path: root/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T4524.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T4524.hs')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T4524.hs b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T4524.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c59ad08b0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T4524.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+ GADTs,
+ TypeOperators,
+ ScopedTypeVariables,
+ RankNTypes,
+ NoMonoLocalBinds
+ #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -w #-}
+ Copyright (C) 2002-2003 David Roundy
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+module T4524 where
+import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe )
+import Control.Monad ( MonadPlus, mplus, msum, mzero )
+import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
+newtype FileName = FN FilePath deriving ( Eq, Ord )
+data FL a x z where
+ (:>:) :: a x y -> FL a y z -> FL a x z
+ NilFL :: FL a x x
+data RL a x z where
+ (:<:) :: a y z -> RL a x y -> RL a x z
+ NilRL :: RL a x x
+data (a1 :> a2) x y = forall z. (a1 x z) :> (a2 z y)
+infixr 1 :>
+data (a1 :< a2) x y = forall z. (a1 z y) :< (a2 x z)
+infix 1 :<
+infixr 5 :>:, :<:
+data EqCheck a b where
+ IsEq :: EqCheck a a
+ NotEq :: EqCheck a b
+class MyEq p => Invert p where
+ invert :: p x y -> p y x
+ identity :: p x x
+class MyEq p where
+ unsafeCompare :: p a b -> p c d -> Bool
+ unsafeCompare a b = IsEq == (a =/\= unsafeCoerceP b)
+ (=\/=) :: p a b -> p a c -> EqCheck b c
+ a =\/= b | unsafeCompare a b = unsafeCoerceP IsEq
+ | otherwise = NotEq
+ (=/\=) :: p a c -> p b c -> EqCheck a b
+ a =/\= b | IsEq == (a =\/= unsafeCoerceP b) = unsafeCoerceP IsEq
+ | otherwise = NotEq
+infix 4 =\/=, =/\=
+class Commute p where
+ commute :: (p :> p) x y -> Maybe ((p :> p) x y)
+instance (MyEq p, Commute p) => MyEq (FL p) where
+instance (MyEq p, Commute p) => MyEq (RL p) where
+instance Commute p => Commute (RL p) where
+instance (Commute p, Invert p) => Invert (RL p) where
+instance (Invert p, Commute p) => Invert (FL p) where
+instance Eq (EqCheck a b) where
+instance MyEq FilePatchType where
+instance Invert Patch where
+instance MyEq Patch where
+ unsafeCompare = eqPatches
+eqPatches :: Patch x y -> Patch w z -> Bool
+eqPatches (PP p1) (PP p2) = undefined
+eqPatches (Merger _ _ p1a p1b) (Merger _ _ p2a p2b)
+ = eqPatches p1a p2a &&
+ eqPatches p1b p2b
+eqPatches (Regrem _ _ p1a p1b) (Regrem _ _ p2a p2b)
+ = eqPatches p1a p2a &&
+ eqPatches p1b p2b
+eqPatches _ _ = False
+data Prim x y where
+ FP :: !FileName -> !(FilePatchType x y) -> Prim x y
+data FilePatchType x y = FilePatchType
+ deriving (Eq,Ord)
+data Patch x y where
+ PP :: Prim x y -> Patch x y
+ Merger :: FL Patch x y
+ -> RL Patch x b
+ -> Patch c b
+ -> Patch c d
+ -> Patch x y
+ Regrem :: FL Patch x y
+ -> RL Patch x b
+ -> Patch c b
+ -> Patch c a
+ -> Patch y x
+data Sealed a where
+ Sealed :: a x -> Sealed a
+data FlippedSeal a y where
+ FlippedSeal :: !(a x y) -> FlippedSeal a y
+mapFlipped :: (forall x. a x y -> b x z) -> FlippedSeal a y -> FlippedSeal b z
+mapFlipped f (FlippedSeal x) = FlippedSeal (f x)
+headPermutationsRL :: Commute p => RL p x y -> [RL p x y]
+headPermutationsRL NilRL = []
+headPermutationsRL (p:<:ps) =
+ (p:<:ps) : mapMaybe (swapfirstRL.(p:<:)) (headPermutationsRL ps)
+ where swapfirstRL (p1:<:p2:<:xs) = do p1':>p2' <- commute (p2:>p1)
+ Just $ p2':<:p1':<:xs
+ swapfirstRL _ = Nothing
+is_filepatch :: Prim x y -> Maybe FileName
+is_filepatch (FP f _) = Just f
+is_filepatch _ = Nothing
+toFwdCommute :: (Commute p, Commute q, Monad m)
+ => ((p :< q) x y -> m ((q :< p) x y))
+ -> (q :> p) x y -> m ((p :> q) x y)
+toFwdCommute c (x :> y) = do x' :< y' <- c (y :< x)
+ return (y' :> x')
+unsafeUnseal :: Sealed a -> a x
+unsafeUnseal (Sealed a) = unsafeCoerceP1 a
+unsafeUnsealFlipped :: FlippedSeal a y -> a x y
+unsafeUnsealFlipped (FlippedSeal a) = unsafeCoerceP a
+unsafeCoerceP :: a x y -> a b c
+unsafeCoerceP = unsafeCoerce
+unsafeCoercePStart :: a x1 y -> a x2 y
+unsafeCoercePStart = unsafeCoerce
+unsafeCoercePEnd :: a x y1 -> a x y2
+unsafeCoercePEnd = unsafeCoerce
+unsafeCoerceP1 :: a x -> a y
+unsafeCoerceP1 = unsafeCoerce
+data Perhaps a = Unknown | Failed | Succeeded a
+instance Monad Perhaps where
+ (Succeeded x) >>= k = k x
+ Failed >>= _ = Failed
+ Unknown >>= _ = Unknown
+ Failed >> _ = Failed
+ (Succeeded _) >> k = k
+ Unknown >> k = k
+ return = Succeeded
+ fail _ = Unknown
+instance MonadPlus Perhaps where
+ mzero = Unknown
+ Unknown `mplus` ys = ys
+ Failed `mplus` _ = Failed
+ (Succeeded x) `mplus` _ = Succeeded x
+toMaybe :: Perhaps a -> Maybe a
+toMaybe (Succeeded x) = Just x
+toMaybe _ = Nothing
+cleverCommute :: CommuteFunction -> CommuteFunction
+cleverCommute c (p1:<p2) =
+ case c (p1 :< p2) of
+ Succeeded x -> Succeeded x
+ Failed -> Failed
+speedyCommute :: CommuteFunction
+speedyCommute (p1 :< p2) -- Deal with common case quickly!
+ | p1_modifies /= Nothing && p2_modifies /= Nothing &&
+ p1_modifies /= p2_modifies = undefined
+ | otherwise = Unknown
+ where p1_modifies = isFilepatchMerger p1
+ p2_modifies = isFilepatchMerger p2
+everythingElseCommute :: MaybeCommute -> CommuteFunction
+everythingElseCommute _ x = undefined
+unsafeMerger :: String -> Patch x y -> Patch x z -> Patch a b
+unsafeMerger x p1 p2 = unsafeCoercePStart $ unsafeUnseal $ merger x p1 p2
+mergerCommute :: (Patch :< Patch) x y -> Perhaps ((Patch :< Patch) x y)
+mergerCommute (Merger _ _ p1 p2 :< pA)
+ | unsafeCompare pA p1 = Succeeded (unsafeMerger "0.0" p2 p1 :< unsafeCoercePStart p2)
+ | unsafeCompare pA (invert (unsafeMerger "0.0" p2 p1)) = Failed
+mergerCommute (Merger _ _
+ (Merger _ _ c b)
+ (Merger _ _ c' a) :<
+ Merger _ _ b' c'')
+ | unsafeCompare b' b && unsafeCompare c c' && unsafeCompare c c'' = undefined
+mergerCommute _ = Unknown
+instance Commute Patch where
+ commute x = toMaybe $ msum
+ [toFwdCommute speedyCommute x,
+ toFwdCommute (cleverCommute mergerCommute) x,
+ toFwdCommute (everythingElseCommute undefined) x
+ ]
+isFilepatchMerger :: Patch x y -> Maybe FileName
+isFilepatchMerger (PP p) = is_filepatch p
+isFilepatchMerger (Regrem und unw p1 p2)
+ = isFilepatchMerger (Merger und unw p1 p2)
+type CommuteFunction = forall x y. (Patch :< Patch) x y -> Perhaps ((Patch :< Patch) x y)
+type MaybeCommute = forall x y. (Patch :< Patch) x y -> Maybe ((Patch :< Patch) x y)
+{- unwind, trueUnwind, reconcleUnwindings, and merger are most likely
+ where the problem lies. Everything above is just brought in to bring
+ in enough context so that those four will compile. -}
+unwind :: Patch x y -> Sealed (RL Patch x) -- Recreates a patch history in reverse.
+unwind (Merger _ unwindings _ _) = Sealed unwindings
+unwind p = Sealed (p :<: NilRL)
+trueUnwind :: Patch x y -> Sealed (RL Patch x) -- Recreates a patch history in reverse.
+trueUnwind p@(Merger _ _ p1 p2) =
+ case (unwind p1, unwind p2) of
+ (Sealed (_:<:p1s),Sealed (_:<:p2s)) ->
+ Sealed (p :<: unsafeCoerceP p1 :<: unsafeUnsealFlipped (reconcileUnwindings p1s (unsafeCoercePEnd p2s)))
+reconcileUnwindings :: RL Patch x z -> RL Patch y z -> FlippedSeal (RL Patch) z
+reconcileUnwindings p1s NilRL = FlippedSeal p1s
+reconcileUnwindings (p1:<:_) (p2:<:_) =
+ case [undefined | p1s'@(_:<:_) <- headPermutationsRL (p1:<:undefined)] of
+ ((_:<:p1s', _:<:p2s'):_) ->
+ mapFlipped (undefined :<:) $ reconcileUnwindings p1s' (unsafeCoercePEnd p2s')
+merger :: String -> Patch x y -> Patch x z -> Sealed (Patch y)
+merger "0.0" p1 p2 = Sealed $ Merger undoit unwindings p1 p2
+ where fake_p = Merger identity NilRL p1 p2
+ unwindings = unsafeUnseal (trueUnwind fake_p)
+ p = undefined
+ undoit = undefined