path: root/testsuite/tests/programs/cholewo-eval/Arr.lhs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/programs/cholewo-eval/Arr.lhs')
1 files changed, 395 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/cholewo-eval/Arr.lhs b/testsuite/tests/programs/cholewo-eval/Arr.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..799f493529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/cholewo-eval/Arr.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+module Arr (
+ module Data.Array,
+ safezipWith, safezip,
+ row,
+ sum1, map2, map3,
+ mapat, mapat2, mapat3,
+ mapindexed, mapindexed2, mapindexed3,
+-- zipArr, sumArr, scaleArr,
+ arraySize,
+ matvec, inner,
+ outerVector,
+ Vector (Vector), toVector, fromVector, listVector, vectorList, vector,
+ zipVector, scaleVector, sumVector, vectorNorm2, vectorSize,
+ Matrix (Matrix), toMatrix, fromMatrix, listMatrix, matrixList, matrix,
+ zipMatrix, scaleMatrix, sumMatrix,
+ augment,
+ trMatrix,
+-- showsVector,
+-- showsMatrix,
+-- showsVecList, showsMatList
+-- spy,
+) where
+import Data.Array
+import Numeric
+--import Trace
+--import IOExtensions(unsafePerformIO)
+@Vector@ and @Matrix@ are 1-based arrays with read/show in form of Lists.
+data Vector a = Vector (Array Int a) deriving (Eq) --, Show)
+toVector :: Array Int a -> Vector a
+toVector x = Vector x
+fromVector :: Vector a -> Array Int a
+fromVector (Vector x) = x
+instance Functor (Vector) where
+ fmap fn x = toVector (fmap fn (fromVector x))
+{-instance Eq a => Eq (Vector a) where
+-- (Vector x) == (Vector y) = x == y
+instance Show a => Show (Vector a) where
+ showsPrec p x = showsPrec p (elems (fromVector x))
+instance Read a => Read (Vector a) where
+ readsPrec p = readParen False
+ (\r -> [(listVector s, t) | (s, t) <- reads r])
+instance Num b => Num (Vector b) where
+ (+) = zipVector "+" (+)
+ (-) = zipVector "-" (-)
+ negate = fmap negate
+ abs = fmap abs
+ signum = fmap signum
+-- (*) = matMult -- works only for matrices!
+-- fromInteger = fmap fromInteger
+Convert a list to 1-based vector.
+listVector :: [a] -> Vector a
+listVector x = toVector (listArray (1,length x) x)
+vectorList :: Vector a -> [a]
+vectorList = elems . fromVector
+vector (l,u) x | l == 1 = toVector (array (l,u) x)
+ | otherwise = error "vector: l != 1"
+zipVector :: String -> (b -> c -> d) -> Vector b -> Vector c -> Vector d
+zipVector s f (Vector a) (Vector b)
+ | bounds a == bounds b = vector (bounds a) [(i, f (a!i) (b!i)) | i <- indices a]
+ | otherwise = error ("zipVector: " ++ s ++ ": unconformable arrays")
+scaleVector :: Num a => a -> Vector a -> Vector a
+scaleVector a = fmap (* a)
+sumVector :: Num a => Vector a -> a
+sumVector = sum . elems . fromVector
+vectorNorm2 :: Num a => Vector a -> a
+vectorNorm2 x = inner x x
+vectorSize :: Vector a -> Int
+vectorSize (Vector x) = rangeSize (bounds x)
+data Matrix a = Matrix (Array (Int, Int) a) deriving Eq
+toMatrix :: Array (Int, Int) a -> Matrix a
+toMatrix x = Matrix x
+fromMatrix :: Matrix a -> Array (Int, Int) a
+fromMatrix (Matrix x) = x
+instance Functor (Matrix) where
+ fmap fn x = toMatrix (fmap fn (fromMatrix x))
+--instance Eq a => Eq (Matrix a) where
+-- (Matrix x) == (Matrix y) = x == y
+instance Show a => Show (Matrix a) where
+ showsPrec p x = vertl (matrixList x)
+vertl [] = showString "[]"
+vertl (x:xs) = showChar '[' . shows x . showl xs
+ where showl [] = showChar ']'
+ showl (x:xs) = showString ",\n" . shows x . showl xs
+instance Read a => Read (Matrix a) where
+ readsPrec p = readParen False
+ (\r -> [(listMatrix s, t) | (s, t) <- reads r])
+instance Num b => Num (Matrix b) where
+ (+) = zipMatrix "+" (+)
+ (-) = zipMatrix "-" (-)
+ negate = fmap negate
+ abs = fmap abs
+ signum = fmap signum
+ x * y = toMatrix (matMult (fromMatrix x) (fromMatrix y)) -- works only for matrices!
+-- fromInteger = fmap fromInteger
+Convert a nested list to a matrix.
+listMatrix :: [[a]] -> Matrix a
+listMatrix x = Matrix (listArray ((1, 1), (length x, length (x!!0))) (concat x))
+matrixList :: Matrix a -> [[a]]
+matrixList (Matrix x) = [ [x!(i,j) | j <- range (l',u')] | i <- range (l,u)]
+ where ((l,l'),(u,u')) = bounds x
+matrix ((l,l'),(u,u')) x | l == 1 && l' == 1 = toMatrix (array ((l,l'),(u,u')) x)
+ | otherwise = error "matrix: l != 1"
+zipMatrix :: String -> (b -> c -> d) -> Matrix b -> Matrix c -> Matrix d
+zipMatrix s f (Matrix a) (Matrix b)
+ | bounds a == bounds b = matrix (bounds a) [(i, f (a!i) (b!i)) | i <- indices a]
+ | otherwise = error ("zipMatrix: " ++ s ++ ": unconformable arrays")
+scaleMatrix :: Num a => a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
+scaleMatrix a = fmap (* a)
+sumMatrix :: Num a => Matrix a -> a
+sumMatrix = sum . elems . fromMatrix
+safezipWith :: String -> (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
+safezipWith _ _ [] [] = []
+safezipWith s f (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : safezipWith s f xs ys
+safezipWith s _ _ _ = error ("safezipWith: " ++ s ++ ": unconformable vectors")
+safezip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
+safezip = safezipWith "(,)" (,)
+trMatrix :: Matrix a -> Matrix a
+trMatrix (Matrix x) = matrix ((l,l'),(u',u)) [((j,i), x!(i,j)) | j <- range (l',u'), i <- range (l,u)]
+ where ((l,l'),(u,u')) = bounds x
+row :: (Ix a, Ix b) => a -> Array (a,b) c -> Array b c
+row i x = ixmap (l',u') (\j->(i,j)) x where ((l,l'),(u,u')) = bounds x
+zipArr :: (Ix a) => String -> (b -> c -> d) -> Array a b -> Array a c -> Array a d
+zipArr s f a b | bounds a == bounds b = array (bounds a) [(i, f (a!i) (b!i)) | i <- indices a]
+ | otherwise = error ("zipArr: " ++ s ++ ": unconformable arrays")
+Valid only for b -> c -> b functions.
+zipArr' :: (Ix a) => String -> (b -> c -> b) -> Array a b -> Array a c -> Array a b
+zipArr' s f a b | bounds a == bounds b = accum f a (assocs b)
+ | otherwise = error ("zipArr': " ++ s ++ ": unconformable arrays")
+Overload arithmetical operators to work on lists.
+instance Num a => Num [a] where
+ (+) = safezipWith "+" (+)
+ (-) = safezipWith "-" (-)
+ negate = fmap negate
+ abs = fmap abs
+ signum = fmap signum
+-- (*) = undefined
+-- fromInteger = undefined
+sum1 :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
+sum1 = foldl1 (+)
+--main = print (sum1 [[4,1,1], [5,1,2], [6,1,3,4]])
+map2 f = fmap (fmap f)
+map3 f = fmap (map2 f)
+Map function f at position n only. Out of range indices are silently
+mapat n f x = mapat1 0 f x where
+ mapat1 _ _ [] = []
+ mapat1 i f (x:xs) = (if i == n then f x else x) : mapat1 (i + 1) f xs
+mapat2 (i,j) = mapat i . mapat j
+mapat3 (i,j,k) = mapat i . mapat j . mapat k
+-- main = print (mapat 2 (10+) [1,2,3,4])
+-- main = print (mapat2 (1,0) (1000+) ginp)
+-- main = print (mapat3 (1,0,1) (1000+) gw)
+mapindexed f x = mapindexed1 f 0 x where
+ mapindexed1 _ _ [] = []
+ mapindexed1 f n (x:xs) = f n x : mapindexed1 f (n + 1) xs
+mapindexed2 f = mapindexed (\i -> mapindexed (\j -> f (i, j)))
+mapindexed3 f = mapindexed (\i -> mapindexed (\j -> mapindexed (\k -> f (i, j, k))))
+-- main = print (mapindexed (\x y -> mapat (10+) [1,2,3,4] y) [1,2,3,4])
+-- main = print (mapindexed2 (\(i,j) x -> 100*i + 10*j + x) ginp)
+-- main = print (mapindexed3 (\(i,j,k) x -> 1000*i + 100*j + 10*k + x) gw)
+Overload arithmetical operators to work on arrays.
+instance (Ix a, Show a, Num b) => Num (Array a b) where
+ (+) = zipArr "+" (+)
+ (-) = zipArr "-" (-)
+ negate = fmap negate
+ abs = fmap abs
+ signum = fmap signum
+-- (*) = matMult -- works only for matrices!
+-- fromInteger = map fromInteger
+scaleArr :: (Ix i, Num a) => a -> Array i a -> Array i a
+scaleArr a = fmap (*a)
+sumArr :: (Ix i, Num a) => Array i a -> a
+sumArr = sum . elems
+arraySize :: (Ix i) => Array i a -> Int
+arraySize = rangeSize . bounds
+matMult :: (Ix a, Ix b, Ix c, Num d) =>
+ Array (a,b) d -> Array (b,c) d -> Array (a,c) d
+matMult x y = array resultBounds
+ [((i,j), sum [x!(i,k) * y!(k,j) | k <- range (lj,uj)])
+ | i <- range (li,ui),
+ j <- range (lj',uj') ]
+ where ((li,lj),(ui,uj)) = bounds x
+ ((li',lj'),(ui',uj')) = bounds y
+ resultBounds
+ | (lj,uj)==(li',ui') = ((li,lj'),(ui,uj'))
+ | otherwise = error "matMult: incompatible bounds"
+Inner product of two vectors.
+inner :: Num a => Vector a -> Vector a -> a
+inner (Vector v) (Vector w) = if b == bounds w
+ then sum [v!i * w!i | i <- range b]
+ else error "nn.inner: inconformable vectors"
+ where b = bounds v
+Outer product of two vectors $v \dot w^\mathrm{T}$.
+outerVector :: Num b => Vector b -> Vector b -> Matrix b
+outerVector (Vector v) (Vector w) = if (l,u) == (l',u')
+ then matrix ((l,l'),(u,u')) [((i,j), v!i * w!j) | i <- range (l,u), j <- range (l',u')]
+ else error "nn.outer: inconformable vectors"
+ where ((l,u),(l',u')) = (bounds v, bounds w)
+outerArr :: (Ix a, Num b) => Array a b -> Array a b -> Array (a,a) b
+outerArr v w = if (l,u) == (l',u')
+ then array ((l,l'),(u,u')) [((i,j), v!i * w!j) | i <- range (l,u), j <- range (l',u')]
+ else error "nn.outer: inconformable vectors"
+ where ((l,u),(l',u')) = (bounds v, bounds w)
+Inner product of a matrix and a vector.
+matvec :: (Ix a, Num b) => Array (a,a) b -> Array a b -> Array a b
+matvec w x | bounds x == (l',u') =
+ array (l,u) [(i, sum [w!(i,j) * x!j | j <- range (l',u')])
+ | i <- range (l,u)]
+ | otherwise = error "nn.matvec: inconformable arrays"
+ where ((l,l'),(u,u')) = bounds w
+Append to a vector.
+augment :: (Num a) => Vector a -> a -> Vector a
+augment (Vector x) y = Vector (array (a,b') ((b',y) : assocs x))
+ where (a,b) = bounds x
+ b' = b + 1
+Older approach (x!!i!!j fails in ghc-2.03).
+toMatrix' :: [[a]] -> Matrix a
+toMatrix' x = Matrix (array ((1,1),(u,u')) [((i,j), (x!!(i-1))!!(j-1))
+ | i <- range (1,u), j <- range (1,u')])
+ where (u,u') = (length x,length (x!!0))
+Matrix 2D printout.
+padleft :: Int -> String -> String
+padleft n x | n <= length x = x
+ | otherwise = replicate (n - length x) ' ' ++ x
+padMatrix :: RealFloat a => Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix String
+padMatrix n x = let ss = fmap (\a -> showFFloat (Just n) a "") x
+ maxw = maximum (fmap length (elems (fromMatrix ss)))
+ in fmap (padleft maxw) ss
+showsVector :: (RealFloat a) => Int -> Vector a -> ShowS
+showsVector n x z1 = let x' = padArr n x
+ (l,u) = bounds x' in
+ concat (fmap (\ (i, s) -> if i == u then s ++ "\n" else s ++ " ") (assocs x')) ++ z1
+showsMatrix :: RealFloat a => Int -> Matrix a -> ShowS
+showsMatrix n x z1 = let x' = padMatrix n x
+ ((l,l'),(u,u')) = bounds x' in
+ concat (fmap (\ ((i,j), s) -> if j == u' then s ++ "\n" else s ++ " ") (assocs x')) ++ z1
+showsVecList n x s = foldr (showsVector n) s x
+showsMatList n x s = foldr (showsMatrix n) s x
+--spy :: Show a => String -> a -> a
+--spy msg x = trace ('<' : msg ++ ": " ++ shows x ">\n") x
+--spy x = seq (unsafePerformIO (putStr ('<' : shows x ">\n"))) x
+--spy x = traceShow "z" x