path: root/testsuite/tests/programs/lex/lex.stdin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/programs/lex/lex.stdin')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/lex/lex.stdin b/testsuite/tests/programs/lex/lex.stdin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dcd009c41b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/lex/lex.stdin
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+module Graph where
+import Parse
+import StdLib
+import PSlib
+import GRIP
+paperX = 280::Int
+paperY = 190::Int
+fromInt :: Num a => Int -> a
+fromInt = fromInteger . toInteger
+gspostscript str = initialise stdheader ++ portrait ++ str ++ "showpage\n"
+postscript str = initialise stdheader ++ landscape ++ str ++ "showpage\n"
+ePostscript (reqdx,reqdy) str = initialise (stdheader++
+ "%%BoundingBox: 0 0 "++show (cms2pts reqdx)++" "++show (cms2pts reqdy)++"\n"
+ ++ "%%EndComments\n")
+ ++ scale (fromInt reqdx*10/fromInt paperX) (fromInt reqdy*10/fromInt paperY) ++ str ++
+ showpage
+initGraph title pedata (topX,topY) (xlabel,ylabel) keys =
+ drawBox (Pt 0 0) paperX paperY ++
+ drawBox (Pt 1 1) (paperX-2) 5 ++
+ drawBox (Pt 1 (paperY-7)) (paperX-2) 6 ++
+ setfont "BOLD" ++ moveto (Pt (paperX `div` 2) (paperY-6)) ++ cjustify (title) ++
+ setfont "NORM" ++
+ placePEs pedata ++
+ translate 20 25 ++
+ newpath ++ moveto (Pt 0 (-5)) ++ lineto (Pt 0 dimY) ++
+ moveto (Pt (-5) 0) ++ lineto (Pt dimX 0) ++ stroke ++
+ setfont "SMALL" ++
+ markXAxis dimX topX++
+ markYAxis dimY topY++
+ moveto (Pt 0 (dimY+4)) ++ rjustify ylabel ++ stroke ++
+ moveto (Pt dimX (-8)) ++ rjustify xlabel ++ stroke ++
+ setfont "NORM" ++
+ dokeys dimX keys
+placePEs (pes,on) | checkPEs (tail pes) on =
+ showActive (length pes) (length used) ++
+ showUsed pes used ++ setfont "NORM"
+ where used = if on==[] then tail pes else on
+cms2pts :: Int -> Int
+cms2pts x = round (28.4584 * fromInt x)
+plotCurve :: Int -> [Point] -> Postscript
+plotCurve x pts = setgray x ++ fillObject pts
+plot :: [Point] -> Postscript
+plot points = plotCurve 5 (Pt 0 0:points)
+dokeys left keys = concat (map2 format (places 0) keys)
+ where
+ format pt@(Pt x y) (col,tex,pc) = fillBox pt 16 9 col ++ stroke ++ moveto (Pt (x+17) (y+3))
+ ++ text tex ++ stroke ++ moveto (Pt (x+8) (y+3)) ++
+ inv col ++ setfont "BOLD" ++ cjustify (pc) ++
+ stroke ++ setfont "NORM" ++ setgray 10
+ no=left `div` length keys
+ places n | n == no = []
+ places n = (Pt (n*no) (-17)):places (n+1)
+showActive t f =
+ setfont "LARGE" ++ moveto (Pt 10 16) ++ cjustify (show f) ++
+ setfont "SMALL" ++ moveto (Pt 10 12) ++ cjustify "PE(s)" ++ stroke ++
+ setfont "SMALL" ++ moveto (Pt 10 8) ++ cjustify "displayed" ++ stroke ++
+ setfont "NORM"
+showUsed (m:pes) on = moveto (Pt 2 2) ++ setfont "SMALL" ++ text "Configuration:" ++
+ dopes (paperX-27) (("SMALLITALIC",showPE m):map f pes) ++ stroke
+ where
+ f pe | elem pe on = ("SMALLBOLD",showPE pe)
+ | otherwise = ("SMALL",showPE pe)
+dopes left pes = concat (map2 format (places 0) pes)
+ where
+ format pt@(Pt x y) (font,tex) = setfont font ++ moveto pt ++ text tex ++ stroke
+ no=left `div` ((length pes*2)+1)
+ f x = (no*((x*2)+1)) + 27
+ places n | n>2*no = []
+ places n = (Pt (f n) 2):places (n+1)
+checkPEs pes [] = True
+checkPEs pes (p:ps) | elem p pes = checkPEs pes ps
+ | otherwise = error ("Attempt to gather information from inactive PE - "++ showPE p)
+showPE :: PElement -> String
+showPE (PE str no) = str++"."++show no
+inv x | x>=5 = setgray 0
+ | otherwise = setgray 10
+dimX = paperX-30
+dimY = paperY-40
+markXAxis :: Int -> Int -> Postscript
+markXAxis dimX maxX = label 10 ++ markOnX 100
+ where
+ label 0 = ""
+ label x = newpath ++ moveto (Pt (notch x) 0) ++ rlineto 0 (-2) ++
+ moveto (Pt (notch x) (-5)) ++
+ cjustify (printFloat (t x)) ++ stroke ++ label (x-1)
+ t x = fromInt x*(fromInt maxX / fromInt 10)
+ notch x = x*(dimX `div` 10)
+markOnX n = mapcat notches [1..n] ++ stroke
+ where
+ notches n = movetofloat (m*fromInt n) 0 ++ (rlineto 0 (-1)) ++ stroke
+ m = fromInt dimX/fromInt n
+markYAxis :: Int -> Int -> Postscript
+markYAxis dimY maxY = label 10 ++ markOnY (calibrate maxY)
+ where
+ label 0 = ""
+ label x = newpath ++ moveto (Pt 0 (notch x)) ++ rlineto (-2) 0 ++
+ moveto (Pt (-3) (notch x)) ++
+ rjustify (printFloat (t x)) ++ stroke ++ label (x-1)
+ t x = fromInt x*(fromInt maxY / fromInt 10)
+ notch x = x*(dimY `div` 10)
+calibrate x | x<=1 = 1
+ | x<=100 = x
+ | otherwise = calibrate (x `div` 10)
+markOnY n = mapcat notches [1..n] ++ stroke
+ where
+ notches n = movetofloat 0 (m*fromInt n) ++ (rlineto (-1) 0)
+ m = fromInt dimY/fromInt n
+movetofloat x y = show x ++ " " ++ show y ++ " moveto\n"
+determineScale :: [Point] -> (Int,Int)
+determineScale pts = (axisScale x, axisScale y)
+ where (min,Pt x y) = minandmax pts
+axisScale :: Int -> Int
+axisScale x = axisScale' x 1
+axisScale' x m | x <= m = m
+ | x <= m*2 = m*2
+ | x <= m*5 = m*5
+ | x <= m*10 = m*10
+ | otherwise = axisScale' x (m*10)
+minandmax :: [Point] -> (Point,Point)
+minandmax [] = error "No points"
+minandmax (p:ps) = f (p,p) ps
+ where
+ f p [] = p
+ f (Pt minx miny,Pt maxx maxy) (Pt x y:ps) = f (Pt minx' miny',Pt maxx' maxy') ps
+ where minx' = min x minx
+ miny' = min y miny
+ maxx' = max x maxx
+ maxy' = max y maxy
+printFloat :: Float -> String
+printFloat x = f (show (round (x*10)))
+ where
+ f "0" = "0"
+ f r | x<1 = "0."++r
+ f (r:"0") | x<10 = [r]
+ f (r:m) | x<10 = r:'.':m
+ f _ = show (round x)