path: root/testsuite/tests/gadt/tc.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/gadt/tc.hs')
1 files changed, 122 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/gadt/tc.hs b/testsuite/tests/gadt/tc.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..247b9eb615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/gadt/tc.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ExistentialQuantification #-}
+-- This typechecker, written by Stephanie Weirich at Dagstuhl (Sept 04)
+-- demonstrates that it's possible to write functions of type
+-- tc :: String -> Term a
+-- where Term a is our strongly-typed GADT.
+-- That is, generate a typed term from an untyped source; Lennart
+-- Augustsson set this as a challenge.
+-- In fact the main function goes
+-- tc :: UTerm -> exists ty. (Ty ty, Term ty)
+-- so the type checker returns a pair of an expression and its type,
+-- wrapped, of course, in an existential.
+module Main where
+-- Untyped world --------------------------------------------
+data UTerm = UVar String
+ | ULam String UType UTerm
+ | UApp UTerm UTerm
+ | UConBool Bool
+ | UIf UTerm UTerm UTerm
+data UType = UBool | UArr UType UType
+-- Typed world -----------------------------------------------
+data Ty t where
+ Bool :: Ty Bool
+ Arr :: Ty a -> Ty b -> Ty (a -> b)
+data Term g t where
+ Var :: Var g t -> Term g t
+ Lam :: Ty a -> Term (g,a) b -> Term g (a->b)
+ App :: Term g (s -> t) -> Term g s -> Term g t
+ ConBool :: Bool -> Term g Bool
+ If :: Term g Bool -> Term g a -> Term g a -> Term g a
+data Var g t where
+ ZVar :: Var (h,t) t
+ SVar :: Var h t -> Var (h,s) t
+data Typed thing = forall ty. Typed (Ty ty) (thing ty)
+-- Typechecking types
+data ExType = forall t. ExType (Ty t)
+tcType :: UType -> ExType
+tcType UBool = ExType Bool
+tcType (UArr t1 t2) = case tcType t1 of { ExType t1' ->
+ case tcType t2 of { ExType t2' ->
+ ExType (Arr t1' t2') }}
+-- The type environment and lookup
+data TyEnv g where
+ Nil :: TyEnv g
+ Cons :: String -> Ty t -> TyEnv h -> TyEnv (h,t)
+lookupVar :: String -> TyEnv g -> Typed (Var g)
+lookupVar _ Nil = error "Variable not found"
+lookupVar v (Cons s ty e)
+ | v==s = Typed ty ZVar
+ | otherwise = case lookupVar v e of
+ Typed ty v -> Typed ty (SVar v)
+-- Comparing types
+newtype C1 c a2 d = C1 { unC1 :: c (d -> a2) }
+newtype C2 c b1 d = C2 { unC2 :: c (b1 -> d) }
+cast2 :: Ty a -> Ty b -> (c a -> c b)
+cast2 Bool Bool x = x
+cast2 (Arr a1 a2) (Arr b1 b2) f
+ = let C1 x = cast2 a1 b1 (C1 f)
+ C2 y = cast2 a2 b2 (C2 x)
+ in y
+data Equal a b where
+ Equal :: Equal c c
+cmpTy :: Ty a -> Ty b -> Maybe (Equal a b)
+cmpTy Bool Bool = Just Equal
+cmpTy (Arr a1 a2) (Arr b1 b2)
+ = do { Equal <- cmpTy a1 b1
+ ; Equal <- cmpTy a2 b2
+ ; return Equal }
+-- Typechecking terms
+tc :: UTerm -> TyEnv g -> Typed (Term g)
+tc (UVar v) env = case lookupVar v env of
+ Typed ty v -> Typed ty (Var v)
+tc (UConBool b) env
+ = Typed Bool (ConBool b)
+tc (ULam s ty body) env
+ = case tcType ty of { ExType bndr_ty' ->
+ case tc body (Cons s bndr_ty' env) of { Typed body_ty' body' ->
+ Typed (Arr bndr_ty' body_ty')
+ (Lam bndr_ty' body') }}
+tc (UApp e1 e2) env
+ = case tc e1 env of { Typed (Arr bndr_ty body_ty) e1' ->
+ case tc e2 env of { Typed arg_ty e2' ->
+ case cmpTy arg_ty bndr_ty of
+ Nothing -> error "Type error"
+ Just Equal -> Typed body_ty (App e1' e2') }}
+tc (UIf e1 e2 e3) env
+ = case tc e1 env of { Typed Bool e1' ->
+ case tc e2 env of { Typed t2 e2' ->
+ case tc e3 env of { Typed t3 e3' ->
+ case cmpTy t2 t3 of
+ Nothing -> error "Type error"
+ Just Equal -> Typed t2 (If e1' e2' e3') }}}
+showType :: Ty a -> String
+showType Bool = "Bool"
+showType (Arr t1 t2) = "(" ++ showType t1 ++ ") -> (" ++ showType t2 ++ ")"
+uNot = ULam "x" UBool (UIf (UVar "x") (UConBool False) (UConBool True))
+test :: UTerm
+test = UApp uNot (UConBool True)
+main = putStrLn (case tc test Nil of
+ Typed ty _ -> showType ty
+ ) \ No newline at end of file