path: root/testsuite/tests/partial-sigs/should_fail/T14040a.stderr
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1 files changed, 24 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/partial-sigs/should_fail/T14040a.stderr b/testsuite/tests/partial-sigs/should_fail/T14040a.stderr
index d03d0dc32b..1d122cf590 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/partial-sigs/should_fail/T14040a.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/partial-sigs/should_fail/T14040a.stderr
@@ -1,34 +1,25 @@
-T14040a.hs:34:8: error:
- • Cannot apply expression of type ‘Sing wl
- -> (forall y. p _0 'WeirdNil)
- -> (forall z (x :: z) (xs :: WeirdList (WeirdList z)).
- Sing x
- -> Sing xs
- -> p GHC.Types.Any xs
- -> p GHC.Types.Any ('WeirdCons x xs))
- -> p _1 wl’
- to a visible type argument ‘(WeirdList z)’
- • In the sixth argument of ‘pWeirdCons’, namely
- ‘(elimWeirdList @(WeirdList z) @xs @p xs pWeirdNil pWeirdCons)’
- In the expression:
- pWeirdCons
- @z
- @x
- @xs
- x
- xs
- (elimWeirdList @(WeirdList z) @xs @p xs pWeirdNil pWeirdCons)
- In an equation for ‘elimWeirdList’:
- elimWeirdList
- (SWeirdCons (x :: Sing (x :: z))
- (xs :: Sing (xs :: WeirdList (WeirdList z))))
- pWeirdNil
- pWeirdCons
- = pWeirdCons
- @z
- @x
- @xs
- x
- xs
- (elimWeirdList @(WeirdList z) @xs @p xs pWeirdNil pWeirdCons)
+T14040a.hs:21:18: error:
+ • Cannot generalise type; skolem ‘z’ would escape its scope
+ if I tried to quantify (_1 :: WeirdList z) in this type:
+ forall a1 (wl :: WeirdList a1)
+ (p :: forall x. x -> WeirdList x -> *).
+ Sing @(WeirdList a1) wl
+ -> (forall y. p @x0 _0 ('WeirdNil @x0))
+ -> (forall z (x :: z) (xs :: WeirdList (WeirdList z)).
+ Sing @z x
+ -> Sing @(WeirdList (WeirdList z)) xs
+ -> p @(WeirdList z) _1 xs
+ -> p @z _2 ('WeirdCons @z x xs))
+ -> p @a1 _3 wl
+ (Indeed, I sometimes struggle even printing this correctly,
+ due to its ill-scoped nature.)
+ • In the type signature:
+ elimWeirdList :: forall (a :: Type)
+ (wl :: WeirdList a)
+ (p :: forall (x :: Type). x -> WeirdList x -> Type).
+ Sing wl
+ -> (forall (y :: Type). p _ WeirdNil)
+ -> (forall (z :: Type) (x :: z) (xs :: WeirdList (WeirdList z)).
+ Sing x -> Sing xs -> p _ xs -> p _ (WeirdCons x xs))
+ -> p _ wl