path: root/testsuite/tests/programs/andy_cherry/GenUtils.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/programs/andy_cherry/GenUtils.hs')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/andy_cherry/GenUtils.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/andy_cherry/GenUtils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e1de07fb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/andy_cherry/GenUtils.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+module GenUtils (
+ trace,
+ assocMaybe, assocMaybeErr,
+ arrElem,
+ arrCond,
+ memoise,
+ Maybe(..),
+ MaybeErr(..),
+ mapMaybe,
+ mapMaybeFail,
+ maybeToBool,
+ maybeToObj,
+ maybeMap,
+ joinMaybe,
+ mkClosure,
+ foldb,
+ mapAccumL,
+ sortWith,
+ sort,
+ cjustify,
+ ljustify,
+ rjustify,
+ space,
+ copy,
+ combinePairs,
+ formatText ) where
+import Data.Array -- 1.3
+import Data.Ix -- 1.3
+import Debug.Trace ( trace )
+-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Here are two defs that everyone seems to define ...
+-- HBC has it in one of its builtin modules
+#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) || defined(__GOFER__)
+--in 1.3: data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a deriving (Eq,Ord,Text)
+infix 1 =: -- 1.3
+type Assoc a b = (a,b) -- 1.3
+(=:) a b = (a,b)
+mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
+mapMaybe f [] = []
+mapMaybe f (a:r) = case f a of
+ Nothing -> mapMaybe f r
+ Just b -> b : mapMaybe f r
+-- This version returns nothing, if *any* one fails.
+mapMaybeFail f (x:xs) = case f x of
+ Just x' -> case mapMaybeFail f xs of
+ Just xs' -> Just (x':xs')
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+mapMaybeFail f [] = Just []
+maybeToBool :: Maybe a -> Bool
+maybeToBool (Just _) = True
+maybeToBool _ = False
+maybeToObj :: Maybe a -> a
+maybeToObj (Just a) = a
+maybeToObj _ = error "Trying to extract object from a Nothing"
+maybeMap :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
+maybeMap f (Just a) = Just (f a)
+maybeMap f Nothing = Nothing
+joinMaybe :: (a -> a -> a) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
+joinMaybe _ Nothing Nothing = Nothing
+joinMaybe _ (Just g) Nothing = Just g
+joinMaybe _ Nothing (Just g) = Just g
+joinMaybe f (Just g) (Just h) = Just (f g h)
+data MaybeErr a err = Succeeded a | Failed err deriving (Eq,Show{-was:Text-})
+-- @mkClosure@ makes a closure, when given a comparison and iteration loop.
+-- Be careful, because if the functional always makes the object different,
+-- This will never terminate.
+mkClosure :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
+mkClosure eq f = match . iterate f
+ where
+ match (a:b:c) | a `eq` b = a
+ match (_:c) = match c
+-- fold-binary.
+-- It combines the element of the list argument in balanced mannerism.
+foldb :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a
+foldb f [] = error "can't reduce an empty list using foldb"
+foldb f [x] = x
+foldb f l = foldb f (foldb' l)
+ where
+ foldb' (x:y:x':y':xs) = f (f x y) (f x' y') : foldb' xs
+ foldb' (x:y:xs) = f x y : foldb' xs
+ foldb' xs = xs
+-- Merge two ordered lists into one ordered list.
+mergeWith :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+mergeWith _ [] ys = ys
+mergeWith _ xs [] = xs
+mergeWith le (x:xs) (y:ys)
+ | x `le` y = x : mergeWith le xs (y:ys)
+ | otherwise = y : mergeWith le (x:xs) ys
+insertWith :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> [a] -> [a]
+insertWith _ x [] = [x]
+insertWith le x (y:ys)
+ | x `le` y = x:y:ys
+ | otherwise = y:insertWith le x ys
+-- Sorting is something almost every program needs, and this is the
+-- quickest sorting function I know of.
+sortWith :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
+sortWith le [] = []
+sortWith le lst = foldb (mergeWith le) (splitList lst)
+ where
+ splitList (a1:a2:a3:a4:a5:xs) =
+ insertWith le a1
+ (insertWith le a2
+ (insertWith le a3
+ (insertWith le a4 [a5]))) : splitList xs
+ splitList [] = []
+ splitList (r:rs) = [foldr (insertWith le) [r] rs]
+sort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
+sort = sortWith (<=)
+-- Gofer-like stuff:
+cjustify, ljustify, rjustify :: Int -> String -> String
+cjustify n s = space halfm ++ s ++ space (m - halfm)
+ where m = n - length s
+ halfm = m `div` 2
+ljustify n s = s ++ space (max 0 (n - length s))
+rjustify n s = space (max 0 (n - length s)) ++ s
+space :: Int -> String
+space n = copy n ' '
+copy :: Int -> a -> [a] -- make list of n copies of x
+copy n x = take n xs where xs = x:xs
+combinePairs :: (Ord a) => [(a,b)] -> [(a,[b])]
+combinePairs xs =
+ combine [ (a,[b]) | (a,b) <- sortWith (\ (a,_) (b,_) -> a <= b) xs]
+ where
+ combine [] = []
+ combine ((a,b):(c,d):r) | a == c = combine ((a,b++d) : r)
+ combine (a:r) = a : combine r
+assocMaybe :: (Eq a) => [(a,b)] -> a -> Maybe b
+assocMaybe env k = case [ val | (key,val) <- env, k == key] of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ (val:vs) -> Just val
+assocMaybeErr :: (Eq a) => [(a,b)] -> a -> MaybeErr b String
+assocMaybeErr env k = case [ val | (key,val) <- env, k == key] of
+ [] -> Failed "assoc: "
+ (val:vs) -> Succeeded val
+deSucc (Succeeded e) = e
+mapAccumL :: (a -> b -> (c,a)) -> a -> [b] -> ([c],a)
+mapAccumL f s [] = ([],s)
+mapAccumL f s (b:bs) = (c:cs,s'')
+ where
+ (c,s') = f s b
+ (cs,s'') = mapAccumL f s' bs
+-- Now some utilties involving arrays.
+-- Here is a version of @elem@ that uses partual application
+-- to optimise lookup.
+arrElem :: (Ix a) => [a] -> a -> Bool
+arrElem obj = \x -> inRange size x && arr ! x
+ where
+ size = (maximum obj,minimum obj)
+ arr = listArray size [ i `elem` obj | i <- range size ]
+-- Here is the functional version of a multi-way conditional,
+-- again using arrays, of course. Remember @b@ can be a function !
+-- Note again the use of partiual application.
+arrCond :: (Ix a)
+ => (a,a) -- the bounds
+ -> [(Assoc [a] b)] -- the simple lookups
+ -> [(Assoc (a -> Bool) b)] -- the functional lookups
+ -> b -- the default
+ -> a -> b -- the (functional) result
+arrCond bds pairs fnPairs def = (!) arr'
+ where
+ arr' = array bds [ t =: head
+ ([ r | (p, r) <- pairs, elem t p ] ++
+ [ r | (f, r) <- fnPairs, f t ] ++
+ [ def ])
+ | t <- range bds ]
+memoise :: (Ix a) => (a,a) -> (a -> b) -> a -> b
+memoise bds f = (!) arr
+ where arr = array bds [ t =: f t | t <- range bds ]
+-- Quite neat this. Formats text to fit in a column.
+formatText :: Int -> [String] -> [String]
+formatText n = map unwords . cutAt n []
+ where
+ cutAt :: Int -> [String] -> [String] -> [[String]]
+ cutAt m wds [] = [reverse wds]
+ cutAt m wds (wd:rest) = if len <= m || null wds
+ then cutAt (m-(len+1)) (wd:wds) rest
+ else reverse wds : cutAt n [] (wd:rest)
+ where len = length wd