path: root/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T5030.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T5030.hs')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T5030.hs b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T5030.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b65e9cdd3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T5030.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, GADTs, EmptyDataDecls, FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+module SlowComp where
+import Control.Monad
+-- Usual Peano integers.
+class NatInt a where
+ natInt :: a -> Int
+data D0 n = D0 {d0Arg :: n}
+data D1 n = D1 {d1Arg :: n}
+data C0
+data C1
+class DPosInt n where posInt :: n -> (Int,Int)
+instance DPosInt () where posInt _ = (0,1)
+instance DPosInt n => DPosInt (D0 n) where
+ posInt a = (dsum,w*2)
+ where
+ (dsum,w) = posInt $ d0Arg a
+instance DPosInt n => DPosInt (D1 n) where
+ posInt a = (dsum+w,w*2)
+ where
+ (dsum,w) = posInt $ d1Arg a
+instance NatInt () where natInt _ = 0
+instance DPosInt n => NatInt (D0 n) where natInt a = fst $ posInt a
+instance DPosInt n => NatInt (D1 n) where natInt a = fst $ posInt a
+type family DRev a
+type instance DRev a = DRev' a ()
+type family DRev' x acc
+type instance DRev' () acc = acc
+type instance DRev' (D0 a) acc = DRev' a (D0 acc)
+type instance DRev' (D1 a) acc = DRev' a (D1 acc)
+type family DAddC c a b
+type instance DAddC C0 (D0 a) (D0 b) = D0 (DAddC C0 a b)
+type instance DAddC C0 (D1 a) (D0 b) = D1 (DAddC C0 a b)
+type instance DAddC C0 (D0 a) (D1 b) = D1 (DAddC C0 a b)
+type instance DAddC C0 (D1 a) (D1 b) = D0 (DAddC C1 a b)
+type instance DAddC C1 (D0 a) (D0 b) = D1 (DAddC C0 a b)
+type instance DAddC C1 (D1 a) (D0 b) = D0 (DAddC C1 a b)
+type instance DAddC C1 (D0 a) (D1 b) = D0 (DAddC C1 a b)
+type instance DAddC C1 (D1 a) (D1 b) = D1 (DAddC C1 a b)
+type instance DAddC C0 () () = ()
+type instance DAddC C1 () () = D1 ()
+type instance DAddC c (D0 a) () = DAddC c (D0 a) (D0 ())
+type instance DAddC c (D1 a) () = DAddC c (D1 a) (D0 ())
+type instance DAddC c () (D0 b) = DAddC c (D0 b) (D0 ())
+type instance DAddC c () (D1 b) = DAddC c (D1 b) (D0 ())
+type family DNorm a
+type instance DNorm () = D0 ()
+type instance DNorm (D0 ()) = D0 ()
+type instance DNorm (D0 (D1 a)) = D1 a
+type instance DNorm (D0 (D0 a)) = DNorm a
+type instance DNorm (D1 a) = D1 a
+type family DPlus a b
+type instance DPlus a b = DNorm (DRev (DAddC C0 (DRev a) (DRev b)))
+type family DDepth a
+type instance DDepth () = D0 ()
+type instance DDepth (D0 ()) = D0 ()
+type instance DDepth (D1 ()) = D1 ()
+type instance DDepth (D1 (D0 n)) = DPlus ONE (DDepth (D1 n))
+type instance DDepth (D1 (D1 n)) = DPlus ONE (DDepth (D1 n))
+type family DLog2 a
+type instance DLog2 a = DDepth a
+type ZERO = D0 ()
+type ONE = D1 ()
+type TWO = DPlus ONE ONE
+type THREE = DPlus ONE TWO
+type FOUR = DPlus TWO TWO
+type FIVE = DPlus ONE FOUR
+type SIX = DPlus TWO FOUR
+type SEVEN = DPlus ONE SIX
+type NINE = DPlus FOUR FIVE
+type TEN = DPlus EIGHT TWO
+type SIZE8 = EIGHT
+type SIZE9 = NINE
+type SIZE10 = TEN
+type SIZE12 = DPlus SIX SIX
+type SIZE15 = DPlus EIGHT SEVEN
+type SIZE16 = DPlus EIGHT EIGHT
+type SIZE17 = DPlus ONE SIZE16
+type SIZE24 = DPlus SIZE8 SIZE16
+type SIZE32 = DPlus SIZE8 SIZE24
+type SIZE30 = DPlus SIZE24 SIX
+-- Description of CPU.
+class CPU cpu where
+ -- register address.
+ type RegAddrSize cpu
+ -- register width
+ type RegDataSize cpu
+ -- immediate width.
+ type ImmSize cpu
+ -- variables in CPU - register indices, command format variables, etc.
+ type CPUVars cpu :: * -> *
+data Const size = Const Integer
+data Var cpu size where
+ Temp :: Int -> Var cpu size
+ Var :: CPUVars cpu size -> Var cpu size
+-- Command description monad.
+data Command cpu where
+ Command :: (Var cpu size) -> (Operation cpu size) -> Command cpu
+type RegVar cpu = Var cpu (RegDataSize cpu)
+type Immediate cpu = Const (ImmSize cpu)
+data Operation cpu resultSize where
+ Add :: RegVar cpu -> Either (Immediate cpu) (RegVar cpu) -> Operation cpu (RegDataSize cpu)
+ Sub :: RegVar cpu -> Either (Immediate cpu) (RegVar cpu) -> Operation cpu (RegDataSize cpu)
+type CDM cpu a = IO a
+($=) :: CPU cpu => Var cpu size -> Operation cpu size -> CDM cpu ()
+var $= op = undefined
+tempVar :: CPU cpu => CDM cpu (Var cpu size)
+tempVar = do
+ cnt <- liftM fst undefined
+ return $ Temp cnt
+op :: CPU cpu => Operation cpu size -> CDM cpu (Var cpu size)
+op operation = do
+ v <- tempVar
+ v $= operation
+ return v
+-- Dummy CPU.
+data DummyCPU = DummyCPU
+data DummyVar size where
+ DummyFlag :: Flag -> DummyVar ONE
+ DummyReg :: Int -> DummyVar SIZE16
+ DummyZero :: DummyVar SIZE16
+data Flag = C | Z | N | V
+instance CPU DummyCPU where
+ type RegAddrSize DummyCPU = FIVE
+ type RegDataSize DummyCPU = SIZE16
+ type ImmSize DummyCPU = SIZE12
+ type CPUVars DummyCPU = DummyVar
+-- Long compiling program.
+cnst :: Integer -> Either (Immediate DummyCPU) (RegVar DummyCPU)
+cnst x = Left (Const x)
+longCompilingProgram :: CDM DummyCPU ()
+longCompilingProgram = do
+-- the number of lines below greatly affects compilation time.
+ x10 <- op $ Add (Var DummyZero) (cnst 10)
+ x10 <- op $ Add (Var DummyZero) (cnst 10)
+ x10 <- op $ Add (Var DummyZero) (cnst 10)
+ x10 <- op $ Add (Var DummyZero) (cnst 10)
+ x10 <- op $ Add (Var DummyZero) (cnst 10)
+ x10 <- op $ Add (Var DummyZero) (cnst 10)
+ x10 <- op $ Add (Var DummyZero) (cnst 10)
+ x10 <- op $ Add (Var DummyZero) (cnst 10)
+ x10 <- op $ Add (Var DummyZero) (cnst 10)
+ x10 <- op $ Add (Var DummyZero) (cnst 10)
+ x10 <- op $ Add (Var DummyZero) (cnst 10)
+ x10 <- op $ Add (Var DummyZero) (cnst 10)
+ x10 <- op $ Add (Var DummyZero) (cnst 10)
+ x10 <- op $ Add (Var DummyZero) (cnst 10)
+ x10 <- op $ Add (Var DummyZero) (cnst 10)
+ x10 <- op $ Add (Var DummyZero) (cnst 10)
+ return ()