path: root/testsuite
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite')
15 files changed, 175 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/cpranal/should_compile/T18109.hs b/testsuite/tests/cpranal/should_compile/T18109.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c52a187c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/cpranal/should_compile/T18109.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -fforce-recomp -dno-typeable-binds #-}
+-- | These are all examples where the CPR worker should not return an unboxed
+-- singleton tuple of the field, but rather the single field directly.
+-- This is OK if the field indeed terminates quickly;
+-- see Note [No unboxed tuple for single, unlifted transit var]
+module T18109 where
+data F = F (Int -> Int)
+f :: Int -> F
+f n = F (+n)
+{-# NOINLINE f #-}
+data T = T (Int, Int)
+g :: T -> T
+g t@(T p) = p `seq` t
+{-# NOINLINE g #-}
+data U = U ![Int]
+h :: Int -> U
+h n = U [0..n]
+{-# NOINLINE h #-}
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/cpranal/should_compile/T18109.stderr b/testsuite/tests/cpranal/should_compile/T18109.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad92bdda17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/cpranal/should_compile/T18109.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+==================== Tidy Core ====================
+Result size of Tidy Core = {terms: 78, types: 81, coercions: 0, joins: 0/1}
+-- RHS size: {terms: 6, types: 4, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
+T18109.$WU :: [Int] %1 -> U
+T18109.$WU = \ (dt_aDr :: [Int]) -> case dt_aDr of dt_X0 { __DEFAULT -> T18109.U dt_X0 }
+-- RHS size: {terms: 6, types: 12, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
+T18109.$wg :: (Int, Int) -> (# (Int, Int) #)
+T18109.$wg = \ (ww_sKr :: (Int, Int)) -> case ww_sKr of p_X2 { (ipv_sIU, ipv1_sIV) -> (# p_X2 #) }
+-- RHS size: {terms: 10, types: 13, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
+g :: T -> T
+g = \ (w_sKp :: T) -> case w_sKp of { T ww_sKr -> case T18109.$wg ww_sKr of { (# ww1_sKJ #) -> T18109.T ww1_sKJ } }
+-- RHS size: {terms: 6, types: 5, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
+T18109.$wf :: Int -> (# Int -> Int #)
+T18109.$wf = \ (w_sKw :: Int) -> (# \ (v_B2 :: Int) -> GHC.Num.$fNumInt_$c+ v_B2 w_sKw #)
+-- RHS size: {terms: 7, types: 7, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
+f :: Int -> F
+f = \ (w_sKw :: Int) -> case T18109.$wf w_sKw of { (# ww_sKL #) -> T18109.F ww_sKL }
+-- RHS size: {terms: 26, types: 10, coercions: 0, joins: 0/1}
+T18109.$wh :: GHC.Prim.Int# -> [Int]
+ = \ (ww_sKE :: GHC.Prim.Int#) ->
+ case GHC.Prim.># 0# ww_sKE of {
+ __DEFAULT ->
+ letrec {
+ go3_aKm :: GHC.Prim.Int# -> [Int]
+ go3_aKm
+ = \ (x_aKn :: GHC.Prim.Int#) ->
+ GHC.Types.:
+ @Int
+ (GHC.Types.I# x_aKn)
+ (case GHC.Prim.==# x_aKn ww_sKE of {
+ __DEFAULT -> go3_aKm (GHC.Prim.+# x_aKn 1#);
+ 1# -> GHC.Types.[] @Int
+ }); } in
+ go3_aKm 0#;
+ 1# -> GHC.Types.[] @Int
+ }
+-- RHS size: {terms: 10, types: 5, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
+h :: Int -> U
+h = \ (w_sKC :: Int) -> case w_sKC of { GHC.Types.I# ww_sKE -> case T18109.$wh ww_sKE of ww1_sKN { __DEFAULT -> T18109.U ww1_sKN } }
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/cpranal/should_compile/T18401.hs b/testsuite/tests/cpranal/should_compile/T18401.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c850d9a7e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/cpranal/should_compile/T18401.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -fforce-recomp -dno-typeable-binds #-}
+module T18401 where
+-- | A safe version of `init`.
+-- @safeInit [] = Nothing@
+-- @safeInit xs = Just $ init xs@
+safeInit :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
+safeInit xs = case si xs of
+ (False, _) -> Nothing
+ (_, ys) -> Just ys
+si :: [a] -> (Bool, [a])
+si xs0 = foldr go stop xs0 Nothing
+ where
+ stop Nothing = (False, [])
+ stop _ = (True, [])
+ go x r Nothing = (True, snd (r (Just x)))
+ go x r (Just p) = (True, p : snd (r (Just x)))
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/cpranal/should_compile/T18401.stderr b/testsuite/tests/cpranal/should_compile/T18401.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e299ba4dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/cpranal/should_compile/T18401.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+==================== Tidy Core ====================
+Result size of Tidy Core = {terms: 54, types: 101, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
+Rec {
+-- RHS size: {terms: 20, types: 31, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
+T18401.safeInit_$spoly_$wgo1 :: forall {a}. a -> [a] -> (# Bool, [a] #)
+ = \ (@a_aO1) (sc_s17W :: a_aO1) (sc1_s17V :: [a_aO1]) ->
+ case sc1_s17V of {
+ [] -> (# GHC.Types.True, GHC.Types.[] @a_aO1 #);
+ : y_a158 ys_a159 -> (# GHC.Types.True, GHC.Types.: @a_aO1 sc_s17W (case T18401.safeInit_$spoly_$wgo1 @a_aO1 y_a158 ys_a159 of { (# ww_s17y, ww1_s17z #) -> ww1_s17z }) #)
+ }
+end Rec }
+-- RHS size: {terms: 17, types: 25, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
+si :: forall a. [a] -> (Bool, [a])
+ = \ (@a_s17i) (w_s17j :: [a_s17i]) ->
+ case w_s17j of {
+ [] -> (GHC.Types.False, GHC.Types.[] @a_s17i);
+ : y_a158 ys_a159 -> (GHC.Types.True, case T18401.safeInit_$spoly_$wgo1 @a_s17i y_a158 ys_a159 of { (# ww_X3, ww1_X4 #) -> ww1_X4 })
+ }
+-- RHS size: {terms: 14, types: 22, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
+safeInit :: forall a. [a] -> Maybe [a]
+ = \ (@a_aO1) (xs_aus :: [a_aO1]) ->
+ case xs_aus of {
+ [] -> GHC.Maybe.Nothing @[a_aO1];
+ : y_a158 ys_a159 -> GHC.Maybe.Just @[a_aO1] (case T18401.safeInit_$spoly_$wgo1 @a_aO1 y_a158 ys_a159 of { (# ww_X3, ww1_X4 #) -> ww1_X4 })
+ }
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/cpranal/should_compile/all.T b/testsuite/tests/cpranal/should_compile/all.T
index 5a37f42376..d70d978be6 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/cpranal/should_compile/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/cpranal/should_compile/all.T
@@ -5,3 +5,9 @@ def f( name, opts ):
test('Cpr001', [], multimod_compile, ['Cpr001', '-v0'])
+# The following tests grep for type signatures of worker functions.
+test('T18109', [ grep_errmsg(r'^T18109\.\$w\S+ ::') ], compile, ['-ddump-simpl -dsuppress-idinfo -dppr-cols=9999'])
+# T18401 probably needs -flate-dmd-anal so that it runs after SpecConstr.
+# It is currently broken, but not marked expect_broken. We can't know the exact
+# name of the function before it is fixed, so expect_broken doesn't make sense.
+test('T18401', [ grep_errmsg(r'^T18401\.\S+ ::') ], compile, ['-ddump-simpl -dsuppress-idinfo -dppr-cols=9999 -flate-dmd-anal'])
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T13143.stderr b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T13143.stderr
index 86094fe7d9..87fbdd6213 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T13143.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T13143.stderr
@@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ g [InlPrag=[2]] :: Bool -> Bool -> Int -> Int
Tmpl= \ (w [Occ=Once1] :: Bool)
(w1 [Occ=Once1] :: Bool)
(w2 [Occ=Once1!] :: Int) ->
- case w2 of { GHC.Types.I# ww1 [Occ=Once1] ->
- case T13143.$wg w w1 ww1 of ww2 [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT ->
- GHC.Types.I# ww2
+ case w2 of { GHC.Types.I# ww [Occ=Once1] ->
+ case T13143.$wg w w1 ww of ww1 [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT ->
+ GHC.Types.I# ww1
g = \ (w :: Bool) (w1 :: Bool) (w2 :: Int) ->
- case w2 of { GHC.Types.I# ww1 ->
- case T13143.$wg w w1 ww1 of ww2 { __DEFAULT -> GHC.Types.I# ww2 }
+ case w2 of { GHC.Types.I# ww ->
+ case T13143.$wg w w1 ww of ww1 { __DEFAULT -> GHC.Types.I# ww1 }
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T15631.stdout b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T15631.stdout
index cce6777d74..e9e6a2bcab 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T15631.stdout
+++ b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T15631.stdout
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
case GHC.List.$wlenAcc
- case GHC.List.$wlenAcc @a w 0# of ww2 { __DEFAULT ->
+ case GHC.List.$wlenAcc @a w 0# of ww1 { __DEFAULT ->
case GHC.List.reverse1 @a w (GHC.Types.[] @a) of {
- [] -> case Foo.f1 @a of { GHC.Types.I# v1 -> GHC.Prim.+# ww2 v1 };
+ [] -> case Foo.f1 @a of { GHC.Types.I# v1 -> GHC.Prim.+# ww1 v1 };
case GHC.List.$wlenAcc
case Foo.$wf @a w of ww [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT ->
case Foo.$wf @a w of ww { __DEFAULT -> GHC.Types.I# ww }
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T18013.stderr b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T18013.stderr
index abcf710083..70998aecf8 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T18013.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T18013.stderr
@@ -141,21 +141,21 @@ mapMaybeRule [InlPrag=[2]]
WorkFree=True, Expandable=True,
Tmpl= \ (@a) (@b) (w [Occ=Once1!] :: Rule IO a b) ->
- case w of { Rule @s ww1 ww2 [Occ=OnceL1!] ->
+ case w of { Rule @s ww ww1 [Occ=OnceL1!] ->
@(Maybe a)
@(Maybe b)
- ww1
+ ww
((\ (s2 [Occ=Once1] :: s)
(a1 [Occ=Once1!] :: Maybe a)
(s1 [Occ=Once2] :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld) ->
case a1 of {
Nothing ->
- (# s1, T18013a.Result @s @(Maybe b) ww1 (GHC.Maybe.Nothing @b) #);
+ (# s1, T18013a.Result @s @(Maybe b) ww (GHC.Maybe.Nothing @b) #);
Just x [Occ=Once1] ->
- case ((ww2 s2 x) `cast` <Co:4>) s1 of
+ case ((ww1 s2 x) `cast` <Co:4>) s1 of
{ (# ipv [Occ=Once1], ipv1 [Occ=Once1!] #) ->
case ipv1 of { Result t2 [Occ=Once1] c1 [Occ=Once1] ->
(# ipv, T18013a.Result @s @(Maybe b) t2 (GHC.Maybe.Just @b c1) #)
@@ -166,24 +166,24 @@ mapMaybeRule [InlPrag=[2]]
= \ (@a) (@b) (w :: Rule IO a b) ->
- case w of { Rule @s ww1 ww2 ->
+ case w of { Rule @s ww ww1 ->
let {
lvl :: Result s (Maybe b)
[LclId, Unf=OtherCon []]
- lvl = T18013a.Result @s @(Maybe b) ww1 (GHC.Maybe.Nothing @b) } in
+ lvl = T18013a.Result @s @(Maybe b) ww (GHC.Maybe.Nothing @b) } in
@(Maybe a)
@(Maybe b)
- ww1
+ ww
((\ (s2 :: s)
(a1 :: Maybe a)
(s1 :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld) ->
case a1 of {
Nothing -> (# s1, lvl #);
Just x ->
- case ((ww2 s2 x) `cast` <Co:4>) s1 of { (# ipv, ipv1 #) ->
+ case ((ww1 s2 x) `cast` <Co:4>) s1 of { (# ipv, ipv1 #) ->
case ipv1 of { Result t2 c1 ->
(# ipv, T18013a.Result @s @(Maybe b) t2 (GHC.Maybe.Just @b c1) #)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T3717.stderr b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T3717.stderr
index f33b8ec401..6e8fe19294 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T3717.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T3717.stderr
@@ -62,15 +62,15 @@ foo [InlPrag=[2]] :: Int -> Int
WorkFree=True, Expandable=True,
Tmpl= \ (w [Occ=Once1!] :: Int) ->
- case w of { GHC.Types.I# ww1 [Occ=Once1] ->
- case T3717.$wfoo ww1 of ww2 [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT ->
- GHC.Types.I# ww2
+ case w of { GHC.Types.I# ww [Occ=Once1] ->
+ case T3717.$wfoo ww of ww1 [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT ->
+ GHC.Types.I# ww1
= \ (w :: Int) ->
- case w of { GHC.Types.I# ww1 ->
- case T3717.$wfoo ww1 of ww2 { __DEFAULT -> GHC.Types.I# ww2 }
+ case w of { GHC.Types.I# ww ->
+ case T3717.$wfoo ww of ww1 { __DEFAULT -> GHC.Types.I# ww1 }
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T3772.stdout b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T3772.stdout
index b37882484c..5ead45f9c3 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T3772.stdout
+++ b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T3772.stdout
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ foo [InlPrag=[final]] :: Int -> ()
WorkFree=True, Expandable=True,
Tmpl= \ (w [Occ=Once1!] :: Int) ->
- case w of { GHC.Types.I# ww1 [Occ=Once1] -> T3772.$wfoo ww1 }}]
+ case w of { GHC.Types.I# ww [Occ=Once1] -> T3772.$wfoo ww }}]
- = \ (w :: Int) -> case w of { GHC.Types.I# ww1 -> T3772.$wfoo ww1 }
+ = \ (w :: Int) -> case w of { GHC.Types.I# ww -> T3772.$wfoo ww }
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T4908.stderr b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T4908.stderr
index f005d660c8..f8f9107485 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T4908.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T4908.stderr
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ f [InlPrag=[2]] :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
WorkFree=True, Expandable=True,
Tmpl= \ (w [Occ=Once1!] :: Int) (w1 [Occ=Once1] :: (Int, Int)) ->
- case w of { I# ww1 [Occ=Once1] -> T4908.$wf ww1 w1 }}]
+ case w of { I# ww [Occ=Once1] -> T4908.$wf ww w1 }}]
f = \ (w :: Int) (w1 :: (Int, Int)) ->
- case w of { I# ww1 -> T4908.$wf ww1 w1 }
+ case w of { I# ww -> T4908.$wf ww w1 }
------ Local rules for imported ids --------
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T4930.stderr b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T4930.stderr
index 66d257897e..3321809415 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T4930.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T4930.stderr
@@ -62,15 +62,15 @@ foo [InlPrag=[2]] :: Int -> Int
WorkFree=True, Expandable=True,
Tmpl= \ (w [Occ=Once1!] :: Int) ->
- case w of { GHC.Types.I# ww1 [Occ=Once1] ->
- case T4930.$wfoo ww1 of ww2 [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT ->
- GHC.Types.I# ww2
+ case w of { GHC.Types.I# ww [Occ=Once1] ->
+ case T4930.$wfoo ww of ww1 [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT ->
+ GHC.Types.I# ww1
= \ (w :: Int) ->
- case w of { GHC.Types.I# ww1 ->
- case T4930.$wfoo ww1 of ww2 { __DEFAULT -> GHC.Types.I# ww2 }
+ case w of { GHC.Types.I# ww ->
+ case T4930.$wfoo ww of ww1 { __DEFAULT -> GHC.Types.I# ww1 }
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T5298.stdout b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T5298.stdout
index 370f9776e2..67b106c3be 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T5298.stdout
+++ b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T5298.stdout
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ $wg
g = \ w ->
- case w of { I# ww1 -> case $wg ww1 of ww2 { __DEFAULT -> I# ww2 } }
+ case w of { I# ww -> case $wg ww of ww1 { __DEFAULT -> I# ww1 } }
------ Local rules for imported ids --------
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T7360.stderr b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T7360.stderr
index fe869c7c40..070d7ef7fe 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T7360.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T7360.stderr
@@ -43,15 +43,15 @@ fun2 :: forall {a}. [a] -> ((), Int)
Tmpl= \ (@a) (x [Occ=Once1] :: [a]) ->
case x of wild [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT ->
- case GHC.List.$wlenAcc @a wild 0# of ww2 [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT ->
- GHC.Types.I# ww2
+ case GHC.List.$wlenAcc @a wild 0# of ww1 [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT ->
+ GHC.Types.I# ww1
= \ (@a) (x :: [a]) ->
- case GHC.List.$wlenAcc @a x 0# of ww2 { __DEFAULT ->
- GHC.Types.I# ww2
+ case GHC.List.$wlenAcc @a x 0# of ww1 { __DEFAULT ->
+ GHC.Types.I# ww1
-- RHS size: {terms: 1, types: 0, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T7865.stdout b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T7865.stdout
index 37bc4157cc..1dd2c25893 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T7865.stdout
+++ b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T7865.stdout
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
T7865.$wexpensive [InlPrag=NOINLINE]
expensive [InlPrag=[final]] :: Int -> Int
- case T7865.$wexpensive ww1 of ww2 [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT ->
+ case T7865.$wexpensive ww of ww1 [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT ->
- case T7865.$wexpensive ww1 of ww2 { __DEFAULT -> GHC.Types.I# ww2 }
- case T7865.$wexpensive ww1 of ww2 { __DEFAULT ->
- case T7865.$wexpensive ww1 of ww2 { __DEFAULT ->
+ case T7865.$wexpensive ww of ww1 { __DEFAULT -> GHC.Types.I# ww1 }
+ case T7865.$wexpensive ww of ww1 { __DEFAULT ->
+ case T7865.$wexpensive ww of ww1 { __DEFAULT ->