path: root/testsuite/tests/programs/jtod_circint/Signal.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/programs/jtod_circint/Signal.hs')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/jtod_circint/Signal.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/jtod_circint/Signal.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38a1fc86f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/jtod_circint/Signal.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+module Signal where
+import LogFun
+class (Eq a, Show{-was:Text-} a, Num a) => Signal a where
+ showSig :: a -> String
+ zerO, one, initial :: a
+ tt1 :: TT1 -> a -> a
+ tt2 :: TT2 -> a -> a -> a
+ con10, buf, inv, con11 :: a -> a
+ con20, and2, nimp, id21 :: a -> a -> a
+ nimp', id22, xor, or2 :: a -> a -> a
+ nor2, equ2, inv22, imp' :: a -> a -> a
+ inv21, imp, nand2, con21 :: a -> a -> a
+ and3, or3, nand3, nor3 :: a -> a -> a -> a
+ and4, or4, nand4, nor4 :: a -> a -> a -> a -> a
+ con10 = tt1 tt_con10
+ buf = tt1 tt_id
+ inv = tt1 tt_inv
+ con11 = tt1 tt_con11
+ con20 = tt2 tt_con20
+ and2 = tt2 tt_and2
+ nimp = tt2 tt_nimp
+ id21 = tt2 tt_id21
+ nimp' = tt2 tt_nimp'
+ id22 = tt2 tt_id22
+ xor = tt2 tt_xor
+ or2 = tt2 tt_or2
+ nor2 = tt2 tt_nor2
+ equ2 = tt2 tt_equ2
+ inv22 = tt2 tt_inv22
+ imp' = tt2 tt_imp'
+ inv21 = tt2 tt_inv21
+ imp = tt2 tt_imp
+ nand2 = tt2 tt_nand2
+ con21 = tt2 tt_con21
+ and3 a b c = a*b*c
+ or3 a b c = a+b+c
+ nand3 a b c = nand2 a (nand2 b c)
+ nor3 a b c = nor2 a (nor2 b c)
+ and4 a b c d = (a*b)*(c*d)
+ or4 a b c d = (a+b)+(c+d)
+ nand4 a b c d = nand2 (nand2 a b) (nand2 c d)
+ nor4 a b c d = nor2 (nor2 a b) (nor2 c d)
+class (Signal a) => Lattice a where
+ bot, top, weakZero, weakOne :: a
+ lub :: a -> a -> a
+ pass :: a -> a -> a
+class (Signal a) => Static a where
+ intToSig :: Int -> a
+ sigToInt :: a -> Int
+ showStaticSig :: a -> String
+class (Signal a) => Dynamic a where
+ latch, dff :: a -> a
+class (Lattice a, Static a) => Log a where
+ dumLog :: a
+class (Lattice a, Dynamic a) => Sig a where
+ dumSig :: a
+data Stream a = Snil | Scons a (Stream a) deriving (Eq,Show{-was:Text-})
+shead :: Stream a -> a
+shead (Scons x xs) = x
+stail :: Stream a -> Stream a
+stail (Scons x xs) = xs
+snull :: Stream a -> Bool
+snull Snil = True
+snull (Scons x xs) = False
+smap :: (a->b) -> Stream a -> Stream b
+smap f Snil = Snil
+smap f (Scons x xs) = Scons (f x) (smap f xs)
+stake, sdrop :: Int -> Stream a -> Stream a
+stake 0 xs = xs
+--should be: stake (i+1) (Scons x xs) = Scons x (stake i xs)
+stake i (Scons x xs) | i < 0 = error "Signal.stake: < 0"
+ | otherwise = Scons x (stake (i-1) xs)
+sdrop 0 xs = xs
+--should be:sdrop (i+1) (Scons x xs) = sdrop i xs
+sdrop i (Scons x xs) | i < 0 = error "Signal.sdrop: < 0"
+ | otherwise = sdrop i xs
+smap2 :: (a->b->c) -> Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream c
+smap2 f as bs =
+ case as of
+ Snil -> Snil
+ Scons a as' ->
+ case bs of
+ Snil -> Snil
+ Scons b bs' -> Scons (f a b) (smap2 f as' bs')
+srepeat :: (Static a) => a -> Stream a
+srepeat x = xs where xs = Scons x xs
+stream :: [a] -> Stream a
+stream [] = Snil
+stream (x:xs) = Scons x (stream xs)
+instance (Signal a, Static a) => Dynamic (Stream a) where
+ latch xs = Scons initial xs
+ dff xs = Scons initial xs
+instance (Lattice a, Static a) => Lattice (Stream a) where
+ bot = srepeat bot
+ top = srepeat top
+ weakZero = srepeat weakZero
+ weakOne = srepeat weakOne
+ lub = smap2 lub
+ pass = smap2 pass
+instance (Signal a, Static a) => Signal (Stream a) where
+ zerO = srepeat zerO
+ one = srepeat one
+ tt1 = smap . tt1
+ tt2 = smap2 . tt2
+instance (Lattice a, Static a) => Sig (Stream a) where
+ dumSig = bot -- ??? shouldn't be necessary, check compiler
+instance (Static a) => Num (Stream a) where
+ (+) = or2
+ (*) = and2
+ a - b = xor a b
+ negate = inv
+ abs = error "abs not defined for Signals"
+ signum = error "signum not defined for Signals"
+ fromInteger = error "fromInteger not defined for Signals"