path: root/testsuite/tests/dependent/should_compile/T13910.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/dependent/should_compile/T13910.hs')
1 files changed, 148 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/dependent/should_compile/T13910.hs b/testsuite/tests/dependent/should_compile/T13910.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3707dd365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/dependent/should_compile/T13910.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+module T13910 where
+import Data.Kind
+import Data.Type.Equality
+data family Sing (a :: k)
+class SingKind k where
+ type Demote k = (r :: Type) | r -> k
+ fromSing :: Sing (a :: k) -> Demote k
+ toSing :: Demote k -> SomeSing k
+data SomeSing k where
+ SomeSing :: Sing (a :: k) -> SomeSing k
+withSomeSing :: forall k r
+ . SingKind k
+ => Demote k
+ -> (forall (a :: k). Sing a -> r)
+ -> r
+withSomeSing x f =
+ case toSing x of
+ SomeSing x' -> f x'
+data TyFun :: Type -> Type -> Type
+type a ~> b = TyFun a b -> Type
+infixr 0 ~>
+type family Apply (f :: k1 ~> k2) (x :: k1) :: k2
+type a @@ b = Apply a b
+infixl 9 @@
+data FunArrow = (:->) | (:~>)
+class FunType (arr :: FunArrow) where
+ type Fun (k1 :: Type) arr (k2 :: Type) :: Type
+class FunType arr => AppType (arr :: FunArrow) where
+ type App k1 arr k2 (f :: Fun k1 arr k2) (x :: k1) :: k2
+type FunApp arr = (FunType arr, AppType arr)
+instance FunType (:->) where
+ type Fun k1 (:->) k2 = k1 -> k2
+$(return []) -- This is only necessary for GHC 8.0 -- GHC 8.2 is smarter
+instance AppType (:->) where
+ type App k1 (:->) k2 (f :: k1 -> k2) x = f x
+instance FunType (:~>) where
+ type Fun k1 (:~>) k2 = k1 ~> k2
+$(return [])
+instance AppType (:~>) where
+ type App k1 (:~>) k2 (f :: k1 ~> k2) x = f @@ x
+infixr 0 -?>
+type (-?>) (k1 :: Type) (k2 :: Type) (arr :: FunArrow) = Fun k1 arr k2
+data instance Sing (z :: a :~: b) where
+ SRefl :: Sing Refl
+instance SingKind (a :~: b) where
+ type Demote (a :~: b) = a :~: b
+ fromSing SRefl = Refl
+ toSing Refl = SomeSing SRefl
+(~>:~:) :: forall (k :: Type) (a :: k) (b :: k) (r :: a :~: b) (p :: forall (y :: k). a :~: y ~> Type).
+ Sing r
+ -> p @@ Refl
+ -> p @@ r
+(~>:~:) SRefl pRefl = pRefl
+type WhyReplacePoly (arr :: FunArrow) (from :: t) (p :: (t -?> Type) arr)
+ (y :: t) (e :: from :~: y) = App t arr Type p y
+data WhyReplacePolySym (arr :: FunArrow) (from :: t) (p :: (t -?> Type) arr)
+ :: forall (y :: t). from :~: y ~> Type
+type instance Apply (WhyReplacePolySym arr from p :: from :~: y ~> Type) x
+ = WhyReplacePoly arr from p y x
+replace :: forall (t :: Type) (from :: t) (to :: t) (p :: t -> Type).
+ p from
+ -> from :~: to
+ -> p to
+replace = replacePoly @(:->)
+replaceTyFun :: forall (t :: Type) (from :: t) (to :: t) (p :: t ~> Type).
+ p @@ from
+ -> from :~: to
+ -> p @@ to
+replaceTyFun = replacePoly @(:~>) @_ @_ @_ @p
+replacePoly :: forall (arr :: FunArrow) (t :: Type) (from :: t) (to :: t)
+ (p :: (t -?> Type) arr).
+ FunApp arr
+ => App t arr Type p from
+ -> from :~: to
+ -> App t arr Type p to
+replacePoly from eq =
+ withSomeSing eq $ \(singEq :: Sing r) ->
+ (~>:~:) @t @from @to @r @(WhyReplacePolySym arr from p) singEq from
+type WhyLeibnizPoly (arr :: FunArrow) (f :: (t -?> Type) arr) (a :: t) (z :: t)
+ = App t arr Type f a -> App t arr Type f z
+data WhyLeibnizPolySym (arr :: FunArrow) (f :: (t -?> Type) arr) (a :: t)
+ :: t ~> Type
+type instance Apply (WhyLeibnizPolySym arr f a) z = WhyLeibnizPoly arr f a z
+leibnizPoly :: forall (arr :: FunArrow) (t :: Type) (f :: (t -?> Type) arr)
+ (a :: t) (b :: t).
+ FunApp arr
+ => a :~: b
+ -> App t arr Type f a
+ -> App t arr Type f b
+leibnizPoly = replaceTyFun @t @a @b @(WhyLeibnizPolySym arr f a) id
+leibniz :: forall (t :: Type) (f :: t -> Type) (a :: t) (b :: t).
+ a :~: b
+ -> f a
+ -> f b
+leibniz = replaceTyFun @t @a @b @(WhyLeibnizPolySym (:->) f a) id
+-- The line above is what you get if you inline the definition of leibnizPoly.
+-- It causes a panic, however.
+-- An equivalent implementation is commented out below, which does *not*
+-- cause GHC to panic.
+-- leibniz = leibnizPoly @(:->)
+leibnizTyFun :: forall (t :: Type) (f :: t ~> Type) (a :: t) (b :: t).
+ a :~: b
+ -> f @@ a
+ -> f @@ b
+leibnizTyFun = leibnizPoly @(:~>) @_ @f