path: root/testsuite/tests/ghc-regress/lib/should_run/enum01.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/ghc-regress/lib/should_run/enum01.hs')
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--- a/testsuite/tests/ghc-regress/lib/should_run/enum01.hs
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--- !!! Testing the Prelude's Enum instances.
-module Main(main) where
-import Control.Exception
-import Prelude hiding (catch)
-import Data.Char
-import Data.Ratio
-main = do
- -- Enum Int
- putStrLn "Testing Enum Int: "
- testEnumInt
- -- Enum Integer
- putStrLn "Testing Enum Integer: "
- testEnumInteger
- -- Enum Char
- putStrLn "Testing Enum Char: "
- testEnumChar
- -- Enum ()
- putStrLn "Testing Enum (): "
- testEnumUnit
- -- Enum Ordering
- putStrLn "Testing Enum Ordering (derived): "
- testEnumOrdering
- -- Enum Bool
- putStrLn "Testing Enum Bool: "
- testEnumBool
- -- Enum Rational
- putStrLn "Testing Enum Rational: "
- testEnumRational
- -- Enum (Ratio Int)
- putStrLn "Testing Enum (Ratio Int): "
- testEnumRatioInt
- Here's the properties that's supposed to
- hold for arithmetic sequences over Int:
- - [e1..] = [e1, (e1+1), (e1+2), ..., maxBound]
- - [e1,e2..] = [e1, (e1+i), (e1+2*i), ... upper]
- where
- i = e2 - e1
- upper
- | i > 0 = maxBound
- | i < 0 = minBound
- | i == 0 = maxBound -- this really shouldn't matter (I feel.)
- - [e1..e3] = [e1, (e1+i), (e1+2*i),..e3]
- where
- i
- | e3 >= e1 = 1
- | e3 < e1 = (-1)
- - [e1,e2..e3] = res
- where
- i = e2 - e1
- res
- | i >= 0 && e3 < e1 = []
- | i < 0 && e3 >= e1 = [] -- (*)
- | otherwise = [e1, (e1+i), (e1 + 2*i), .. e3]
- Note:
- (*) - I think this instead should be (i < 0 && e3 > e1), since, as is,
- [x,(x+1) ..x] = [x]
- [x,(x-1) ..x] = []
- which does not look right, symmetrically speaking.
- The same properties hold for other Prelude types that
- are instances of Enum as well as being Bounded.
- For non-Bounded types (e.g., Float and Double), the properties are similar,
- except that the boundary tests become slightly different, i.e., when an
- element becomes greater than (e3 + i/2) (or less than (e3 + i/2) for negative
- i.)
- Q - does [(x::Double)..] have an upper bound? (ditto for Float.)
- OK - on with the regression testing.
-#define printTest(x) (do{ putStr ( " " ++ "x" ++ " = " ) ; print (x) })
-testEnumInt :: IO ()
-testEnumInt = do
- -- succ
- printTest ((succ (0::Int)))
- printTest ((succ (minBound::Int)))
- mayBomb (printTest ((succ (maxBound::Int))))
- -- pred
- printTest (pred (1::Int))
- printTest (pred (maxBound::Int))
- mayBomb (printTest (pred (minBound::Int)))
- -- toEnum
- printTest ((map (toEnum::Int->Int) [1,minBound,maxBound]))
- -- fromEnum
- printTest ((map fromEnum [(1::Int),minBound,maxBound]))
- -- [x..] aka enumFrom
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Int)..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [((maxBound::Int)-5)..])) -- just in case it doesn't catch the upper bound..
- -- [x,y..] aka enumFromThen
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Int),2..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Int),7..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Int),1..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Int),0..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(5::Int),2..]))
- let x = (minBound::Int) + 1
- printTest ((take 7 [x, x-1 ..]))
- let x = (minBound::Int) + 5
- printTest ((take 7 [x, x-1 ..]))
- let x = (maxBound::Int) - 5
- printTest ((take 7 [x, (x+1) ..]))
- -- Test overflow conditions
- printTest (([minBound::Int,1..]))
- printTest (([minBound::Int,0..]))
- printTest (([minBound::Int,-1..]))
- printTest (([maxBound::Int,1..]))
- printTest (([maxBound::Int,0..]))
- printTest (([maxBound::Int,-1..]))
- -- [x..y] aka enumFromTo
- printTest ((take 7 ([(1::Int) .. 5])))
- printTest ((take 4 ([(1::Int) .. 1])))
- printTest ((take 7 ([(1::Int) .. 0])))
- printTest ((take 7 ([(5::Int) .. 0])))
- printTest ((take 7 ([(maxBound-(5::Int)) .. maxBound])))
- printTest ((take 7 ([(minBound+(5::Int)) .. minBound])))
- -- [x,y..z] aka enumFromThenTo
- printTest ((take 7 [(5::Int),4..1]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(5::Int),3..1]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(5::Int),3..2]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Int),2..1]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(2::Int),1..2]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(2::Int),1..1]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(2::Int),3..1]))
- -- Test overflow conditions
- printTest (([minBound, 1..maxBound::Int]))
- printTest (([minBound, 0..maxBound::Int]))
- printTest (([minBound,-1..maxBound::Int]))
- printTest (([minBound,-1..maxBound-1::Int]))
- printTest (([minBound,-1..maxBound-2::Int]))
- printTest (([maxBound, 1..minBound::Int]))
- printTest (([maxBound, 0..minBound::Int]))
- printTest (([maxBound, 0..minBound+1::Int]))
- printTest (([maxBound, 0..minBound+2::Int]))
- printTest (([maxBound,-1..minBound::Int]))
- let x = (maxBound::Int) - 4
- printTest ((take 7 [x,(x+1)..maxBound]))
- let x = (minBound::Int) + 5
- printTest ((take 7 [x,(x-1)..minBound]))
-testEnumChar :: IO ()
-testEnumChar = do
- -- succ
- printTest ((succ 'a'))
- printTest ((succ (minBound::Char)))
- mayBomb (printTest ((succ (maxBound::Char))))
- -- pred
- printTest ((pred 'b'))
- printTest (pred (maxBound::Char))
- mayBomb (printTest (pred (minBound::Char)))
- -- toEnum
- printTest ((map (toEnum::Int->Char) [123,ord (minBound::Char), ord(maxBound::Char)]))
- mayBomb (printTest ((toEnum::Int->Char) (minBound::Int)))
- -- fromEnum
- printTest ((map fromEnum ['X',minBound,maxBound]))
- -- [x..] aka enumFrom
- -- printTest ((take 7 ['\NUL' .. ]))
- do{ putStr ( " " ++ "(take 7 ['\\NUL' .. ])" ++ " = " ) ; print (take 7 ['\NUL' .. ]) }
- -- printTest ((take 7 ['\250' .. ]))
- do{ putStr ( " " ++ "(take 7 ['\\250' .. ])" ++ " = " ) ; print (take 7 ['\250' .. ]) }
- -- [x,y..] aka enumFromThen
- printTest ((take 7 ['a','b'..]))
- printTest ((take 7 ['a','e'..]))
- printTest ((take 7 ['a','a'..]))
- printTest ((take 7 ['z','y'..]))
- printTest ((take 7 ['z','v'..]))
- let x = '\1'
- -- printTest ((take 7 ['\1', '\0' ..]))
- do{ putStr ( " " ++ "(take 7 ['\\1', '\\0' ..])" ++ " = " ) ; print (take 7 ['\1', '\0' ..]) }
- let x = '\5'
- -- printTest ((take 7 ['\5', '\4' ..]))
- do{ putStr ( " " ++ "(take 7 ['\\5', '\\4' ..])" ++ " = " ) ; print (take 7 ['\5', '\4' ..]) }
- let x = (maxBound::Int) - 5
- -- printTest ((take 7 ['\250', '\251' ..]))
- do{ putStr ( " " ++ "(take 7 ['\\250', '\\251' ..])" ++ " = " ) ; print (take 7 ['\250', '\251' ..]) }
- -- [x..y] aka enumFromTo
- printTest ((take 7 (['a' .. 'e'])))
- printTest ((take 4 (['a' .. 'a'])))
- printTest ((take 7 (['b' .. 'a'])))
- printTest ((take 7 (['e' .. 'a'])))
- -- printTest ((take 7 (['\250' .. '\255'])))
- do{ putStr ( " " ++ "(take 7 (['\\250' .. '\\255']))" ++ " = " ) ; print (take 7 (['\250' .. '\255'])) }
- -- printTest ((take 7 (['\5' .. '\0'])))
- do{ putStr ( " " ++ "(take 7 (['\\5' .. '\\0']))" ++ " = " ) ; print (take 7 (['\5' .. '\0'])) }
- -- [x,y..z] aka enumFromThenTo
- printTest ((take 7 ['f','e' .. 'b']))
- printTest ((take 7 ['g','e' .. 'b']))
- printTest ((take 7 ['g','d' .. 'c']))
- printTest ((take 7 ['b','c' .. 'b']))
- printTest ((take 7 ['c','b' .. 'c']))
- printTest ((take 7 ['c','b' .. 'b']))
- printTest ((take 7 ['c','d' .. 'b']))
- -- printTest ((take 7 ['\251', '\252' .. maxBound]))
- do{ putStr ( " " ++ "(take 7 ['\\251', '\\252' .. maxBound])" ++ " = " ) ; print (take 7 ['\251', '\252' .. maxBound]) }
- -- printTest ((take 7 ['\5', '\4' .. minBound]))
- do{ putStr ( " " ++ "(take 7 ['\\5', '\\4' .. minBound])" ++ " = " ) ; print (take 7 ['\5', '\4' .. minBound]) }
-testEnumUnit :: IO ()
-testEnumUnit = do
- -- succ:
- mayBomb (printTest ((succ ())))
- mayBomb (printTest ((succ (minBound::()))))
- mayBomb (printTest ((succ (maxBound::()))))
- -- pred:
- mayBomb (printTest ((pred ())))
- mayBomb (printTest ((pred (minBound::()))))
- mayBomb (printTest ((pred (maxBound::()))))
- -- toEnum:
- printTest ((toEnum 0)::())
- mayBomb (printTest ((toEnum 1)::()))
- -- fromEnum:
- printTest ((fromEnum ()))
- -- enumFrom:
- printTest ((take 7 [()..]))
- -- enumFromThen:
- printTest ((take 7 [(),()..]))
- -- enumFromTo
- printTest ((take 7 [()..()]))
- -- enumFromThenTo
- printTest ((take 7 [(),()..()]))
-testEnumOrdering :: IO ()
-testEnumOrdering = do
- -- succ:
- printTest ((succ LT))
- printTest ((succ (minBound::Ordering)))
- mayBomb (printTest ((succ (maxBound::Ordering))))
- -- pred:
- printTest ((pred GT))
- printTest ((pred (maxBound::Ordering)))
- mayBomb (printTest ((pred (minBound::Ordering))))
- -- toEnum:
- printTest ((toEnum 0)::Ordering)
- mayBomb (printTest ((toEnum 5)::Ordering))
- -- fromEnum:
- printTest ((fromEnum LT))
- printTest ((fromEnum EQ))
- printTest ((fromEnum GT))
- -- enumFrom:
- printTest (([LT ..]))
- printTest (([EQ ..]))
- printTest (([GT ..]))
- -- enumFromThen:
- printTest (([LT,EQ ..]))
- printTest (([EQ,GT ..]))
- printTest (([EQ,LT ..]))
- printTest (([LT,GT ..]))
- printTest (([GT,LT ..]))
- printTest (take 7 (([GT,GT ..])))
- printTest (take 7 (([LT,LT ..])))
- -- enumFromTo
- printTest (([LT .. GT]))
- printTest (([LT .. EQ]))
- printTest (([LT .. LT]))
- printTest (([GT .. LT]))
- printTest (([GT .. EQ]))
- printTest (([GT .. GT]))
- -- enumFromThenTo
- printTest (([LT,EQ .. GT]))
- printTest (([GT,EQ .. LT]))
- printTest (([GT,EQ .. EQ]))
- printTest (([GT,EQ .. GT]))
- printTest (([GT,EQ .. LT]))
- printTest (([LT,EQ .. LT]))
- printTest (([LT,EQ .. GT]))
- printTest (take 7 (([LT,LT .. GT])))
- printTest (take 7 (([GT,GT .. LT])))
-testEnumBool :: IO ()
-testEnumBool = do
- -- succ:
- printTest ((succ False))
- printTest ((succ (minBound::Bool)))
- mayBomb (printTest ((succ (maxBound::Bool))))
- -- pred:
- printTest ((pred True))
- printTest ((pred (maxBound::Bool)))
- mayBomb (printTest ((pred (minBound::Bool))))
- -- toEnum:
- printTest ((toEnum 0)::Bool)
- mayBomb (printTest ((toEnum 5)::Bool))
- -- fromEnum:
- printTest ((fromEnum False))
- printTest ((fromEnum True))
- -- enumFrom:
- printTest (([False ..]))
- printTest (([True ..]))
- -- enumFromThen:
- printTest (([False,True ..]))
- printTest (([True,False ..]))
- printTest ((take 7 ([False,False ..])))
- printTest ((take 7 ([True,True ..])))
- -- enumFromTo
- printTest (([False .. True]))
- printTest (([True .. False]))
- -- enumFromThenTo
- printTest (take 7 ([False,False .. False]))
- printTest (take 7 ([False,False .. True]))
- printTest (take 7 ([False,True .. False]))
- printTest (take 7 ([False,True .. True]))
- printTest (take 7 ([True,False .. False]))
- printTest (take 7 ([True,False .. True]))
- printTest (take 7 ([True,True .. False]))
- printTest (take 7 ([True,True .. True]))
-testEnumInteger :: IO ()
-testEnumInteger = do
- -- succ
- printTest ((succ (0::Integer)))
- printTest ((succ ((-1)::Integer)))
- -- pred
- printTest (pred (1::Integer))
- printTest (pred (0::Integer))
- -- toEnum
- printTest ((map (toEnum::Int->Integer) [1,minBound,maxBound]))
- -- fromEnum
- printTest ((map fromEnum [(1::Integer),42,45]))
- -- [x..] aka enumFrom
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Integer)..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(-5::Integer)..]))
- -- [x,y..] aka enumFromThen
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Integer),2..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Integer),7..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Integer),1..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Integer),0..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(5::Integer),2..]))
- -- [x..y] aka enumFromTo
- printTest ((take 7 ([(1::Integer) .. 5])))
- printTest ((take 4 ([(1::Integer) .. 1])))
- printTest ((take 7 ([(1::Integer) .. 0])))
- printTest ((take 7 ([(5::Integer) .. 0])))
- -- [x,y..z] aka enumFromThenTo
- printTest ((take 7 [(5::Integer),4..1]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(5::Integer),3..1]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(5::Integer),3..2]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Integer),2..1]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(2::Integer),1..2]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(2::Integer),1..1]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(2::Integer),3..1]))
-testEnumRational :: IO ()
-testEnumRational = do
- -- succ
- printTest ((succ (0::Rational)))
- printTest ((succ ((-1)::Rational)))
- -- pred
- printTest (pred (1::Rational))
- printTest (pred (0::Rational))
- -- toEnum
- printTest ((map (toEnum::Int->Rational) [1,minBound,maxBound]))
- -- fromEnum
- printTest ((map fromEnum [(1::Rational),42,45]))
- -- [x..] aka enumFrom
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Rational)..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(-5::Rational)..]))
- -- [x,y..] aka enumFromThen
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Rational),2..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Rational),7..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Rational),1..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Rational),0..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(5::Rational),2..]))
- -- [x..y] aka enumFromTo
- printTest ((take 7 ([(1::Rational) .. 5])))
- printTest ((take 4 ([(1::Rational) .. 1])))
- printTest ((take 7 ([(1::Rational) .. 0])))
- printTest ((take 7 ([(5::Rational) .. 0])))
- -- [x,y..z] aka enumFromThenTo
- printTest ((take 7 [(5::Rational),4..1]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(5::Rational),3..1]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(5::Rational),3..2]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Rational),2..1]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(2::Rational),1..2]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(2::Rational),1..1]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(2::Rational),3..1]))
-testEnumRatioInt :: IO ()
-testEnumRatioInt = do
- -- succ
- printTest ((succ (0::Ratio Int)))
- printTest ((succ ((-1)::Ratio Int)))
- -- pred
- printTest (pred (1::Ratio Int))
- printTest (pred (0::Ratio Int))
- -- toEnum
- printTest ((map (toEnum::Int->Ratio Int) [1,minBound,maxBound]))
- -- fromEnum
- printTest ((map fromEnum [(1::Ratio Int),42,45]))
- -- [x..] aka enumFrom
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Ratio Int)..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(-5::Ratio Int)..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [((toEnum ((maxBound::Int)-5))::Ratio Int)..]))
- -- [x,y..] aka enumFromThen
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Ratio Int),2..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Ratio Int),7..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Ratio Int),1..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Ratio Int),0..]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(5::Ratio Int),2..]))
- let x = (toEnum ((minBound::Int) + 1))::Ratio Int
- printTest ((take 7 [x, x-1 ..]))
- let x = (toEnum ((minBound::Int) + 5))::Ratio Int
- printTest ((take 7 [x, x-1 ..]))
- let x = (toEnum ((maxBound::Int) - 5))::Ratio Int
- printTest ((take 7 [x, (x+1) ..]))
- -- [x..y] aka enumFromTo
- printTest ((take 7 ([(1::Ratio Int) .. 5])))
- printTest ((take 4 ([(1::Ratio Int) .. 1])))
- printTest ((take 7 ([(1::Ratio Int) .. 0])))
- printTest ((take 7 ([(5::Ratio Int) .. 0])))
- let x = (toEnum (maxBound - (5::Int))) :: Ratio Int
- let y = (toEnum (maxBound::Int)) :: Ratio Int
- printTest ((take 7 ([x..y])))
- let x = (toEnum (minBound + (5::Int))) :: Ratio Int
- let y = (toEnum (minBound::Int)) :: Ratio Int
- printTest ((take 7 ([x..y])))
- -- [x,y..z] aka enumFromThenTo
- printTest ((take 7 [(5::Ratio Int),4..1]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(5::Ratio Int),3..1]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(5::Ratio Int),3..2]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(1::Ratio Int),2..1]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(2::Ratio Int),1..2]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(2::Ratio Int),1..1]))
- printTest ((take 7 [(2::Ratio Int),3..1]))
- let x = (toEnum ((maxBound::Int) - 4)) :: Ratio Int
- let y = (toEnum (maxBound::Int)) :: Ratio Int
- printTest ((take 7 [x,(x+1)..y]))
- let x = (toEnum ((minBound::Int) + 5)) :: Ratio Int
- let y = (toEnum (minBound::Int)) :: Ratio Int
- printTest ((take 7 [x,(x-1)..y]))
--- Utils
-mayBomb x = catch x (\(ErrorCall e) -> putStrLn ("error " ++ show e))
- `catch` (\e -> putStrLn ("Fail: " ++ show (e :: SomeException)))
-test :: Show a => String -> String -> a -> IO ()
-test test_nm expected val = do
- putStr test_nm
- if expected == got then
- putStrLn ": SUCCEEDED"
- else do
- putStr ": FAILED"
- putStrLn ("( expected: " ++ show expected ++ " , got: " ++ show got ++ " )")
- where
- got = show val