path: root/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/spec001.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/spec001.hs')
1 files changed, 425 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/spec001.hs b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/spec001.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0abfd6a5a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/spec001.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, UnboxedTuples, MagicHash, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O #-}
+-- In GHC 6.4, compiling this module gave a Core Lint failure following the
+-- specialier, because a function was floated out that had a RULE that
+-- mentioned another fuction (unpack, in fact). but the latter wasn't
+-- floated because we didn't take the RULES into account properly; result,
+-- variable out of scope.
+-- It's hard to cut this test down.
+module Data.PackedString.Latin1 (
+ -- * The @PackedString@ type
+ PackedString, -- abstract, instances: Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable
+ -- * Converting to and from @PackedString@s
+ pack,
+ unpack,
+ -- * I\/O with @PackedString@s
+ hPut, hGet,
+ -- * List-like manipulation functions
+ nil,
+ cons,
+ head,
+ tail,
+ null,
+ append,
+ length,
+ index,
+ map,
+ filter,
+ reverse,
+ concat,
+ elem,
+ substr,
+ take,
+ drop,
+ splitAt,
+ foldl,
+ foldr,
+ takeWhile,
+ dropWhile,
+ span,
+ break,
+ lines,
+ unlines,
+ words,
+ unwords,
+ split,
+ splitWith,
+ join,
+-- unpackList, -- eek, otherwise it gets thrown away by the simplifier
+ ) where
+import qualified Prelude
+import Prelude hiding (
+ head,
+ tail,
+ null,
+ length,
+ (!!),
+ map,
+ filter,
+ reverse,
+ concat,
+ elem,
+ take,
+ drop,
+ foldl,
+ foldr,
+ splitAt,
+ takeWhile,
+ dropWhile,
+ span,
+ break,
+ lines,
+ unlines,
+ words,
+ unwords
+ )
+import GHC.Exts
+import GHC.IO (IO(..))
+import Foreign
+import Data.Typeable
+import Data.Char
+import qualified Data.List
+import System.IO
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- PackedString type declaration
+-- | A space-efficient representation of a 'String', which supports
+-- various efficient operations. A 'PackedString' contains Latin1
+-- (8-bit) characters only.
+data PackedString = PS {-#UNPACK#-}!Int {-#UNPACK#-}!Int
+ {-#UNPACK#-}!(ForeignPtr Word8)
+ -- this is a pretty efficient representation, and can be
+ -- converted to/from a StorableArray.
+ -- When the ForeignPtr is unpacked, we get the Addr# stored
+ -- directly in the PS constructor.
+-- Perhaps making a slice should be conditional on the ratio of the
+-- slice/string size to limit memory leaks.
+instance Eq PackedString where
+ a == b = comparePS a b == EQ
+instance Ord PackedString where
+ compare = comparePS
+comparePS (PS off1 len1 fp1) (PS off2 len2 fp2)
+ = inlinePerformIO $
+ withForeignPtr fp1 $ \p1 ->
+ withForeignPtr fp2 $ \p2 ->
+ cmp (p1 `plusPtr` off1) (p2 `plusPtr` off2) len1
+ where
+ cmp :: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO Ordering
+ cmp p1 p2 n
+ | n == len1 = if n == len2 then return EQ else return LT
+ | n == len2 = return GT
+ | otherwise = do
+ a <- peekElemOff p1 n
+ b <- peekElemOff p2 n
+ case a `compare` b of
+ EQ -> cmp p1 p2 (n+1)
+ LT -> return LT
+ GT -> return GT
+--instance Read PackedString: ToDo
+instance Show PackedString where
+ showsPrec p ps r = showsPrec p (unpack ps) r
+#include "Typeable.h"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Constructor functions
+-- | The 'nilPS' value is the empty string.
+nil :: PackedString
+nil = inlinePerformIO $ do
+ fp <- newForeignPtr_ nullPtr
+ return (PS 0 0 fp)
+-- | The 'consPS' function prepends the given character to the
+-- given string.
+cons :: Char -> PackedString -> PackedString
+cons c cs = pack (c : (unpack cs)) -- ToDo:better
+-- | Convert a 'String' into a 'PackedString'
+packLen :: Int -> String -> PackedString
+packLen len str = inlinePerformIO $ do
+ fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes len
+ withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do
+ fill_it_in p 0 str
+ return (PS 0 len fp)
+fill_it_in p i [] = return ()
+fill_it_in p i (c:cs) = do pokeElemOff p i (c2w c); fill_it_in p (i+1) cs
+pack :: String -> PackedString
+pack str = packLen (Prelude.length str) str
+{-# INLINE w2c #-}
+w2c :: Word8 -> Char
+w2c = chr . fromIntegral
+{-# INLINE c2w #-}
+c2w :: Char -> Word8
+c2w = fromIntegral . ord
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- List-mimicking functions for PackedStrings
+-- | The 'length' function returns the length of the input list.
+-- Analogous to 'length'.
+length :: PackedString -> Int
+length (PS _ len _) = len
+-- | The 'index' function returns the character in the string at the
+-- given position.
+index :: PackedString -> Int -> Char
+index ps i
+ | i >= 0 && i < len = unsafeIndex ps i
+ | otherwise = error "Data.PackedString.Latin1.index: index out of range"
+ where len = length ps
+unsafeIndex :: PackedString -> Int -> Char
+unsafeIndex (PS off len fp) i =
+ withPackedString fp $ \p -> do
+ w <- peekElemOff (p `plusPtr` off) i
+ return $! w2c w
+-- | The 'head' function returns the first element of a
+-- 'PackedString' or throws an error if the string is empty.
+head :: PackedString -> Char
+head ps
+ | len <= 0 = error "Data.PackedString.Latin1.head: head []"
+ | otherwise = index ps 0
+ where len = length ps
+-- | The 'tail' function returns the tail of a 'PackedString' or throws an error
+-- if the string is empty.
+tail :: PackedString -> PackedString
+tail ps
+ | len <= 0 = error "Data.PackedString.Latin1.tail: tail []"
+ | len == 1 = nil
+ | otherwise = substr ps 1 (len - 1)
+ where len = length ps
+-- | The 'null' function returns True iff the argument is null.
+null :: PackedString -> Bool
+null (PS _ l _) = l == 0
+-- | The 'append' function appends the second string onto the first.
+append :: PackedString -> PackedString -> PackedString
+append xs ys
+ | null xs = ys
+ | null ys = xs
+ | otherwise = concat [xs,ys]
+-- | The 'map' function applies a function to each character in the string.
+map :: (Char -> Char) -> PackedString -> PackedString
+map f ps = packLen (length ps) ( f (unpack ps))
+-- | The 'filter' function filters out the appropriate substring.
+filter :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> PackedString {-or String?-}
+filter pred ps = pack $ Prelude.filter pred $ unpack ps
+-- | The 'foldl' function behaves like 'foldl' on 'PackedString's.
+foldl :: (a -> Char -> a) -> a -> PackedString -> a
+foldl f b ps = Prelude.foldl f b $ unpack ps
+-- | The 'foldr' function behaves like 'foldr' on 'PackedString's.
+foldr :: (Char -> a -> a) -> a -> PackedString -> a
+foldr f v ps = Prelude.foldr f v $ unpack ps -- no intermediate list, we hope
+-- | The 'take' function takes the first @n@ characters of a 'PackedString'.
+take :: Int -> PackedString -> PackedString
+take n ps = substr ps 0 (n-1)
+-- | The 'drop' function drops the first @n@ characters of a 'PackedString'.
+drop :: Int -> PackedString -> PackedString
+drop n ps = substr ps n (length ps - 1)
+-- | The 'splitWith' function splits a 'PackedString' at a given index.
+splitAt :: Int -> PackedString -> (PackedString, PackedString)
+splitAt n ps = (take n ps, drop n ps)
+-- | The 'takeWhile' function is analogous to the 'takeWhile' function.
+takeWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> PackedString
+takeWhile pred ps = pack $ Prelude.takeWhile pred $ unpack ps
+-- | The 'dropWhile' function is analogous to the 'dropWhile' function.
+dropWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> PackedString
+dropWhile pred ps = pack $ Prelude.dropWhile pred $ unpack ps
+-- | The 'elem' function returns True iff the given element is in the string.
+elem :: Char -> PackedString -> Bool
+elem c ps = c `Prelude.elem` unpack ps
+-- | The 'span' function returns a pair containing the result of
+-- running both 'takeWhile' and 'dropWhile'.
+span :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> (PackedString, PackedString)
+span p ps = (takeWhile p ps, dropWhile p ps)
+-- | The 'break' function breaks a string at the first position which
+-- satisfies the predicate.
+break :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> (PackedString, PackedString)
+break p ps = span (not . p) ps
+-- | The 'lines' function splits the input on line-breaks.
+lines :: PackedString -> [PackedString]
+lines ps = split '\n' ps
+-- | The 'unlines' function concatenates the input list after
+-- interspersing newlines.
+unlines :: [PackedString] -> PackedString
+unlines pss = join (pack "\n") pss
+-- | The 'words' function is analogous to the 'words' function.
+words :: PackedString -> [PackedString]
+words ps = Prelude.filter (not.null) (splitWith isSpace ps)
+-- | The 'unwords' function is analogous to the 'unwords' function.
+unwords :: [PackedString] -> PackedString
+unwords pss = join (pack " ") pss
+-- | The 'reverse' function reverses the string.
+reverse :: PackedString -> PackedString
+reverse ps = pack $ Prelude.reverse $ unpack ps
+-- | The 'concat' function concatenates a list of 'PackedString's.
+concat :: [PackedString] -> PackedString
+concat pss = pack $ Prelude.concat $ unpack pss
+-- | The 'join' function takes a 'PackedString' and a list of 'PackedString's
+-- and concatenates the list after interspersing the first argument between
+-- each element of the list.
+join :: PackedString -> [PackedString] -> PackedString
+join filler pss = concat (splice pss)
+ where
+ splice [] = []
+ splice [x] = [x]
+ splice (x:y:xs) = x:filler:splice (y:xs)
+-- ToDo: the obvious generalisation
+ Some properties that hold:
+ * split x ls = ls'
+ where False = any (map (x `elem`) ls')
+ * join (pack [x]) (split x ls) = ls
+-- | The 'split' function splits the input string on each occurrence of the given 'Char'.
+split :: Char -> PackedString -> [PackedString]
+split c = splitWith (== c)
+splitWith :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> [PackedString]
+splitWith pred (PS off 0 fp) = []
+splitWith pred (PS off len fp) = splitWith' pred off len fp
+splitWith' pred off len fp =
+ withPackedString fp $ \p -> splitLoop pred p 0 off len fp
+splitLoop pred p idx off len fp
+ | p `seq` idx `seq` off `seq` fp `seq` False = undefined
+splitLoop pred p idx off len fp
+ | idx >= len = return [PS off idx fp]
+ | otherwise = do
+ w <- peekElemOff p (off+idx)
+ if pred (w2c w)
+ then return (PS off idx fp :
+ splitWith' pred (off+idx+1) (len-idx-1) fp)
+ else splitLoop pred p (idx+1) off len fp
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Local utility functions
+-- The definition of @_substr@ is essentially:
+-- @take (end - begin + 1) (drop begin str)@.
+-- | The 'substr' function takes a 'PackedString' and two indices
+-- and returns the substring of the input string between (and including)
+-- these indices.
+substr :: PackedString -> Int -> Int -> PackedString
+substr (PS off len fp) begin end = PS (off+begin) (end-begin+1) fp
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- hPut
+-- | Outputs a 'PackedString' to the specified 'Handle'.
+-- NOTE: the string will be output directly in Latin-1.
+hPut :: Handle -> PackedString -> IO ()
+hPut h (PS off l fp) =
+ withForeignPtr fp $ \p ->
+ hPutBuf h (p `plusPtr` off) l
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- hGet
+-- | Read a 'PackedString' directly from the specified 'Handle'.
+-- This is far more efficient than reading the characters into a 'String'
+-- and then using 'pack'.
+-- NOTE: as with 'hPut', the string representation in the file is
+-- assumed to be Latin-1.
+hGet :: Handle -> Int -> IO PackedString
+hGet h i = do
+ fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes i
+ withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do
+ l <- hGetBuf h p i
+ return (PS 0 l fp)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- unpacking
+{-# INLINE unpack #-}
+unpack :: PackedString -> String
+unpack ps = build (unpackFoldr ps)
+{-# RULES
+"unpack-list" [1] forall p . unpackFoldr p (:) [] = unpackList p
+ #-}
+unpackList :: PackedString -> [Char]
+unpackList (PS off len fp) =
+ withPackedString fp $ \p -> do
+ let loop p (-1) acc = return acc
+ loop p n acc = do
+ a <- peekElemOff p n
+ loop p (n-1) (w2c a : acc)
+ loop (p `plusPtr` off) (len-1) []
+{-# INLINE [0] unpackFoldr #-}
+unpackFoldr :: PackedString -> (Char -> a -> a) -> a -> a
+unpackFoldr (PS off len fp) f c =
+ withPackedString fp $ \p -> do
+ let loop p (-1) acc = return acc
+ loop p n acc = do
+ a <- peekElemOff p n
+ loop p (n-1) (w2c a `f` acc)
+ loop (p `plusPtr` off) (len-1) c
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Utils
+-- Just like unsafePerformIO, but we inline it.
+{-# INLINE inlinePerformIO #-}
+inlinePerformIO :: IO a -> a
+inlinePerformIO (IO m) = case m realWorld# of (# _, r #) -> r
+withPackedString :: ForeignPtr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> b
+withPackedString fp io = inlinePerformIO (withForeignPtr fp io)