path: root/testsuite/tests/dcoercion/DCo_TransOpt.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/dcoercion/DCo_TransOpt.hs')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/dcoercion/DCo_TransOpt.hs b/testsuite/tests/dcoercion/DCo_TransOpt.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e89ac6f113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/dcoercion/DCo_TransOpt.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+module Main where
+-- base
+import Data.Foldable
+ ( for_ )
+-- ghc
+import GHC.Core.Coercion
+ ( DCoercion(ReflDCo, StepsDCo, TransDCo, TyConAppDCo)
+ , mkTransDCo
+ )
+main :: IO ()
+main =
+ for_ test_dcos \ ( nm, dco ) ->
+ case unreducedTopTransitivities dco of
+ Nothing -> do
+ putStrLn $ "OK: " ++ nm
+ putStrLn $ " " ++ show_dco dco
+ Just ( i, l, r ) -> do
+ putStrLn $ "FAIL: " ++ nm
+ putStrLn $ " " ++ show_dco dco
+ putStrLn $ " unreduced pair at index " ++ show i
+ putStrLn $ " LHS:" ++ show_dco l
+ putStrLn $ " RHS:" ++ show_dco r
+ :: DCoercion -> Maybe ( Int, DCoercion, DCoercion )
+ = check_reductions . top_trans
+top_trans :: DCoercion -> [ DCoercion ]
+top_trans = \case
+ ldco `TransDCo` rdco -> top_trans ldco ++ top_trans rdco
+ dco -> [dco]
+check_reductions :: [ DCoercion ] -> Maybe ( Int, DCoercion, DCoercion )
+check_reductions = go 0
+ where
+ go i ( dco1 : dco2 : dcos )
+ | should_cancel dco1 dco2
+ = Just ( i, dco1, dco2 )
+ | otherwise
+ = go (i+1) ( dco2 : dcos )
+ go _ _ = Nothing
+should_cancel :: DCoercion -> DCoercion -> Bool
+should_cancel ReflDCo _ = True
+should_cancel _ ReflDCo = True
+should_cancel (StepsDCo {}) (StepsDCo {}) = True
+should_cancel _ _ = False
+-- Handwritten directed coercions used for testing...
+-- Assume the LHS cannot be simplified further.
+test_lhs_dco_1 = ReflDCo
+test_lhs_dco_2 = StepsDCo 3
+test_lhs_dco_3 = TyConAppDCo [] `TransDCo` StepsDCo 3
+test_lhs_dco_4 = ( TyConAppDCo [] `TransDCo` TyConAppDCo [] ) `TransDCo` StepsDCo 3
+test_lhs_dco_5 = TyConAppDCo [] `TransDCo` ( TyConAppDCo [] `TransDCo` StepsDCo 3 )
+-- Don't make any such assumptions about the RHS.
+test_rhs_dco_1 = ReflDCo
+test_rhs_dco_2 = StepsDCo 3
+test_rhs_dco_3 = StepsDCo 3 `mkTransDCo` StepsDCo 10
+test_rhs_dco_4 = ReflDCo `mkTransDCo` TyConAppDCo []
+test_rhs_dco_5 = StepsDCo 4 `mkTransDCo` TyConAppDCo []
+test_rhs_dco_6 = ( ReflDCo `mkTransDCo` TyConAppDCo [] ) `mkTransDCo` TyConAppDCo []
+test_rhs_dco_7 = ( StepsDCo 4 `mkTransDCo` TyConAppDCo [] ) `mkTransDCo` TyConAppDCo []
+test_rhs_dco_8 = ReflDCo
+ `mkTransDCo` ( ReflDCo `mkTransDCo` StepsDCo 100 `mkTransDCo` ReflDCo )
+ `mkTransDCo` ReflDCo
+test_lhs_dcos :: [ ( String, DCoercion ) ]
+test_lhs_dcos = [ ( "lhs 1", test_lhs_dco_1 )
+ , ( "lhs 2", test_lhs_dco_2 )
+ , ( "lhs 3", test_lhs_dco_3 )
+ , ( "lhs 4", test_lhs_dco_4 )
+ , ( "lhs 5", test_lhs_dco_5 ) ]
+test_rhs_dcos :: [ ( String, DCoercion ) ]
+test_rhs_dcos = [ ( "rhs 1", test_rhs_dco_1 )
+ , ( "rhs 2", test_rhs_dco_2 )
+ , ( "rhs 3", test_rhs_dco_3 )
+ , ( "rhs 4", test_rhs_dco_4 )
+ , ( "rhs 5", test_rhs_dco_5 )
+ , ( "rhs 6", test_rhs_dco_6 )
+ , ( "rhs 7", test_rhs_dco_7 )
+ , ( "rhs 8", test_rhs_dco_8 )]
+test_dcos :: [ ( String, DCoercion ) ]
+test_dcos = [ ( l_nm ++ ", " ++ r_nm, lhs `mkTransDCo` rhs )
+ | (l_nm, lhs) <- test_lhs_dcos
+ , (r_nm, rhs) <- test_rhs_dcos ]
+show_dco :: DCoercion -> String
+show_dco = \case
+ ReflDCo -> "Refl"
+ StepsDCo n -> show n
+ TyConAppDCo {} -> "TC"
+ l `TransDCo` r -> show_dco l ++ " ; " ++ show_dco r
+ _ -> "???"