path: root/testsuite/tests/rep-poly/RepPolyBackpack2.bkp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/rep-poly/RepPolyBackpack2.bkp')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/rep-poly/RepPolyBackpack2.bkp b/testsuite/tests/rep-poly/RepPolyBackpack2.bkp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d032dce75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/rep-poly/RepPolyBackpack2.bkp
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
+unit prel where
+ module UnboxedPrelude where
+ import Data.Kind
+ import GHC.Exts
+ type Num# :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep). TYPE r -> Constraint
+ class Num# a where
+ add# :: a -> a -> a
+ mul# :: a -> a -> a
+ instance Num# Int# where
+ add# = (+#)
+ mul# = (*#)
+ module IntRep where
+ import GHC.Exts
+ type Rep :: RuntimeRep
+ type Rep = 'IntRep
+ module NilReps where
+ import GHC.Exts
+ type Reps :: [RuntimeRep]
+ type Reps = '[]
+unit rep where
+ dependency prel
+ signature Rep where
+ import GHC.Exts
+ data Rep :: RuntimeRep
+ module Defs where
+ import GHC.Exts
+ import Rep
+ import UnboxedPrelude
+ foo :: forall (a :: TYPE Rep). Num# a => a -> a -> a
+ foo x y = mul# x ( add# x y )
+ bar :: forall (a :: TYPE Rep) (b :: TYPE Rep). Num# a => (# a, a, b #) -> (# b, a #)
+ bar (# x, y, z #) = (# z, foo x y #)
+unit reps where
+ signature Reps where
+ import GHC.Exts
+ data Reps :: [RuntimeRep]
+ module TupleRep where
+ import GHC.Exts
+ import Reps
+ type Rep = 'TupleRep Reps
+ module SumRep where
+ import GHC.Exts
+ import Reps
+ type Rep = 'SumRep Reps
+unit cons where
+ signature Head where
+ import GHC.Exts
+ data Rep :: RuntimeRep
+ signature Tail where
+ import GHC.Exts
+ data Reps :: [RuntimeRep]
+ module ConsRep where
+ import GHC.Exts
+ import qualified Head
+ import qualified Tail
+ type Reps :: [ RuntimeRep ]
+ type Reps = Head.Rep ': Tail.Reps
+unit unit0 where
+ dependency prel
+ dependency cons [Head = prel:IntRep, Tail = prel:NilReps] (ConsRep as Reps1.IntRep_)
+ dependency reps [Reps = prel:NilReps] (TupleRep as TupleRep0_ )
+ module Reps1.IntRep ( module Reps1.IntRep_ ) where
+ import Reps1.IntRep_
+ module TupleRep0 ( module TupleRep0_ ) where
+ import TupleRep0_
+unit unit1 where
+ dependency unit0
+ dependency cons [Head = unit0:TupleRep0, Tail = unit0:Reps1.IntRep] (ConsRep as Reps2.TupleRep0.IntRep_)
+ module Reps2.TupleRep0.IntRep ( module Reps2.TupleRep0.IntRep_ ) where
+ import Reps2.TupleRep0.IntRep_
+unit unit2 where
+ dependency unit1
+ dependency reps [Reps = unit1:Reps2.TupleRep0.IntRep] (SumRep as Sum2.TupleRep0.IntRep_)
+ module Sum2.TupleRep0.IntRep ( module Sum2.TupleRep0.IntRep_ ) where
+ import Sum2.TupleRep0.IntRep_
+unit main where
+ dependency prel
+ dependency unit2
+ dependency rep [Rep = unit2:Sum2.TupleRep0.IntRep] (Defs as Defs.Sum2.Tuple0.IntRep)
+ module Main where
+ import GHC.Exts
+ import UnboxedPrelude ( Num#(..) )
+ import Defs.Sum2.Tuple0.IntRep ( bar )
+ type MaybeInt# = (# (# #) | Int# #)
+ showMaybeInt# :: MaybeInt# -> String
+ showMaybeInt# (# _ | #) = "(Nothing# :: MaybeInt#)"
+ showMaybeInt# (# | i #) = "(Just# " <> show (I# i) <> " :: MaybeInt#)"
+ instance Num# MaybeInt# where
+ add# (# _ | #) _ = (# (# #) | #)
+ add# _ (# _ | #) = (# (# #) | #)
+ add# (# | x #) (# | y #) = (# | add# x y #)
+ mul# (# _ | #) _ = (# (# #) | #)
+ mul# _ (# _ | #) = (# (# #) | #)
+ mul# (# | x #) (# | y #) = (# | mul# x y #)
+ main :: IO ()
+ main =
+ case bar (# (# | 3# #), (# | 17# #), (# (# #) | #) #) of
+ (# a, b #) -> do
+ putStrLn $ showMaybeInt# a
+ putStrLn $ showMaybeInt# b