path: root/testsuite/tests/profiling/should_compile/T19894/MArray.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/profiling/should_compile/T19894/MArray.hs')
1 files changed, 372 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/profiling/should_compile/T19894/MArray.hs b/testsuite/tests/profiling/should_compile/T19894/MArray.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f307bb344d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/profiling/should_compile/T19894/MArray.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
+module MArray
+ (
+ Array (..)
+ , writeNUnsafe
+ , length
+ , fromList
+ , fromListN
+ , defaultChunkSize
+ , read
+ , shrinkToFit
+ , mutableArray
+ , unsafeInlineIO
+ , memcmp
+ , foldl'
+ , unsafeIndexIO
+ )
+import Control.Exception (assert)
+import Control.Monad (when, void)
+import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity)
+import Data.Word (Word8)
+import Foreign.C.Types (CSize(..), CInt(..))
+import Fold (Fold(..))
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
+import Foreign.ForeignPtr.Unsafe (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr)
+import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr, touchForeignPtr)
+import Foreign.Ptr (plusPtr, minusPtr, castPtr)
+import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..))
+import GHC.Base (realWorld#)
+import GHC.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr(..))
+import GHC.IO (IO(IO), unsafePerformIO)
+import GHC.Ptr (Ptr(..))
+import Step (Step(..))
+import Unfold (Unfold(..))
+import qualified GHC.ForeignPtr as GHC
+import qualified Fold as FL
+import qualified StreamD as D
+import qualified StreamK as K
+import Prelude hiding (length, read)
+data Array a =
+ Array
+ { aStart :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(ForeignPtr a) -- ^ first address
+ , aEnd :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Ptr a) -- ^ first unused address
+ , aBound :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Ptr a) -- ^ first address beyond allocated memory
+ }
+{-# INLINE mutableArray #-}
+mutableArray ::
+ ForeignPtr a -> Ptr a -> Ptr a -> Array a
+mutableArray = Array
+data ArrayUnsafe a = ArrayUnsafe
+ {-# UNPACK #-} !(ForeignPtr a) -- first address
+ {-# UNPACK #-} !(Ptr a) -- first unused address
+-- | allocate a new array using the provided allocator function.
+{-# INLINE newArrayAlignedAllocWith #-}
+newArrayAlignedAllocWith :: forall a. Storable a
+ => (Int -> Int -> IO (ForeignPtr a)) -> Int -> Int -> IO (Array a)
+newArrayAlignedAllocWith alloc alignSize count = do
+ let size = count * sizeOf (undefined :: a)
+ fptr <- alloc size alignSize
+ let p = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fptr
+ return $ Array
+ { aStart = fptr
+ , aEnd = p
+ , aBound = p `plusPtr` size
+ }
+{-# INLINE mallocForeignPtrAlignedBytes #-}
+mallocForeignPtrAlignedBytes :: Int -> Int -> IO (GHC.ForeignPtr a)
+mallocForeignPtrAlignedBytes =
+ GHC.mallocPlainForeignPtrAlignedBytes
+{-# INLINE newArrayAligned #-}
+newArrayAligned :: forall a. Storable a => Int -> Int -> IO (Array a)
+newArrayAligned = newArrayAlignedAllocWith mallocForeignPtrAlignedBytes
+{-# INLINE newArray #-}
+newArray :: forall a. Storable a => Int -> IO (Array a)
+newArray = newArrayAligned (alignment (undefined :: a))
+-- | Like 'writeN' but does not check the array bounds when writing. The fold
+-- driver must not call the step function more than 'n' times otherwise it will
+-- corrupt the memory and crash. This function exists mainly because any
+-- conditional in the step function blocks fusion causing 10x performance
+-- slowdown.
+-- @since 0.7.0
+{-# INLINE [1] writeNUnsafe #-}
+writeNUnsafe :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, Storable a)
+ => Int -> Fold m a (Array a)
+writeNUnsafe n = Fold step initial extract
+ where
+ initial = do
+ (Array start end _) <- liftIO $ newArray (max n 0)
+ return $ FL.Partial $ ArrayUnsafe start end
+ step (ArrayUnsafe start end) x = do
+ liftIO $ poke end x
+ return
+ $ FL.Partial
+ $ ArrayUnsafe start (end `plusPtr` sizeOf (undefined :: a))
+ extract (ArrayUnsafe start end) = return $ Array start end end -- liftIO . shrinkToFit
+{-# INLINE byteLength #-}
+byteLength :: Array a -> Int
+byteLength Array{..} =
+ let p = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr aStart
+ len = aEnd `minusPtr` p
+ in assert (len >= 0) len
+-- | /O(1)/ Get the length of the array i.e. the number of elements in the
+-- array.
+-- @since 0.7.0
+{-# INLINE length #-}
+length :: forall a. Storable a => Array a -> Int
+length arr = byteLength arr `div` sizeOf (undefined :: a)
+{-# INLINE [1] fromStreamDN #-}
+fromStreamDN :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, Storable a)
+ => Int -> D.Stream m a -> m (Array a)
+fromStreamDN limit str = do
+ arr <- liftIO $ newArray limit
+ end <- D.foldlM' fwrite (return $ aEnd arr) $ D.take limit str
+ return $ arr {aEnd = end}
+ where
+ fwrite ptr x = do
+ liftIO $ poke ptr x
+ return $ ptr `plusPtr` sizeOf (undefined :: a)
+{-# INLINABLE fromListN #-}
+fromListN :: Storable a => Int -> [a] -> Array a
+fromListN n xs = unsafePerformIO $ fromStreamDN n $ D.fromList xs
+data GroupState s start end bound
+ = GroupStart s
+ | GroupBuffer s start end bound
+ | GroupYield start end bound (GroupState s start end bound)
+ | GroupFinish
+-- | @arraysOf n stream@ groups the input stream into a stream of
+-- arrays of size n.
+-- @arraysOf n = StreamD.foldMany (Array.writeN n)@
+-- /Pre-release/
+{-# INLINE [1] arraysOf #-}
+arraysOf :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, Storable a)
+ => Int -> D.Stream m a -> D.Stream m (Array a)
+-- XXX the idiomatic implementation leads to large regression in the D.reverse'
+-- benchmark. It seems it has difficulty producing optimized code when
+-- converting to StreamK. Investigate GHC optimizations.
+-- arraysOf n = D.foldMany (writeN n)
+arraysOf n (D.Stream step state) =
+ D.Stream step' (GroupStart state)
+ where
+ {-# INLINE [0] step' #-}
+ step' _ (GroupStart st) = do
+ when (n <= 0) $
+ -- XXX we can pass the module string from the higher level API
+ error $ "Streamly.Internal.Data.Array.Foreign.Mut.Type.fromStreamDArraysOf: the size of "
+ ++ "arrays [" ++ show n ++ "] must be a natural number"
+ Array start end bound <- liftIO $ newArray n
+ return $ D.Skip (GroupBuffer st start end bound)
+ step' gst (GroupBuffer st start end bound) = do
+ r <- step (K.adaptState gst) st
+ case r of
+ D.Yield x s -> do
+ liftIO $ poke end x
+ let end' = end `plusPtr` sizeOf (undefined :: a)
+ return $
+ if end' >= bound
+ then D.Skip (GroupYield start end' bound (GroupStart s))
+ else D.Skip (GroupBuffer s start end' bound)
+ D.Skip s -> return $ D.Skip (GroupBuffer s start end bound)
+ D.Stop -> return $ D.Skip (GroupYield start end bound GroupFinish)
+ step' _ (GroupYield start end bound next) =
+ return $ D.Yield (Array start end bound) next
+ step' _ GroupFinish = return D.Stop
+allocOverhead :: Int
+allocOverhead = 2 * sizeOf (undefined :: Int)
+mkChunkSize :: Int -> Int
+mkChunkSize n = let size = n - allocOverhead in max size 0
+mkChunkSizeKB :: Int -> Int
+mkChunkSizeKB n = mkChunkSize (n * k)
+ where k = 1024
+defaultChunkSize :: Int
+defaultChunkSize = mkChunkSizeKB 32
+{-# INLINE bufferChunks #-}
+bufferChunks :: (MonadIO m, Storable a) =>
+ D.Stream m a -> m (K.Stream m (Array a))
+bufferChunks m = D.foldr K.cons K.nil $ arraysOf defaultChunkSize m
+data Producer m a b =
+ -- | @Producer step inject extract@
+ forall s. Producer (s -> m (Step s b)) (a -> m s) (s -> m a)
+{-# INLINE unsafeInlineIO #-}
+unsafeInlineIO :: IO a -> a
+unsafeInlineIO (IO m) = case m realWorld# of (# _, r #) -> r
+data ReadUState a = ReadUState
+ {-# UNPACK #-} !(ForeignPtr a) -- foreign ptr with end of array pointer
+ {-# UNPACK #-} !(Ptr a) -- current pointer
+-- | Resumable unfold of an array.
+{-# INLINE [1] producer #-}
+producer :: forall m a. (Monad m, Storable a) => Producer m (Array a) a
+producer = Producer step inject extract
+ where
+ inject (Array (ForeignPtr start contents) (Ptr end) _) =
+ return $ ReadUState (ForeignPtr end contents) (Ptr start)
+ {-# INLINE [0] step #-}
+ step (ReadUState fp@(ForeignPtr end _) p) | p == Ptr end =
+ let x = unsafeInlineIO $ touchForeignPtr fp
+ in x `seq` return D.Stop
+ step (ReadUState fp p) = do
+ -- unsafeInlineIO allows us to run this in Identity monad for pure
+ -- toList/foldr case which makes them much faster due to not
+ -- accumulating the list and fusing better with the pure consumers.
+ --
+ -- This should be safe as the array contents are guaranteed to be
+ -- evaluated/written to before we peek at them.
+ let !x = unsafeInlineIO $ peek p
+ return $ D.Yield x
+ (ReadUState fp (p `plusPtr` sizeOf (undefined :: a)))
+ extract (ReadUState (ForeignPtr end contents) (Ptr p)) =
+ return $ Array (ForeignPtr p contents) (Ptr end) (Ptr end)
+{-# INLINE simplify #-}
+simplify :: Producer m a b -> Unfold m a b
+simplify (Producer step inject _) = Unfold step inject
+-- | Unfold an array into a stream.
+-- @since 0.7.0
+{-# INLINE [1] read #-}
+read :: forall m a. (Monad m, Storable a) => Unfold m (Array a) a
+read = simplify producer
+{-# INLINE fromStreamD #-}
+fromStreamD :: (MonadIO m, Storable a) => D.Stream m a -> m (Array a)
+fromStreamD m = do
+ buffered <- bufferChunks m
+ len <- K.foldl' (+) 0 ( length buffered)
+ fromStreamDN len $ D.unfoldMany read $ D.fromStreamK buffered
+-- | Create an 'Array' from a list. The list must be of finite size.
+-- @since 0.7.0
+{-# INLINABLE fromList #-}
+fromList :: Storable a => [a] -> Array a
+fromList xs = unsafePerformIO $ fromStreamD $ D.fromList xs
+foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h memcpy" c_memcpy
+ :: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO (Ptr Word8)
+-- XXX we are converting Int to CSize
+memcpy :: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO ()
+memcpy dst src len = void (c_memcpy dst src (fromIntegral len))
+foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h memcmp" c_memcmp
+ :: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CInt
+-- XXX we are converting Int to CSize
+-- return True if the memory locations have identical contents
+{-# INLINE memcmp #-}
+memcmp :: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO Bool
+memcmp p1 p2 len = do
+ r <- c_memcmp p1 p2 (fromIntegral len)
+ return $ r == 0
+{-# NOINLINE reallocAligned #-}
+reallocAligned :: Int -> Int -> Array a -> IO (Array a)
+reallocAligned alignSize newSize Array{..} = do
+ assert (aEnd <= aBound) (return ())
+ let oldStart = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr aStart
+ let size = aEnd `minusPtr` oldStart
+ newPtr <- mallocForeignPtrAlignedBytes newSize alignSize
+ withForeignPtr newPtr $ \pNew -> do
+ memcpy (castPtr pNew) (castPtr oldStart) size
+ touchForeignPtr aStart
+ return $ Array
+ { aStart = newPtr
+ , aEnd = pNew `plusPtr` size
+ , aBound = pNew `plusPtr` newSize
+ }
+-- XXX can unaligned allocation be more efficient when alignment is not needed?
+{-# INLINABLE realloc #-}
+realloc :: forall a. Storable a => Int -> Array a -> IO (Array a)
+realloc = reallocAligned (alignment (undefined :: a))
+shrinkToFit :: forall a. Storable a => Array a -> IO (Array a)
+shrinkToFit arr@Array{..} = do
+ assert (aEnd <= aBound) (return ())
+ let start = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr aStart
+ let used = aEnd `minusPtr` start
+ waste = aBound `minusPtr` aEnd
+ -- if used == waste == 0 then do not realloc
+ -- if the wastage is more than 25% of the array then realloc
+ if used < 3 * waste
+ then realloc used arr
+ else return arr
+{-# INLINE [1] toStreamD #-}
+toStreamD :: forall m a. (Monad m, Storable a) => Array a -> D.Stream m a
+toStreamD Array{..} =
+ let p = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr aStart
+ in D.Stream step p
+ where
+ {-# INLINE [0] step #-}
+ step _ p | p == aEnd = return D.Stop
+ step _ p = do
+ -- unsafeInlineIO allows us to run this in Identity monad for pure
+ -- toList/foldr case which makes them much faster due to not
+ -- accumulating the list and fusing better with the pure consumers.
+ --
+ -- This should be safe as the array contents are guaranteed to be
+ -- evaluated/written to before we peek at them.
+ let !x = unsafeInlineIO $ do
+ r <- peek p
+ touchForeignPtr aStart
+ return r
+ return $ D.Yield x (p `plusPtr` sizeOf (undefined :: a))
+{-# INLINE [1] foldl' #-}
+foldl' :: forall a b. Storable a => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Array a -> b
+foldl' f z arr = runIdentity $ D.foldl' f z $ toStreamD arr
+{-# INLINE [1] unsafeIndexIO #-}
+unsafeIndexIO :: forall a. Storable a => Array a -> Int -> IO a
+unsafeIndexIO Array {..} i =
+ withForeignPtr aStart $ \p -> do
+ let elemSize = sizeOf (undefined :: a)
+ elemOff = p `plusPtr` (elemSize * i)
+ assert (i >= 0 && elemOff `plusPtr` elemSize <= aEnd)
+ (return ())
+ peek elemOff