path: root/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Illumination.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Illumination.hs')
1 files changed, 224 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Illumination.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Illumination.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..155a7a9a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Illumination.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+-- Copyright (c) 2000 Galois Connections, Inc.
+-- All rights reserved. This software is distributed as
+-- free software under the license in the file "LICENSE",
+-- which is included in the distribution.
+-- Modified to use stdout (for testing)
+module Illumination
+ ( Object
+ , Light (..)
+ , light, pointlight, spotlight
+ , render
+ ) where
+import Array
+import Char(chr)
+import Maybe
+import Geometry
+import CSG
+import Surface
+import Misc
+type Object = CSG (SurfaceFn Color Double)
+data Cxt = Cxt {ambient::Color, lights::[Light], object::Object, depth::Int}
+ deriving Show
+render :: (Matrix,Matrix) -> Color -> [Light] -> Object -> Int ->
+ Radian -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO ()
+render (m,m') amb ls obj dep fov wid ht file
+ = do { debugging
+ ; putStrLn (showBitmap' wid ht pixels)
+ }
+ where
+ debugging = return ()
+ do { putStrLn (show cxt)
+ ; putStrLn (show (width, delta, aspect, left, top))
+ }
+ obj' = transform (m',m) obj
+ ls' = [ transformLight m' l | l <- ls ]
+ pixelA = listArray ((1,1), (ht,wid))
+ [ illumination cxt (start,pixel i j)
+ | j <- take ht [0.5..]
+ , i <- take wid [0.5..] ]
+ antiA = pixelA //
+ [ (ix, superSample ix (pixelA ! ix))
+ | j <- [2 .. ht - 1], i <- [2 .. wid - 1]
+ , let ix = (j, i)
+ , contrast ix pixelA ]
+ pixels = [ [ illumination cxt (start,pixel i j) | i<- take wid [0.5..] ]
+ | j <- take ht [0.5..]
+ ]
+ cxt = Cxt {ambient=amb, lights=ls', object=obj', depth=dep}
+ start = point 0 0 (-1)
+ width = 2 * tan (fov/2)
+ delta = width / fromIntegral wid
+ aspect = fromIntegral ht / fromIntegral wid
+ left = - width / 2
+ top = - left * aspect
+ pixel i j = vector (left + i*delta) (top - j*delta) 1
+ superSample (y, x) col = avg $ col:
+ [ illumination cxt (start, pixel (fromIntegral x - 0.5 + xd) (fromIntegral y - 0.5 + yd))
+ | (xd, yd) <- [(-0.333, 0.0), (0.333, 0.0), (0.0, -0.333), (0.0, 0.333)]
+ ]
+avg cs = divN (fromIntegral (length cs)) (uncolor (sumCC cs))
+ where divN n (r,g,b) = color (r / n) (g / n) (b / n)
+contrast :: (Int, Int) -> Array (Int, Int) Color -> Bool
+contrast (x, y) arr = any diffMax [ subCC cur (arr ! (x + xd, y + yd))
+ | xd <- [-1, 1], yd <- [-1, 1]
+ ]
+ where cur = arr ! (x, y)
+ diffMax col = (abs r) > 0.25 || (abs g) > 0.2 || (abs b) > 0.4
+ where
+ (r,g,b) = uncolor col
+illumination :: Cxt -> Ray -> Color
+illumination cxt (r,v)
+ | depth cxt <= 0 = black
+ | otherwise = case castRay (r,v) (object cxt) of
+ Nothing -> black
+ Just info -> illum (cxt{depth=(depth cxt)-1}) info v
+illum :: Cxt -> (Point,Vector,Properties Color Double) -> Vector -> Color
+illum cxt (pos,normV,(col,kd,ks,n)) v
+ = ambTerm `addCC` difTerm `addCC` spcTerm `addCC` recTerm
+ where
+ visibleLights = unobscured pos (object cxt) (lights cxt) normV
+ d = depth cxt
+ amb = ambient cxt
+ newV = subVV v (multSV (2 * dot normV v) normV)
+ ambTerm = multSC kd (multCC amb col)
+ difTerm = multSC kd (sumCC [multSC (dot normV lj) (multCC intensity col)
+ |(loc,intensity) <- visibleLights,
+ let lj = normalize ({- pos `subVV` -} loc)])
+ -- ZZ might want to avoid the phong, when you can...
+ spcTerm = multSC ks (sumCC [multSC ((dot normV hj) ** n ) (multCC intensity col)
+ |(loc,intensity) <- visibleLights,
+ -- ZZ note this is specific to the light at infinity
+ let lj = {- pos `subVV` -} normalize loc,
+ let hj = normalize (lj `subVV` normalize v)])
+ recTerm = if recCoeff `nearC` black then black else multCC recCoeff recRay
+ recCoeff = multSC ks col
+ recRay = illumination cxt (pos,newV)
+showBitmapA :: Int -> Int -> Array (Int, Int) Color -> String
+showBitmapA wid ht arr
+ = header ++ concatMap scaleColor (elems arr)
+ where
+ scaleColor col = [scalePixel r, scalePixel g, scalePixel b]
+ where (r,g,b) = uncolor col
+ header = "P6\n#Galois\n" ++ show wid ++ " " ++ show ht ++ "\n255\n"
+showBitmap :: Int -> Int ->[[Color]] -> String
+showBitmap wid ht pss
+-- type of assert | length pss == ht && all (\ ps -> length ps == wid) pss
+ = header ++ concat [[scalePixel r,scalePixel g,scalePixel b]
+ | ps <- pss, (r,g,b) <- map uncolor ps]
+ where
+ header = "P6\n#Galois\n" ++ show wid ++ " " ++ show ht ++ "\n255\n"
+showBitmap _ _ _ = error "incorrect length of bitmap string"
+scalePixel :: Double -> Char
+scalePixel p = chr (floor (clampf p * 255))
+showBitmap' :: Int -> Int ->[[Color]] -> String
+showBitmap' wid ht pss
+-- type of assert | length pss == ht && all (\ ps -> length ps == wid) pss
+ = header
+ ++ unlines [ unwords [unwords [scalePixel' r,scalePixel' g,scalePixel' b]
+ | (r,g,b) <- map uncolor ps]
+ | ps <- pss ]
+ where
+ header = "P3\n#Galois\n" ++ show wid ++ " " ++ show ht ++ "\n255\n"
+showBitmap' _ _ _ = error "incorrect length of bitmap string"
+scalePixel' :: Double -> String
+scalePixel' p = show (floor (clampf p * 255))
+-- Lights
+data Light = Light Vector Color
+ | PointLight Point Color
+ | SpotLight Point Point Color Radian Double
+ deriving Show
+light :: Coords -> Color -> Light
+light (x,y,z) color =
+ Light (normalize (vector (-x) (-y) (-z))) color
+pointlight (x,y,z) color =
+ PointLight (point x y z) color
+spotlight (x,y,z) (p,q,r) col cutoff exp =
+ SpotLight (point x y z) (point p q r) col cutoff exp
+transformLight m (Light v c) = Light (multMV m v) c
+transformLight m (PointLight p c) = PointLight (multMP m p) c
+transformLight m (SpotLight p q c r d) = SpotLight (multMP m p) (multMP m q) c r d
+unobscured :: Point -> Object -> [Light] -> Vector -> [(Vector,Color)]
+unobscured pos obj lights normV = catMaybes (map (unobscure pos obj normV) lights)
+unobscure :: Point -> Object -> Vector -> Light -> Maybe (Vector,Color)
+unobscure pos obj normV (Light vec color)
+ -- ZZ probably want to make this faster
+ | vec `dot` normV < 0 = Nothing
+ | intersects (pos `addPV` (0.0001 `multSV` vec),vec) obj = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just (vec,color)
+unobscure pos obj normV (PointLight pp color)
+ | vec `dot` normV < 0 = Nothing
+ | intersectWithin (pos `addPV` (0.0001 `multSV` (normalize vec)), vec) obj = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just (vec,is)
+ where vec = pp `subPP` pos
+ is = attenuate vec color
+unobscure org obj normV (SpotLight pos at color cutoff exp)
+ | vec `dot` normV < 0 = Nothing
+ | intersectWithin (org `addPV` (0.0001 `multSV` (normalize vec)), vec) obj = Nothing
+ | angle > cutoff = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just (vec, is)
+ where vec = pos `subPP` org
+ vec' = pos `subPP` at
+ angle = acos (normalize vec `dot` (normalize vec'))
+ asp = normalize (at `subPP` pos)
+ qsp = normalize (org `subPP` pos)
+ is = attenuate vec (((asp `dot` qsp) ** exp) `multSC` color)
+attenuate :: Vector -> Color -> Color
+attenuate vec color = (100 / (99 + sq (norm vec))) `multSC` color
+castRay ray p
+ = case intersectRayWithObject ray p of
+ (True, _, _) -> Nothing -- eye is inside
+ (False, [], _) -> Nothing -- eye is inside
+ (False, (0, b, _) : _, _) -> Nothing -- eye is inside
+ (False, (i, False, _) : _, _) -> Nothing -- eye is inside
+ (False, (t, b, (s, p0)) : _, _) ->
+ let (v, prop) = surface s p0 in
+ Just (offsetToPoint ray t, v, prop)
+intersects ray p
+ = case intersectRayWithObject ray p of
+ (True, _, _) -> False
+ (False, [], _) -> False
+ (False, (0, b, _) : _, _) -> False
+ (False, (i, False, _) : _, _) -> False
+ (False, (i, b, _) : _, _) -> True
+intersectWithin :: Ray -> Object -> Bool
+intersectWithin ray p
+ = case intersectRayWithObject ray p of
+ (True, _, _) -> False -- eye is inside
+ (False, [], _) -> False -- eye is inside
+ (False, (0, b, _) : _, _) -> False -- eye is inside
+ (False, (i, False, _) : _, _) -> False -- eye is inside
+ (False, (t, b, _) : _, _) -> t < 1.0