path: root/testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog003/TestDataParser.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog003/TestDataParser.hs')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog003/TestDataParser.hs b/testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog003/TestDataParser.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a85d9576e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog003/TestDataParser.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+module TestDataParser (
+ parse_testdata, -- Read a => FilePath -> IO (TestData a)
+ write_testdata -- Show a => TestData -> IO ()
+) where
+import TestData
+-- Parser for parsing TestData. The following is a sample of a test data:
+-- Name: sample
+-- Threads: 4
+-- Modes: ["CAS","IO","BACK"]
+-- Repeat: 6
+-- Initial-List:
+-- [4,5,6,7,8,4,5,754,345,23432,6547,4]
+-- Tasks:
+-- [Find 3,Delete 4,Insert 34,Find 45]
+-- [Delete 34,Insert 43,Delete 3,Delete 45,Find 87]
+-- [Insert 3 , Find 6]
+-- [Find 3,Find 67, Insert 3]
+-- Some assumptions:
+-- - Number of tasks must correspond to number of threads.
+-- - Fields must come in the exact sequence specified above.
+-- Auxiliary Functions
+partitionAt :: Eq a => (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
+partitionAt f as =
+ filter (/=[]) (partitionAt' f as)
+ where
+ partitionAt' _ [] = []
+ partitionAt' f as = let (v,rest) = span f as
+ in v:(partitionAt' f (drop 1 rest))
+is_delimit :: Char -> Bool
+is_delimit ' ' = True
+is_delimit '\n' = True
+is_delimit _ = False
+not_delimit :: Char -> Bool
+not_delimit x = not (is_delimit x)
+-- Parsing Functions
+parse_token :: String -> (String,String)
+parse_token str = let str' = dropWhile is_delimit str
+ in span not_delimit str'
+parse_list :: String -> ([String],String)
+parse_list str =
+ let str' = dropWhile is_delimit str
+ in parse_list (tail str')
+ where
+ parse_list str = let comma x = x == ','
+ close x = x == ']'
+ commaOrClose x = or [comma x,close x]
+ (a,rest) = span (\x -> not $ commaOrClose x) str
+ in case head rest of
+ ',' -> let (as,rest') = parse_list (tail rest)
+ in (a:as,rest')
+ ']' -> ([a],tail rest)
+parse_list_many :: Int -> String -> ([[String]],String)
+parse_list_many 0 str = ([],str)
+parse_list_many n str = let (a,rest) = parse_list str
+ (as,rest') = parse_list_many (n-1) rest
+ in (a:as,rest')
+drop_token :: String -> String
+drop_token str = let (_,rest) = parse_token str
+ in rest
+-- Main function for parseing testcases from file
+parse_testdata :: Read a => FilePath -> IO (TestData a)
+parse_testdata fname = do
+ { input <- readFile fname
+ ; let (name,input1) = parse_token (drop_token input)
+ (t,input2) = parse_token (drop_token input1)
+ (list,input3) = parse_list (drop_token input2)
+ (ops,_) = parse_list_many (read t) (drop_token input3)
+ ; return $ TestData { t_name = name
+ , t_threads = read t
+ , t_init_list = map read list
+ , t_tasks = map readops ops } }
+ where
+ readops (s:ss) = let (oper,rest) = parse_token s
+ (arg,_) = parse_token rest
+ x = read arg
+ op = case oper of
+ "Find" -> Find x
+ "Delete" -> Delete x
+ "Insert" -> Insert x
+ _ -> error ("parse_testdata: " ++ oper ++ "\n" ++ rest ++ "\n" ++ arg)
+ in op:(readops ss)
+ readops [] = []
+-- Main function for writing test data to file
+write_testdata :: Show a => TestData a -> IO ()
+write_testdata tc = writeFile (t_name tc) (show tc)