path: root/utils/check-exact/Types.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'utils/check-exact/Types.hs')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/utils/check-exact/Types.hs b/utils/check-exact/Types.hs
index 6717e45698..ac9ae10375 100644
--- a/utils/check-exact/Types.hs
+++ b/utils/check-exact/Types.hs
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import GHC.Driver.Ppr
import Data.Data (Data, toConstr,cast)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | This structure holds a complete set of annotations for an AST
@@ -63,14 +62,10 @@ mkAnnKey ld =
type Pos = (Int,Int)
-deltaRow, deltaColumn :: DeltaPos -> Int
-deltaRow (DP r _) = r
-deltaColumn (DP _ c) = c
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
annNone :: Annotation
-annNone = Ann (DP 0 0) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing
+annNone = Ann (SameLine 0) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing
data Annotation = Ann
@@ -130,132 +125,9 @@ declFun f (L l de) =
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-data ACS' a = ACS
- { acs :: !(Map.Map a Int) -- ^ how many levels each AstContext should
- -- propagate down the AST. Removed when it hits zero
- } deriving (Show)
-instance Semigroup (ACS' AstContext) where
- ACS a <> ACS b = ACS (Map.unionWith max a b)
- -- For Data.Map, mappend == union, which is a left-biased replace
- -- for key collisions
-instance Monoid (ACS' AstContext) where
- mempty = ACS mempty
-type AstContextSet = ACS' AstContext
--- data AstContextSet = ACS
--- { acs :: !(Map.Map AstContext Int) -- ^ how many levels each AstContext should
--- -- propagate down the AST. Removed when it
--- -- hits zero
--- } deriving (Show)
-defaultACS :: AstContextSet
-defaultACS = ACS Map.empty
--- instance Outputable AstContextSet where
-instance (Show a) => Outputable (ACS' a) where
- ppr x = text $ show x
-data AstContext = -- LambdaExpr
- CaseAlt
- | NoPrecedingSpace
- | HasHiding
- | AdvanceLine
- | NoAdvanceLine
- | Intercalate -- This item may have a list separator following
- | InIE -- possible 'type' or 'pattern'
- | PrefixOp
- | PrefixOpDollar
- | InfixOp -- RdrName may be used as an infix operator
- | ListStart -- Identifies first element of a list in layout, so its indentation can me managed differently
- | ListItem -- Identifies subsequent elements of a list in layout
- | TopLevelDecl -- top level declaration
- | NoDarrow
- | AddVbar
- | Deriving
- | Parens -- TODO: Not currently used?
- | ExplicitNeverActive
- | InGadt
- | InRecCon
- | InClassDecl
- | InSpliceDecl
- | LeftMost -- Is this the leftmost operator in a chain of OpApps?
- | InTypeApp -- HsTyVar in a TYPEAPP context. Has AnnAt
- -- TODO:AZ: do we actually need this?
- -- Next four used to identify current list context
- | CtxOnly
- | CtxFirst
- | CtxMiddle
- | CtxLast
- | CtxPos Int -- 0 for first, increasing for subsequent
- -- Next are used in tellContext to push context up the tree
- | FollowingLine
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-data ListContexts = LC { lcOnly,lcInitial,lcMiddle,lcLast :: !(Set.Set AstContext) }
- deriving (Eq,Show)
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
data Rigidity = NormalLayout | RigidLayout deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
--- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- -- | This structure holds a complete set of annotations for an AST
--- type Anns = Map.Map AnnKey Annotation
--- emptyAnns :: Anns
--- emptyAnns = Map.empty
--- -- | For every @Located a@, use the @SrcSpan@ and constructor name of
--- -- a as the key, to store the standard annotation.
--- -- These are used to maintain context in the AP and EP monads
--- data AnnKey = AnnKey SrcSpan AnnConName
--- deriving (Eq, Data, Ord)
--- deriving instance Ord SrcSpan
--- -- More compact Show instance
--- instance Show AnnKey where
--- show (AnnKey ss cn) = "AnnKey " ++ showPprUnsafe ss ++ " " ++ show cn
--- mkAnnKeyPrim :: (Data a) => Located a -> AnnKey
--- mkAnnKeyPrim (L l a) = AnnKey l (annGetConstr a)
--- mkAnnKeyPrimA :: (Data a) => LocatedA a -> AnnKey
--- mkAnnKeyPrimA (L l a) = AnnKey (locA l) (annGetConstr a)
--- -- Holds the name of a constructor
--- data AnnConName = CN { unConName :: String }
--- deriving (Eq, Ord, Data)
--- -- More compact show instance
--- instance Show AnnConName where
--- show (CN s) = "CN " ++ show s
--- annGetConstr :: (Data a) => a -> AnnConName
--- annGetConstr a = CN (show $ toConstr a)
--- -- |Make an unwrapped @AnnKey@ for the @LHsDecl@ case, a normal one otherwise.
--- mkAnnKey :: (Data a) => Located a -> AnnKey
--- mkAnnKey ld =
--- case cast ld :: Maybe (LHsDecl GhcPs) of
--- Just d -> declFun mkAnnKeyPrimA d
--- Nothing -> mkAnnKeyPrim ld
--- type Pos = (Int,Int)
--- -- | A relative positions, row then column
--- newtype DeltaPos = DP (Int,Int) deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Data)
--- deltaRow, deltaColumn :: DeltaPos -> Int
--- deltaRow (DP (r, _)) = r
--- deltaColumn (DP (_, c)) = c
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | A Haskell comment. The @AnnKeywordId@ is present if it has been converted
-- from an @AnnKeywordId@ because the annotation must be interleaved into the