path: root/testsuite/tests/programs/andy_cherry/DataTypes.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/programs/andy_cherry/DataTypes.hs')
1 files changed, 622 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/andy_cherry/DataTypes.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/andy_cherry/DataTypes.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f7c5571ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/andy_cherry/DataTypes.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
+ module DataTypes where
+ import GenUtils
+ import Data.Array -- 1.3
+ import Data.Ix
+ import Data.Char
+ infix 1 =: -- 1.3
+ (=:) a b = (a,b)
+ class Presentable a where
+ userFormat :: a -> String -- in prefered display format
+ instance (Presentable a) => Presentable [a] where
+ userFormat xs = unlines (map userFormat xs)
+ data Piece
+ = King
+ | Queen
+ | Rook
+ | Knight
+ | Bishop
+ | Pawn deriving(Eq)
+ instance Presentable Piece where
+ userFormat King = "K"
+ userFormat Queen = "Q"
+ userFormat Rook = "R"
+ userFormat Knight = "N"
+ userFormat Bishop = "B"
+ userFormat Pawn = "P"
+ castleK = "O-O"
+ castleQ = "O-O-O"
+ data Colour = Black | White deriving (Eq)
+ instance Presentable Colour where
+ userFormat White = "White"
+ userFormat Black = "Black"
+ changeColour :: Colour -> Colour
+ changeColour White = Black
+ changeColour Black = White
+ type ChessRank = Int -- 1-8
+ type ChessFile = Int -- 1-8
+ type BoardPos = (ChessFile,ChessRank) -- ChessFile (0-7) and ChessRank (0-7)
+ type ExBoardPos = (Maybe ChessFile,Maybe ChessRank)
+ extendBP :: BoardPos -> ExBoardPos
+ extendBP (a,b) = (Just a,Just b)
+ compExBPandBP :: ExBoardPos -> BoardPos -> Bool
+ compExBPandBP (a,b) (c,d) = a `cmp` c && b `cmp` d
+ where
+ cmp Nothing _ = True
+ cmp (Just x) y = x == y
+ userFormatBoardPos :: BoardPos -> String
+ userFormatBoardPos (f,r) = userFormatFile f ++ userFormatRank r
+ userFormatExBoardPos :: ExBoardPos -> String
+ userFormatExBoardPos (Just f,Just r) = userFormatFile f ++ userFormatRank r
+ userFormatExBoardPos (Just f,Nothing) = userFormatFile f
+ userFormatExBoardPos (Nothing,Just r) = userFormatRank r
+ userFormatExBoardPos _ = ""
+ userFormatRank r = [toEnum (r + 48)]
+ userFormatFile f = [toEnum (f + 96)]
+ data MoveTok
+ = PieceTok Piece -- Q,K,R,B,N
+ | RankTok ChessRank -- 1 .. 8
+ | FileTok ChessFile -- a .. h
+ | PartCastleTok -- 0 | O | o
+ | CaptureTok -- x
+ | MoveToTok -- -
+ | QueensWith -- =
+ | CheckTok -- +
+ | MateTok -- #
+ charToMoveTok 'Q' = Just (PieceTok Queen)
+ charToMoveTok 'K' = Just (PieceTok King)
+ charToMoveTok 'R' = Just (PieceTok Rook)
+ charToMoveTok 'B' = Just (PieceTok Bishop)
+ charToMoveTok 'N' = Just (PieceTok Knight)
+ charToMoveTok '1' = Just (RankTok 1)
+ charToMoveTok '2' = Just (RankTok 2)
+ charToMoveTok '3' = Just (RankTok 3)
+ charToMoveTok '4' = Just (RankTok 4)
+ charToMoveTok '5' = Just (RankTok 5)
+ charToMoveTok '6' = Just (RankTok 6)
+ charToMoveTok '7' = Just (RankTok 7)
+ charToMoveTok '8' = Just (RankTok 8)
+ charToMoveTok 'a' = Just (FileTok 1)
+ charToMoveTok 'b' = Just (FileTok 2)
+ charToMoveTok 'c' = Just (FileTok 3)
+ charToMoveTok 'd' = Just (FileTok 4)
+ charToMoveTok 'e' = Just (FileTok 5)
+ charToMoveTok 'f' = Just (FileTok 6)
+ charToMoveTok 'g' = Just (FileTok 7)
+ charToMoveTok 'h' = Just (FileTok 8)
+ charToMoveTok '0' = Just (PartCastleTok)
+ charToMoveTok 'O' = Just (PartCastleTok)
+ charToMoveTok 'o' = Just (PartCastleTok)
+ charToMoveTok 'x' = Just (CaptureTok)
+ charToMoveTok '-' = Just (MoveToTok)
+ charToMoveTok '=' = Just (QueensWith)
+ charToMoveTok '+' = Just (CheckTok)
+ charToMoveTok '#' = Just (MateTok)
+ charToMoveTok _ = Nothing
+ data Quantum
+ = QuantumMove String -- Short Description of move
+ String -- Check or Mate (+ or #)
+ String -- !,??,?!, etc
+ Board -- Snap Shot of Board
+ | QuantumNAG Int -- !,??,?! stuff
+ | QuantumComment [String] -- { comment }
+ | QuantumResult String -- 1-0, etc (marks end of game)
+ | QuantumAnalysis [Quantum] -- ( analysis )
+ | QuantumPrintBoard -- {^D}
+ instance Presentable Quantum where
+ userFormat (QuantumMove mv ch ann _)
+ = mv ++ ch ++ ann
+ userFormat (QuantumNAG nag) = "$" ++ show nag
+ userFormat (QuantumComment comment)
+ = "[" ++ unwords comment ++ "]"
+ --userFormat (QuantumNumber num) = userFormat num
+ userFormat (QuantumResult str) = str
+ userFormat (QuantumAnalysis anal) =
+ "( " ++ unwords (map userFormat anal) ++ " )"
+ data Result = Win | Draw | Loss | Unknown
+ instance Presentable Result where
+ userFormat Win = "1-0"
+ userFormat Draw = "1/2-1/2"
+ userFormat Loss = "0-1"
+ userFormat Unknown = "*"
+ mkResult :: String -> Result
+ mkResult "1-0" = Win
+ mkResult "1/2-1/2" = Draw
+ mkResult "0-1" = Loss
+ mkResult _ = Unknown
+ data TagStr = TagStr String String
+ instance Presentable TagStr where
+ userFormat (TagStr tag str) = "[" ++ tag ++ " \"" ++ str ++ "\"]"
+ getTagStr :: String -> String -> [TagStr] -> String
+ getTagStr str def [] = def
+ getTagStr str def (TagStr st ans:rest)
+ | str == st = ans
+ | otherwise = getTagStr str def rest
+ getHeaderInfo
+ :: [TagStr]
+ -> (
+ String, -- Date
+ String, -- Site
+ Maybe Int, -- Game Number
+ Result, -- W/D/L
+ String, -- White
+ String, -- Black
+ String -- Opening
+ )
+ getHeaderInfo tags = (
+ date,
+ site,
+ gameno,
+ result,
+ white `par` whiteElo,
+ black `par` blackElo,
+ opening)
+ where
+ date = case getTagStr "Date" "?" tags of
+ [a,b,c,d,'.','?','?','.','?','?'] -> [a,b,c,d]
+ [a,b,c,d,'.',x,y,'.','?','?'] -> getMonth [x,y] ++ " " ++ [a,b,c,d]
+ def -> "?"
+ site = getTagStr "Site" "?" tags
+ gameno = case getTagStr "GameNumber" "" tags of
+ xs | all isDigit xs && not (null xs) -> Just (read xs)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ result = mkResult (getTagStr "Result" "*" tags)
+ white = cannon (getTagStr "White" "?" tags)
+ whiteElo = getTagStr "WhiteElo" "" tags
+ black = cannon (getTagStr "Black" "?" tags)
+ blackElo = getTagStr "BlackElo" "" tags
+ opening = getOpening (getTagStr "ECO" "" tags)
+ par xs "" = xs
+ par xs ys = xs ++ " (" ++ ys ++ ")"
+ getMonth "01" = "Jan"
+ getMonth "02" = "Feb"
+ getMonth "03" = "Mar"
+ getMonth "04" = "Apr"
+ getMonth "05" = "May"
+ getMonth "06" = "Jun"
+ getMonth "07" = "Jul"
+ getMonth "08" = "Aug"
+ getMonth "09" = "Sep"
+ getMonth "10" = "Oct"
+ getMonth "11" = "Nov"
+ getMonth "12" = "Dec"
+ cannon name = case span (/= ',') name of
+ (a,[',',' ',b]) -> b : ". " ++ a
+ (a,[',',b]) -> b : ". " ++ a
+ (a,',':' ':b) -> b ++ " " ++ a
+ (a,',':b) -> b ++ " " ++ a
+ _ -> name
+ getOpening eco@[a,b,c] | a >= 'A' && a <= 'E' && isDigit b && isDigit c
+ = getOpenName ((fromEnum a - fromEnum 'A') * 100
+ + (fromEnum b - fromEnum '0') * 10
+ + (fromEnum c - fromEnum '0')) ++ " " ++ eco
+ getOpening other = other
+ getOpenName :: Int -> String
+ getOpenName eco
+ | otherwise = "Foo"
+ {-
+ | eco == 000 = "Irregular Openings"
+ | eco == 001 = "Larsen Opening"
+ | eco == 002 = "From's Gambit and Bird's Open"
+ | eco == 003 = "Bird's Opening"
+ | eco == 004 = "Dutch System"
+ | eco == 005 = "Transposition to various Open"
+ | eco == 006 = "Zukertort Opening"
+ | eco >= 007 && eco <= 008
+ = "Barcza System"
+ | eco == 009 = "Reti Opening"
+ | eco == 010 = "Variations of Dutch, QI, KI"
+ | eco >= 011 && eco <= 014
+ = "Reti Opening"
+ | eco == 015 = "English counter King's Fianch"
+ | eco >= 016 && eco <= 039
+ = "English Opening"
+ | eco == 040 = "Unusual replies to 1.d4"
+ | eco == 041 = "Modern Defence counter 1.d4"
+ | eco == 042 = "Modern Defence with c2-c4"
+ | eco >= 043 && eco <= 044
+ = "Old Benoni"
+ | eco == 045 = "Queen's Pawn-Trompowski Var"
+ | eco == 046 = "Queen's Pawn Opening"
+ | eco == 047 = "Queen's Indian"
+ | eco >= 048 && eco <= 049
+ = "King's Indian"
+ | eco == 050 = "Queen's Indian"
+ | eco >= 051 && eco <= 052
+ = "Budapest Defence"
+ | eco >= 053 && eco <= 056
+ = "Old Indian Defence"
+ | eco >= 057 && eco <= 059
+ = "Volga-Benko Gambit"
+ | eco >= 060 && eco <= 079
+ = "Benoni"
+ | eco >= 080 && eco <= 099
+ = "Dutch Defence"
+ | eco == 100 = "Owen Def, Nimzowitsch Def"
+ | eco == 101 = "Center Counter"
+ | eco >= 102 && eco <= 105
+ = "Alekhine's Defence"
+ | eco == 106 = "Modern Defence"
+ | eco >= 107 && eco <= 109
+ = "Pirc Defence"
+ | eco >= 110 && eco <= 119
+ = "Caro-Kann Defence"
+ | eco >= 120 && eco <= 199
+ = "Sicilian Defence"
+ | eco >= 200 && eco <= 219
+ = "French Defence"
+ | eco == 220 = "Rare moves"
+ | eco == 221 = "Nordic Gambit"
+ | eco == 222 = "Central Gambit"
+ | eco >= 223 && eco <= 224
+ = "Bishop's Opening"
+ | eco >= 225 && eco <= 229
+ = "Vienna Game"
+ | eco == 230 = "King's Gambit Declined"
+ | eco >= 231 && eco <= 232
+ = "Falkbeer Counter Gambit"
+ | eco >= 233 && eco <= 239
+ = "King's Gambit"
+ | eco == 240 = "Latvian Gambit"
+ | eco == 241 = "Philidor Defence"
+ | eco >= 242 && eco <= 243
+ = "Russian Defence-Petrov"
+ | eco >= 244 && eco <= 245
+ = "Scotch Opening"
+ | eco >= 246 && eco <= 249
+ = "Four Knight's"
+ | eco == 250 = "Italian Opening"
+ | eco >= 251 && eco <= 252
+ = "Evans Gambit"
+ | eco >= 253 && eco <= 254
+ = "Italian Opening"
+ | eco >= 255 && eco <= 259
+ = "Two Knight's Play"
+ | eco >= 260 && eco <= 299
+ = "Ruy Lopez"
+ | eco >= 300 && eco <= 305
+ = "Queen Pawn's Opening"
+ | eco >= 306 && eco <= 307
+ = "Queen's Gambit"
+ | eco >= 308 && eco <= 309
+ = "Albins Counter Gambit"
+ | eco >= 310 && eco <= 319
+ = "Slav Defence"
+ | eco >= 320 && eco <= 329
+ = "Queen's Gambit Accepted"
+ | eco >= 330 && eco <= 369
+ = "Queen's Gambit"
+ | eco >= 370 && eco <= 399
+ = "Gruenfeld Defence"
+ | eco >= 400 && eco <= 409
+ = "Catalan"
+ | eco == 410 = "Blumenfeld Gambit"
+ | eco >= 411 && eco <= 419
+ = "Queen's Indian"
+ | eco >= 420 && eco <= 459
+ = "Nimzo Indian"
+ | eco >= 460 && eco <= 499
+ = "King's Indian"
+ -}
+ data MoveNumber = MoveNumber Int Colour
+ instance Presentable MoveNumber where
+ userFormat (MoveNumber n White) = show n ++ "."
+ userFormat (MoveNumber n Black) = show n ++ "..."
+ initMoveNumber = MoveNumber 1 White
+ incMove (MoveNumber i White) = MoveNumber i Black
+ incMove (MoveNumber i Black) = MoveNumber (i+1) White
+ decMove (MoveNumber i White) = MoveNumber (i-1) Black
+ decMove (MoveNumber i Black) = MoveNumber i White
+ getMoveColour :: MoveNumber -> Colour
+ getMoveColour (MoveNumber _ c) = c
+ data Token
+ = StringToken String
+ | AsterixToken
+ | LeftABToken -- ??
+ | RightABToken -- ??
+ | NAGToken Int -- `normal' NAGS
+ | NAGAnnToken Int String
+ -- `special' move annotating NAGS (1-6)
+ | SymbolToken String
+ | CommentToken [String] -- list of words
+ | LeftSBToken
+ | RightSBToken
+ | LeftRBToken
+ | RightRBToken
+ | IntToken Int
+ | PeriodToken
+ | AnalToken [Token]
+ instance Presentable Token where
+ userFormat (StringToken str) = show str
+ userFormat (IntToken n) = show n
+ userFormat (PeriodToken) = "."
+ userFormat (AsterixToken) = "*"
+ userFormat (LeftSBToken) = "["
+ userFormat (RightSBToken) = "]"
+ userFormat (LeftRBToken) = "("
+ userFormat (RightRBToken) = ")"
+ userFormat (LeftABToken) = "<"
+ userFormat (RightABToken) = ">"
+ userFormat (NAGToken i) = "$" ++ show i
+ userFormat (NAGAnnToken i s) = "$" ++ show i
+ userFormat (SymbolToken str) = str
+ userFormat (CommentToken str) = "{" ++ unwords str ++ "}"
+ userFormat (AnalToken toks) = "( " ++ unwords (map userFormat toks)
+ ++ " )"
+ data Game a = Game [TagStr] [a]
+ type AbsGame = Game Token
+ type RealGame = Game Quantum
+ instance (Presentable a) => Presentable (Game a) where
+ userFormat (Game tags toks) =
+ unlines (map userFormat tags
+ ++ formatText 78 (map userFormat toks))
+ data PlayMove
+ = PlayMove
+ Piece -- with this
+ BoardPos -- from here
+ BoardPos -- to here (possibly capturing)
+ SpecialMove
+ mkPlayMove p f t = PlayMove p f t NothingSpecial
+ data SpecialMove
+ = NothingSpecial
+ | BigPawnMove -- allows e.p. next move
+ | Queening Piece -- queen with this
+ | EnPassant -- capture e.p.
+ deriving (Eq)
+ instance Presentable PlayMove where
+ userFormat (PlayMove piece pos pos' sp) =
+ userFormat piece ++
+ userFormatBoardPos pos ++ "-" ++
+ userFormatBoardPos pos' ++
+ userFormat sp
+ instance Presentable SpecialMove where
+ userFormat (NothingSpecial) = ""
+ userFormat (BigPawnMove) = "{b.p.m.}"
+ userFormat (Queening p) = "=" ++ userFormat p
+ userFormat (EnPassant) = "e.p."
+ extractSrcFromPlayMove :: PlayMove -> BoardPos
+ extractSrcFromPlayMove (PlayMove _ src _ _) = src
+ extractDestFromPlayMove :: PlayMove -> BoardPos
+ extractDestFromPlayMove (PlayMove _ _ dest _) = dest
+ extractSpecialFromPlayMove :: PlayMove -> SpecialMove
+ extractSpecialFromPlayMove (PlayMove _ _ _ sp) = sp
+ data BoardSquare
+ = VacantSq
+ | WhitesSq Piece
+ | BlacksSq Piece
+ data SquareContent
+ = Vacant
+ | Friendly
+ | Baddy
+ | OffBoard deriving (Eq)
+ instance Presentable SquareContent where
+ userFormat Vacant = "."
+ userFormat Friendly = "*"
+ userFormat Baddy = "#"
+ userFormat OffBoard = "?"
+ data Board
+ = Board (Array BoardPos BoardSquare)
+ MoveNumber -- current player & and move
+ (Maybe ChessFile) -- e.p. possibilties.
+ displayBoard :: Colour -> Board -> [String]
+ displayBoard col (Board arr _ ep) =
+ ([cjustify 33 (userFormat (changeColour col)),""] ++
+ [
+ concat [ (case (even x,even y) of
+ (True,True) -> showSq (x `div` 2) (y `div` 2)
+ (False,False) -> "+"
+ (True,False) -> "---"
+ (False,True) -> (if x == 17 then "| " ++ show (y `div` 2) else "|"))
+ | x <- [1..17::Int]]
+ | y <- reverse [1..17::Int]] ++
+ [concat [ " " ++ [x] ++ " " | x <- "abcdefgh" ]] ++
+ ["",cjustify 33 (userFormat col),"",
+ case ep of
+ Nothing -> ""
+ Just p -> "EnPassant:" ++ userFormatFile p ])
+ where
+ make n str = take n (str ++ repeat ' ')
+ lookupPlace :: Int -> Int -> BoardSquare
+ lookupPlace x' y' = arr ! (x',y')
+ bold :: String -> String
+ bold str = map toLower str
+ showSq x y = case lookupPlace x y of
+ VacantSq -> [if_dot,if_dot,if_dot]
+ (WhitesSq p) -> (if_dot : userFormat p) ++ [if_dot]
+ (BlacksSq p) -> (if_dot : bold (userFormat p)) ++ [if_dot]
+ where
+ if_dot = if (x - y) `rem` 2 == 0 then '.' else ' '
+ instance Presentable Board where
+ userFormat = unlines . displayBoard White
+ boardSize :: (BoardPos,BoardPos)
+ boardSize = ((1,1),(8,8))
+ buildBoard :: String -> Board
+ buildBoard str = Board brd initMoveNumber Nothing
+ where
+ brd = array boardSize (zipWith (=:) allSq (mkPieces str))
+ allSq = [ (x,y) | y <- reverse [1..8::Int],x <- [1..8::Int]]
+ mkPieces :: String -> [BoardSquare]
+ mkPieces (hd:rest) | hd `elem` "KQRNBPkqrnbp" = pc : mkPieces rest
+ where
+ pc = case hd of
+ 'K' -> WhitesSq King
+ 'Q' -> WhitesSq Queen
+ 'R' -> WhitesSq Rook
+ 'N' -> WhitesSq Knight
+ 'B' -> WhitesSq Bishop
+ 'P' -> WhitesSq Pawn
+ 'k' -> BlacksSq King
+ 'q' -> BlacksSq Queen
+ 'r' -> BlacksSq Rook
+ 'n' -> BlacksSq Knight
+ 'b' -> BlacksSq Bishop
+ 'p' -> BlacksSq Pawn
+ mkPieces ('/':rest) = mkPieces rest
+ mkPieces (c:rest) | isDigit c =
+ case span isDigit rest of
+ (cs,rest') -> take (read (c:cs)) (repeat VacantSq)
+ ++ mkPieces rest'
+ mkPieces [] = []
+ startBoard :: Board -- the uni before the big bang.
+ startBoard = buildBoard "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/32/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR"
+ lookupSquare :: Colour -> BoardSquare -> SquareContent
+ lookupSquare _ VacantSq = Vacant
+ lookupSquare White (WhitesSq p) = Friendly
+ lookupSquare Black (WhitesSq p) = Baddy
+ lookupSquare White (BlacksSq p) = Baddy
+ lookupSquare Black (BlacksSq p) = Friendly
+ lookupBoard :: Board -> BoardPos -> SquareContent
+ lookupBoard (Board arr col _) pos =
+ if inRange boardSize pos
+ then lookupSquare (getMoveColour col) (arr ! pos)
+ else OffBoard
+ lookupBoardSquare :: Board -> BoardPos -> BoardSquare
+ lookupBoardSquare (Board arr _ _) pos = arr ! pos
+ getSquarePiece :: BoardSquare -> Maybe Piece
+ getSquarePiece VacantSq = Nothing
+ getSquarePiece (WhitesSq p) = Just p
+ getSquarePiece (BlacksSq p) = Just p
+ lookupBoardPiece :: Board -> BoardPos -> Maybe Piece
+ lookupBoardPiece (Board arr _ _) pos =
+ case arr ! pos of
+ VacantSq -> Nothing
+ WhitesSq piece -> Just piece
+ BlacksSq piece -> Just piece
+ {-# INLINE mkColBoardSq #-}
+ mkColBoardSq :: Colour -> Piece -> BoardSquare
+ mkColBoardSq White p = WhitesSq p
+ mkColBoardSq Black p = BlacksSq p
+ getBoardColour (Board _ mv _) = getMoveColour mv