path: root/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/tcfail068.stderr
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1 files changed, 97 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/tcfail068.stderr b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/tcfail068.stderr
index 286d0e8e79..11d39617db 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/tcfail068.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/tcfail068.stderr
@@ -1,91 +1,97 @@
- Could not deduce (s1 ~ s)
- from the context (Constructed a)
- bound by the type signature for
- itgen :: Constructed a => (Int, Int) -> a -> IndTree s a
- at tcfail068.hs:(12,1)-(14,31)
- `s1' is a rigid type variable bound by
- a type expected by the context: GHC.ST.ST s1 (IndTree s a)
- at tcfail068.hs:13:9
- `s' is a rigid type variable bound by
- the type signature for
- itgen :: Constructed a => (Int, Int) -> a -> IndTree s a
- at tcfail068.hs:12:1
- Expected type: GHC.ST.ST s (IndTree s1 a)
- Actual type: GHC.ST.ST s (STArray s (Int, Int) a)
- In the return type of a call of `newSTArray'
- In the first argument of `runST', namely
- `(newSTArray ((1, 1), n) x)'
- Could not deduce (s ~ s1)
- from the context (Constructed a)
- bound by the type signature for
- itiap :: Constructed a =>
- (Int, Int) -> (a -> a) -> IndTree s a -> IndTree s a
- at tcfail068.hs:(17,1)-(21,19)
- `s' is a rigid type variable bound by
- the type signature for
- itiap :: Constructed a =>
- (Int, Int) -> (a -> a) -> IndTree s a -> IndTree s a
- at tcfail068.hs:17:1
- `s1' is a rigid type variable bound by
- a type expected by the context: GHC.ST.ST s1 (IndTree s a)
- at tcfail068.hs:18:9
- Expected type: STArray s1 (Int, Int) a
- Actual type: IndTree s a
- In the first argument of `readSTArray', namely `arr'
- In the first argument of `(>>=)', namely `readSTArray arr i'
- Could not deduce (s ~ s1)
- from the context (Constructed a)
- bound by the type signature for
- itrap :: Constructed a =>
- ((Int, Int), (Int, Int)) -> (a -> a) -> IndTree s a -> IndTree s a
- at tcfail068.hs:(24,1)-(32,41)
- `s' is a rigid type variable bound by
- the type signature for
- itrap :: Constructed a =>
- ((Int, Int), (Int, Int)) -> (a -> a) -> IndTree s a -> IndTree s a
- at tcfail068.hs:24:1
- `s1' is a rigid type variable bound by
- a type expected by the context: GHC.ST.ST s1 (IndTree s a)
- at tcfail068.hs:24:29
- Expected type: GHC.ST.ST s1 (IndTree s a)
- Actual type: GHC.ST.ST s (IndTree s a)
- In the return type of a call of itrap'
- In the first argument of `runST', namely `(itrap' i k)'
- Could not deduce (s ~ s1)
- from the context (Constructed b)
- bound by the type signature for
- itrapstate :: Constructed b =>
- ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))
- -> (a -> b -> (a, b))
- -> ((Int, Int) -> c -> a)
- -> (a -> c)
- -> c
- -> IndTree s b
- -> (c, IndTree s b)
- at tcfail068.hs:(36,1)-(45,66)
- `s' is a rigid type variable bound by
- the type signature for
- itrapstate :: Constructed b =>
- ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))
- -> (a -> b -> (a, b))
- -> ((Int, Int) -> c -> a)
- -> (a -> c)
- -> c
- -> IndTree s b
- -> (c, IndTree s b)
- at tcfail068.hs:36:1
- `s1' is a rigid type variable bound by
- a type expected by the context: GHC.ST.ST s1 (c, IndTree s b)
- at tcfail068.hs:36:40
- Expected type: GHC.ST.ST s1 (c, IndTree s b)
- Actual type: GHC.ST.ST s (c, IndTree s b)
- In the return type of a call of itrapstate'
- In the first argument of `runST', namely `(itrapstate' i k s)'
+ Could not deduce (s1 ~ s)
+ from the context (Constructed a)
+ bound by the type signature for
+ itgen :: Constructed a => (Int, Int) -> a -> IndTree s a
+ at tcfail068.hs:(12,1)-(14,31)
+ `s1' is a rigid type variable bound by
+ a type expected by the context: GHC.ST.ST s1 (IndTree s a)
+ at tcfail068.hs:13:9
+ `s' is a rigid type variable bound by
+ the type signature for
+ itgen :: Constructed a => (Int, Int) -> a -> IndTree s a
+ at tcfail068.hs:12:1
+ Expected type: GHC.ST.ST s1 (IndTree s a)
+ Actual type: GHC.ST.ST s1 (STArray s1 (Int, Int) a)
+ In the return type of a call of `newSTArray'
+ In the first argument of `runST', namely
+ `(newSTArray ((1, 1), n) x)'
+ In the expression: runST (newSTArray ((1, 1), n) x)
+ Could not deduce (s ~ s1)
+ from the context (Constructed a)
+ bound by the type signature for
+ itiap :: Constructed a =>
+ (Int, Int) -> (a -> a) -> IndTree s a -> IndTree s a
+ at tcfail068.hs:(17,1)-(21,19)
+ `s' is a rigid type variable bound by
+ the type signature for
+ itiap :: Constructed a =>
+ (Int, Int) -> (a -> a) -> IndTree s a -> IndTree s a
+ at tcfail068.hs:17:1
+ `s1' is a rigid type variable bound by
+ a type expected by the context: GHC.ST.ST s1 (IndTree s a)
+ at tcfail068.hs:18:9
+ Expected type: STArray s1 (Int, Int) a
+ Actual type: IndTree s a
+ In the first argument of `readSTArray', namely `arr'
+ In the first argument of `(>>=)', namely `readSTArray arr i'
+ In the first argument of `runST', namely
+ `(readSTArray arr i
+ >>= \ val -> writeSTArray arr i (f val) >> return arr)'
+ Could not deduce (s ~ s1)
+ from the context (Constructed a)
+ bound by the type signature for
+ itrap :: Constructed a =>
+ ((Int, Int), (Int, Int)) -> (a -> a) -> IndTree s a -> IndTree s a
+ at tcfail068.hs:(24,1)-(32,41)
+ `s' is a rigid type variable bound by
+ the type signature for
+ itrap :: Constructed a =>
+ ((Int, Int), (Int, Int)) -> (a -> a) -> IndTree s a -> IndTree s a
+ at tcfail068.hs:24:1
+ `s1' is a rigid type variable bound by
+ a type expected by the context: GHC.ST.ST s1 (IndTree s a)
+ at tcfail068.hs:24:29
+ Expected type: GHC.ST.ST s1 (IndTree s a)
+ Actual type: GHC.ST.ST s (IndTree s a)
+ In the return type of a call of itrap'
+ In the first argument of `runST', namely `(itrap' i k)'
+ In the expression: runST (itrap' i k)
+ Could not deduce (s ~ s1)
+ from the context (Constructed b)
+ bound by the type signature for
+ itrapstate :: Constructed b =>
+ ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))
+ -> (a -> b -> (a, b))
+ -> ((Int, Int) -> c -> a)
+ -> (a -> c)
+ -> c
+ -> IndTree s b
+ -> (c, IndTree s b)
+ at tcfail068.hs:(36,1)-(45,66)
+ `s' is a rigid type variable bound by
+ the type signature for
+ itrapstate :: Constructed b =>
+ ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))
+ -> (a -> b -> (a, b))
+ -> ((Int, Int) -> c -> a)
+ -> (a -> c)
+ -> c
+ -> IndTree s b
+ -> (c, IndTree s b)
+ at tcfail068.hs:36:1
+ `s1' is a rigid type variable bound by
+ a type expected by the context: GHC.ST.ST s1 (c, IndTree s b)
+ at tcfail068.hs:36:40
+ Expected type: GHC.ST.ST s1 (c, IndTree s b)
+ Actual type: GHC.ST.ST s (c, IndTree s b)
+ In the return type of a call of itrapstate'
+ In the first argument of `runST', namely `(itrapstate' i k s)'
+ In the expression: runST (itrapstate' i k s)