path: root/utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs b/utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs
index 8a1c2c1755..8b776499fd 100644
--- a/utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs
@@ -6,9 +6,8 @@ import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as ModuleName
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Check hiding (doesFileExist)
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
-import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse
+import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec
import Distribution.Package
-import Distribution.System
import Distribution.Simple
import Distribution.Simple.Configure
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
@@ -16,7 +15,8 @@ import Distribution.Simple.GHC
import Distribution.Simple.Program
import Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg
import Distribution.Simple.Setup (ConfigFlags(configStripLibs), fromFlag, toFlag)
-import Distribution.Simple.Utils (defaultPackageDesc, writeFileAtomic, toUTF8)
+import Distribution.Simple.Utils (defaultPackageDesc, findHookedPackageDesc, writeFileAtomic,
+ toUTF8LBS)
import Distribution.Simple.Build (writeAutogenFiles)
import Distribution.Simple.Register
import Distribution.Text
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Control.Monad
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS
+import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import System.IO
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ main = do hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
doRegister dir distDir ghc ghcpkg topdir
myDestDir myPrefix myLibdir myDocdir
relocatableBuild args'
- "configure" : dir : distDir : dll0Modules : config_args ->
- generate dir distDir dll0Modules config_args
+ "configure" : dir : distDir : config_args ->
+ generate dir distDir config_args
"sdist" : dir : distDir : [] ->
doSdist dir distDir
["--version"] ->
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ main = do hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
syntax_error :: [String]
syntax_error =
- ["syntax: ghc-cabal configure <directory> <distdir> <dll0modules> <args>...",
+ ["syntax: ghc-cabal configure <directory> <distdir> <args>...",
" ghc-cabal copy <directory> <distdir> <strip> <destdir> <prefix> <libdir> <docdir> <libways> <args>...",
" ghc-cabal register <directory> <distdir> <ghc> <ghcpkg> <topdir> <destdir> <prefix> <libdir> <docdir> <relocatable> <args>...",
" ghc-cabal hscolour <directory> <distdir> <args>...",
@@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ runDefaultMain :: IO ()
= do let verbosity = normal
gpdFile <- defaultPackageDesc verbosity
- gpd <- readPackageDescription verbosity gpdFile
+ gpd <- readGenericPackageDescription verbosity gpdFile
case buildType (flattenPackageDescription gpd) of
- Just Configure -> defaultMainWithHooks autoconfUserHooks
+ Configure -> defaultMainWithHooks autoconfUserHooks
-- time has a "Custom" Setup.hs, but it's actually Configure
-- plus a "./Setup test" hook. However, Cabal is also
-- "Custom", but doesn't have a configure script.
- Just Custom ->
+ Custom ->
do configureExists <- doesFileExist "configure"
if configureExists
then defaultMainWithHooks autoconfUserHooks
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ doCheck directory
= withCurrentDirectory directory
$ do let verbosity = normal
gpdFile <- defaultPackageDesc verbosity
- gpd <- readPackageDescription verbosity gpdFile
+ gpd <- readGenericPackageDescription verbosity gpdFile
case filter isFailure $ checkPackage gpd Nothing of
[] -> return ()
errs -> mapM_ print errs >> exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
@@ -146,26 +146,12 @@ doCopy directory distDir
else ["--destdir", myDestDir])
++ args
copyHooks = userHooks {
- copyHook = noGhcPrimHook
- $ modHook False
+ copyHook = modHook False
$ copyHook userHooks
defaultMainWithHooksArgs copyHooks copyArgs
- noGhcPrimHook f pd lbi us flags
- = let pd'
- | packageName pd == mkPackageName "ghc-prim" =
- case library pd of
- Just lib ->
- let ghcPrim = fromJust (simpleParse "GHC.Prim")
- ems = filter (ghcPrim /=) (exposedModules lib)
- lib' = lib { exposedModules = ems }
- in pd { library = Just lib' }
- Nothing ->
- error "Expected a library, but none found"
- | otherwise = pd
- in f pd' lbi us flags
modHook relocatableBuild f pd lbi us flags
= do let verbosity = normal
idts = updateInstallDirTemplates relocatableBuild
@@ -265,28 +251,8 @@ updateInstallDirTemplates relocatableBuild myPrefix myLibdir myDocdir idts
htmldir = toPathTemplate "$docdir"
--- On Windows we need to split the ghc package into 2 pieces, or the
--- DLL that it makes contains too many symbols (#5987). There are
--- therefore 2 libraries, not just the 1 that Cabal assumes.
-mangleIPI :: FilePath -> FilePath -> LocalBuildInfo
- -> Installed.InstalledPackageInfo -> Installed.InstalledPackageInfo
-mangleIPI "compiler" "stage2" lbi ipi
- | isWindows =
- -- Cabal currently only ever installs ONE Haskell library, c.f.
- -- the code in Cabal.Distribution.Simple.Register. If it
- -- ever starts installing more we'll have to find the
- -- library that's too big and split that.
- let [old_hslib] = Installed.hsLibraries ipi
- in ipi {
- Installed.hsLibraries = [old_hslib, old_hslib ++ "-0"]
- }
- where isWindows = case hostPlatform lbi of
- Platform _ Windows -> True
- _ -> False
-mangleIPI _ _ _ ipi = ipi
-generate :: FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> [String] -> IO ()
-generate directory distdir dll0Modules config_args
+generate :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
+generate directory distdir config_args
= withCurrentDirectory directory
$ do let verbosity = normal
-- XXX We shouldn't just configure with the default flags
@@ -301,9 +267,15 @@ generate directory distdir dll0Modules config_args
writePersistBuildConfig distdir lbi
hooked_bi <-
- if (buildType pd0 == Just Configure) || (buildType pd0 == Just Custom)
+ if (buildType pd0 == Configure) || (buildType pd0 == Custom)
then do
- maybe_infoFile <- defaultHookedPackageDesc
+ cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
+ -- Try to find the .buildinfo in the $dist/build folder where
+ -- cabal 2.2+ will expect it, but fallback to the old default
+ -- location if we don't find any. This is the case of the
+ -- bindist, which doesn't ship the $dist/build folder.
+ maybe_infoFile <- findHookedPackageDesc (cwd </> distdir </> "build")
+ <|> defaultHookedPackageDesc
case maybe_infoFile of
Nothing -> return emptyHookedBuildInfo
Just infoFile -> readHookedBuildInfo verbosity infoFile
@@ -319,16 +291,19 @@ generate directory distdir dll0Modules config_args
-- generate inplace-pkg-config
withLibLBI pd lbi $ \lib clbi ->
do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
+ let fixupIncludeDir dir | cwd `isPrefixOf` dir = [dir, cwd </> distdir </> "build" ++ drop (length cwd) dir]
+ | otherwise = [dir]
let ipid = mkUnitId (display (packageId pd))
let installedPkgInfo = inplaceInstalledPackageInfo cwd distdir
pd (mkAbiHash "inplace") lib lbi clbi
- final_ipi = mangleIPI directory distdir lbi $ installedPkgInfo {
+ final_ipi = installedPkgInfo {
Installed.installedUnitId = ipid,
Installed.compatPackageKey = display (packageId pd),
- Installed.haddockHTMLs = []
+ Installed.includeDirs = concatMap fixupIncludeDir (Installed.includeDirs installedPkgInfo)
content = Installed.showInstalledPackageInfo final_ipi ++ "\n"
- writeFileAtomic (distdir </> "inplace-pkg-config") (BS.pack $ toUTF8 content)
+ writeFileAtomic (distdir </> "inplace-pkg-config")
+ (toUTF8LBS content)
comp = compiler lbi
@@ -403,12 +378,20 @@ generate directory distdir dll0Modules config_args
mkLibraryRelDir "Cabal" = "libraries/Cabal/Cabal/dist-install/build"
mkLibraryRelDir l = "libraries/" ++ l ++ "/dist-install/build"
libraryRelDirs = map mkLibraryRelDir transitiveDepNames
- wrappedIncludeDirs <- wrap $ forDeps Installed.includeDirs
+ -- this is a hack to accommodate Cabal 2.2+ more hygenic
+ -- generated data. We'll inject `dist-install/build` after
+ -- before the `include` directory, if any.
+ injectDistInstall :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
+ injectDistInstall x | takeBaseName x == "include" = [x, takeDirectory x ++ "/dist-install/build/" ++ takeBaseName x]
+ injectDistInstall x = [x]
+ wrappedIncludeDirs <- wrap $ concatMap injectDistInstall $ forDeps Installed.includeDirs
let variablePrefix = directory ++ '_':distdir
mods = map display modules
otherMods = map display (otherModules bi)
- allMods = mods ++ otherMods
+ buildDir' = map (\c -> if c=='\\' then '/' else c) $ buildDir lbi
let xs = [variablePrefix ++ "_VERSION = " ++ display (pkgVersion (package pd)),
-- TODO: move inside withLibLBI
variablePrefix ++ "_COMPONENT_ID = " ++ localCompatPackageKey lbi,
@@ -422,13 +405,16 @@ generate directory distdir dll0Modules config_args
variablePrefix ++ "_DEP_COMPONENT_IDS = " ++ unwords depLibNames,
variablePrefix ++ "_TRANSITIVE_DEP_NAMES = " ++ unwords transitiveDepNames,
variablePrefix ++ "_TRANSITIVE_DEP_COMPONENT_IDS = " ++ unwords transitiveDepLibNames,
- variablePrefix ++ "_INCLUDE_DIRS = " ++ unwords (includeDirs bi),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_INCLUDE_DIRS = " ++ unwords ( [ dir | dir <- includeDirs bi ]
+ ++ [ buildDir' ++ "/" ++ dir | dir <- includeDirs bi
+ , not (isAbsolute dir)]),
variablePrefix ++ "_INCLUDES = " ++ unwords (includes bi),
variablePrefix ++ "_INSTALL_INCLUDES = " ++ unwords (installIncludes bi),
variablePrefix ++ "_EXTRA_LIBRARIES = " ++ unwords (extraLibs bi),
variablePrefix ++ "_EXTRA_LIBDIRS = " ++ unwords (extraLibDirs bi),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_S_SRCS = " ++ unwords (asmSources bi),
variablePrefix ++ "_C_SRCS = " ++ unwords (cSources bi),
- variablePrefix ++ "_CMM_SRCS := $(addprefix cbits/,$(notdir $(wildcard " ++ directory ++ "/cbits/*.cmm)))",
+ variablePrefix ++ "_CMM_SRCS = " ++ unwords (cmmSources bi),
variablePrefix ++ "_DATA_FILES = " ++ unwords (dataFiles pd),
-- XXX This includes things it shouldn't, like:
-- -odir dist-bootstrapping/build
@@ -458,11 +444,6 @@ generate directory distdir dll0Modules config_args
writeFileUtf8 (distdir ++ "/haddock-prologue.txt") $
if null (description pd) then synopsis pd
else description pd
- unless (null dll0Modules) $
- do let dll0Mods = words dll0Modules
- dllMods = allMods \\ dll0Mods
- dllModSets = map unwords [dll0Mods, dllMods]
- writeFile (distdir ++ "/dll-split") $ unlines dllModSets
escape = foldr (\c xs -> if c == '#' then '\\':'#':xs else c:xs) []
wrap = mapM wrap1