delete :: Eq a => ListHandle a -> a -> IO Bool
-delete (ListHandle r) x = atomicModifyIORef r $ \s ->
- case break (== x) s of
- (xs, ys) | (c:zs) <- ys, c == x -> (xs ++ zs, True)
- | otherwise -> (xs ++ ys, False)
-printList :: Show a => ListHandle a -> IO ()
-printList (ListHandle r) = do
- s <- readIORef r
- print s
-cntList :: Show a => ListHandle a -> IO Int
-cntList (ListHandle r) = readIORef r >>= return . length