path: root/utils/ext-core/Env.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'utils/ext-core/Env.hs')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ext-core/Env.hs b/utils/ext-core/Env.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f6973c558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ext-core/Env.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+{- Environments.
+ Uses lists for simplicity and to make the semantics clear.
+ A real implementation should use balanced trees or hash tables.
+module Env (Env,
+ eempty,
+ elookup,
+ eextend,
+ edomain,
+ efromlist,
+ efilter,
+ eremove)
+import List
+data Env a b = Env [(a,b)]
+ deriving (Show)
+eempty :: Env a b
+eempty = Env []
+{- In case of duplicates, returns most recently added entry. -}
+elookup :: (Eq a) => Env a b -> a -> Maybe b
+elookup (Env l) k = lookup k l
+{- May hide existing entries. -}
+eextend :: Env a b -> (a,b) -> Env a b
+eextend (Env l) (k,d) = Env ((k,d):l)
+edomain :: (Eq a) => Env a b -> [a]
+edomain (Env l) = nub (map fst l)
+{- In case of duplicates, first entry hides others. -}
+efromlist :: [(a,b)] -> Env a b
+efromlist l = Env l
+eremove :: (Eq a) => Env a b -> a -> Env a b
+eremove (Env l) k = Env (filter ((/= k).fst) l)
+efilter :: Env a b -> (a -> Bool) -> Env a b
+efilter (Env l) p = Env (filter (p.fst) l)