path: root/testsuite/tests/programs/maessen-hashtab/Data/HashTab.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/programs/maessen-hashtab/Data/HashTab.hs')
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--- |
--- Module : Data.HashTable
--- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2003
--- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
--- Maintainer :
--- Stability : provisional
--- Portability : portable
--- An implementation of extensible hash tables, as described in
--- Per-Ake Larson, /Dynamic Hash Tables/, CACM 31(4), April 1988,
--- pp. 446--457. The implementation is also derived from the one
--- in GHC's runtime system (@ghc\/rts\/Hash.{c,h}@).
-module Data.HashTab (
- -- * Basic hash table operations
- HashTable, new, insert, delete, lookup, update,
- -- * Converting to and from lists
- fromList, toList,
- -- * Hash functions
- -- $hash_functions
- hashInt, hashString,
- prime,
- -- * Diagnostics
- longestChain
- ) where
--- This module is imported by Data.Typeable, which is pretty low down in the
--- module hierarchy, so don't import "high-level" modules
--- Right now we import high-level modules with gay abandon.
-import Prelude hiding ( lookup )
-import Data.Tuple ( fst )
-import Data.Bits
-import Data.Maybe
-import Data.List ( maximumBy, partition, concat, foldl )
-import Data.Int ( Int32 )
-import Data.Array.Base
-import Data.Array hiding (bounds)
-import Data.Array.IO
-import Data.Char ( ord )
-import Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef )
-import Control.Monad ( mapM, sequence_ )
-readHTArray :: HTArray a -> Int32 -> IO a
-readMutArray :: MutArray a -> Int32 -> IO a
-writeMutArray :: MutArray a -> Int32 -> a -> IO ()
-freezeArray :: MutArray a -> IO (HTArray a)
-thawArray :: HTArray a -> IO (MutArray a)
-newMutArray :: (Int32, Int32) -> a -> IO (MutArray a)
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(__NHC__)
-type MutArray a = IOArray Int32 a
-type HTArray a = MutArray a
-newMutArray = newArray
-readHTArray = readArray
-readMutArray = readArray
-writeMutArray = writeArray
-freezeArray = return
-thawArray = return
-type MutArray a = IOArray Int32 a
-type HTArray a = Array Int32 a
-newMutArray = newArray
-readHTArray arr i = return $! (unsafeAt arr (fromIntegral i))
-readMutArray arr i = unsafeRead arr (fromIntegral i)
-writeMutArray arr i x = unsafeWrite arr (fromIntegral i) x
-freezeArray = unsafeFreeze
-thawArray = unsafeThaw
-newtype HashTable key val = HashTable (IORef (HT key val))
--- TODO: the IORef should really be an MVar.
-data HT key val
- = HT {
- kcount :: !Int32, -- Total number of keys.
- buckets :: !(HTArray [(key,val)]),
- bmask :: !Int32,
- hash_fn :: key -> Int32,
- cmp :: key -> key -> Bool
- }
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Sample hash functions
--- $hash_functions
--- This implementation of hash tables uses the low-order /n/ bits of the hash
--- value for a key, where /n/ varies as the hash table grows. A good hash
--- function therefore will give an even distribution regardless of /n/.
--- If your keyspace is integrals such that the low-order bits between
--- keys are highly variable, then you could get away with using 'id'
--- as the hash function.
--- We provide some sample hash functions for 'Int' and 'String' below.
--- | A sample hash function for 'Int', implemented as simply @(x `mod` P)@
--- where P is a suitable prime (currently 1500007). Should give
--- reasonable results for most distributions of 'Int' values, except
--- when the keys are all multiples of the prime!
-hashInt :: Int -> Int32
-hashInt = (`rem` prime) . fromIntegral
--- | A sample hash function for 'String's. The implementation is:
--- > hashString = fromIntegral . foldr f 0
--- > where f c m = ord c + (m * 128) `rem` 1500007
--- which seems to give reasonable results.
-hashString :: String -> Int32
-hashString = fromIntegral . foldl f 0
- where f m c = ord c + (m * 128) `rem` fromIntegral prime
--- | A prime larger than the maximum hash table size
-prime :: Int32
-prime = 1500007
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Parameters
-tABLE_MAX = 1024 * 1024 :: Int32 -- Maximum size of hash table
-#if tABLE_MIN
-tABLE_MIN = 16 :: Int32
-hLOAD = 4 :: Int32 -- Maximum average load of a single hash bucket
-hYSTERESIS = 0 :: Int32 -- entries to ignore in load computation
-{- Hysteresis favors long association-list-like behavior for small tables. -}
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Creating a new hash table
--- | Creates a new hash table. The following property should hold for the @eq@
--- and @hash@ functions passed to 'new':
--- > eq A B => hash A == hash B
- :: (key -> key -> Bool) -- ^ @eq@: An equality comparison on keys
- -> (key -> Int32) -- ^ @hash@: A hash function on keys
- -> IO (HashTable key val) -- ^ Returns: an empty hash table
-new cmpr hash = do
- -- make a new hash table with a single, empty, segment
- let mask = tABLE_MIN-1
- bkts' <- newMutArray (0,mask) []
- bkts <- freezeArray bkts'
- let
- kcnt = 0
- ht = HT { buckets=bkts, kcount=kcnt, bmask=mask,
- hash_fn=hash, cmp=cmpr }
- table <- newIORef ht
- return (HashTable table)
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Inserting a key\/value pair into the hash table
--- | Inserts a key\/value mapping into the hash table.
--- Note that 'insert' doesn't remove the old entry from the table -
--- the behaviour is like an association list, where 'lookup' returns
--- the most-recently-inserted mapping for a key in the table. The
--- reason for this is to keep 'insert' as efficient as possible. If
--- you need to update a mapping, then we provide 'update'.
-insert :: HashTable key val -> key -> val -> IO ()
-insert (HashTable ref) key val = do
- table@HT{ kcount=k, buckets=bkts, bmask=b } <- readIORef ref
- let table1 = table{ kcount = k+1 }
- indx = bucketIndex table key
- bucket <- readHTArray bkts indx
- bkts' <- thawArray bkts
- writeMutArray bkts' indx ((key,val):bucket)
- freezeArray bkts'
- table2 <-
- if tooBig k b
- then expandHashTable table1
- else return table1
- writeIORef ref table2
-tooBig :: Int32 -> Int32 -> Bool
-tooBig k b = k-hYSTERESIS > hLOAD * b
-bucketIndex :: HT key val -> key -> Int32
-bucketIndex HT{ hash_fn=hash, bmask=mask } key =
- let h = hash key
- in (h .&. mask)
-expandHashTable :: HT key val -> IO (HT key val)
- table@HT{ buckets=bkts, bmask=mask } = do
- let
- oldsize = mask + 1
- newmask = mask + mask + 1
- newsize = newmask + 1
- --
- if newsize > tABLE_MAX
- then return table
- else do
- --
- newbkts' <- newMutArray (0,newmask) []
- let
- table'=table{ bmask=newmask }
- splitBucket oldindex = do
- bucket <- readHTArray bkts oldindex
- let (oldb,newb) = partition ((oldindex==).bucketIndex table' . fst) bucket
- writeMutArray newbkts' oldindex oldb
- writeMutArray newbkts' (oldindex + oldsize) newb
- mapM_ splitBucket [0..mask]
- newbkts <- freezeArray newbkts'
- return ( table'{ buckets=newbkts } )
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Deleting a mapping from the hash table
--- Remove a key from a bucket
-deleteBucket :: (key -> Bool) -> [(key,val)] -> (Int32, [(key, val)])
-deleteBucket _ [] = (0,[])
-deleteBucket del (pair@(k,_):bucket) =
- case deleteBucket del bucket of
- (dels, bucket') | del k -> dels' `seq` (dels', bucket')
- | otherwise -> (dels, pair:bucket')
- where dels' = dels + 1
--- | Remove an entry from the hash table.
-delete :: HashTable key val -> key -> IO ()
-delete (HashTable ref) key = do
- table@HT{ buckets=bkts, kcount=kcnt, cmp=cmpr } <- readIORef ref
- let indx = bucketIndex table key
- bkts' <- thawArray bkts
- bucket <- readMutArray bkts' indx
- let (removed,bucket') = deleteBucket (cmpr key) bucket
- writeMutArray bkts' indx bucket'
- freezeArray bkts'
- writeIORef ref ( table{kcount = kcnt - removed} )
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Updating a mapping in the hash table
--- | Updates an entry in the hash table, returning 'True' if there was
--- already an entry for this key, or 'False' otherwise. After 'update'
--- there will always be exactly one entry for the given key in the table.
--- 'insert' is more efficient than 'update' if you don't care about
--- multiple entries, or you know for sure that multiple entries can't
--- occur. However, 'update' is more efficient than 'delete' followed
--- by 'insert'.
-update :: HashTable key val -> key -> val -> IO Bool
-update (HashTable ref) key val = do
- table@HT{ kcount=k, buckets=bkts, cmp=cmpr, bmask=b } <- readIORef ref
- let indx = bucketIndex table key
- bkts' <- thawArray bkts
- bucket <- readMutArray bkts' indx
- let (deleted,bucket') = deleteBucket (cmpr key) bucket
- k' = k + 1 - deleted
- table1 = table{ kcount=k' }
- writeMutArray bkts' indx ((key,val):bucket')
- freezeArray bkts'
- table2 <-
- if tooBig k' b -- off by one from insert's resize heuristic.
- then expandHashTable table1
- else return table1
- writeIORef ref table2
- return (deleted>0)
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Looking up an entry in the hash table
--- | Looks up the value of a key in the hash table.
-lookup :: HashTable key val -> key -> IO (Maybe val)
-lookup (HashTable ref) key = do
- table@HT{ buckets=bkts, cmp=cmpr } <- readIORef ref
- let indx = bucketIndex table key
- bucket <- readHTArray bkts indx
- case [ val | (key',val) <- bucket, cmpr key key' ] of
- [] -> return Nothing
- (v:_) -> return (Just v)
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Converting to/from lists
--- | Convert a list of key\/value pairs into a hash table. Equality on keys
--- is taken from the Eq instance for the key type.
-fromList :: (Eq key) => (key -> Int32) -> [(key,val)] -> IO (HashTable key val)
-fromList hash list = do
- table <- new (==) hash
- sequence_ [ insert table k v | (k,v) <- list ]
- return table
--- | Converts a hash table to a list of key\/value pairs.
-toList :: (Ord key, Ord val) => HashTable key val -> IO [(key,val)]
-toList (HashTable ref) = do
- HT{ buckets=bkts, bmask=b } <- readIORef ref
- fmap concat (mapM (readHTArray bkts) [0..b])
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Diagnostics
--- | This function is useful for determining whether your hash function
--- is working well for your data set. It returns the longest chain
--- of key\/value pairs in the hash table for which all the keys hash to
--- the same bucket. If this chain is particularly long (say, longer
--- than 10 elements), then it might be a good idea to try a different
--- hash function.
-longestChain :: HashTable key val -> IO [(key,val)]
-longestChain (HashTable ref) = do
- HT{ buckets=bkts, bmask=b } <- readIORef ref
- let lengthCmp (_:x)(_:y) = lengthCmp x y
- lengthCmp [] [] = EQ
- lengthCmp [] _ = LT
- lengthCmp _ [] = GT
- fmap (maximumBy lengthCmp) (mapM (readHTArray bkts) [0..b])