path: root/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_run/T3591.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_run/T3591.hs')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_run/T3591.hs b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_run/T3591.hs
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+++ b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_run/T3591.hs
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+ Copyright 2009 Mario Blazevic
+ This file is part of the Streaming Component Combinators (SCC) project.
+ The SCC project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ SCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with SCC. If not, see <>.
+-- | Module "Trampoline" defines the pipe computations and their basic building blocks.
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, Rank2Types, MultiParamTypeClasses,
+ TypeFamilies, KindSignatures, FlexibleContexts,
+ FlexibleInstances, OverlappingInstances, UndecidableInstances
+ #-}
+{- Somewhere we get:
+ Wanted: AncestorFunctor (EitherFunctor a (TryYield a)) d
+ This should not reduce because of overlapping instances
+ If it (erroneously) does reduce, via dfun2 we get
+ Wanted: Functor (EitherFunctor a (TryYield a)
+ Functor d'
+ Functor d
+ d ~ EitherFunctor d' s
+ AncestorFunctor (EitherFunctor a (TryYield a) d'
+ And that gives an infinite loop in the type checker!
+module Main where
+import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2, when)
+-- import Control.Monad.Identity
+import Debug.Trace (trace)
+class (Functor a, Functor d) => AncestorFunctor a d where
+ liftFunctor :: a x -> d x
+-- dfun 1
+instance Functor a => AncestorFunctor a a where
+ liftFunctor = trace "liftFunctor id" . id
+-- dfun 2
+instance ( Functor a
+ , Functor d'
+ , Functor d
+ , d ~ EitherFunctor d' s
+ , AncestorFunctor a d')
+ => AncestorFunctor a d where
+ liftFunctor = LeftF . (trace "liftFunctor other" . liftFunctor :: a x -> d' x)
+newtype Identity a = Identity { runIdentity :: a }
+instance Monad Identity where
+ return a = Identity a
+ m >>= k = k (runIdentity m)
+newtype Trampoline m s r = Trampoline {bounce :: m (TrampolineState m s r)}
+data TrampolineState m s r = Done r | Suspend! (s (Trampoline m s r))
+instance (Monad m, Functor s) => Monad (Trampoline m s) where
+ return x = Trampoline (return (Done x))
+ t >>= f = Trampoline (bounce t >>= apply f)
+ where apply f (Done x) = bounce (f x)
+ apply f (Suspend s) = return (Suspend (fmap (>>= f) s))
+data Yield x y = Yield! x y
+instance Functor (Yield x) where
+ fmap f (Yield x y) = trace "fmap yield" $ Yield x (f y)
+data Await x y = Await! (x -> y)
+instance Functor (Await x) where
+ fmap f (Await g) = trace "fmap await" $ Await (f . g)
+data EitherFunctor l r x = LeftF (l x) | RightF (r x)
+instance (Functor l, Functor r) => Functor (EitherFunctor l r) where
+ fmap f v = trace "fmap Either" $
+ case v of
+ LeftF l -> trace "fmap LeftF" $ LeftF (fmap f l)
+ RightF r -> trace "fmap RightF" $ RightF (fmap f r)
+type TryYield x = EitherFunctor (Yield x) (Await Bool)
+suspend :: (Monad m, Functor s) => s (Trampoline m s x) -> Trampoline m s x
+suspend s = Trampoline (return (Suspend s))
+yield :: forall m x. Monad m => x -> Trampoline m (Yield x) ()
+yield x = suspend (Yield x (return ()))
+await :: forall m x. Monad m => Trampoline m (Await x) x
+await = suspend (Await return)
+tryYield :: forall m x. Monad m => x -> Trampoline m (TryYield x) Bool
+tryYield x = suspend (LeftF (Yield x (suspend (RightF (Await return)))))
+canYield :: forall m x. Monad m => Trampoline m (TryYield x) Bool
+canYield = suspend (RightF (Await return))
+liftBounce :: Monad m => m x -> Trampoline m s x
+liftBounce = Trampoline . liftM Done
+fromTrampoline :: Monad m => Trampoline m s x -> m x
+fromTrampoline t = bounce t >>= \(Done x)-> return x
+runTrampoline :: Monad m => Trampoline m Maybe x -> m x
+runTrampoline = fromTrampoline
+coupleNestedFinite :: (Functor s, Monad m) =>
+ Trampoline m (EitherFunctor s (TryYield a)) x
+ -> Trampoline m (EitherFunctor s (Await (Maybe a))) y -> Trampoline m s (x, y)
+coupleNestedFinite t1 t2 =
+ trace "bounce start" $
+ liftBounce (liftM2 (,) (bounce t1) (bounce t2))
+ >>= \(s1, s2)-> trace "bounce end" $
+ case (s1, s2)
+ of (Done x, Done y) -> return (x, y)
+ (Done x, Suspend (RightF (Await c2))) -> coupleNestedFinite (return x) (c2 Nothing)
+ (Suspend (RightF (LeftF (Yield _ c1))), Done y) -> coupleNestedFinite c1 (return y)
+ (Suspend (RightF (LeftF (Yield x c1))), Suspend (RightF (Await c2))) -> coupleNestedFinite c1 (c2 $ Just x)
+ (Suspend (RightF (RightF (Await c1))), Suspend s2@(RightF Await{})) -> coupleNestedFinite (c1 True) (suspend s2)
+ (Suspend (RightF (RightF (Await c1))), Done y) -> coupleNestedFinite (c1 False) (return y)
+ (Suspend (LeftF s), Done y) -> suspend (fmap (flip coupleNestedFinite (return y)) s)
+ (Done x, Suspend (LeftF s)) -> suspend (fmap (coupleNestedFinite (return x)) s)
+ (Suspend (LeftF s1), Suspend (LeftF s2)) -> suspend (fmap (coupleNestedFinite $ suspend $ LeftF s1) s2)
+ (Suspend (LeftF s1), Suspend (RightF s2)) -> suspend (fmap (flip coupleNestedFinite (suspend $ RightF s2)) s1)
+ (Suspend (RightF s1), Suspend (LeftF s2)) -> suspend (fmap (coupleNestedFinite (suspend $ RightF s1)) s2)
+local :: forall m l r x. (Monad m, Functor r) => Trampoline m r x -> Trampoline m (EitherFunctor l r) x
+local (Trampoline mr) = Trampoline (liftM inject mr)
+ where inject :: TrampolineState m r x -> TrampolineState m (EitherFunctor l r) x
+ inject (Done x) = Done x
+ inject (Suspend r) = Suspend (RightF $ fmap local r)
+out :: forall m l r x. (Monad m, Functor l) => Trampoline m l x -> Trampoline m (EitherFunctor l r) x
+out (Trampoline ml) = Trampoline (liftM inject ml)
+ where inject :: TrampolineState m l x -> TrampolineState m (EitherFunctor l r) x
+ inject (Done x) = Done x
+ inject (Suspend l) = Suspend (LeftF $ fmap out l)
+liftOut :: forall m a d x. (Monad m, Functor a, AncestorFunctor a d) => Trampoline m a x -> Trampoline m d x
+liftOut (Trampoline ma) = trace "liftOut" $ Trampoline (liftM inject ma)
+ where inject :: TrampolineState m a x -> TrampolineState m d x
+ inject (Done x) = Done x
+ inject (Suspend a) = trace "inject suspend" $ Suspend (liftFunctor $ trace "calling fmap" $
+ fmap liftOut (trace "poking a" a))
+data Sink (m :: * -> *) a x =
+ Sink {put :: forall d. (AncestorFunctor (EitherFunctor a (TryYield x)) d) => x -> Trampoline m d Bool,
+ canPut :: forall d. (AncestorFunctor (EitherFunctor a (TryYield x)) d) => Trampoline m d Bool}
+newtype Source (m :: * -> *) a x =
+ Source {get :: forall d. (AncestorFunctor (EitherFunctor a (Await (Maybe x))) d) => Trampoline m d (Maybe x)}
+pipe :: forall m a x r1 r2. (Monad m, Functor a) =>
+ (Sink m a x -> Trampoline m (EitherFunctor a (TryYield x)) r1)
+ -> (Source m a x -> Trampoline m (EitherFunctor a (Await (Maybe x))) r2) -> Trampoline m a (r1, r2)
+pipe producer consumer = coupleNestedFinite (producer sink) (consumer source) where
+ sink = Sink {put= liftOut . (local . tryYield :: x -> Trampoline m (EitherFunctor a (TryYield x)) Bool),
+ canPut= liftOut (local canYield :: Trampoline m (EitherFunctor a (TryYield x)) Bool)} :: Sink m a x
+ source = Source (liftOut (local await :: Trampoline m (EitherFunctor a (Await (Maybe x))) (Maybe x))) :: Source m a x
+pipeProducer sink = do put sink 1
+ (c, d) <- pipe
+ (\sink'-> do put sink' 2
+ put sink 3
+ put sink' 4
+ return 5)
+ (\source'-> do Just n <- get source'
+ put sink n
+ put sink 6
+ return n)
+ put sink c
+ put sink d
+ return (c, d)
+testPipe = print $
+ runIdentity $
+ runTrampoline $
+ do (a, b) <- pipe
+ pipeProducer
+ (\source-> do Just n1 <- get source
+ Just n2 <- get source
+ Just n3 <- get source
+ return (n1, n2, n3))
+ return (a, b)
+main = testPipe