path: root/testsuite/tests/programs/andy_cherry/Interp.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/programs/andy_cherry/Interp.hs')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/andy_cherry/Interp.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/andy_cherry/Interp.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d33e896cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/andy_cherry/Interp.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+ module Interp (runInterp) where
+ import GenUtils
+ import DataTypes
+ import InterpUtils
+ import Parser (pgnLexer)
+ runInterp :: AbsGame -> RealGame
+ runInterp (Game tags toks) = Game tags (pgnInterp toks initParState)
+ initParState = (FirstBoard startBoard)
+ type Par a = StoreBoard -> a
+ thenP :: Par a -> (a -> Par b) -> Par b
+ returnP :: a -> Par a
+ returnP a = \s -> a
+ thenP m k s = case m s of
+ r -> k r s
+ failP a = \s -> error a
+ consP q rest = \s -> q : pgnInterp rest s
+ thenP' :: Par StoreBoard -> Par a -> Par a
+ thenP' m k s = case m s of
+ r -> k r
+ newGameP :: Par a -> Par a
+ newGameP m = \ _ -> m initParState
+ getCurrColour :: Par Colour
+ getCurrColour =
+ getBoard `thenP` \ (Board _ (MoveNumber _ col) _) ->
+ returnP col
+ checkColour :: MoveNumber -> Par ()
+ checkColour (MoveNumber i col) =
+ getBoard `thenP` \ (Board _ (MoveNumber i' col') _) ->
+ if i == i' && col == col'
+ then returnP ()
+ else failP ("number mis-match: "
+ ++ userFormat (MoveNumber i col)
+ ++ " (looking for "
+ ++ userFormat (MoveNumber i' col')
+ ++ ")\n")
+ data StoreBoard
+ = FirstBoard Board
+ | UndoableBoard Board {- new -} Board {- back one -}
+ updateBoard :: Board -> Par StoreBoard
+ updateBoard brd (FirstBoard old_brd)
+ = UndoableBoard brd old_brd
+ updateBoard brd (UndoableBoard old_brd _)
+ = UndoableBoard brd old_brd
+ getBoard :: Par Board
+ getBoard s@(FirstBoard brd)
+ = brd
+ getBoard s@(UndoableBoard brd _)
+ = brd
+ undoBoard :: Par StoreBoard
+ undoBoard (FirstBoard _)
+ = error "Incorrect start to some analysis"
+ undoBoard (UndoableBoard _ old_brd)
+ = FirstBoard old_brd
+ pgnInterp :: [Token] -> Par [Quantum]
+ pgnInterp (IntToken n:PeriodToken:PeriodToken:PeriodToken:rest) =
+ checkColour (MoveNumber n Black) `thenP` \ () ->
+ pgnInterp rest
+ pgnInterp (IntToken n:PeriodToken:rest) =
+ checkColour (MoveNumber n White) `thenP` \ () ->
+ pgnInterp rest
+ pgnInterp (SymbolToken str:CommentToken (ann:rs):r)
+ | all (flip elem "!?") ann =
+ pgnInterp (SymbolToken str:pgnLexer ann ++ (CommentToken rs:r))
+ pgnInterp (CommentToken (n:tag:rest):r)
+ | head tag == '(' && take 2 (reverse tag) == ":)" && length rest > 1 =
+ getCurrColour `thenP` \ col ->
+ let
+ invert Black r = r -- because the move has *already* happend
+ invert _ "0.00" = "0.00" -- dont negate 0
+ invert _ ('-':r) = r
+ invert _ r = '-':r
+ in
+ pgnInterp (LeftRBToken:map SymbolToken (take (length rest-1) rest)
+ ++ [CommentToken ["Score:",invert col n],RightRBToken] ++ r)
+ pgnInterp (CommentToken []:rest) = pgnInterp rest
+ pgnInterp (CommentToken comm:rest) =
+ consP (QuantumComment comm) rest
+ pgnInterp (NAGToken nag:rest) =
+ consP (QuantumNAG nag) rest
+ pgnInterp (NAGAnnToken nag _:rest) =
+ consP (QuantumNAG nag) rest
+ pgnInterp (SymbolToken "0-1":rest) =
+ consP (QuantumResult "0-1") rest
+ pgnInterp (SymbolToken "1-0":rest) =
+ consP (QuantumResult "1-0") rest
+ pgnInterp (SymbolToken "1/2-1/2":rest) =
+ consP (QuantumResult "1/2-1/2") rest
+ pgnInterp (AsterixToken:rest) =
+ consP (QuantumResult "*") rest
+ pgnInterp (SymbolToken move:rest@(NAGAnnToken _ str:_)) =
+ getBoard `thenP` \ brd ->
+ parseMove move brd `thenP` \ (mv,ch,corrMv,new_brd) ->
+ updateBoard new_brd `thenP'`
+ consP (QuantumMove mv ch str new_brd) rest
+ pgnInterp (SymbolToken move:rest) =
+ getBoard `thenP` \ brd ->
+ parseMove move brd `thenP` \ (mv,ch,corrMv,new_brd) ->
+ updateBoard new_brd `thenP'`
+ consP (QuantumMove mv ch "" new_brd) rest
+ pgnInterp (LeftRBToken:rest) =
+ getAnalysis rest 0 [] `thenP` \ (anal,rest) ->
+ (undoBoard `thenP'`
+ pgnInterp anal) `thenP` \ anal' ->
+ consP (QuantumAnalysis anal') rest
+ pgnInterp [] = returnP []
+ pgnInterp toks = failP ("when reading: "
+ ++ unwords (map userFormat (take 10 toks)))
+ getAnalysis (t@LeftRBToken:r) n anal = getAnalysis r (n+1) (t:anal)
+ getAnalysis (t@RightRBToken:r) n anal
+ | n == (0 :: Int) = returnP (reverse anal,r)
+ | otherwise = getAnalysis r (n-1) (t:anal)
+ getAnalysis (t:r) n anal = getAnalysis r n (t:anal)
+ getAnalysis [] n anal = failP "no closing ')'"
+ parseMove :: String -> Board -> Par (String,String,String,Board)
+ parseMove move brd@(Board _ (MoveNumber _ col) _) =
+ case mapMaybeFail charToMoveTok move of
+ Nothing -> failP ("strange move:" ++ move)
+ Just mv_toks ->
+ let
+ (chs,mv_toks') = getChecks (reverse mv_toks)
+ (queen,mv_toks'') = getQueen mv_toks'
+ in
+ case parseAlgMove mv_toks'' queen brd of
+ (the_mv,new_brd) -> returnP (the_mv,chs,"$$",new_brd)
+ parseAlgMove
+ :: [MoveTok]
+ -> Maybe Piece
+ -> Board
+ -> (String,Board)
+ parseAlgMove [PartCastleTok,MoveToTok,PartCastleTok] Nothing
+ = findCastleKMove
+ parseAlgMove [PartCastleTok,MoveToTok,PartCastleTok,
+ MoveToTok,PartCastleTok] Nothing
+ = findCastleQMove
+ parseAlgMove (PieceTok King:r) Nothing = parsePieceMove r King
+ parseAlgMove (PieceTok Queen:r) Nothing = parsePieceMove r Queen
+ parseAlgMove (PieceTok Rook:r) Nothing = parsePieceMove r Rook
+ parseAlgMove (PieceTok Knight:r) Nothing = parsePieceMove r Knight
+ parseAlgMove (PieceTok Bishop:r) Nothing = parsePieceMove r Bishop
+ parseAlgMove [FileTok sf,RankTok sr,MoveToTok,FileTok df,RankTok dr] q =
+ findAPawnMove (extendBP (sf,sr)) (extendBP (df,dr)) q
+ parseAlgMove [FileTok sf,RankTok sr,CaptureTok,FileTok df,RankTok dr] q =
+ findAPawnMove (extendBP (sf,sr)) (extendBP (df,dr)) q
+ parseAlgMove [FileTok sf,RankTok sr,FileTok df,RankTok dr] q = \ brd ->
+ case lookupBoardPiece brd (sf,sr) of
+ Nothing -> error ("cant find piece at: " ++ userFormatBoardPos (sf,sr))
+ Just Pawn -> findAPawnMove (extendBP (sf,sr)) (extendBP (df,dr)) q brd
+ Just King | sf == 5 && df == 7 -> findCastleKMove brd
+ Just King | sf == 5 && df == 3 -> findCastleQMove brd
+ Just p -> findAMove p (extendBP (sf,sr)) (extendBP (df,dr)) brd
+ -- later !
+ parseAlgMove [FileTok df,RankTok dr] q =
+ findAPawnMove (Nothing,Nothing) (extendBP (df,dr)) q
+ parseAlgMove [FileTok sf,CaptureTok,FileTok df,RankTok dr] q =
+ findAPawnMove (Just sf,Nothing) (extendBP (df,dr)) q
+ parseAlgMove [FileTok sf,FileTok df] q =
+ findAPawnMove (Just sf,Nothing) (Just df,Nothing) q
+ parseAlgMove [FileTok sf,CaptureTok,FileTok df] q =
+ findAPawnMove (Just sf,Nothing) (Just df,Nothing) q
+ parseAlgMove _ _ = error "!>!"
+ parsePieceMove [FileTok df,RankTok dr] p
+ = findAMove p (Nothing,Nothing) (extendBP (df,dr))
+ parsePieceMove [CaptureTok,FileTok df,RankTok dr] p
+ = findAMove p (Nothing,Nothing) (extendBP (df,dr))
+ parsePieceMove [RankTok sr,FileTok df,RankTok dr] p
+ = findAMove p (Nothing,Just sr) (extendBP (df,dr))
+ parsePieceMove [RankTok sr,CaptureTok,FileTok df,RankTok dr] p
+ = findAMove p (Nothing,Just sr) (extendBP (df,dr))
+ parsePieceMove [FileTok sf,FileTok df,RankTok dr] p
+ = findAMove p (Just sf,Nothing) (extendBP (df,dr))
+ parsePieceMove [FileTok sf,CaptureTok,FileTok df,RankTok dr] p
+ = findAMove p (Just sf,Nothing) (extendBP (df,dr))
+ parsePieceMove [FileTok sf,RankTok sr,MoveToTok,FileTok df,RankTok dr] p
+ = findAMove p (extendBP (sf,sr)) (extendBP (df,dr))
+ parsePieceMove [FileTok sf,RankTok sr,CaptureTok,FileTok df,RankTok dr] p
+ = findAMove p (extendBP (sf,sr)) (extendBP (df,dr))
+ parsePieceMove _ p = failP ("syntax error in move:")
+ getChecks (CheckTok:CheckTok:r) = ("#",r)
+ getChecks (CheckTok:r) = ("+",r)
+ getChecks (MateTok:r) = ("#",r)
+ getChecks r = ("",r)
+ getQueen (PieceTok p:QueensWith:r) = (Just p,reverse r)
+ getQueen r = (Nothing,reverse r)