path: root/testsuite/tests/numeric/should_run/arith011.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/numeric/should_run/arith011.hs')
1 files changed, 174 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/numeric/should_run/arith011.hs b/testsuite/tests/numeric/should_run/arith011.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..308cc824a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/numeric/should_run/arith011.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+-- !!! Testing Int and Word
+module Main(main) where
+import Data.Int
+import Data.Word
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.Ix -- added SOF
+import Control.Exception
+main :: IO ()
+main = test
+test :: IO ()
+test = do
+ testIntlike "Int" (0::Int)
+ testIntlike "Int8" (0::Int8)
+ testIntlike "Int16" (0::Int16)
+ testIntlike "Int32" (0::Int32)
+ testIntlike "Int64" (0::Int64)
+ testIntlike "Word8" (0::Word8)
+ testIntlike "Word16" (0::Word16)
+ testIntlike "Word32" (0::Word32)
+ testIntlike "Word64" (0::Word64)
+ testInteger
+testIntlike :: (Bounded a, Integral a, Ix a, Read a, Bits a) => String -> a -> IO ()
+testIntlike name zero = do
+ putStrLn $ "--------------------------------"
+ putStrLn $ "--Testing " ++ name
+ putStrLn $ "--------------------------------"
+ testBounded zero
+ testEnum zero
+ testReadShow zero
+ testEq zero
+ testOrd zero
+ testNum zero
+ testReal zero
+ testIntegral zero
+ testConversions zero
+ testBits zero True
+testInteger = do
+ let zero = 0 :: Integer
+ putStrLn $ "--------------------------------"
+ putStrLn $ "--Testing Integer"
+ putStrLn $ "--------------------------------"
+ testEnum zero
+ testReadShow zero
+ testEq zero
+ testOrd zero
+ testNum zero
+ testReal zero
+ testIntegral zero
+ testBits zero False
+-- In all these tests, zero is a dummy element used to get
+-- the overloading to work
+testBounded zero = do
+ putStrLn "testBounded"
+ print $ (minBound-1, minBound, minBound+1) `asTypeOf` (zero,zero,zero)
+ print $ (maxBound-1, maxBound, maxBound+1) `asTypeOf` (zero,zero,zero)
+testEnum zero = do
+ putStrLn "testEnum"
+ print $ take 10 [zero .. ] -- enumFrom
+ print $ take 10 [zero, toEnum 2 .. ] -- enumFromThen
+ print [zero .. toEnum 20] -- enumFromTo
+ print [zero, toEnum 2 .. toEnum 20] -- enumFromThenTo
+testConversions zero = do
+ putStrLn "testConversions"
+ putStr "Integer : " >> print (map fromIntegral numbers :: [Integer])
+ putStr "Int : " >> print (map fromIntegral numbers :: [Int])
+ putStr "Int8 : " >> print (map fromIntegral numbers :: [Int8])
+ putStr "Int16 : " >> print (map fromIntegral numbers :: [Int16])
+ putStr "Int32 : " >> print (map fromIntegral numbers :: [Int32])
+ putStr "Int64 : " >> print (map fromIntegral numbers :: [Int64])
+ putStr "Word8 : " >> print (map fromIntegral numbers :: [Word8])
+ putStr "Word16 : " >> print (map fromIntegral numbers :: [Word16])
+ putStr "Word32 : " >> print (map fromIntegral numbers :: [Word32])
+ putStr "Word64 : " >> print (map fromIntegral numbers :: [Word64])
+ where numbers = [minBound, 0, maxBound] `asTypeOf` [zero]
+samples :: (Num a) => a -> [a]
+samples zero = map fromInteger ([-3 .. -1]++[0 .. 3])
+table1 :: (Show a, Show b) => String -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> IO ()
+table1 nm f xs = do
+ sequence [ f' x | x <- xs ]
+ putStrLn "#"
+ where
+ f' x = putStrLn (nm ++ " " ++ show x ++ " = " ++ show (f x))
+table2 :: (Show a, Show b, Show c) => String -> (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> IO ()
+table2 nm op xs ys = do
+ sequence [ sequence [ op' x y | y <- ys ] >> putStrLn " "
+ | x <- xs
+ ]
+ putStrLn "#"
+ where
+ op' x y = do s <- Control.Exception.catch
+ (evaluate (show (op x y)))
+ (\e -> return (show (e :: SomeException)))
+ putStrLn (show x ++ " " ++ nm ++ " " ++ show y ++ " = " ++ s)
+testReadShow zero = do
+ putStrLn "testReadShow"
+ print xs
+ print (map read_show xs)
+ where
+ xs = samples zero
+ read_show x = (read (show x) `asTypeOf` zero)
+testEq zero = do
+ putStrLn "testEq"
+ table2 "==" (==) xs xs
+ table2 "/=" (/=) xs xs
+ where
+ xs = samples zero
+testOrd zero = do
+ putStrLn "testOrd"
+ table2 "<=" (<=) xs xs
+ table2 "< " (<) xs xs
+ table2 "> " (>) xs xs
+ table2 ">=" (>=) xs xs
+ table2 "`compare`" compare xs xs
+ where
+ xs = samples zero
+testNum zero = do
+ putStrLn "testNum"
+ table2 "+" (+) xs xs
+ table2 "-" (-) xs xs
+ table2 "*" (*) xs xs
+ table1 "negate" negate xs
+ where
+ xs = samples zero
+testReal zero = do
+ putStrLn "testReal"
+ table1 "toRational" toRational xs
+ where
+ xs = samples zero
+testIntegral zero = do
+ putStrLn "testIntegral"
+ table2 "`divMod` " divMod xs xs
+ table2 "`div` " div xs xs
+ table2 "`mod` " mod xs xs
+ table2 "`quotRem`" quotRem xs xs
+ table2 "`quot` " quot xs xs
+ table2 "`rem` " rem xs xs
+ where
+ xs = samples zero
+testBits zero do_bitsize = do
+ putStrLn "testBits"
+ table2 ".&. " (.&.) xs xs
+ table2 ".|. " (.|.) xs xs
+ table2 "`xor`" xor xs xs
+ table1 "complement" complement xs
+ table2 "`shiftL`" shiftL xs ([0..3] ++ [32,64])
+ table2 "`shiftR`" shiftR xs ([0..3] ++ [32,64])
+ table2 "`rotate`" rotate xs ([-3..3] ++ [-64,-32,32,64])
+ table1 "bit" (\ x -> (bit x) `asTypeOf` zero) [(0::Int)..3]
+ table2 "`setBit`" setBit xs ([0..3] ++ [32,64])
+ table2 "`clearBit`" clearBit xs ([0..3] ++ [32,64])
+ table2 "`complementBit`" complementBit xs ([0..3] ++ [32,64])
+ table2 "`testBit`" testBit xs ([0..3] ++ [32,64])
+ if do_bitsize then table1 "bitSize" bitSize xs else return ()
+ table1 "isSigned" isSigned xs
+ where
+ xs = samples zero