path: root/utils/ext-core/Check.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'utils/ext-core/Check.hs')
1 files changed, 421 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ext-core/Check.hs b/utils/ext-core/Check.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a9a3eac8f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ext-core/Check.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+module Check where
+import Monad
+import Core
+import Printer
+import List
+import Env
+{- Checking is done in a simple error monad. In addition to
+ allowing errors to be captured, this makes it easy to guarantee
+ that checking itself has been completed for an entire module. -}
+data CheckResult a = OkC a | FailC String
+instance Monad CheckResult where
+ OkC a >>= k = k a
+ FailC s >>= k = fail s
+ return = OkC
+ fail = FailC
+require :: Bool -> String -> CheckResult ()
+require False s = fail s
+require True _ = return ()
+requireM :: CheckResult Bool -> String -> CheckResult ()
+requireM cond s =
+ do b <- cond
+ require b s
+{- Environments. -}
+type Tvenv = Env Tvar Kind -- type variables (local only)
+type Tcenv = Env Tcon Kind -- type constructors
+type Tsenv = Env Tcon ([Tvar],Ty) -- type synonyms
+type Cenv = Env Dcon Ty -- data constructors
+type Venv = Env Var Ty -- values
+type Menv = Env Mname Envs -- modules
+data Envs = Envs {tcenv_::Tcenv,tsenv_::Tsenv,cenv_::Cenv,venv_::Venv} -- all the exportable envs
+{- Extend an environment, checking for illegal shadowing of identifiers. -}
+extendM :: (Ord a, Show a) => Env a b -> (a,b) -> CheckResult (Env a b)
+extendM env (k,d) =
+ case elookup env k of
+ Just _ -> fail ("multiply-defined identifier: " ++ show k)
+ Nothing -> return (eextend env (k,d))
+lookupM :: (Ord a, Show a) => Env a b -> a -> CheckResult b
+lookupM env k =
+ case elookup env k of
+ Just v -> return v
+ Nothing -> fail ("undefined identifier: " ++ show k)
+{- Main entry point. -}
+checkModule :: Menv -> Module -> CheckResult Menv
+checkModule globalEnv (Module mn tdefs vdefgs) =
+ do (tcenv,tsenv) <- foldM checkTdef0 (eempty,eempty) tdefs
+ cenv <- foldM (checkTdef tcenv) eempty tdefs
+ (e_venv,l_venv) <- foldM (checkVdefg True (tcenv,tsenv,eempty,cenv)) (eempty,eempty) vdefgs
+ return (eextend globalEnv (mn,Envs{tcenv_=tcenv,tsenv_=tsenv,cenv_=cenv,venv_=e_venv}))
+ where
+ checkTdef0 :: (Tcenv,Tsenv) -> Tdef -> CheckResult (Tcenv,Tsenv)
+ checkTdef0 (tcenv,tsenv) tdef = ch tdef
+ where
+ ch (Data (m,c) tbs _) =
+ do require (m == mn) ("wrong module name in data type declaration:\n" ++ show tdef)
+ tcenv' <- extendM tcenv (c,k)
+ return (tcenv',tsenv)
+ where k = foldr Karrow Klifted (map snd tbs)
+ ch (Newtype (m,c) tbs rhs) =
+ do require (m == mn) ("wrong module name in newtype declaration:\n" ++ show tdef)
+ tcenv' <- extendM tcenv (c,k)
+ tsenv' <- case rhs of
+ Nothing -> return tsenv
+ Just rep -> extendM tsenv (c,(map fst tbs,rep))
+ return (tcenv', tsenv')
+ where k = foldr Karrow Klifted (map snd tbs)
+ checkTdef :: Tcenv -> Cenv -> Tdef -> CheckResult Cenv
+ checkTdef tcenv cenv = ch
+ where
+ ch (Data (_,c) utbs cdefs) =
+ do cbinds <- mapM checkCdef cdefs
+ foldM extendM cenv cbinds
+ where checkCdef (cdef@(Constr (m,dcon) etbs ts)) =
+ do require (m == mn) ("wrong module name in constructor declaration:\n" ++ show cdef)
+ tvenv <- foldM extendM eempty tbs
+ ks <- mapM (checkTy (tcenv,tvenv)) ts
+ mapM_ (\k -> require (baseKind k)
+ ("higher-order kind in:\n" ++ show cdef ++ "\n" ++
+ "kind: " ++ show k) ) ks
+ return (dcon,t)
+ where tbs = utbs ++ etbs
+ t = foldr Tforall
+ (foldr tArrow
+ (foldl Tapp (Tcon (mn,c))
+ (map (Tvar . fst) utbs)) ts) tbs
+ ch (tdef@(Newtype c tbs (Just t))) =
+ do tvenv <- foldM extendM eempty tbs
+ k <- checkTy (tcenv,tvenv) t
+ require (k==Klifted) ("bad kind:\n" ++ show tdef)
+ return cenv
+ ch (tdef@(Newtype c tbs Nothing)) =
+ {- should only occur for recursive Newtypes -}
+ return cenv
+ checkVdefg :: Bool -> (Tcenv,Tsenv,Tvenv,Cenv) -> (Venv,Venv) -> Vdefg -> CheckResult (Venv,Venv)
+ checkVdefg top_level (tcenv,tsenv,tvenv,cenv) (e_venv,l_venv) vdefg =
+ case vdefg of
+ Rec vdefs ->
+ do e_venv' <- foldM extendM e_venv e_vts
+ l_venv' <- foldM extendM l_venv l_vts
+ let env' = (tcenv,tsenv,tvenv,cenv,e_venv',l_venv')
+ mapM_ (\ (vdef@(Vdef ((m,v),t,e))) ->
+ do require (m == "" || m == mn) ("wrong module name in value definition:\n" ++ show vdef)
+ k <- checkTy (tcenv,tvenv) t
+ require (k==Klifted) ("unlifted kind in:\n" ++ show vdef)
+ t' <- checkExp env' e
+ requireM (equalTy tsenv t t')
+ ("declared type doesn't match expression type in:\n" ++ show vdef ++ "\n" ++
+ "declared type: " ++ show t ++ "\n" ++
+ "expression type: " ++ show t')) vdefs
+ return (e_venv',l_venv')
+ where e_vts = [ (v,t) | Vdef ((m,v),t,_) <- vdefs, m /= "" ]
+ l_vts = [ (v,t) | Vdef (("",v),t,_) <- vdefs]
+ Nonrec (vdef@(Vdef ((m,v),t,e))) ->
+ do require (m == "" || m == mn) ("wrong module name in value definition:\n" ++ show vdef)
+ k <- checkTy (tcenv,tvenv) t
+ require (k /= Kopen) ("open kind in:\n" ++ show vdef)
+ require ((not top_level) || (k /= Kunlifted)) ("top-level unlifted kind in:\n" ++ show vdef)
+ t' <- checkExp (tcenv,tsenv,tvenv,cenv,e_venv,l_venv) e
+ requireM (equalTy tsenv t t')
+ ("declared type doesn't match expression type in:\n" ++ show vdef ++ "\n" ++
+ "declared type: " ++ show t ++ "\n" ++
+ "expression type: " ++ show t')
+ if m == "" then
+ do l_venv' <- extendM l_venv (v,t)
+ return (e_venv,l_venv')
+ else
+ do e_venv' <- extendM e_venv (v,t)
+ return (e_venv',l_venv)
+ checkExp :: (Tcenv,Tsenv,Tvenv,Cenv,Venv,Venv) -> Exp -> CheckResult Ty
+ checkExp (tcenv,tsenv,tvenv,cenv,e_venv,l_venv) = ch
+ where
+ ch e0 =
+ case e0 of
+ Var qv ->
+ qlookupM venv_ e_venv l_venv qv
+ Dcon qc ->
+ qlookupM cenv_ cenv eempty qc
+ Lit l ->
+ checkLit l
+ Appt e t ->
+ do t' <- ch e
+ k' <- checkTy (tcenv,tvenv) t
+ case t' of
+ Tforall (tv,k) t0 ->
+ do require (k' <= k)
+ ("kind doesn't match at type application in:\n" ++ show e0 ++ "\n" ++
+ "operator kind: " ++ show k ++ "\n" ++
+ "operand kind: " ++ show k')
+ return (substl [tv] [t] t0)
+ _ -> fail ("bad operator type in type application:\n" ++ show e0 ++ "\n" ++
+ "operator type: " ++ show t')
+ App e1 e2 ->
+ do t1 <- ch e1
+ t2 <- ch e2
+ case t1 of
+ Tapp(Tapp(Tcon tc) t') t0 | tc == tcArrow ->
+ do requireM (equalTy tsenv t2 t')
+ ("type doesn't match at application in:\n" ++ show e0 ++ "\n" ++
+ "operator type: " ++ show t' ++ "\n" ++
+ "operand type: " ++ show t2)
+ return t0
+ _ -> fail ("bad operator type at application in:\n" ++ show e0 ++ "\n" ++
+ "operator type: " ++ show t1)
+ Lam (Tb tb) e ->
+ do tvenv' <- extendM tvenv tb
+ t <- checkExp (tcenv,tsenv,tvenv',cenv,e_venv,l_venv) e
+ return (Tforall tb t)
+ Lam (Vb (vb@(_,vt))) e ->
+ do k <- checkTy (tcenv,tvenv) vt
+ require (baseKind k)
+ ("higher-order kind in:\n" ++ show e0 ++ "\n" ++
+ "kind: " ++ show k)
+ l_venv' <- extendM l_venv vb
+ t <- checkExp (tcenv,tsenv,tvenv,cenv,e_venv,l_venv') e
+ require (not (isUtupleTy vt)) ("lambda-bound unboxed tuple in:\n" ++ show e0)
+ return (tArrow vt t)
+ Let vdefg e ->
+ do (e_venv',l_venv') <- checkVdefg False (tcenv,tsenv,tvenv,cenv) (e_venv,l_venv) vdefg
+ checkExp (tcenv,tsenv,tvenv,cenv,e_venv',l_venv') e
+ Case e (v,t) alts ->
+ do t' <- ch e
+ checkTy (tcenv,tvenv) t
+ requireM (equalTy tsenv t t')
+ ("scrutinee declared type doesn't match expression type in:\n" ++ show e0 ++ "\n" ++
+ "declared type: " ++ show t ++ "\n" ++
+ "expression type: " ++ show t')
+ case (reverse alts) of
+ (Acon c _ _ _):as ->
+ let ok ((Acon c _ _ _):as) cs = do require (notElem c cs)
+ ("duplicate alternative in case:\n" ++ show e0)
+ ok as (c:cs)
+ ok ((Alit _ _):_) _ = fail ("invalid alternative in constructor case:\n" ++ show e0)
+ ok [Adefault _] _ = return ()
+ ok (Adefault _:_) _ = fail ("misplaced default alternative in case:\n" ++ show e0)
+ ok [] _ = return ()
+ in ok as [c]
+ (Alit l _):as ->
+ let ok ((Acon _ _ _ _):_) _ = fail ("invalid alternative in literal case:\n" ++ show e0)
+ ok ((Alit l _):as) ls = do require (notElem l ls)
+ ("duplicate alternative in case:\n" ++ show e0)
+ ok as (l:ls)
+ ok [Adefault _] _ = return ()
+ ok (Adefault _:_) _ = fail ("misplaced default alternative in case:\n" ++ show e0)
+ ok [] _ = fail ("missing default alternative in literal case:\n" ++ show e0)
+ in ok as [l]
+ [Adefault _] -> return ()
+ [] -> fail ("no alternatives in case:\n" ++ show e0)
+ l_venv' <- extendM l_venv (v,t)
+ t:ts <- mapM (checkAlt (tcenv,tsenv,tvenv,cenv,e_venv,l_venv') t) alts
+ bs <- mapM (equalTy tsenv t) ts
+ require (and bs)
+ ("alternative types don't match in:\n" ++ show e0 ++ "\n" ++
+ "types: " ++ show (t:ts))
+ return t
+ Coerce t e ->
+ do ch e
+ checkTy (tcenv,tvenv) t
+ return t
+ Note s e ->
+ ch e
+ External _ t ->
+ do checkTy (tcenv,eempty) t {- external types must be closed -}
+ return t
+ checkAlt :: (Tcenv,Tsenv,Tvenv,Cenv,Venv,Venv) -> Ty -> Alt -> CheckResult Ty
+ checkAlt (env@(tcenv,tsenv,tvenv,cenv,e_venv,l_venv)) t0 = ch
+ where
+ ch a0 =
+ case a0 of
+ Acon qc etbs vbs e ->
+ do let uts = f t0
+ where f (Tapp t0 t) = f t0 ++ [t]
+ f _ = []
+ ct <- qlookupM cenv_ cenv eempty qc
+ let (tbs,ct_args0,ct_res0) = splitTy ct
+ {- get universals -}
+ let (utbs,etbs') = splitAt (length uts) tbs
+ let utvs = map fst utbs
+ {- check existentials -}
+ let (etvs,eks) = unzip etbs
+ let (etvs',eks') = unzip etbs'
+ require (eks == eks')
+ ("existential kinds don't match in:\n" ++ show a0 ++ "\n" ++
+ "kinds declared in data constructor: " ++ show eks ++
+ "kinds declared in case alternative: " ++ show eks')
+ tvenv' <- foldM extendM tvenv etbs
+ {- check term variables -}
+ let vts = map snd vbs
+ mapM_ (\vt -> require ((not . isUtupleTy) vt)
+ ("pattern-bound unboxed tuple in:\n" ++ show a0 ++ "\n" ++
+ "pattern type: " ++ show vt)) vts
+ vks <- mapM (checkTy (tcenv,tvenv')) vts
+ mapM_ (\vk -> require (baseKind vk)
+ ("higher-order kind in:\n" ++ show a0 ++ "\n" ++
+ "kind: " ++ show vk)) vks
+ let (ct_res:ct_args) = map (substl (utvs++etvs') (uts++(map Tvar etvs))) (ct_res0:ct_args0)
+ zipWithM_
+ (\ct_arg vt ->
+ requireM (equalTy tsenv ct_arg vt)
+ ("pattern variable type doesn't match constructor argument type in:\n" ++ show a0 ++ "\n" ++
+ "pattern variable type: " ++ show ct_arg ++ "\n" ++
+ "constructor argument type: " ++ show vt)) ct_args vts
+ requireM (equalTy tsenv ct_res t0)
+ ("pattern constructor type doesn't match scrutinee type in:\n" ++ show a0 ++ "\n" ++
+ "pattern constructor type: " ++ show ct_res ++ "\n" ++
+ "scrutinee type: " ++ show t0)
+ l_venv' <- foldM extendM l_venv vbs
+ t <- checkExp (tcenv,tsenv,tvenv',cenv,e_venv,l_venv') e
+ checkTy (tcenv,tvenv) t {- check that existentials don't escape in result type -}
+ return t
+ Alit l e ->
+ do t <- checkLit l
+ requireM (equalTy tsenv t t0)
+ ("pattern type doesn't match scrutinee type in:\n" ++ show a0 ++ "\n" ++
+ "pattern type: " ++ show t ++ "\n" ++
+ "scrutinee type: " ++ show t0)
+ checkExp env e
+ Adefault e ->
+ checkExp env e
+ checkTy :: (Tcenv,Tvenv) -> Ty -> CheckResult Kind
+ checkTy (tcenv,tvenv) = ch
+ where
+ ch (Tvar tv) = lookupM tvenv tv
+ ch (Tcon qtc) = qlookupM tcenv_ tcenv eempty qtc
+ ch (t@(Tapp t1 t2)) =
+ do k1 <- ch t1
+ k2 <- ch t2
+ case k1 of
+ Karrow k11 k12 ->
+ do require (k2 <= k11)
+ ("kinds don't match in type application: " ++ show t ++ "\n" ++
+ "operator kind: " ++ show k11 ++ "\n" ++
+ "operand kind: " ++ show k2)
+ return k12
+ _ -> fail ("applied type has non-arrow kind: " ++ show t)
+ ch (Tforall tb t) =
+ do tvenv' <- extendM tvenv tb
+ checkTy (tcenv,tvenv') t
+ {- Type equality modulo newtype synonyms. -}
+ equalTy :: Tsenv -> Ty -> Ty -> CheckResult Bool
+ equalTy tsenv t1 t2 =
+ do t1' <- expand t1
+ t2' <- expand t2
+ return (t1' == t2')
+ where expand (Tvar v) = return (Tvar v)
+ expand (Tcon qtc) = return (Tcon qtc)
+ expand (Tapp t1 t2) =
+ do t2' <- expand t2
+ expapp t1 [t2']
+ expand (Tforall tb t) =
+ do t' <- expand t
+ return (Tforall tb t')
+ expapp (t@(Tcon (m,tc))) ts =
+ do env <- mlookupM tsenv_ tsenv eempty m
+ case elookup env tc of
+ Just (formals,rhs) | (length formals) == (length ts) -> return (substl formals ts rhs)
+ _ -> return (foldl Tapp t ts)
+ expapp (Tapp t1 t2) ts =
+ do t2' <- expand t2
+ expapp t1 (t2':ts)
+ expapp t ts =
+ do t' <- expand t
+ return (foldl Tapp t' ts)
+ mlookupM :: (Envs -> Env a b) -> Env a b -> Env a b -> Mname -> CheckResult (Env a b)
+ mlookupM selector external_env local_env m =
+ if m == "" then
+ return local_env
+ else if m == mn then
+ return external_env
+ else
+ case elookup globalEnv m of
+ Just env' -> return (selector env')
+ Nothing -> fail ("undefined module name: " ++ show m)
+ qlookupM :: (Ord a, Show a) => (Envs -> Env a b) -> Env a b -> Env a b -> (Mname,a) -> CheckResult b
+ qlookupM selector external_env local_env (m,k) =
+ do env <- mlookupM selector external_env local_env m
+ lookupM env k
+checkLit :: Lit -> CheckResult Ty
+checkLit lit =
+ case lit of
+ Lint _ t ->
+ do {- require (elem t [tIntzh, {- tInt32zh,tInt64zh, -} tWordzh, {- tWord32zh,tWord64zh, -} tAddrzh, tCharzh])
+ ("invalid int literal: " ++ show lit ++ "\n" ++ "type: " ++ show t) -}
+ return t
+ Lrational _ t ->
+ do {- require (elem t [tFloatzh,tDoublezh])
+ ("invalid rational literal: " ++ show lit ++ "\n" ++ "type: " ++ show t) -}
+ return t
+ Lchar _ t ->
+ do {- require (t == tCharzh)
+ ("invalid char literal: " ++ show lit ++ "\n" ++ "type: " ++ show t) -}
+ return t
+ Lstring _ t ->
+ do {- require (t == tAddrzh)
+ ("invalid string literal: " ++ show lit ++ "\n" ++ "type: " ++ show t) -}
+ return t
+{- Utilities -}
+{- Split off tbs, arguments and result of a (possibly abstracted) arrow type -}
+splitTy :: Ty -> ([Tbind],[Ty],Ty)
+splitTy (Tforall tb t) = (tb:tbs,ts,tr)
+ where (tbs,ts,tr) = splitTy t
+splitTy (Tapp(Tapp(Tcon tc) t0) t) | tc == tcArrow = (tbs,t0:ts,tr)
+ where (tbs,ts,tr) = splitTy t
+splitTy t = ([],[],t)
+{- Simultaneous substitution on types for type variables,
+ renaming as neceessary to avoid capture.
+ No checks for correct kindedness. -}
+substl :: [Tvar] -> [Ty] -> Ty -> Ty
+substl tvs ts t = f (zip tvs ts) t
+ where
+ f env t0 =
+ case t0 of
+ Tcon _ -> t0
+ Tvar v -> case lookup v env of
+ Just t1 -> t1
+ Nothing -> t0
+ Tapp t1 t2 -> Tapp (f env t1) (f env t2)
+ Tforall (t,k) t1 ->
+ if t `elem` free then
+ Tforall (t',k) (f ((t,Tvar t'):env) t1)
+ else
+ Tforall (t,k) (f (filter ((/=t).fst) env) t1)
+ where free = foldr union [] (map (freeTvars.snd) env)
+ t' = freshTvar free
+{- Return free tvars in a type -}
+freeTvars :: Ty -> [Tvar]
+freeTvars (Tcon _) = []
+freeTvars (Tvar v) = [v]
+freeTvars (Tapp t1 t2) = (freeTvars t1) `union` (freeTvars t2)
+freeTvars (Tforall (t,_) t1) = delete t (freeTvars t1)
+{- Return any tvar *not* in the argument list. -}
+freshTvar :: [Tvar] -> Tvar
+freshTvar tvs = maximum ("":tvs) ++ "x" -- one simple way!