path: root/utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs b/utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs
index 3e43800a78..58ab921c45 100644
--- a/utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs
@@ -37,12 +37,18 @@ main = do hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
runHsColour distDir dir args'
"check" : dir : [] ->
doCheck dir
- "install" : ghc : ghcpkg : strip : topdir : directory : distDir
- : myDestDir : myPrefix : myLibdir : myDocdir
- : relocatableBuild : args' ->
- doInstall ghc ghcpkg strip topdir directory distDir
- myDestDir myPrefix myLibdir myDocdir
- relocatableBuild args'
+ "copy" : strip : directory : distDir
+ : myDestDir : myPrefix : myLibdir : myDocdir
+ : args' ->
+ doCopy strip directory distDir
+ myDestDir myPrefix myLibdir myDocdir
+ args'
+ "register" : ghc : ghcpkg : topdir : directory : distDir
+ : myDestDir : myPrefix : myLibdir : myDocdir
+ : relocatableBuild : args' ->
+ doRegister ghc ghcpkg topdir directory distDir
+ myDestDir myPrefix myLibdir myDocdir
+ relocatableBuild args'
"configure" : args' -> case break (== "--") args' of
(config_args, "--" : distdir : directories) ->
mapM_ (generate config_args distdir) directories
@@ -121,37 +127,26 @@ runHsColour distdir directory args
= withCurrentDirectory directory
$ defaultMainArgs ("hscolour" : "--builddir" : distdir : args)
-doInstall :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
- -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
- -> String -> [String]
- -> IO ()
-doInstall ghc ghcpkg strip topdir directory distDir
+doCopy :: FilePath -> FilePath
+ -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+ -> [String]
+ -> IO ()
+doCopy strip directory distDir
myDestDir myPrefix myLibdir myDocdir
- relocatableBuildStr args
+ args
= withCurrentDirectory directory $ do
- relocatableBuild <- case relocatableBuildStr of
- "YES" -> return True
- "NO" -> return False
- _ -> die ["Bad relocatableBuildStr: " ++
- show relocatableBuildStr]
let copyArgs = ["copy", "--builddir", distDir]
++ (if null myDestDir
then []
else ["--destdir", myDestDir])
++ args
- regArgs = "register" : "--builddir" : distDir : args
copyHooks = userHooks {
copyHook = noGhcPrimHook
$ modHook False
$ copyHook userHooks
- regHooks = userHooks {
- regHook = modHook relocatableBuild
- $ regHook userHooks
- }
defaultMainWithHooksArgs copyHooks copyArgs
- defaultMainWithHooksArgs regHooks regArgs
noGhcPrimHook f pd lbi us flags
= let pd'
@@ -168,23 +163,46 @@ doInstall ghc ghcpkg strip topdir directory distDir
in f pd' lbi us flags
modHook relocatableBuild f pd lbi us flags
= do let verbosity = normal
- idts = installDirTemplates lbi
- idts' = idts {
- prefix = toPathTemplate $
- if relocatableBuild
- then "$topdir"
- else myPrefix,
- libdir = toPathTemplate $
- if relocatableBuild
- then "$topdir"
- else myLibdir,
- libsubdir = toPathTemplate "$pkgid",
- docdir = toPathTemplate $
- if relocatableBuild
- then "$topdir/../doc/html/libraries/$pkgid"
- else (myDocdir </> "$pkgid"),
- htmldir = toPathTemplate "$docdir"
- }
+ idts = updateInstallDirTemplates relocatableBuild
+ myPrefix myLibdir myDocdir
+ (installDirTemplates lbi)
+ progs = withPrograms lbi
+ stripProgram' = stripProgram {
+ programFindLocation = \_ -> return (Just strip) }
+ progs' <- configureProgram verbosity stripProgram' progs
+ let lbi' = lbi {
+ withPrograms = progs',
+ installDirTemplates = idts
+ }
+ f pd lbi' us flags
+doRegister :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+ -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+ -> String -> [String]
+ -> IO ()
+doRegister ghc ghcpkg topdir directory distDir
+ myDestDir myPrefix myLibdir myDocdir
+ relocatableBuildStr args
+ = withCurrentDirectory directory $ do
+ relocatableBuild <- case relocatableBuildStr of
+ "YES" -> return True
+ "NO" -> return False
+ _ -> die ["Bad relocatableBuildStr: " ++
+ show relocatableBuildStr]
+ let regArgs = "register" : "--builddir" : distDir : args
+ regHooks = userHooks {
+ regHook = modHook relocatableBuild
+ $ regHook userHooks
+ }
+ defaultMainWithHooksArgs regHooks regArgs
+ where
+ modHook relocatableBuild f pd lbi us flags
+ = do let verbosity = normal
+ idts = updateInstallDirTemplates relocatableBuild
+ myPrefix myLibdir myDocdir
+ (installDirTemplates lbi)
progs = withPrograms lbi
ghcpkgconf = topdir </> "package.conf.d"
ghcProgram' = ghcProgram {
@@ -194,11 +212,9 @@ doInstall ghc ghcpkg strip topdir directory distDir
programPostConf = \_ _ -> return $ ["--global-package-db", ghcpkgconf]
++ ["--force" | not (null myDestDir) ],
programFindLocation = \_ -> return (Just ghcpkg) }
- stripProgram' = stripProgram {
- programFindLocation = \_ -> return (Just strip) }
configurePrograms ps conf = foldM (flip (configureProgram verbosity)) conf ps
- progs' <- configurePrograms [ghcProgram', ghcPkgProgram', stripProgram'] progs
+ progs' <- configurePrograms [ghcProgram', ghcPkgProgram'] progs
let Just ghcPkgProg = lookupProgram ghcPkgProgram' progs'
instInfos <- dump verbosity ghcPkgProg GlobalPackageDB
let installedPkgs' = PackageIndex.fromList instInfos
@@ -215,11 +231,32 @@ doInstall ghc ghcpkg strip topdir directory distDir
lbi' = lbi {
libraryConfig = mlc',
installedPkgs = installedPkgs',
- installDirTemplates = idts',
+ installDirTemplates = idts,
withPrograms = progs'
f pd lbi' us flags
+updateInstallDirTemplates :: Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+ -> InstallDirTemplates
+ -> InstallDirTemplates
+updateInstallDirTemplates relocatableBuild myPrefix myLibdir myDocdir idts
+ = idts {
+ prefix = toPathTemplate $
+ if relocatableBuild
+ then "$topdir"
+ else myPrefix,
+ libdir = toPathTemplate $
+ if relocatableBuild
+ then "$topdir"
+ else myLibdir,
+ libsubdir = toPathTemplate "$pkgid",
+ docdir = toPathTemplate $
+ if relocatableBuild
+ then "$topdir/../doc/html/libraries/$pkgid"
+ else (myDocdir </> "$pkgid"),
+ htmldir = toPathTemplate "$docdir"
+ }
-- The packages are built with the package ID ending in "-inplace", but
-- when they're installed they get the package hash appended. We need to
-- fix up the package deps so that they use the hash package IDs, not
@@ -331,8 +368,12 @@ generate config_args distdir directory
dep_ids = map snd (externalPackageDeps lbi)
+ let libraryDirs = forDeps Installed.libraryDirs
wrappedIncludeDirs <- wrap $ forDeps Installed.includeDirs
- wrappedLibraryDirs <- wrap $ forDeps Installed.libraryDirs
+ wrappedLibraryDirs <- wrap libraryDirs
+ let depDynlibDirName d = display (Installed.sourcePackageId d)
+ rpaths = map (\d -> "'$$ORIGIN/../" ++ depDynlibDirName d ++ "'")
+ dep_pkgs
let variablePrefix = directory ++ '_':distdir
let xs = [variablePrefix ++ "_VERSION = " ++ display (pkgVersion (package pd)),
@@ -342,6 +383,7 @@ generate config_args distdir directory
variablePrefix ++ "_HS_SRC_DIRS = " ++ unwords (hsSourceDirs bi),
variablePrefix ++ "_DEPS = " ++ unwords (map display dep_ids),
variablePrefix ++ "_DEP_NAMES = " ++ unwords (map (display . packageName) dep_ids),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_RPATHS = " ++ unwords rpaths,
variablePrefix ++ "_INCLUDE_DIRS = " ++ unwords (includeDirs bi),
variablePrefix ++ "_INCLUDES = " ++ unwords (includes bi),
variablePrefix ++ "_INSTALL_INCLUDES = " ++ unwords (installIncludes bi),
@@ -364,6 +406,7 @@ generate config_args distdir directory
variablePrefix ++ "_DEP_INCLUDE_DIRS_SINGLE_QUOTED = " ++ unwords wrappedIncludeDirs,
variablePrefix ++ "_DEP_CC_OPTS = " ++ unwords (forDeps Installed.ccOptions),
variablePrefix ++ "_DEP_LIB_DIRS_SINGLE_QUOTED = " ++ unwords wrappedLibraryDirs,
+ variablePrefix ++ "_DEP_LIB_DIRS_SEARCHPATH = " ++ mkSearchPath libraryDirs,
variablePrefix ++ "_DEP_EXTRA_LIBS = " ++ unwords (forDeps Installed.extraLibraries),
variablePrefix ++ "_DEP_LD_OPTS = " ++ unwords (forDeps Installed.ldOptions),
variablePrefix ++ "_BUILD_GHCI_LIB = " ++ boolToYesNo (withGHCiLib lbi),
@@ -388,5 +431,6 @@ generate config_args distdir directory
| head s == ' ' = die ["Leading space in value to be wrapped:", s]
| last s == ' ' = die ["Trailing space in value to be wrapped:", s]
| otherwise = return ("\'" ++ s ++ "\'")
+ mkSearchPath = intercalate [searchPathSeparator]
boolToYesNo True = "YES"
boolToYesNo False = "NO"