path: root/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs b/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
index a9f6a2a5fd..8b97ca169c 100644
--- a/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
@@ -13,6 +13,100 @@ import Data.List
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
import System.Environment ( getArgs )
+vecOptions :: Entry -> [(String,String,Int)]
+vecOptions i =
+ concat [vecs | OptionVector vecs <- opts i]
+desugarVectorSpec :: Entry -> [Entry]
+desugarVectorSpec i@(Section {}) = [i]
+desugarVectorSpec i = case vecOptions i of
+ [] -> [i]
+ vos -> map genVecEntry vos
+ where
+ genVecEntry :: (String,String,Int) -> Entry
+ genVecEntry (con,repCon,n) =
+ case i of
+ PrimOpSpec {} ->
+ PrimVecOpSpec { cons = "(" ++ concat (intersperse " " [cons i, vecCat, show n, vecWidth]) ++ ")"
+ , name = name'
+ , prefix = pfx
+ , veclen = n
+ , elemrep = con ++ "ElemRep"
+ , ty = desugarTy (ty i)
+ , cat = cat i
+ , desc = desc i
+ , opts = opts i
+ }
+ PrimTypeSpec {} ->
+ PrimVecTypeSpec { ty = desugarTy (ty i)
+ , prefix = pfx
+ , veclen = n
+ , elemrep = con ++ "ElemRep"
+ , desc = desc i
+ , opts = opts i
+ }
+ _ ->
+ error "vector options can only be given for primops and primtypes"
+ where
+ vecCons = con++"X"++show n++"#"
+ vecCat = conCat con
+ vecWidth = conWidth con
+ pfx = lowerHead con++"X"++show n
+ vecTyName = pfx++"PrimTy"
+ name' | Just pre <- splitSuffix (name i) "Array#" = pre++vec++"Array#"
+ | Just pre <- splitSuffix (name i) "OffAddr#" = pre++vec++"OffAddr#"
+ | Just pre <- splitSuffix (name i) "ArrayAs#" = pre++con++"ArrayAs"++vec++"#"
+ | Just pre <- splitSuffix (name i) "OffAddrAs#" = pre++con++"OffAddrAs"++vec++"#"
+ | otherwise = init (name i)++vec ++"#"
+ where
+ vec = con++"X"++show n
+ splitSuffix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
+ splitSuffix s suf
+ | drop len s == suf = Just (take len s)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ len = length s - length suf
+ lowerHead s = toLower (head s) : tail s
+ desugarTy :: Ty -> Ty
+ desugarTy (TyF s d) = TyF (desugarTy s) (desugarTy d)
+ desugarTy (TyC s d) = TyC (desugarTy s) (desugarTy d)
+ desugarTy (TyApp SCALAR []) = TyApp (TyCon repCon) []
+ desugarTy (TyApp VECTOR []) = TyApp (VecTyCon vecCons vecTyName) []
+ desugarTy (TyApp VECTUPLE []) = TyUTup (replicate n (TyApp (TyCon repCon) []))
+ desugarTy (TyApp tycon ts) = TyApp tycon (map desugarTy ts)
+ desugarTy t@(TyVar {}) = t
+ desugarTy (TyUTup ts) = TyUTup (map desugarTy ts)
+ conCat :: String -> String
+ conCat "Int8" = "IntVec"
+ conCat "Int16" = "IntVec"
+ conCat "Int32" = "IntVec"
+ conCat "Int64" = "IntVec"
+ conCat "Word8" = "WordVec"
+ conCat "Word16" = "WordVec"
+ conCat "Word32" = "WordVec"
+ conCat "Word64" = "WordVec"
+ conCat "Float" = "FloatVec"
+ conCat "Double" = "FloatVec"
+ conCat con = error $ "conCat: unknown type constructor " ++ con ++ "\n"
+ conWidth :: String -> String
+ conWidth "Int8" = "W8"
+ conWidth "Int16" = "W16"
+ conWidth "Int32" = "W32"
+ conWidth "Int64" = "W64"
+ conWidth "Word8" = "W8"
+ conWidth "Word16" = "W16"
+ conWidth "Word32" = "W32"
+ conWidth "Word64" = "W64"
+ conWidth "Float" = "W32"
+ conWidth "Double" = "W64"
+ conWidth con = error $ "conWidth: unknown type constructor " ++ con ++ "\n"
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= \args ->
if length args /= 1 || head args `notElem` known_args
@@ -75,6 +169,18 @@ main = getArgs >>= \args ->
-> putStr (gen_primop_list p_o_specs)
+ "--primop-vector-uniques"
+ -> putStr (gen_primop_vector_uniques p_o_specs)
+ "--primop-vector-tys"
+ -> putStr (gen_primop_vector_tys p_o_specs)
+ "--primop-vector-tys-exports"
+ -> putStr (gen_primop_vector_tys_exports p_o_specs)
+ "--primop-vector-tycons"
+ -> putStr (gen_primop_vector_tycons p_o_specs)
-> putStr (gen_wrappers p_o_specs)
@@ -103,6 +209,10 @@ known_args
+ "--primop-vector-uniques",
+ "--primop-vector-tys",
+ "--primop-vector-tys-exports",
+ "--primop-vector-tycons",
@@ -136,32 +246,40 @@ gen_hs_source (Info defaults entries) =
++ "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
++ "{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}\n"
++ "module GHC.Prim (\n"
- ++ unlines (map (("\t" ++) . hdr) entries)
+ ++ unlines (map (("\t" ++) . hdr) entries')
++ ") where\n"
++ "\n"
++ "{-\n"
++ unlines (map opt defaults)
++ "-}\n"
- ++ unlines (concatMap ent entries) ++ "\n\n\n"
- where opt (OptionFalse n) = n ++ " = False"
+ ++ unlines (concatMap ent entries') ++ "\n\n\n"
+ where entries' = concatMap desugarVectorSpec entries
+ opt (OptionFalse n) = n ++ " = False"
opt (OptionTrue n) = n ++ " = True"
opt (OptionString n v) = n ++ " = { " ++ v ++ "}"
opt (OptionInteger n v) = n ++ " = " ++ show v
+ opt (OptionVector _) = ""
opt (OptionFixity mf) = "fixity" ++ " = " ++ show mf
- hdr s@(Section {}) = sec s
- hdr (PrimOpSpec { name = n }) = wrapOp n ++ ","
- hdr (PseudoOpSpec { name = n }) = wrapOp n ++ ","
- hdr (PrimTypeSpec { ty = TyApp n _ }) = wrapTy n ++ ","
- hdr (PrimTypeSpec {}) = error "Illegal type spec"
- hdr (PrimClassSpec { cls = TyApp n _ }) = wrapTy n ++ ","
- hdr (PrimClassSpec {}) = error "Illegal class spec"
- ent (Section {}) = []
- ent o@(PrimOpSpec {}) = spec o
- ent o@(PrimTypeSpec {}) = spec o
- ent o@(PrimClassSpec {}) = spec o
- ent o@(PseudoOpSpec {}) = spec o
+ hdr s@(Section {}) = sec s
+ hdr (PrimOpSpec { name = n }) = wrapOp n ++ ","
+ hdr (PrimVecOpSpec { name = n }) = wrapOp n ++ ","
+ hdr (PseudoOpSpec { name = n }) = wrapOp n ++ ","
+ hdr (PrimTypeSpec { ty = TyApp (TyCon n) _ }) = wrapTy n ++ ","
+ hdr (PrimTypeSpec {}) = error $ "Illegal type spec"
+ hdr (PrimClassSpec { cls = TyApp (TyCon n) _ }) = wrapTy n ++ ","
+ hdr (PrimClassSpec {}) = error "Illegal class spec"
+ hdr (PrimVecTypeSpec { ty = TyApp (VecTyCon n _) _ }) = wrapTy n ++ ","
+ hdr (PrimVecTypeSpec {}) = error $ "Illegal type spec"
+ ent (Section {}) = []
+ ent o@(PrimOpSpec {}) = spec o
+ ent o@(PrimVecOpSpec {}) = spec o
+ ent o@(PrimTypeSpec {}) = spec o
+ ent o@(PrimClassSpec {}) = spec o
+ ent o@(PrimVecTypeSpec {}) = spec o
+ ent o@(PseudoOpSpec {}) = spec o
sec s = "\n-- * " ++ escape (title s) ++ "\n"
++ (unlines $ map ("-- " ++ ) $ lines $ unlatex $ escape $ "|" ++ desc s) ++ "\n"
@@ -173,6 +291,11 @@ gen_hs_source (Info defaults entries) =
[ wrapOp n ++ " :: " ++ pprTy t,
wrapOp n ++ " = let x = x in x" ]
+ PrimVecOpSpec { name = n, ty = t, opts = options } ->
+ [ pprFixity fixity n | OptionFixity (Just fixity) <- options ]
+ ++
+ [ wrapOp n ++ " :: " ++ pprTy t,
+ wrapOp n ++ " = let x = x in x" ]
PseudoOpSpec { name = n, ty = t } ->
[ wrapOp n ++ " :: " ++ pprTy t,
wrapOp n ++ " = let x = x in x" ]
@@ -180,6 +303,8 @@ gen_hs_source (Info defaults entries) =
[ "data " ++ pprTy t ]
PrimClassSpec { cls = t } ->
[ "class " ++ pprTy t ]
+ PrimVecTypeSpec { ty = t } ->
+ [ "data " ++ pprTy t ]
Section { } -> []
comm = case (desc o) of
@@ -212,7 +337,7 @@ pprTy = pty
pty (TyF t1 t2) = pbty t1 ++ " -> " ++ pty t2
pty (TyC t1 t2) = pbty t1 ++ " => " ++ pty t2
pty t = pbty t
- pbty (TyApp tc ts) = tc ++ concat (map (' ' :) (map paty ts))
+ pbty (TyApp tc ts) = show tc ++ concat (map (' ' :) (map paty ts))
pbty (TyUTup ts) = "(# "
++ concat (intersperse "," (map pty ts))
++ " #)"
@@ -259,7 +384,7 @@ gen_ext_core_source entries =
where printList f = concat . intersperse ",\n" . filter (not . null) . map f
tcEnt (PrimTypeSpec {ty=t}) =
case t of
- TyApp tc args -> parens tc (tcKind tc args)
+ TyApp tc args -> parens (show tc) (tcKind tc args)
_ -> error ("tcEnt: type in PrimTypeSpec is not a type"
++ " constructor: " ++ show t)
tcEnt _ = ""
@@ -270,12 +395,12 @@ gen_ext_core_source entries =
-- alternative would be to refer to things indirectly and hard-wire
-- certain things (e.g., the kind of the Any constructor, here) into
-- ext-core's Prims module again.
- tcKind "Any" _ = "Klifted"
- tcKind tc [] | last tc == '#' = "Kunlifted"
- tcKind _ [] | otherwise = "Klifted"
+ tcKind (TyCon "Any") _ = "Klifted"
+ tcKind tc [] | last (show tc) == '#' = "Kunlifted"
+ tcKind _ [] | otherwise = "Klifted"
-- assumes that all type arguments are lifted (are they?)
- tcKind tc (_v:as) = "(Karrow Klifted " ++ tcKind tc as
- ++ ")"
+ tcKind tc (_v:as) = "(Karrow Klifted " ++ tcKind tc as
+ ++ ")"
valEnt (PseudoOpSpec {name=n, ty=t}) = valEntry n t
valEnt (PrimOpSpec {name=n, ty=t}) = valEntry n t
valEnt _ = ""
@@ -290,7 +415,7 @@ gen_ext_core_source entries =
++ " " ++ paren s1))
++ " " ++ paren s2
mkTconApp tc args = foldl tapp tc args
- mkTcon tc = paren $ "Tcon " ++ paren (qualify True tc)
+ mkTcon tc = paren $ "Tcon " ++ paren (qualify True (show tc))
mkUtupleTy args = foldl tapp (tcUTuple (length args)) args
mkForallTy [] t = t
mkForallTy vs t = foldr
@@ -314,7 +439,7 @@ gen_ext_core_source entries =
++ show n ++ "H")
tyEnt (PrimTypeSpec {ty=(TyApp tc _args)}) = " " ++ paren ("Tcon " ++
- (paren (qualify True tc)))
+ (paren (qualify True (show tc))))
tyEnt _ = ""
-- more hacks. might be better to do this on the ext-core side,
@@ -334,7 +459,7 @@ gen_ext_core_source entries =
prefixes ps = filter (\ t ->
case t of
(PrimTypeSpec {ty=(TyApp tc _args)}) ->
- any (\ p -> p `isPrefixOf` tc) ps
+ any (\ p -> p `isPrefixOf` show tc) ps
_ -> False)
parens n ty' = " (zEncodeString \"" ++ n ++ "\", " ++ ty' ++ ")"
@@ -358,6 +483,8 @@ gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)
++ d ++ "}{"
++ mk_options o
++ "}\n"
+ mk_entry (PrimVecOpSpec {}) =
+ ""
mk_entry (Section {title=ti,desc=d}) =
++ latex_encode ti ++ "}{"
@@ -376,6 +503,8 @@ gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)
++ d ++ "}{"
++ mk_options o
++ "}\n"
+ mk_entry (PrimVecTypeSpec {}) =
+ ""
mk_entry (PseudoOpSpec {name=n,ty=t,desc=d,opts=o}) =
++ latex_encode (zencode n) ++ "}{"
@@ -388,7 +517,7 @@ gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)
where pty (TyF t1 t2) = pbty t1 ++ " -> " ++ pty t2
pty (TyC t1 t2) = pbty t1 ++ " => " ++ pty t2
pty t = pbty t
- pbty (TyApp tc ts) = tc ++ (concat (map (' ':) (map paty ts)))
+ pbty (TyApp tc ts) = show tc ++ (concat (map (' ':) (map paty ts)))
pbty (TyUTup ts) = "(# " ++ (concat (intersperse "," (map pty ts))) ++ " #)"
pbty t = paty t
paty (TyVar tv) = tv
@@ -398,11 +527,11 @@ gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)
where pty (TyF t1 t2) = pbty t1 ++ " -> " ++ pty t2
pty (TyC t1 t2) = pbty t1 ++ " => " ++ pty t2
pty t = pbty t
- pbty (TyApp tc ts) = (zencode tc) ++ (concat (map (' ':) (map paty ts)))
+ pbty (TyApp tc ts) = (zencode (show tc)) ++ (concat (map (' ':) (map paty ts)))
pbty (TyUTup ts) = (zencode (utuplenm (length ts))) ++ (concat ((map (' ':) (map paty ts))))
pbty t = paty t
paty (TyVar tv) = zencode tv
- paty (TyApp tc []) = zencode tc
+ paty (TyApp tc []) = zencode (show tc)
paty t = "(" ++ pty t ++ ")"
utuplenm 1 = "(# #)"
utuplenm n = "(#" ++ (replicate (n-1) ',') ++ "#)"
@@ -441,6 +570,7 @@ gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)
Just (OptionString _ _) -> error "String value for boolean option"
Just (OptionInteger _ _) -> error "Integer value for boolean option"
Just (OptionFixity _) -> error "Fixity value for boolean option"
+ Just (OptionVector _) -> error "vector template for boolean option"
Nothing -> ""
mk_strictness o =
@@ -532,8 +662,8 @@ gen_wrappers (Info _ entries)
filter (not.is_llvm_only) $
filter is_primop entries
tycons = foldr union [] $ map (tyconsIn . ty) specs
- tycons' = filter (`notElem` ["()", "Bool"]) tycons
- types = concat $ intersperse ", " tycons'
+ tycons' = filter (`notElem` [TyCon "()", TyCon "Bool"]) tycons
+ types = concat $ intersperse ", " $ map show tycons'
f spec = let args = map (\n -> "a" ++ show n) [1 .. arity (ty spec)]
src_name = wrap (name spec)
lhs = src_name ++ " " ++ unwords args
@@ -568,24 +698,99 @@ gen_primop_list (Info _ entries)
map (\p -> " , " ++ cons p) rest
[ " ]" ]
- ) where (first:rest) = filter is_primop entries
+ ) where (first:rest) = concatMap desugarVectorSpec (filter is_primop entries)
+gen_primop_vector_uniques :: Info -> String
+gen_primop_vector_uniques (Info _ entries)
+ = unlines $
+ concatMap mkVecUnique (specs `zip` [mIN_VECTOR_UNIQUE..])
+ where
+ specs = concatMap desugarVectorSpec (filter is_vector (filter is_primtype entries))
+ mkVecUnique :: (Entry, Int) -> [String]
+ mkVecUnique (i, unique) =
+ [ key_id ++ " :: Unique"
+ , key_id ++ " = mkPreludeTyConUnique " ++ show unique
+ ]
+ where
+ key_id = prefix i ++ "PrimTyConKey"
+gen_primop_vector_tys :: Info -> String
+gen_primop_vector_tys (Info _ entries)
+ = unlines $
+ concatMap mkVecTypes specs
+ where
+ specs = concatMap desugarVectorSpec (filter is_vector (filter is_primtype entries))
+ mkVecTypes :: Entry -> [String]
+ mkVecTypes i =
+ [ name_id ++ " :: Name"
+ , name_id ++ " = mkPrimTc (fsLit \"" ++ pprTy (ty i) ++ "\") " ++ key_id ++ " " ++ tycon_id
+ , ty_id ++ " :: Type"
+ , ty_id ++ " = mkTyConTy " ++ tycon_id
+ , tycon_id ++ " :: TyCon"
+ , tycon_id ++ " = pcPrimTyCon0 " ++ name_id ++
+ " (VecRep " ++ show (veclen i) ++ " " ++ elemrep i ++ ")"
+ ]
+ where
+ key_id = prefix i ++ "PrimTyConKey"
+ name_id = prefix i ++ "PrimTyConName"
+ ty_id = prefix i ++ "PrimTy"
+ tycon_id = prefix i ++ "PrimTyCon"
+gen_primop_vector_tys_exports :: Info -> String
+gen_primop_vector_tys_exports (Info _ entries)
+ = unlines $
+ map mkVecTypes specs
+ where
+ specs = concatMap desugarVectorSpec (filter is_vector (filter is_primtype entries))
+ mkVecTypes :: Entry -> String
+ mkVecTypes i =
+ "\t" ++ ty_id ++ ", " ++ tycon_id ++ ","
+ where
+ ty_id = prefix i ++ "PrimTy"
+ tycon_id = prefix i ++ "PrimTyCon"
+gen_primop_vector_tycons :: Info -> String
+gen_primop_vector_tycons (Info _ entries)
+ = unlines $
+ map mkVecTypes specs
+ where
+ specs = concatMap desugarVectorSpec (filter is_vector (filter is_primtype entries))
+ mkVecTypes :: Entry -> String
+ mkVecTypes i =
+ " , " ++ tycon_id
+ where
+ tycon_id = prefix i ++ "PrimTyCon"
gen_primop_tag :: Info -> String
gen_primop_tag (Info _ entries)
= unlines (max_def_type : max_def :
tagOf_type : zipWith f primop_entries [1 :: Int ..])
- primop_entries = filter is_primop entries
+ primop_entries = concatMap desugarVectorSpec $ filter is_primop entries
tagOf_type = "tagOf_PrimOp :: PrimOp -> FastInt"
f i n = "tagOf_PrimOp " ++ cons i ++ " = _ILIT(" ++ show n ++ ")"
max_def_type = "maxPrimOpTag :: Int"
max_def = "maxPrimOpTag = " ++ show (length primop_entries)
gen_data_decl :: Info -> String
-gen_data_decl (Info _ entries)
- = let conss = map cons (filter is_primop entries)
- in "data PrimOp\n = " ++ head conss ++ "\n"
- ++ unlines (map (" | "++) (tail conss))
+gen_data_decl (Info _ entries) =
+ "data PrimOp\n = " ++ head conss ++ "\n"
+ ++ unlines (map (" | "++) (tail conss))
+ where
+ conss = map genCons (filter is_primop entries)
+ genCons :: Entry -> String
+ genCons entry =
+ case vecOptions entry of
+ [] -> cons entry
+ _ -> cons entry ++ " PrimOpVecCat Length Width"
gen_switch_from_attribs :: String -> String -> Info -> String
gen_switch_from_attribs attrib_name fn_name (Info defaults entries)
@@ -596,12 +801,15 @@ gen_switch_from_attribs attrib_name fn_name (Info defaults entries)
getAltRhs (OptionTrue _) = "True"
getAltRhs (OptionInteger _ i) = show i
getAltRhs (OptionString _ s) = s
+ getAltRhs (OptionVector _) = "True"
getAltRhs (OptionFixity mf) = show mf
mkAlt po
= case lookup_attrib attrib_name (opts po) of
Nothing -> Nothing
- Just xx -> Just (fn_name ++ " " ++ cons po ++ " = " ++ getAltRhs xx)
+ Just xx -> case vecOptions po of
+ [] -> Just (fn_name ++ " " ++ cons po ++ " = " ++ getAltRhs xx)
+ _ -> Just (fn_name ++ " (" ++ cons po ++ " _ _ _) = " ++ getAltRhs xx)
case defv of
@@ -616,7 +824,7 @@ gen_switch_from_attribs attrib_name fn_name (Info defaults entries)
gen_primop_info :: Info -> String
gen_primop_info (Info _ entries)
- = unlines (map mkPOItext (filter is_primop entries))
+ = unlines (map mkPOItext (concatMap desugarVectorSpec (filter is_primop entries)))
mkPOItext :: Entry -> String
mkPOItext i = mkPOI_LHS_text i ++ mkPOI_RHS_text i
@@ -664,29 +872,25 @@ ppTyVar "o" = "openAlphaTyVar"
ppTyVar _ = error "Unknown type var"
ppType :: Ty -> String
-ppType (TyApp "Any" []) = "anyTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Bool" []) = "boolTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Int#" []) = "intPrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Int32#" []) = "int32PrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Int64#" []) = "int64PrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Char#" []) = "charPrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Word#" []) = "wordPrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Word32#" []) = "word32PrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Word64#" []) = "word64PrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Addr#" []) = "addrPrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Float#" []) = "floatPrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Double#" []) = "doublePrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "FloatX4#" []) = "floatX4PrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "DoubleX2#" []) = "doubleX2PrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Int32X4#" []) = "int32X4PrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Int64X2#" []) = "int64X2PrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "ByteArray#" []) = "byteArrayPrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "RealWorld" []) = "realWorldTy"
-ppType (TyApp "ThreadId#" []) = "threadIdPrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "ForeignObj#" []) = "foreignObjPrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "BCO#" []) = "bcoPrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "()" []) = "unitTy" -- unitTy is TysWiredIn's name for ()
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Any") []) = "anyTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Bool") []) = "boolTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Int#") []) = "intPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Int32#") []) = "int32PrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Int64#") []) = "int64PrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Char#") []) = "charPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Word#") []) = "wordPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Word32#") []) = "word32PrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Word64#") []) = "word64PrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Addr#") []) = "addrPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Float#") []) = "floatPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Double#") []) = "doublePrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "ByteArray#") []) = "byteArrayPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "RealWorld") []) = "realWorldTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "ThreadId#") []) = "threadIdPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "ForeignObj#") []) = "foreignObjPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "BCO#") []) = "bcoPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "()") []) = "unitTy" -- unitTy is TysWiredIn's name for ()
ppType (TyVar "a") = "alphaTy"
ppType (TyVar "b") = "betaTy"
@@ -694,28 +898,31 @@ ppType (TyVar "c") = "gammaTy"
ppType (TyVar "s") = "deltaTy"
ppType (TyVar "o") = "openAlphaTy"
-ppType (TyApp "State#" [x]) = "mkStatePrimTy " ++ ppType x
-ppType (TyApp "MutVar#" [x,y]) = "mkMutVarPrimTy " ++ ppType x
- ++ " " ++ ppType y
-ppType (TyApp "MutableArray#" [x,y]) = "mkMutableArrayPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "State#") [x]) = "mkStatePrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "MutVar#") [x,y]) = "mkMutVarPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ ++ " " ++ ppType y
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "MutableArray#") [x,y]) = "mkMutableArrayPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ ++ " " ++ ppType y
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "MutableArrayArray#") [x]) = "mkMutableArrayArrayPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "MutableByteArray#") [x]) = "mkMutableByteArrayPrimTy "
+ ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Array#") [x]) = "mkArrayPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "ArrayArray#") []) = "mkArrayArrayPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Weak#") [x]) = "mkWeakPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "StablePtr#") [x]) = "mkStablePtrPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "StableName#") [x]) = "mkStableNamePrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "MVar#") [x,y]) = "mkMVarPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ ++ " " ++ ppType y
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "TVar#") [x,y]) = "mkTVarPrimTy " ++ ppType x
++ " " ++ ppType y
-ppType (TyApp "MutableArrayArray#" [x]) = "mkMutableArrayArrayPrimTy " ++ ppType x
-ppType (TyApp "MutableByteArray#" [x]) = "mkMutableByteArrayPrimTy "
- ++ ppType x
-ppType (TyApp "Array#" [x]) = "mkArrayPrimTy " ++ ppType x
-ppType (TyApp "ArrayArray#" []) = "mkArrayArrayPrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Weak#" [x]) = "mkWeakPrimTy " ++ ppType x
-ppType (TyApp "StablePtr#" [x]) = "mkStablePtrPrimTy " ++ ppType x
-ppType (TyApp "StableName#" [x]) = "mkStableNamePrimTy " ++ ppType x
-ppType (TyApp "MVar#" [x,y]) = "mkMVarPrimTy " ++ ppType x
- ++ " " ++ ppType y
-ppType (TyApp "TVar#" [x,y]) = "mkTVarPrimTy " ++ ppType x
- ++ " " ++ ppType y
-ppType (TyUTup ts) = "(mkTupleTy UnboxedTuple "
- ++ listify (map ppType ts) ++ ")"
+ppType (TyApp (VecTyCon _ pptc) []) = pptc
+ppType (TyUTup ts) = "(mkTupleTy UnboxedTuple "
+ ++ listify (map ppType ts) ++ ")"
ppType (TyF s d) = "(mkFunTy (" ++ ppType s ++ ") (" ++ ppType d ++ "))"
ppType (TyC s d) = "(mkFunTy (" ++ ppType s ++ ") (" ++ ppType d ++ "))"