path: root/testsuite/tests/lib/should_run/Memo2.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/lib/should_run/Memo2.lhs')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/lib/should_run/Memo2.lhs b/testsuite/tests/lib/should_run/Memo2.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5193ec2899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/lib/should_run/Memo2.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+% $Id: Memo.lhs,v 1.1 2005/12/16 10:46:05 simonmar Exp $
+% (c) The GHC Team, 1999
+% Hashing memo tables.
+module Memo2
+ {-# DEPRECATED "This module is unmaintained, and will disappear soon" #-}
+ ( memo -- :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
+ , memoSized -- :: Int -> (a -> b) -> a -> b
+ )
+ where
+import System.Mem.StableName ( StableName, makeStableName, hashStableName )
+import System.Mem.Weak ( Weak, mkWeakPtr, mkWeak, deRefWeak, finalize )
+import Data.Array.IO ( IOArray, newArray, readArray, writeArray )
+import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar ( MVar, newMVar, putMVar, takeMVar )
+Memo table representation.
+The representation is this: a fixed-size hash table where each bucket
+is a list of table entries, of the form (key,value).
+The key in this case is (StableName key), and we use hashStableName to
+hash it.
+It's important that we can garbage collect old entries in the table
+when the key is no longer reachable in the heap. Hence the value part
+of each table entry is (Weak val), where the weak pointer "key" is the
+key for our memo table, and 'val' is the value of this memo table
+entry. When the key becomes unreachable, a finalizer will fire and
+remove this entry from the hash bucket, and further attempts to
+dereference the weak pointer will return Nothing. References from
+'val' to the key are ignored (see the semantics of weak pointers in
+the documentation).
+type MemoTable key val
+ = MVar (
+ Int, -- current table size
+ IOArray Int [MemoEntry key val] -- hash table
+ )
+-- a memo table entry: compile with -funbox-strict-fields to eliminate
+-- the boxes around the StableName and Weak fields.
+data MemoEntry key val = MemoEntry !(StableName key) !(Weak val)
+We use an MVar to the hash table, so that several threads may safely
+access it concurrently. This includes the finalization threads that
+remove entries from the table.
+ToDo: Can efficiency be improved at all?
+memo :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
+memo f = memoSized default_table_size f
+default_table_size = 1001
+-- Our memo functions are *strict*. Lazy memo functions tend to be
+-- less useful because it is less likely you'll get a memo table hit
+-- for a thunk. This change was made to match Hugs's Memo
+-- implementation, and as the result of feedback from Conal Elliot
+-- <>.
+memoSized :: Int -> (a -> b) -> a -> b
+memoSized size f = strict (lazyMemoSized size f)
+strict = ($!)
+lazyMemoSized :: Int -> (a -> b) -> a -> b
+lazyMemoSized size f =
+ let (table,weak) = unsafePerformIO (
+ do { tbl <- newArray (0,size) []
+ ; mvar <- newMVar (size,tbl)
+ ; weak <- mkWeakPtr mvar (Just (table_finalizer tbl size))
+ ; return (mvar,weak)
+ })
+ in memo' f table weak
+table_finalizer :: IOArray Int [MemoEntry key val] -> Int -> IO ()
+table_finalizer table size =
+ sequence_ [ finalizeBucket i | i <- [0..size] ]
+ where
+ finalizeBucket i = do
+ bucket <- readArray table i
+ sequence_ [ finalize w | MemoEntry _ w <- bucket ]
+memo' :: (a -> b) -> MemoTable a b -> Weak (MemoTable a b) -> a -> b
+memo' f ref weak_ref = \k -> unsafePerformIO $ do
+ stable_key <- makeStableName k
+ (size, table) <- takeMVar ref
+ let hash_key = hashStableName stable_key `mod` size
+ bucket <- readArray table hash_key
+ lkp <- lookupSN stable_key bucket
+ case lkp of
+ Just result -> do
+ putMVar ref (size,table)
+ return result
+ Nothing -> do
+ let result = f k
+ weak <- mkWeak k result (Just (finalizer hash_key stable_key weak_ref))
+ writeArray table hash_key (MemoEntry stable_key weak : bucket)
+ putMVar ref (size,table)
+ return result
+finalizer :: Int -> StableName a -> Weak (MemoTable a b) -> IO ()
+finalizer hash_key stable_key weak_ref =
+ do r <- deRefWeak weak_ref
+ case r of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just mvar -> do
+ (size,table) <- takeMVar mvar
+ bucket <- readArray table hash_key
+ let new_bucket = [ e | e@(MemoEntry sn weak) <- bucket,
+ sn /= stable_key ]
+ writeArray table hash_key new_bucket
+ putMVar mvar (size,table)
+lookupSN :: StableName key -> [MemoEntry key val] -> IO (Maybe val)
+lookupSN sn [] = sn `seq` return Nothing -- make it strict in sn
+lookupSN sn (MemoEntry sn' weak : xs)
+ | sn == sn' = do maybe_item <- deRefWeak weak
+ case maybe_item of
+ Nothing -> error ("dead weak pair: " ++
+ show (hashStableName sn))
+ Just v -> return (Just v)
+ | otherwise = lookupSN sn xs