path: root/testsuite/tests/lib/IO/newline001.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/lib/IO/newline001.hs')
1 files changed, 121 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/lib/IO/newline001.hs b/testsuite/tests/lib/IO/newline001.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b12a65bcaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/lib/IO/newline001.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+import System.IO
+import GHC.IO.Handle
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.List
+newlines = ["\n","\r","\r\n","\n\r","\n\n","\r\r"]
+-- make sure the file ends in '\r': that's a tricky case for CRLF
+-- conversion, because the IO library has to check whether there's a
+-- following \n before returning the \r.
+content = concat [ show i ++ t | (i,t) <- zip [1..100] (cycle newlines) ]
+filename = "newline001.out"
+fromCRLF [] = []
+fromCRLF ('\r':'\n':cs) = '\n' : fromCRLF cs
+fromCRLF (c:cs) = c : fromCRLF cs
+toCRLF [] = []
+toCRLF ('\n':cs) = '\r':'\n': toCRLF cs
+toCRLF (c:cs) = c : toCRLF cs
+main = do
+ h <- openBinaryFile filename WriteMode
+ hPutStr h content
+ hClose h
+ testinput NoBuffering
+ testinput LineBuffering
+ testinput (BlockBuffering Nothing)
+ testinput (BlockBuffering (Just 3))
+ testinput (BlockBuffering (Just 7))
+ testinput (BlockBuffering (Just 16))
+ testoutput NoBuffering
+ testoutput LineBuffering
+ testoutput (BlockBuffering Nothing)
+ testoutput (BlockBuffering (Just 3))
+ testoutput (BlockBuffering (Just 7))
+ testoutput (BlockBuffering (Just 16))
+testinput b = do
+ h <- openFile filename ReadMode
+ hSetBuffering h b
+ hSetNewlineMode h noNewlineTranslation
+ str <- hGetContents h
+ check "in1" b str content
+ hClose h
+ h <- openFile filename ReadMode
+ hSetBuffering h b
+ hSetNewlineMode h noNewlineTranslation
+ str <- read_chars h
+ check "in2" b str content
+ hClose h
+ h <- openFile filename ReadMode
+ hSetBuffering h b
+ hSetNewlineMode h noNewlineTranslation
+ str <- read_lines h
+ check "in3" b str content
+ hClose h
+ h <- openFile filename ReadMode
+ hSetBuffering h b
+ hSetNewlineMode h NewlineMode{ inputNL=CRLF, outputNL=LF }
+ str <- hGetContents h
+ check "in4" b str (fromCRLF content)
+ hClose h
+ h <- openFile filename ReadMode
+ hSetBuffering h b
+ hSetNewlineMode h NewlineMode{ inputNL=CRLF, outputNL=LF }
+ str <- read_chars h
+ check "in5" b str (fromCRLF content)
+ hClose h
+ h <- openFile filename ReadMode
+ hSetBuffering h b
+ hSetNewlineMode h NewlineMode{ inputNL=CRLF, outputNL=LF }
+ str <- read_lines h
+ check "in6" b str (fromCRLF content)
+ hClose h
+testoutput b = do
+ h <- openFile filename WriteMode
+ hSetBuffering h b
+ hSetNewlineMode h NewlineMode{ inputNL=LF, outputNL=CRLF }
+ hPutStr h content
+ hClose h
+ h <- openBinaryFile filename ReadMode
+ str <- hGetContents h
+ check "out1" b (toCRLF content) str
+ hClose h
+ h <- openFile filename WriteMode
+ hSetBuffering h b
+ hSetNewlineMode h NewlineMode{ inputNL=LF, outputNL=CRLF }
+ mapM_ (hPutChar h) content
+ hClose h
+ h <- openBinaryFile filename ReadMode
+ str <- hGetContents h
+ check "out2" b (toCRLF content) str
+ hClose h
+check s b str1 str2 = do
+ when (str1 /= str2) $ error ("failed: " ++ s ++ ", " ++ show b ++ '\n':show str1 ++ '\n':show str2)
+read_chars :: Handle -> IO String
+read_chars h = loop h ""
+ where loop h acc = do
+ b <- hIsEOF h
+ if b then return (reverse acc) else do
+ c <- hGetChar h
+ loop h (c:acc)
+read_lines :: Handle -> IO String
+read_lines h = loop h []
+ where loop h acc = do
+ b <- hIsEOF h
+ if b then return (intercalate "\n" (reverse acc)) else do
+ l <- hGetLine h
+ loop h (l : acc)