path: root/testsuite/tests/gadt/Nilsson.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/gadt/Nilsson.hs')
1 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/gadt/Nilsson.hs b/testsuite/tests/gadt/Nilsson.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb2fa1ba20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/gadt/Nilsson.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+-- Supplied by Henrik Nilsson, showed up a bug in GADTs
+module Nilsson where
+data Event a = NoEvent | Event a
+fromEvent :: Event a -> a
+fromEvent = undefined
+usrErr :: String -> String -> String -> a
+usrErr = undefined
+type DTime = Double -- [s]
+data SF a b = SF {sfTF :: a -> Transition a b}
+data SF' a b where
+ SFArr :: (DTime -> a -> Transition a b) -> FunDesc a b -> SF' a b
+ SFAcc :: (DTime -> Event a -> Transition (Event a) b)
+ -> (c -> a -> (c, b)) -> c -> b
+ -> SF' (Event a) b
+ SFCpAXA :: (DTime -> a -> Transition a d)
+ -> FunDesc a b -> SF' b c -> FunDesc c d
+ -> SF' a d
+ SF' :: (DTime -> a -> Transition a b) -> SF' a b
+-- A transition is a pair of the next state (in the form of a signal
+-- function) and the output at the present time step.
+type Transition a b = (SF' a b, b)
+sfTF' :: SF' a b -> (DTime -> a -> Transition a b)
+sfTF' (SFArr tf _) = tf
+sfTF' (SFAcc tf _ _ _) = tf
+-- sfTF' (SFSScan ...)
+sfTF' (SFCpAXA tf _ _ _) = tf
+sfTF' (SF' tf) = tf
+-- "Smart" constructors. The corresponding "raw" constructors should not
+-- be used directly for construction.
+sfArr :: FunDesc a b -> SF' a b
+sfArr FDI = sfId
+sfArr (FDC b) = sfConst b
+sfArr (FDE f fne) = sfArrE f fne
+sfArr (FDG f) = sfArrG f
+sfId :: SF' a a
+sfId = sf
+ where
+ sf = SFArr (\_ a -> (sf, a)) FDI
+sfConst :: b -> SF' a b
+sfConst b = sf
+ where
+ sf = SFArr (\_ _ -> (sf, b)) (FDC b)
+sfNever :: SF' a (Event b)
+sfNever = sfConst NoEvent
+-- Assumption: fne = f NoEvent
+sfArrE :: (Event a -> b) -> b -> SF' (Event a) b
+sfArrE f fne = sf
+ where
+ sf = SFArr (\_ ea -> (sf, case ea of NoEvent -> fne ; _ -> f ea))
+ (FDE f fne)
+sfArrG :: (a -> b) -> SF' a b
+sfArrG f = sf
+ where
+ sf = SFArr (\_ a -> (sf, f a)) (FDG f)
+sfAcc :: (c -> a -> (c, b)) -> c -> b -> SF' (Event a) b
+sfAcc f c bne = sf
+ where
+ sf = SFAcc (\dt ea -> case ea of
+ NoEvent -> (sf, bne)
+ Event a -> let
+ (c', b) = f c a
+ in
+ (sfAcc f c' bne, b))
+ f
+ c
+ bne
+-- sfAccHld would be very similar. The only difference is that
+-- what's now called "bne" would be updated at each event.
+-- So maybe one could use the SAME constructor, just different
+-- transition functions? It really depends on what assumptions
+-- one need to make when optimizing.
+-- Motivation for event-processing function type
+-- (alternative would be function of type a->b plus ensuring that it
+-- only ever gets invoked on events):
+-- * Now we need to be consistent with other kinds of arrows.
+-- * We still want to be able to get hold of the original function.
+data FunDesc a b where
+ FDI :: FunDesc a a -- Identity function
+ FDC :: b -> FunDesc a b -- Constant function
+ FDE :: (Event a -> b) -> b -> FunDesc (Event a) b -- Event-processing fun
+ FDG :: (a -> b) -> FunDesc a b -- General function
+fdFun :: FunDesc a b -> (a -> b)
+fdFun FDI = id
+fdFun (FDC b) = const b
+fdFun (FDE f _) = f
+fdFun (FDG f) = f
+fdComp :: FunDesc a b -> FunDesc b c -> FunDesc a c
+fdComp FDI fd2 = fd2
+fdComp fd1 FDI = fd1
+fdComp (FDC b) fd2 = FDC ((fdFun fd2) b)
+fdComp _ (FDC c) = FDC c
+fdComp (FDE f1 f1ne) fd2 = FDE (f2 . f1) (f2 f1ne)
+ where
+ f2 = fdFun fd2
+fdComp (FDG f1) (FDE f2 f2ne) = FDG f
+ where
+ f a = case f1 a of
+ NoEvent -> f2ne
+ f1a -> f2 f1a
+fdComp (FDG f1) fd2 = FDG (fdFun fd2 . f1)
+-- Verifies that the first argument is NoEvent. Returns the value of the
+-- second argument that is the case. Raises an error otherwise.
+-- Used to check that functions on events do not map NoEvent to Event
+-- wherever that assumption is exploited.
+vfyNoEv :: Event a -> b -> b
+vfyNoEv NoEvent b = b
+vfyNoEv _ _ = usrErr "AFRP" "vfyNoEv"
+ "Assertion failed: Functions on events must not \
+ \map NoEvent to Event."
+compPrim :: SF a b -> SF b c -> SF a c
+compPrim (SF {sfTF = tf10}) (SF {sfTF = tf20}) = SF {sfTF = tf0}
+ where
+ tf0 a0 = (cpXX sf1 sf2, c0)
+ where
+ (sf1, b0) = tf10 a0
+ (sf2, c0) = tf20 b0
+ -- Naming convention: cp<X><Y> where <X> and <Y> is one of:
+ -- X - arbitrary signal function
+ -- A - arbitrary pure arrow
+ -- C - constant arrow
+ -- E - event-processing arrow
+ -- G - arrow known not to be identity, constant (C) or
+ -- event-processing (E).
+ cpXX :: SF' a b -> SF' b c -> SF' a c
+ cpXX (SFArr _ fd1) sf2 = cpAX fd1 sf2
+ cpXX sf1 (SFArr _ fd2) = cpXA sf1 fd2
+ cpXX (SFAcc _ f1 s1 bne) (SFAcc _ f2 s2 cne) =
+ sfAcc f (s1, s2) (vfyNoEv bne cne)
+ where
+ f (s1, s2) a =
+ case f1 s1 a of
+ (s1', NoEvent) -> ((s1', s2), cne)
+ (s1', Event b) ->
+ let (s2', c) = f2 s2 b in ((s1', s2'), c)
+ cpXX (SFCpAXA _ fd11 sf12 fd13) (SFCpAXA _ fd21 sf22 fd23) =
+ cpAXA fd11 (cpXX (cpXA sf12 (fdComp fd13 fd21)) sf22) fd23
+ cpXX sf1 sf2 = SF' tf
+ where
+ tf dt a = (cpXX sf1' sf2', c)
+ where
+ (sf1', b) = (sfTF' sf1) dt a
+ (sf2', c) = (sfTF' sf2) dt b
+ cpAXA :: FunDesc a b -> SF' b c -> FunDesc c d -> SF' a d
+ cpAXA FDI sf2 fd3 = cpXA sf2 fd3
+ cpAXA fd1 sf2 FDI = cpAX fd1 sf2
+ cpAXA (FDC b) sf2 fd3 = cpCXA b sf2 fd3
+ cpAXA fd1 sf2 (FDC d) = sfConst d
+ cpAXA fd1 (SFArr _ fd2) fd3 = sfArr (fdComp (fdComp fd1 fd2) fd3)
+ cpAX :: FunDesc a b -> SF' b c -> SF' a c
+ cpAX FDI sf2 = sf2
+ cpAX (FDC b) sf2 = cpCX b sf2
+ cpAX (FDE f1 f1ne) sf2 = cpEX f1 f1ne sf2
+ cpAX (FDG f1) sf2 = cpGX f1 sf2
+ cpXA :: SF' a b -> FunDesc b c -> SF' a c
+ cpXA sf1 FDI = sf1
+ cpXA sf1 (FDC c) = sfConst c
+ cpXA sf1 (FDE f2 f2ne) = cpXE sf1 f2 f2ne
+ cpXA sf1 (FDG f2) = cpXG sf1 f2
+ cpCX :: b -> SF' b c -> SF' a c
+ cpCX b (SFArr _ fd2) = sfConst ((fdFun fd2) b)
+ cpCX b (SFAcc _ _ _ cne) = sfConst (vfyNoEv b cne)
+ cpCX b (SFCpAXA _ fd21 sf22 fd23) =
+ cpCXA ((fdFun fd21) b) sf22 fd23
+ cpCX b sf2 = SFCpAXA tf (FDC b) sf2 FDI
+ where
+ tf dt _ = (cpCX b sf2', c)
+ where
+ (sf2', c) = (sfTF' sf2) dt b
+-- For SPJ: The following version did not work.
+-- The commented out one below did work, by lambda-lifting cpCXAux
+ cpCXA :: b -> SF' b c -> FunDesc c d -> SF' a d
+ cpCXA b sf2 FDI = cpCX b sf2
+ cpCXA _ _ (FDC c) = sfConst c
+ cpCXA b (sf2 :: SF' b c) (fd3 :: FunDesc c d) = cpCXAAux sf2
+ where
+ f3 = fdFun fd3
+ cpCXAAux :: SF' b c -> SF' a d
+ cpCXAAux (SFArr _ fd2) = sfConst (f3 ((fdFun fd2) b))
+ cpCXAAux (SFAcc _ _ _ cne) = sfConst (vfyNoEv b (f3 cne))
+ cpCXAAux (SFCpAXA _ fd21 sf22 fd23) = cpCXA ((fdFun fd21) b) sf22 (fdComp fd23 fd3)
+{- -- For SPJ: This version works
+ cpCXA :: b -> SF' b c -> FunDesc c d -> SF' a d
+ cpCXA b sf2 FDI = cpCX b sf2
+ cpCXA _ _ (FDC c) = sfConst c
+ cpCXA b sf2 fd3 = cpCXAAux b fd3 (fdFun fd3) sf2
+ where
+ -- f3 = fdFun fd3
+ -- Really something like: cpCXAAux :: SF' b c -> SF' a d
+ cpCXAAux :: b -> FunDesc c d -> (c -> d) -> SF' b c -> SF' a d
+ cpCXAAux b fd3 f3 (SFArr _ fd2) = sfConst (f3 ((fdFun fd2) b))
+ cpCXAAux b fd3 f3 (SFAcc _ _ _ cne) = sfConst (vfyNoEv b (f3 cne))
+ cpCXAAux b fd3 f3 (SFCpAXA _ fd21 sf22 fd23) = cpCXA ((fdFun fd21) b) sf22 (fdComp fd23 fd3)
+ cpGX :: (a -> b) -> SF' b c -> SF' a c
+ cpGX f1 (SFArr _ fd2) = sfArr (fdComp (FDG f1) fd2)
+ cpGX f1 (SFCpAXA _ fd21 sf22 fd23) =
+ cpAXA (fdComp (FDG f1) fd21) sf22 fd23
+ cpGX f1 sf2 = SFCpAXA tf (FDG f1) sf2 FDI
+ where
+ tf dt a = (cpGX f1 sf2', c)
+ where
+ (sf2', c) = (sfTF' sf2) dt (f1 a)
+ cpXG :: SF' a b -> (b -> c) -> SF' a c
+ cpXG (SFArr _ fd1) f2 = sfArr (fdComp fd1 (FDG f2))
+ cpXG (SFAcc _ f1 s bne) f2 = sfAcc f s (f2 bne)
+ where
+ f s a = let (s', b) = f1 s a in (s', f2 b)
+ cpXG (SFCpAXA _ fd11 sf12 fd22) f2 =
+ cpAXA fd11 sf12 (fdComp fd22 (FDG f2))
+ cpXG sf1 f2 = SFCpAXA tf FDI sf1 (FDG f2)
+ where
+ tf dt a = (cpXG sf1' f2, f2 b)
+ where
+ (sf1', b) = (sfTF' sf1) dt a
+ cpEX :: (Event a -> b) -> b -> SF' b c -> SF' (Event a) c
+ cpEX f1 f1ne (SFArr _ fd2) = sfArr (fdComp (FDE f1 f1ne) fd2)
+ cpEX f1 f1ne (SFAcc _ f2 s cne) = sfAcc f s (vfyNoEv f1ne cne)
+ where
+ f s a = f2 s (fromEvent (f1 (Event a)))
+ cpEX f1 f1ne (SFCpAXA _ fd21 sf22 fd23) =
+ cpAXA (fdComp (FDE f1 f1ne) fd21) sf22 fd23
+ cpEX f1 f1ne sf2 = SFCpAXA tf (FDE f1 f1ne) sf2 FDI
+ where
+ tf dt ea = (cpEX f1 f1ne sf2', c)
+ where
+ (sf2', c) = case ea of
+ NoEvent -> (sfTF' sf2) dt f1ne
+ _ -> (sfTF' sf2) dt (f1 ea)
+ cpXE :: SF' a (Event b) -> (Event b -> c) -> c -> SF' a c
+ cpXE (SFArr _ fd1) f2 f2ne = sfArr (fdComp fd1 (FDE f2 f2ne))
+ cpXE (SFAcc _ f1 s bne) f2 f2ne = sfAcc f s (vfyNoEv bne f2ne)
+ where
+ f s a = let (s', eb) = f1 s a
+ in
+ case eb of NoEvent -> (s', f2ne); _ -> (s', f2 eb)
+ cpXE (SFCpAXA _ fd11 sf12 fd13) f2 f2ne =
+ cpAXA fd11 sf12 (fdComp fd13 (FDE f2 f2ne))
+ cpXE sf1 f2 f2ne = SFCpAXA tf FDI sf1 (FDE f2 f2ne)
+ where
+ tf dt a = (cpXE sf1' f2 f2ne,
+ case eb of NoEvent -> f2ne; _ -> f2 eb)
+ where
+ (sf1', eb) = (sfTF' sf1) dt a