path: root/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Data.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Data.hs')
1 files changed, 408 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Data.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Data.hs
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+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Data.hs
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+-- Copyright (c) 2000 Galois Connections, Inc.
+-- All rights reserved. This software is distributed as
+-- free software under the license in the file "LICENSE",
+-- which is included in the distribution.
+module Data where
+import Array
+import CSG
+import Geometry
+import Illumination
+import Primitives
+import Surface
+import Debug.Trace
+-- Now the parsed (expresssion) language
+type Name = String
+type Code = [GMLToken]
+data GMLToken
+ -- All these can occur in parsed code
+ = TOp GMLOp
+ | TId Name
+ | TBind Name
+ | TBool Bool
+ | TInt Int
+ | TReal Double
+ | TString String
+ | TBody Code
+ | TArray Code
+ | TApply
+ | TIf
+ -- These can occur in optimized/transformed code
+ -- NONE (yet!)
+instance Show GMLToken where
+ showsPrec p (TOp op) = shows op
+ showsPrec p (TId id) = showString id
+ showsPrec p (TBind id) = showString ('/' : id)
+ showsPrec p (TBool bool) = shows bool
+ showsPrec p (TInt i) = shows i
+ showsPrec p (TReal d) = shows d
+ showsPrec p (TString s) = shows s
+ showsPrec p (TBody code) = shows code
+ showsPrec p (TArray code) = showString "[ "
+ . foldr (\ a b -> a . showChar ' ' . b) id (map shows code)
+ . showString "]"
+ showsPrec p (TApply) = showString "apply"
+ showsPrec p (TIf) = showString "if"
+ showList code = showString "{ "
+ . foldr (\ a b -> a . showChar ' ' . b) id (map shows code)
+ . showString "}"
+-- Now the value language, used inside the interpreter
+type Stack = [GMLValue]
+data GMLValue
+ = VBool !Bool
+ | VInt !Int
+ | VReal !Double
+ | VString String
+ | VClosure Env Code
+ | VArray (Array Int GMLValue) -- FIXME: Haskell array
+ -- uses the interpreter version of point
+ | VPoint { xPoint :: !Double
+ , yPoint :: !Double
+ , zPoint :: !Double
+ }
+ -- these are abstract to the interpreter
+ | VObject Object
+ | VLight Light
+ -- This is an abstract object, used by the abstract interpreter
+ | VAbsObj AbsObj
+-- There are only *3* basic abstract values,
+-- and the combinators also.
+data AbsObj
+ = AbsFACE
+ | AbsU
+ | AbsV
+ deriving (Show)
+instance Show GMLValue where
+ showsPrec p value = showString (showStkEle value)
+showStkEle :: GMLValue -> String
+showStkEle (VBool b) = show b ++ " :: Bool"
+showStkEle (VInt i) = show i ++ " :: Int"
+showStkEle (VReal r) = show r ++ " :: Real"
+showStkEle (VString s) = show s ++ " :: String"
+showStkEle (VClosure {}) = "<closure> :: Closure"
+showStkEle (VArray arr)
+ = "<array (" ++ show (succ (snd (bounds arr))) ++ " elements)> :: Array"
+showStkEle (VPoint x y z) = "(" ++ show x
+ ++ "," ++ show y
+ ++ "," ++ show z
+ ++ ") :: Point"
+showStkEle (VObject {}) = "<Object> :: Object"
+showStkEle (VLight {}) = "<Light> :: Object"
+showStkEle (VAbsObj vobs) = "{{ " ++ show vobs ++ "}} :: AbsObj"
+-- An abstract environment
+newtype Env = Env [(Name, GMLValue)] deriving Show
+emptyEnv :: Env
+emptyEnv = Env []
+extendEnv :: Env -> Name -> GMLValue -> Env
+extendEnv (Env e) n v = Env ((n, v):e)
+lookupEnv :: Env -> Name -> Maybe GMLValue
+lookupEnv (Env e) n = lookup n e
+-- All primitive operators
+-- There is no Op_apply, Op_false, Op_true and Op_if
+-- (because they appear explcitly in the rules).
+data GMLOp
+ = Op_acos
+ | Op_addi
+ | Op_addf
+ | Op_asin
+ | Op_clampf
+ | Op_cone
+ | Op_cos
+ | Op_cube
+ | Op_cylinder
+ | Op_difference
+ | Op_divi
+ | Op_divf
+ | Op_eqi
+ | Op_eqf
+ | Op_floor
+ | Op_frac
+ | Op_get
+ | Op_getx
+ | Op_gety
+ | Op_getz
+ | Op_intersect
+ | Op_length
+ | Op_lessi
+ | Op_lessf
+ | Op_light
+ | Op_modi
+ | Op_muli
+ | Op_mulf
+ | Op_negi
+ | Op_negf
+ | Op_plane
+ | Op_point
+ | Op_pointlight
+ | Op_real
+ | Op_render
+ | Op_rotatex
+ | Op_rotatey
+ | Op_rotatez
+ | Op_scale
+ | Op_sin
+ | Op_sphere
+ | Op_spotlight
+ | Op_sqrt
+ | Op_subi
+ | Op_subf
+ | Op_trace -- non standard, for debugging GML programs
+ | Op_translate
+ | Op_union
+ | Op_uscale
+ deriving (Eq,Ord,Ix,Bounded)
+instance Show GMLOp where
+ showsPrec _ op = showString (opNameTable ! op)
+-- And how we use the op codes (there names, there interface)
+-- These keywords include, "apply", "if", "true" and "false",
+-- they are not parsed as operators, but are
+-- captured by the parser as a special case.
+keyWords :: [String]
+keyWords = [ kwd | (kwd,_,_) <- opcodes ]
+-- Lookup has to look from the start (or else...)
+opTable :: [(Name,GMLToken)]
+opTable = [ (kwd,op) | (kwd,op,_) <- opcodes ]
+opNameTable :: Array GMLOp Name
+opNameTable = array (minBound,maxBound)
+ [ (op,name) | (name,TOp op,_) <- opcodes ]
+undef = error "undefined function"
+image = error "undefined function: talk to image group"
+-- typically, its best to have *one* opcode table,
+-- so that mis-alignments do not happen.
+opcodes :: [(String,GMLToken,PrimOp)]
+opcodes =
+ [ ("apply", TApply, error "incorrect use of apply")
+ , ("if", TIf, error "incorrect use of if")
+ , ("false", TBool False, error "incorrect use of false")
+ , ("true", TBool True, error "incorrect use of true")
+ ] ++ map (\ (a,b,c) -> (a,TOp b,c))
+ -- These are just invocation, any coersions need to occur between here
+ -- and before arriving at the application code (like deg -> rad).
+ [ ("acos", Op_acos, Real_Real (rad2deg . acos))
+ , ("addi", Op_addi, Int_Int_Int (+))
+ , ("addf", Op_addf, Real_Real_Real (+))
+ , ("asin", Op_asin, Real_Real (rad2deg . asin))
+ , ("clampf", Op_clampf, Real_Real clampf)
+ , ("cone", Op_cone, Surface_Obj cone)
+ , ("cos", Op_cos, Real_Real (cos . deg2rad))
+ , ("cube", Op_cube, Surface_Obj cube)
+ , ("cylinder", Op_cylinder, Surface_Obj cylinder)
+ , ("difference", Op_difference, Obj_Obj_Obj difference)
+ , ("divi", Op_divi, Int_Int_Int (ourQuot))
+ , ("divf", Op_divf, Real_Real_Real (/))
+ , ("eqi", Op_eqi, Int_Int_Bool (==))
+ , ("eqf", Op_eqf, Real_Real_Bool (==))
+ , ("floor", Op_floor, Real_Int floor)
+ , ("frac", Op_frac, Real_Real (snd . properFraction))
+ , ("get", Op_get, Arr_Int_Value ixGet)
+ , ("getx", Op_getx, Point_Real (\ x y z -> x))
+ , ("gety", Op_gety, Point_Real (\ x y z -> y))
+ , ("getz", Op_getz, Point_Real (\ x y z -> z))
+ , ("intersect", Op_intersect, Obj_Obj_Obj intersect)
+ , ("length", Op_length, Arr_Int (succ . snd . bounds))
+ , ("lessi", Op_lessi, Int_Int_Bool (<))
+ , ("lessf", Op_lessf, Real_Real_Bool (<))
+ , ("light", Op_light, Point_Color_Light light)
+ , ("modi", Op_modi, Int_Int_Int (ourRem))
+ , ("muli", Op_muli, Int_Int_Int (*))
+ , ("mulf", Op_mulf, Real_Real_Real (*))
+ , ("negi", Op_negi, Int_Int negate)
+ , ("negf", Op_negf, Real_Real negate)
+ , ("plane", Op_plane, Surface_Obj plane)
+ , ("point", Op_point, Real_Real_Real_Point VPoint)
+ , ("pointlight", Op_pointlight, Point_Color_Light pointlight)
+ , ("real", Op_real, Int_Real fromIntegral)
+ , ("render", Op_render, Render $ render eye)
+ , ("rotatex", Op_rotatex, Obj_Real_Obj (\ o d -> rotateX (deg2rad d) o))
+ , ("rotatey", Op_rotatey, Obj_Real_Obj (\ o d -> rotateY (deg2rad d) o))
+ , ("rotatez", Op_rotatez, Obj_Real_Obj (\ o d -> rotateZ (deg2rad d) o))
+ , ("scale", Op_scale, Obj_Real_Real_Real_Obj (\ o x y z -> scale (x,y,z) o))
+ , ("sin", Op_sin, Real_Real (sin . deg2rad))
+ , ("sphere", Op_sphere, Surface_Obj sphere') -- see comment at end of file
+ , ("spotlight", Op_spotlight, Point_Point_Color_Real_Real_Light mySpotlight)
+ , ("sqrt", Op_sqrt, Real_Real ourSqrt)
+ , ("subi", Op_subi, Int_Int_Int (-))
+ , ("subf", Op_subf, Real_Real_Real (-))
+ , ("trace", Op_trace, Value_String_Value mytrace)
+ , ("translate", Op_translate, Obj_Real_Real_Real_Obj (\ o x y z -> translate (x,y,z) o))
+ , ("union", Op_union, Obj_Obj_Obj union)
+ , ("uscale", Op_uscale, Obj_Real_Obj (\ o r -> uscale r o))
+ ]
+-- This enumerate all possible ways of calling the fixed primitives
+-- The datatype captures the type at the *interp* level,
+-- the type of the functional is mirrored on this (using Haskell types).
+data PrimOp
+ -- 1 argument
+ = Int_Int (Int -> Int)
+ | Real_Real (Double -> Double)
+ | Point_Real (Double -> Double -> Double -> Double)
+ | Surface_Obj (SurfaceFn Color Double -> Object)
+ | Real_Int (Double -> Int)
+ | Int_Real (Int -> Double)
+ | Arr_Int (Array Int GMLValue -> Int)
+ -- 2 arguments
+ | Int_Int_Int (Int -> Int -> Int)
+ | Int_Int_Bool (Int -> Int -> Bool)
+ | Real_Real_Real (Double -> Double -> Double)
+ | Real_Real_Bool (Double -> Double -> Bool)
+ | Arr_Int_Value (Array Int GMLValue -> Int -> GMLValue)
+ -- Many arguments, typically image mangling
+ | Obj_Obj_Obj (Object -> Object -> Object)
+ | Point_Color_Light (Coords -> Color -> Light)
+ | Real_Real_Real_Point (Double -> Double -> Double -> GMLValue)
+ | Obj_Real_Obj (Object -> Double -> Object)
+ | Obj_Real_Real_Real_Obj (Object -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Object)
+ | Value_String_Value (GMLValue -> String -> GMLValue)
+ | Point_Point_Color_Real_Real_Light
+ (Coords -> Coords -> Color -> Radian -> Radian -> Light)
+ -- And finally render
+ | Render (Color -> [Light] -> Object -> Int -> Double -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO ())
+data Type
+ = TyBool
+ | TyInt
+ | TyReal
+ | TyString
+ | TyCode
+ | TyArray
+ | TyPoint
+ | TyObject
+ | TyLight
+ | TyAlpha
+ | TyAbsObj
+ deriving (Eq,Ord,Ix,Bounded)
+typeTable =
+ [ ( TyBool, "Bool")
+ , ( TyInt, "Int")
+ , ( TyReal, "Real")
+ , ( TyString, "String")
+ , ( TyCode, "Code")
+ , ( TyArray, "Array")
+ , ( TyPoint, "Point")
+ , ( TyObject, "Object")
+ , ( TyLight, "Light")
+ , ( TyAlpha, "<anything>")
+ , ( TyAbsObj, "<abs>")
+ ]
+typeNames = array (minBound,maxBound) typeTable
+instance Show Type where
+ showsPrec _ op = showString (typeNames ! op)
+getPrimOpType :: PrimOp -> [Type]
+getPrimOpType (Int_Int _) = [TyInt]
+getPrimOpType (Real_Real _) = [TyReal]
+getPrimOpType (Point_Real _) = [TyPoint]
+getPrimOpType (Surface_Obj _) = [TyCode]
+getPrimOpType (Real_Int _) = [TyReal]
+getPrimOpType (Int_Real _) = [TyInt]
+getPrimOpType (Arr_Int _) = [TyArray]
+getPrimOpType (Int_Int_Int _) = [TyInt,TyInt]
+getPrimOpType (Int_Int_Bool _) = [TyInt,TyInt]
+getPrimOpType (Real_Real_Real _) = [TyReal,TyReal]
+getPrimOpType (Real_Real_Bool _) = [TyReal,TyReal]
+getPrimOpType (Arr_Int_Value _) = [TyArray,TyInt]
+getPrimOpType (Obj_Obj_Obj _) = [TyObject,TyObject]
+getPrimOpType (Point_Color_Light _) = [TyPoint,TyPoint]
+getPrimOpType (Real_Real_Real_Point _) = [TyReal,TyReal,TyReal]
+getPrimOpType (Obj_Real_Obj _) = [TyObject,TyReal]
+getPrimOpType (Obj_Real_Real_Real_Obj _) = [TyObject,TyReal,TyReal,TyReal]
+getPrimOpType (Value_String_Value _) = [TyAlpha,TyString]
+getPrimOpType (Point_Point_Color_Real_Real_Light _)
+ = [TyPoint,TyPoint,TyPoint,TyReal,TyReal]
+getPrimOpType (Render _) = [TyPoint,
+ TyLight,
+ TyObject,
+ TyInt,
+ TyReal,
+ TyReal,
+ TyReal,
+ TyString]
+-- Some primitives with better error message
+mytrace v s = trace (s ++" : "++ show v ++ "\n") v
+ixGet :: Array Int GMLValue -> Int -> GMLValue
+ixGet arr i
+ | inRange (bounds arr) i = arr ! i
+ | otherwise = error ("failed access with index value "
+ ++ show i
+ ++ " (should be between 0 and "
+ ++ show (snd (bounds arr)) ++ ")")
+ourQuot :: Int -> Int -> Int
+ourQuot _ 0 = error "attempt to use divi to divide by 0"
+ourQuot a b = a `quot` b
+ourRem :: Int -> Int -> Int
+ourRem _ 0 = error "attempt to use remi to divide by 0"
+ourRem a b = a `rem` b
+ourSqrt :: Double -> Double
+ourSqrt n | n < 0 = error "attempt to use sqrt on a negative number"
+ | otherwise = sqrt n
+mySpotlight p1 p2 col cutoff exp = spotlight p1 p2 col (deg2rad cutoff) exp
+-- The problem specification gets the mapping for spheres backwards
+-- (it maps the image from right to left).
+-- We've fixed that in the raytracing library so that it goes from left
+-- to right, but to keep the GML front compatible with the problem
+-- statement, we reverse it here.
+sphere' :: SurfaceFn Color Double -> CSG (SurfaceFn Color Double)
+sphere' (SFun f) = sphere (SFun (\i u v -> f i (1 - u) v))
+sphere' s = sphere s