path: root/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T15164.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T15164.hs')
1 files changed, 501 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T15164.hs b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T15164.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f29623228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T15164.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+module T15164 () where
+data Version = VHDL1993
+data T
+data NT a
+class Rule f a where
+ get :: Decorator f => f a
+class Monad f => Decorator f where
+ n :: [Version] -> f a -> f (NT a) -- n stands for both NT as well as Node (in grammar tree)
+ chr :: Char -> [Version] -> f T
+ txt :: String -> [Version] -> f T -- token OPTIONALLY followed by spaces
+ -- combinators
+ m :: f a -> f [a]
+ c :: [f a] -> f a -- c stands for choose
+ o :: f a -> f (Maybe a) -- o stands for optional
+ trace :: String -> f a -> f a
+ -- helper functions in the grammar
+ n93 :: Rule f a => f (NT a)
+ n93 = n [VHDL1993] get
+ parenOpen :: f T
+ parenOpen = chr '(' [VHDL1993]
+ parenClose :: f T
+ parenClose = chr ')' [VHDL1993]
+ comma :: f T
+ comma = chr ',' [VHDL1993]
+ moreComma :: Rule f a => f [(T, NT a)]
+ moreComma = m $ do
+ cc <- comma
+ cont <- n93
+ return (cc, cont)
+type P_MaybeActualParameterPart = (Maybe (T, (NT ActualParameterPart), T))
+maybeActualParameterPart :: Decorator f => f (Maybe (T, NT ActualParameterPart, T))
+maybeActualParameterPart = o $ do
+ po <- parenOpen
+ app <- (n93 :: Decorator f => f (NT ActualParameterPart))
+ pc <- parenClose
+ return (po, app, pc)
+-- helper function used with FormalPart and ActualPart
+-- dcon '(' actual_designator ')'
+mkNameOrTypeMark :: (Decorator m, Rule m a1, Rule m a) => (NT a -> T -> NT a1 -> T -> b) -> m b
+mkNameOrTypeMark dcon = do
+ name_typemark <- n93 -- either Name OR TypeMark depending on dcon !!
+ po <- parenOpen
+ fd <- n93
+ pc <- parenClose
+ return $ dcon name_typemark po fd pc
+-- actual_designator
+-- ::= expression
+-- | name
+-- | 'OPEN'
+data ActualDesignator = AD1 (NT Expression) | AD2 (NT Name) | AD3 T
+instance Rule f ActualDesignator where
+ get = trace "ActualDesignator" $ {-# SCC "get_ActualDesignator" #-} c
+ [ AD3 <$> (txt "open" [VHDL1993]) -- order matters here
+ , AD2 <$> n93 -- try a simple name first
+ , AD1 <$> n93
+ -- [ AD3 <$> txt "open" [VHDL1993] -- order matters here
+ -- , AD2 <$> (n93 :: f (NT Name)) -- try a simple name first
+ -- , AD1 <$> (n93 :: f (NT Expression))
+ ]
+-- actual_parameter_part
+-- ::= association_list
+newtype ActualParameterPart = APP (NT AssociationList)
+instance Rule f AssociationList => Rule f ActualParameterPart where
+ get = APP <$> n93
+-- actual_part
+-- ::= actual_designator
+-- | ( name | type_mark ) '(' actual_designator ')'
+data ActualPart = AP1 (NT ActualDesignator) | APName (NT Name) T (NT ActualDesignator) T | APTypeMark (NT TypeMark) T (NT ActualDesignator) T
+instance (Rule f ActualDesignator, Rule f Name, Rule f TypeMark) => Rule f ActualPart where
+ get = trace "ActualPart" $ {-# SCC "get_ActualPart" #-} c
+ [ AP1 <$> n93
+ , mkNameOrTypeMark APName
+ , mkNameOrTypeMark APTypeMark
+ ]
+-- aggregate
+-- ::= '(' element_association ( ',' element_association )* ')'
+data Aggregate = MkAggregate T (NT ElementAssociation) [(T, (NT ElementAssociation))] T
+instance Rule f ElementAssociation => Rule f Aggregate where
+ get = do
+ po <- parenOpen
+ ea <- n93
+ rest <- moreComma
+ pc <- parenClose
+ return $ MkAggregate po ea rest pc
+-- allocator
+-- ::= 'NEW' ( subtype_indication | qualified_expression )
+data Allocator = A1 T (NT SubtypeIndication) | A2 T (NT QualifiedExpression)
+instance (Rule f SubtypeIndication, Rule f QualifiedExpression) => Rule f Allocator where
+ get = c
+ [ A1 <$> (txt "new" [VHDL1993]) <*> n93
+ , A2 <$> (txt "new" [VHDL1993]) <*> n93
+ ]
+-- association_element
+-- ::= ( formal_part '=>' )? actual_part
+data AssociationElement = AE (Maybe (NT FormalPart, T)) (NT ActualPart)
+instance (Rule f FormalPart, Rule f ActualPart) => Rule f AssociationElement where
+ get = do
+ fp <- o $ do
+ f <- n93
+ a <- txt "=>" [VHDL1993]
+ return (f, a)
+ ap <- n93
+ return $ AE fp ap
+-- association_list
+-- ::= association_element ( ',' association_element )*
+data AssociationList = AL (NT AssociationElement) [(T, NT AssociationElement)]
+instance Rule f AssociationElement => Rule f AssociationList where
+ get = do
+ ae <- n93
+ rest <- moreComma
+ return $ AL ae rest
+-- attribute_name
+-- ::= prefix signature? "'" attribute_designator ( '(' expression ')' )?
+data AttributeName = AN (NT Prefix) (Maybe (NT TypeMark)) T (Maybe (T, (NT Expression), T))
+instance (Rule f Prefix, Rule f TypeMark, Rule f Expression) => Rule f AttributeName where
+ get = do
+ pp <- n93
+ ss <- o n93
+ cc <- chr '\'' [VHDL1993]
+ -- ad <- n93
+ ee <- o $ do
+ po <- parenOpen
+ e <- n93
+ pc <- parenClose
+ return (po, e, pc)
+ return $ AN pp ss cc ee
+-- choice ::= simple_expression
+-- | discrete_range
+-- | simple_name
+-- | 'OTHERS'
+data Choice =
+ CSmimpleExpression (NT SimpleExpression)
+ | CDiscreteRange (NT DiscreteRange)
+ -- | CSimpleName (NT SimpleName)
+ | COthers T
+instance (Rule f SimpleExpression, Rule f DiscreteRange) => Rule f Choice where
+ get = c
+ [ CSmimpleExpression <$> n93
+ , CDiscreteRange <$> n93
+ -- , CSimpleName <$> n93
+ , COthers <$> txt "others" [VHDL1993]
+ ]
+-- constraint
+-- ::= range_constraint
+-- | index_constraint
+data Constraint = CRange (NT RangeConstraint) | CIndex (NT DiscreteRange)
+instance (Rule f RangeConstraint, Rule f DiscreteRange) => Rule f Constraint where
+ get = c
+ [ CRange <$> n93
+ , CIndex <$> n93
+ ]
+-- discrete_range
+-- ::= subtype_indication
+-- | range
+data DiscreteRange = DRSubtypeIndication (NT SubtypeIndication) | DRRange (NT Range)
+instance (Rule f SubtypeIndication, Rule f Range) => Rule f DiscreteRange where
+ get = c
+ [ DRSubtypeIndication <$> n93
+ , DRRange <$> n93
+ ]
+-- element_association
+-- ::= ( choices '=>' )? expression
+data ElementAssociation = EA (Maybe (NT Choice, T)) (NT Expression)
+instance (Rule f Choice, Rule f Expression) => Rule f ElementAssociation where
+ get = do
+ c <- o $ do
+ c <- n93
+ a <- txt "=>" [VHDL1993]
+ return (c, a)
+ e <- n93
+ return $ EA c e
+-- expression
+-- ::= relation ( ( 'AND' relation )* | ( 'OR' relation )* | ( 'XOR' relation )* | ( 'NAND' | 'NOR' ) relation | ( 'XNOR' relation )* )
+data Expression =
+ And (NT SimpleExpression) [(T, (NT SimpleExpression))]
+ | Or (NT SimpleExpression) [(T, (NT SimpleExpression))]
+ | Xor (NT SimpleExpression) [(T, (NT SimpleExpression))]
+ | Nand (NT SimpleExpression) (T, (NT SimpleExpression))
+ | Nor (NT SimpleExpression) (T, (NT SimpleExpression))
+ | Xnor (NT SimpleExpression) [(T, (NT SimpleExpression))]
+instance Rule f SimpleExpression => Rule f Expression where
+ get = {-# SCC "get_IndexedName" #-} c
+ [ And <$> n93 <*> emore "and"
+ , Or <$> n93 <*> emore "or"
+ , Xor <$> n93 <*> emore "xor"
+ , Nand <$> n93 <*> etwo "nand"
+ , Nor <$> n93 <*> etwo "nor"
+ , Xnor <$> n93 <*> emore "xnor"
+ ]
+ where etwo tok = do
+ n1 <- txt tok [VHDL1993]
+ n2 <- n93
+ return (n1, n2)
+ emore tok = do
+ m $ do
+ n2 <- txt tok [VHDL1993]
+ n3 <- n93
+ return (n2, n3)
+-- factor ::= ( primary '**' | 'ABS' | 'NOT' )? primary
+data Factor = FPower (NT Primary) (Maybe (T, (NT Primary))) | FAbs T (NT Primary) | FNot T (NT Primary)
+instance Rule f Primary => Rule f Factor where
+ get = trace "Factor" $ {-# SCC "get_Factor" #-} c -- c
+ [ do
+ p <- n93
+ rest <- o $ do
+ p <- txt "**" [VHDL1993]
+ p2 <- n93
+ return (p, p2)
+ return $ FPower p rest
+ , FAbs <$> (txt "abs" [VHDL1993]) <*> n93
+ , FNot <$> (txt "not" [VHDL1993]) <*> n93
+ ]
+-- formal_designator
+-- ::= name
+newtype FormalDesignator = MkFormalDesignator (NT Name)
+instance Rule f Name => Rule f FormalDesignator where
+ get = trace "FormalDesignator" $ {-# SCC "get_FormalDesignator" #-} MkFormalDesignator <$> n93
+-- formal_part
+-- ::= formal_designator
+-- | ( name | type_mark ) '(' formal_designator ')'
+data FormalPart = FP1 (NT FormalDesignator) | FPName (NT Name) T (NT FormalDesignator) T | FPTypeMark (NT TypeMark) T (NT FormalDesignator) T
+instance (Rule f FormalDesignator, Rule f Name, Rule f TypeMark) => Rule f FormalPart where
+ get = trace "FormalPart" $ {-# SCC "get_FormalPart" #-} c
+ [ FP1 <$> n93
+ , mkNameOrTypeMark FPName
+ , mkNameOrTypeMark FPTypeMark
+ ]
+-- function_call
+-- ::= name ( '(' actual_parameter_part ')' )?
+data FunctionCall = FC (NT Name) P_MaybeActualParameterPart
+-- redundant: Rule f ActualParameterPart
+instance Rule f Name => Rule f FunctionCall where
+ get = trace "FunctionCall" $ {-# SCC "get_FunctionCall" #-} do
+ nn <- n93
+ app <- maybeActualParameterPart
+ return $ FC nn app
+-- index_constraint
+-- ::= '(' discrete_range ( ',' discrete_range )* ')'
+data IndexConstraint = IC T (NT DiscreteRange) [(T, NT DiscreteRange)] T
+instance Rule f DiscreteRange => Rule f IndexConstraint where
+ get = do
+ po <- parenOpen
+ dr <- n93
+ rest <- moreComma
+ pc <- parenClose
+ return $ IC po dr rest pc
+-- indexed_name
+-- ::= prefix '(' expression ( ',' expression )* ')'
+data IndexedName = IN (NT Prefix) T (NT Expression) [(T, NT Expression)] T
+instance (Rule f Prefix, Rule f Expression) => Rule f IndexedName where
+ get = {-# SCC "get_IndexedName" #-} do
+ pp <- n93
+ po <- parenOpen
+ ee <- n93
+ ee2 <- moreComma
+ pc <- parenClose
+ return $ IN pp po ee ee2 pc
+-- literal ::= numeric_literal
+-- | enumeration_literal
+-- | string_literal
+-- | bit_string_literal
+-- | 'NULL'
+data Literal =
+ LNumericLiteral (NT Name)
+ -- | LEnumerationLiteral (NT EnumerationLiteral)
+ -- | LStringLiteral (NT StringLiteral)
+ -- | LBitStringLiteral (NT BitStringLiteral)
+ | LNull T
+instance (Rule f Name) => Rule f Literal where
+ get = c
+ [ LNumericLiteral <$> n93
+ -- , LEnumerationLiteral <$> n93
+ -- , LStringLiteral <$> n93
+ -- , LBitStringLiteral <$> n93
+ , LNull <$> txt "null" [VHDL1993]
+ ]
+-- name ::= simple_name
+-- | operator_symbol
+-- | selected_name
+-- | indexed_name
+-- | slice_name
+-- | attribute_name
+data Name = N3 (NT Prefix) | N4 (NT IndexedName) | N6 (NT AttributeName)
+instance (Rule f Prefix, Rule f IndexedName, Rule f AttributeName) => Rule f Name where
+ get = trace "Name" $ {-# SCC "get_Name" #-} c
+ [ N3 <$> n93
+ , N4 <$> n93
+ -- , N5 <$> n93
+ , N6 <$> n93
+ ]
+-- prefix ::= name
+-- | function_call
+data Prefix = PrefixName (NT Name) | PrefixFunctionCall (NT FunctionCall)
+instance (Rule f Name, Rule f FunctionCall) => Rule f Prefix where
+ get = trace "Prefix" $ {-# SCC "get_Prefix" #-} c
+ [ PrefixName <$> n93
+ , PrefixFunctionCall <$> n93
+ ]
+-- primary ::= name
+-- | literal
+-- | aggregate
+-- | function_call
+-- | qualified_expression
+-- | type_conversion
+-- | allocator
+-- | '(' expression ')'
+data Primary =
+ PName (NT Name)
+ -- | PLiteral (NT Literal)
+ | PAggregate (NT Aggregate)
+ | PFunctionCall (NT FunctionCall)
+ | PQualifiedExpression (NT QualifiedExpression)
+ | PTypeConversion (NT TypeConversion)
+ | PAllocator (NT Allocator)
+ | PExpression T (NT Expression) T
+--get_levels: instance (Rule f Name, Rule f Aggregate, Rule f FunctionCall, Rule f QualifiedExpression, Rule f TypeConversion, Rule f Allocator, Rule f Expression) => Rule f Primary where
+instance (Rule f Name, Rule f Aggregate, Rule f FunctionCall, Rule f QualifiedExpression
+ , Rule f TypeConversion, Rule f Allocator, Rule f Expression) => Rule f Primary where
+ get = trace "Primary" $ {-# SCC "get_Primary" #-} c
+ [ PName <$> n93
+ -- , PLiteral <$> n93
+ , PAggregate <$> n93
+ , PFunctionCall <$> n93
+ , PQualifiedExpression <$> n93
+ , PTypeConversion <$> n93
+ , PAllocator <$> n93
+ , exp
+ -- [ PName <$> (n93 :: f (NT Name))
+ -- , PLiteral <$> (n93 :: f (NT Literal))
+ -- , PAggregate <$> (n93 :: f (NT Aggregate))
+ -- , PFunctionCall <$> (n93 :: f (NT FunctionCall))
+ -- , PQualifiedExpression <$> (n93 :: f (NT QualifiedExpression))
+ -- , PTypeConversion <$> (n93 :: f (NT TypeConversion))
+ -- , PAllocator <$> (n93 :: f (NT Allocator))
+ -- , PExpression <$> parenOpen <*> (n93 :: f (NT Expression)) <*> parenClose
+ -- , exp
+ ]
+ where exp = do
+ po <- parenOpen
+ ee <- n93
+ pc <- parenClose
+ return $ PExpression po ee pc
+-- qualified_expression
+-- ::= type_mark "'" ( '(' expression ')' | aggregate )
+data QualifiedExpression = QEExpression (NT TypeMark) T T (NT Expression) T | EQAggregate (NT TypeMark) T
+instance (Rule f TypeMark, Rule f Expression) => Rule f QualifiedExpression where
+ get = c [qexp, qagg]
+ where qexp = do
+ tm <- n93
+ q <- chr '\'' [VHDL1993]
+ po <- parenOpen
+ ee <- n93
+ pc <- parenClose
+ return $ QEExpression tm q po ee pc
+ qagg = do
+ tm <- n93
+ q <- chr '\'' [VHDL1993]
+ -- a <- n93
+ return $ EQAggregate tm q
+-- range ::= attribute_name
+-- | simple_expression direction simple_expression
+data Range = R1 (NT AttributeName) | R2 (NT SimpleExpression) (NT SimpleExpression)
+instance (Rule f AttributeName, Rule f SimpleExpression) => Rule f Range where
+ get = c
+ [ R1 <$> n93
+ , R2 <$> n93<*> n93
+ ]
+-- range_constraint
+-- ::= 'range' range
+data RangeConstraint = RC T (NT Range)
+instance Rule f Range => Rule f RangeConstraint where
+ get = do
+ r1 <- txt "range" [VHDL1993]
+ r2 <- n93
+ return $ RC r1 r2
+-- relation
+-- ::= shift_expression ( relational_operator shift_expression )?
+data Relation = R (NT SimpleExpression) (Maybe ((NT SimpleExpression)))
+instance (Rule f SimpleExpression) => Rule f Relation where
+ get = do
+ se <- n93
+ rest <- o $ do
+ -- ro <- n93
+ se <- n93
+ return se
+ return $ R se rest
+-- shift_expression
+-- ::= simple_expression ( shift_operator simple_expression )?
+data ShiftExpression = ShiftE (NT SimpleExpression) (Maybe ((NT SimpleExpression)))
+instance (Rule f SimpleExpression) => Rule f ShiftExpression where
+ get = do
+ se <- n93
+ rest <- o $ do
+ -- so <- n93
+ se <- n93
+ return se
+ return $ ShiftE se rest
+-- simple_expression
+-- ::= sign? term ( adding_operator term )*
+data SimpleExpression = SimpleE (NT Primary) [(NT Primary)]
+-- data SimpleExpression = SimpleE T
+instance (Rule f Primary) => Rule f SimpleExpression where
+ -- get = SimpleE <$> txt "bla" [VHDL1993]
+ get = do
+ -- ss <- o n93
+ tt <- n93
+ rest <- m $ do
+ -- ao <- n93
+ tt2 <- n93
+ return tt2
+ return $ SimpleE tt rest
+-- slice_name
+-- ::= prefix '(' discrete_range ')'
+data SliceName = SliceNPrefix (NT DiscreteRange)
+instance Rule f DiscreteRange => Rule f SliceName where
+ get = SliceNPrefix <$> n93
+-- subtype_indication
+-- ::= name? type_mark constraint?
+data SubtypeIndication = SI (Maybe (NT Name)) (NT TypeMark) (Maybe (NT Constraint))
+instance (Rule f Name, Rule f TypeMark, Rule f Constraint) => Rule f SubtypeIndication where
+ get = trace "SubtypeIndication" $ {-# SCC "get_SubtypeIndication" #-} do
+ nn <- o n93
+ tm <- n93
+ cc <- o n93
+ return $ SI nn tm cc
+-- type_conversion
+-- ::= type_mark '(' expression ')'
+data TypeConversion = MkTypeConversion (NT TypeMark) T (NT Expression) T
+instance (Rule f TypeMark, Rule f Expression) => Rule f TypeConversion where
+ get = do
+ tm <- n93
+ po <- parenOpen
+ e <- n93
+ pc <- parenClose
+ return $ MkTypeConversion tm po e pc
+-- type_mark
+-- ::= type_name | subtype_name
+data TypeMark = TM1 (NT Name) | TM2 (NT Name)
+instance Rule f Name => Rule f TypeMark where
+ get = trace "TypeMark" $ {-# SCC "get_TypeMark" #-} c
+ [ TM1 <$> n93
+ , TM2 <$> n93
+ ]