path: root/testsuite/tests/profiling/should_compile/T19894/Operations.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/profiling/should_compile/T19894/Operations.hs')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/profiling/should_compile/T19894/Operations.hs b/testsuite/tests/profiling/should_compile/T19894/Operations.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b17298558a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/profiling/should_compile/T19894/Operations.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Operations (unfoldrM, drain, postscan, after_, replicate, fold, unfold,
+ splitOnSeq) where
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
+import Data.Bits (shiftR, shiftL, (.|.), (.&.))
+import Data.Word (Word, Word32)
+import Fold (Fold(..))
+import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..))
+import GHC.Types (SPEC(..))
+import Array (Array)
+import StreamK (IsStream, MonadAsync, adaptState)
+import Step (Step(..))
+import Unfold (Unfold)
+#if defined(FUSION_PLUGIN)
+import Fusion.Plugin.Types (Fuse(..))
+import qualified StreamK as K
+import qualified StreamD as D
+import qualified Serial
+import qualified Fold as FL
+import qualified Array as A
+import qualified Ring as RB
+import Prelude hiding (replicate)
+{-# INLINE [2] unfoldrM #-}
+unfoldrM :: (IsStream t, MonadAsync m) => (b -> m (Maybe (a, b))) -> b -> t m a
+unfoldrM = K.unfoldrM
+{-# RULES "unfoldrM serial" unfoldrM = unfoldrMSerial #-}
+{-# INLINE [2] unfoldrMSerial #-}
+unfoldrMSerial :: MonadAsync m => (b -> m (Maybe (a, b))) -> b -> K.Stream m a
+unfoldrMSerial = Serial.unfoldrM
+{-# INLINE [2] drain #-}
+drain :: (Monad m) => K.Stream m a -> m ()
+drain m = D.drain $ D.fromStreamK (K.toStream m)
+{-# RULES "drain fallback to CPS" [1]
+ forall a. D.drain (D.fromStreamK a) = K.drain a #-}
+{-# INLINE [1] postscan #-}
+postscan :: (IsStream t, Monad m)
+ => Fold m a b -> t m a -> t m b
+postscan fld m =
+ D.fromStreamD $ D.postscanOnce fld $ D.toStreamD m
+{-# INLINE [1] replicate #-}
+replicate :: (IsStream t, Monad m) => Int -> a -> t m a
+replicate n = D.fromStreamD . D.replicate n
+{-# INLINE fold_ #-}
+fold_ :: Monad m => Fold m a b -> K.Stream m a -> m (b, K.Stream m a)
+fold_ fl strm = do
+ (b, str) <- D.fold_ fl $ D.toStreamD strm
+ return $! (b, D.fromStreamD str)
+{-# INLINE fold #-}
+fold :: Monad m => Fold m a b -> K.Stream m a -> m b
+fold fl strm = do
+ (b, _) <- fold_ fl strm
+ return $! b
+{-# INLINE after_ #-}
+after_ :: (IsStream t, Monad m) => m b -> t m a -> t m a
+after_ action xs = D.fromStreamD $ D.after_ action $ D.toStreamD xs
+{-# INLINE unfold #-}
+unfold :: (IsStream t, Monad m) => Unfold m a b -> a -> t m b
+unfold unf x = D.fromStreamD $ D.unfold unf x
+#if defined(FUSION_PLUGIN)
+{-# ANN type SplitOnSeqState Fuse #-}
+data SplitOnSeqState rb rh ck w fs s b x =
+ SplitOnSeqInit
+ | SplitOnSeqYield b (SplitOnSeqState rb rh ck w fs s b x)
+ | SplitOnSeqDone
+ | SplitOnSeqWordInit !fs s
+ | SplitOnSeqWordLoop !w s !fs
+ | SplitOnSeqWordDone Int !fs !w
+ | SplitOnSeqReinit (fs -> SplitOnSeqState rb rh ck w fs s b x)
+{-# INLINE [1] splitOnSeqD #-}
+ :: forall m a b. (MonadIO m, Storable a, Enum a, Eq a)
+ => Array a
+ -> Fold m a b
+ -> D.Stream m a
+ -> D.Stream m b
+splitOnSeqD patArr (Fold fstep initial done) (D.Stream step state) =
+ D.Stream stepOuter SplitOnSeqInit
+ where
+ patLen = A.length patArr
+ maxIndex = patLen - 1
+ elemBits = sizeOf (undefined :: a) * 8
+ -- For word pattern case
+ wordMask :: Word
+ wordMask = (1 `shiftL` (elemBits * patLen)) - 1
+ elemMask :: Word
+ elemMask = (1 `shiftL` elemBits) - 1
+ wordPat :: Word
+ wordPat = wordMask .&. A.foldl' addToWord 0 patArr
+ addToWord wd a = (wd `shiftL` elemBits) .|. fromIntegral (fromEnum a)
+ skip = return . Skip
+ nextAfterInit nextGen stepRes =
+ case stepRes of
+ FL.Partial s -> nextGen s
+ FL.Done b -> SplitOnSeqYield b (SplitOnSeqReinit nextGen)
+ {-# INLINE yieldProceed #-}
+ yieldProceed nextGen fs =
+ initial >>= skip . SplitOnSeqYield fs . nextAfterInit nextGen
+ {-# INLINE [0] stepOuter #-}
+ stepOuter _ SplitOnSeqInit = do
+ res <- initial
+ case res of
+ FL.Partial acc -> return $ Skip $ SplitOnSeqWordInit acc state
+ FL.Done b -> skip $ SplitOnSeqYield b SplitOnSeqInit
+ stepOuter _ (SplitOnSeqYield x next) = return $ Yield x next
+ ---------------------------
+ -- Checkpoint
+ ---------------------------
+ stepOuter _ (SplitOnSeqReinit nextGen) =
+ initial >>= skip . nextAfterInit nextGen
+ -----------------
+ -- Done
+ -----------------
+ stepOuter _ SplitOnSeqDone = return Stop
+ ---------------------------
+ -- Short Pattern - Shift Or
+ ---------------------------
+ stepOuter _ (SplitOnSeqWordDone 0 fs _) = do
+ r <- done fs
+ skip $ SplitOnSeqYield r SplitOnSeqDone
+ stepOuter _ (SplitOnSeqWordDone n fs wrd) = do
+ let old = elemMask .&. (wrd `shiftR` (elemBits * (n - 1)))
+ r <- fstep fs (toEnum $ fromIntegral old)
+ case r of
+ FL.Partial fs1 -> skip $ SplitOnSeqWordDone (n - 1) fs1 wrd
+ FL.Done b -> do
+ let jump c = SplitOnSeqWordDone (n - 1) c wrd
+ yieldProceed jump b
+ stepOuter gst (SplitOnSeqWordInit fs st0) =
+ go SPEC 0 0 st0
+ where
+ {-# INLINE go #-}
+ go !_ !idx !wrd !st = do
+ res <- step (adaptState gst) st
+ case res of
+ Yield x s -> do
+ let wrd1 = addToWord wrd x
+ if idx == maxIndex
+ then do
+ if wrd1 .&. wordMask == wordPat
+ then do
+ let jump c = SplitOnSeqWordInit c s
+ done fs >>= yieldProceed jump
+ else skip $ SplitOnSeqWordLoop wrd1 s fs
+ else go SPEC (idx + 1) wrd1 s
+ Skip s -> go SPEC idx wrd s
+ Stop -> do
+ if idx /= 0
+ then skip $ SplitOnSeqWordDone idx fs wrd
+ else do
+ r <- done fs
+ skip $ SplitOnSeqYield r SplitOnSeqDone
+ stepOuter gst (SplitOnSeqWordLoop wrd0 st0 fs0) =
+ go SPEC wrd0 st0 fs0
+ where
+ {-# INLINE go #-}
+ go !_ !wrd !st !fs = do
+ res <- step (adaptState gst) st
+ case res of
+ Yield x s -> do
+ let jump c = SplitOnSeqWordInit c s
+ wrd1 = addToWord wrd x
+ old = (wordMask .&. wrd)
+ `shiftR` (elemBits * (patLen - 1))
+ r <- fstep fs (toEnum $ fromIntegral old)
+ case r of
+ FL.Partial fs1 -> do
+ if wrd1 .&. wordMask == wordPat
+ then done fs1 >>= yieldProceed jump
+ else go SPEC wrd1 s fs1
+ FL.Done b -> yieldProceed jump b
+ Skip s -> go SPEC wrd s fs
+ Stop -> skip $ SplitOnSeqWordDone patLen fs wrd
+{-# INLINE splitOnSeq #-}
+ :: (IsStream t, MonadIO m, Storable a, Enum a, Eq a)
+ => Array a -> Fold m a b -> t m a -> t m b
+splitOnSeq patt f m = D.fromStreamD $ splitOnSeqD patt f (D.toStreamD m)