path: root/testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog003/TestRun.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog003/TestRun.hs')
1 files changed, 219 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog003/TestRun.hs b/testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog003/TestRun.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd6e19de1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog003/TestRun.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, PatternSignatures, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+module TestRun (
+ run_testdata -- FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+) where
+import TestData
+import TestDataParser
+import Collection
+import Control.Monad
+import GHC.Conc
+import Text.Printf
+import Data.List
+import Data.IORef
+import Control.Concurrent
+--import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import System.Environment
+import Data.Time
+import System.Mem
+import System.Random
+import Control.Exception
+-- the contenders
+import qualified CASList as CAS
+import qualified ImmList as IMM
+--import qualified CASusingSTMList as CASusingSTM
+import qualified MVarListLockCoupling as MLC
+--import qualified MVarusingSTM as MLCusingSTM
+--import qualified LazyList2 as Lazy
+import qualified IOList as I
+--import qualified STMList as S
+instance (Eq e, Show e) => Col (CAS.ListHandle e) e where
+ newCol = CAS.newList
+ insertCol c e = do CAS.addToTail c e
+ return ()
+ deleteCol = CAS.delete
+ findCol = CAS.find
+ printCol = CAS.printList
+ cntCol = CAS.cntList
+instance (Eq e, Show e) => Col (IMM.ListHandle e) e where
+ newCol = IMM.newList
+ insertCol c e = do IMM.addToTail c e
+ return ()
+ deleteCol = IMM.delete
+ findCol = IMM.find
+ printCol = IMM.printList
+ cntCol = IMM.cntList
+--instance (Eq e, Show e) => Col (CASusingSTM.ListHandle e) e where
+-- newCol = CASusingSTM.newList
+-- insertCol c e = do CASusingSTM.addToTail c e
+-- return ()
+-- deleteCol = CASusingSTM.delete
+-- findCol = CASusingSTM.find
+-- printCol = CASusingSTM.printList
+-- cntCol = CASusingSTM.cntList
+--instance (Eq e, Show e) => Col (Lazy.ListHandle e) e where
+-- newCol = Lazy.newList
+-- insertCol c e = do Lazy.addToTail c e
+-- return ()
+-- deleteCol = Lazy.delete
+-- findCol = Lazy.find
+-- printCol = Lazy.printList
+-- cntCol = Lazy.cntList
+instance (Eq e, Show e) => Col (I.ListHandle e) e where
+ newCol = I.newList
+ insertCol c e = do I.addToTail c e
+ return ()
+ deleteCol = I.delete
+ findCol = I.find
+ printCol = I.printList
+ cntCol = I.cntList
+--instance (Eq e, Show e) => Col (MLCusingSTM.ListHandle e) e where
+-- newCol = MLCusingSTM.newList
+-- insertCol c e = do MLCusingSTM.addToTail c e
+-- return ()
+-- deleteCol = MLCusingSTM.delete
+-- findCol = MLCusingSTM.find
+-- printCol = MLCusingSTM.printList
+-- cntCol = MLCusingSTM.cntList
+instance (Eq e, Show e) => Col (MLC.ListHandle e) e where
+ newCol = MLC.newList
+ insertCol c e = do MLC.addToTail c e
+ return ()
+ deleteCol = MLC.delete
+ findCol = MLC.find
+ printCol = MLC.printList
+ cntCol = MLC.cntList
+--instance (Eq e, Show e) => Col (S.ListHandle e) e where
+-- newCol = S.newList
+-- insertCol c e = do S.addToTail c e
+-- return ()
+-- deleteCol = S.delete
+-- findCol = S.find
+-- printCol = S.printList
+-- cntCol = S.cntList
+-- Auxiliary functions
+createList :: Col c e => [e] -> IO c
+createList n =
+ do nl <- newCol
+ mapM (insertCol nl) n
+ return nl
+executeTasks :: Col c e => c -> [Op e] -> IO ()
+executeTasks lh ops =
+ do mapM (\ task ->
+ case task of
+ Find x -> do { findCol lh x; return () }
+ Insert x -> do { insertCol lh x; return () }
+ Delete x -> do { deleteCol lh x; return () })
+ ops
+ return ()
+appendIORef :: IORef [a] -> a -> IO ()
+appendIORef ref a = do
+ { as <- readIORef ref
+ ; writeIORef ref (a:as) }
+showComma :: [String] -> String
+showComma (s:ss) = "," ++ s ++ (showComma ss)
+showComma [] = ""
+-- Main interface
+run_testdata :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
+run_testdata testdata_fname mode = do
+ { tc <- parse_testdata testdata_fname
+ ; putStrLn "Test Initiated: "
+ ; let init_elems = t_init_list tc
+ works = t_tasks tc
+ ; medians <- newIORef []
+ ; highlows <- newIORef []
+ ; runtests mode init_elems works (medians,highlows)
+ }
+ where
+ runtests m elems works refs =
+ case m of
+ "CAS" -> do nl :: CAS.ListHandle Int <- createList elems
+ runtest m works nl refs
+ "IMM" -> do nl :: IMM.ListHandle Int <- createList elems
+ runtest m works nl refs
+-- "CASusingSTM" -> do nl :: CASusingSTM.ListHandle Int <- createList elems
+-- runtest m works nl refs
+-- "LAZY" -> do nl :: Lazy.ListHandle Int <- createList elems
+-- runtest m works nl refs
+ "MLC" -> do nl :: MLC.ListHandle Int <- createList elems
+ runtest m works nl refs
+-- "MLCusingSTM" -> do nl :: MLCusingSTM.ListHandle Int <- createList elems
+-- runtest m works nl refs
+ "IO" -> do nl :: I.ListHandle Int <- createList elems
+ runtest m works nl refs
+-- "STM" -> do nl :: S.ListHandle Int <- createList elems
+-- runtest m works nl refs
+ trash -> fail $ "Oi! No such concurrency mode: " ++ trash
+ runtest m works nl (medians,highlows) = do
+ { putStrLn $ "Test Started: " ++ m
+ ; performGC
+-- ; wait <- atomically (newTVar 0)
+ ; wait <- newEmptyMVar
+ ; start <- getCurrentTime
+ ; zipWithM (\n work -> forkOnIO n (do { executeTasks nl work
+ ; putMVar wait () }))
+ --atomically(do counter <- readTVar wait
+-- writeTVar wait (counter+1)) }))
+ [0..] works
+ ; replicateM_ (length works) (takeMVar wait)
+-- ; atomically ( do { counter <- readTVar wait
+-- ; if counter < length works then retry
+-- else return () } )
+ ; fin <- getCurrentTime
+ ; let result = diffUTCTime fin start
+ ; -- printf "time: %.2fs\n" (realToFrac result :: Double)
+ ; return () }
+ output_fname = "out"
+ write_output mod ms mref hlref = do
+ { if mod == 1
+ then do { writeFile output_fname ""
+ ; output_header output_fname ms
+ ; appendFile output_fname ",,"
+ ; output_header output_fname ms
+ ; appendFile output_fname "\n1Core" }
+ else appendFile output_fname ("\n" ++ (show mod) ++ "Cores")
+ ; medians <- readIORef mref
+ ; highlows <- readIORef hlref
+ ; let mstr = reverse $ map show medians
+ hlstr = reverse $ highlows
+ ; appendFile output_fname (filter (/='s') (showComma mstr))
+ ; appendFile output_fname ",,"
+ ; appendFile output_fname (filter (/='s') (showComma hlstr)) }
+ output_header output_fname (m:ms) = do
+ { appendFile output_fname ("," ++ m)
+ ; output_header output_fname ms }
+ output_header output_fname [] = return ()
+ high_low results =
+ let fst = head results
+ lst = head $ drop ((length results) - 1) results
+ in (fst,lst)