path: root/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
index 3aa4186db4..9cbeb3ac61 100644
--- a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
@@ -17,24 +17,6 @@
--- The SIMPLE_WIN_GETLIBDIR macro will only be set when
--- building on windows.
--- Its purpose is to let us know whether the Windows implementation of
--- 'getExecutablePath' follows symlinks or not (it does follow them in
--- base >= 4.11). If it does, the implementation of getLibDir is straightforward
--- but if it does not follow symlinks, we need to follow them ourselves here.
--- Once we do not have to support building ghc-pkg with base < 4.11 anymore,
--- we can keep only the simple, straightforward implementation that just uses
--- 'getExecutablePath'.
-#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
-#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2009.
@@ -84,7 +66,7 @@ import System.Directory ( doesDirectoryExist, getDirectoryContents,
getCurrentDirectory )
import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode(..) )
import System.Environment ( getArgs, getProgName, getEnv )
-#if defined(darwin_HOST_OS) || defined(linux_HOST_OS) || SIMPLE_WIN_GETLIBDIR
+#if defined(darwin_HOST_OS) || defined(linux_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import System.Environment ( getExecutablePath )
import System.IO
@@ -98,12 +80,6 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
--- mingw32 needs these for getExecDir when base < 4.11
-import Foreign
-import Foreign.C
-import System.Directory ( canonicalizePath )
import GHC.ConsoleHandler
import System.Posix hiding (fdToHandle)
@@ -2215,46 +2191,7 @@ dieForcible s = die (s ++ " (use --force to override)")
getLibDir :: IO (Maybe String)
-#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) && !SIMPLE_WIN_GETLIBDIR
-subst :: Char -> Char -> String -> String
-subst a b ls = map (\ x -> if x == a then b else x) ls
-unDosifyPath :: FilePath -> FilePath
-unDosifyPath xs = subst '\\' '/' xs
-getLibDir = do base <- getExecDir "/ghc-pkg.exe"
- case base of
- Nothing -> return Nothing
- Just base' -> do
- libdir <- canonicalizePath $ base' </> "../lib"
- exists <- doesDirectoryExist libdir
- if exists
- then return $ Just libdir
- else return Nothing
--- (getExecDir cmd) returns the directory in which the current
--- executable, which should be called 'cmd', is running
--- So if the full path is /a/b/c/d/e, and you pass "d/e" as cmd,
--- you'll get "/a/b/c" back as the result
-getExecDir :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
-getExecDir cmd =
- getExecPath >>= maybe (return Nothing) removeCmdSuffix
- where initN n = reverse . drop n . reverse
- removeCmdSuffix = return . Just . initN (length cmd) . unDosifyPath
-getExecPath :: IO (Maybe String)
-getExecPath = try_size 2048 -- plenty, PATH_MAX is 512 under Win32.
- where
- try_size size = allocaArray (fromIntegral size) $ \buf -> do
- ret <- c_GetModuleFileName nullPtr buf size
- case ret of
- 0 -> return Nothing
- _ | ret < size -> fmap Just $ peekCWString buf
- | otherwise -> try_size (size * 2)
-foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h GetModuleFileNameW"
- c_GetModuleFileName :: Ptr () -> CWString -> Word32 -> IO Word32
-#elif SIMPLE_WIN_GETLIBDIR || defined(darwin_HOST_OS) || defined(linux_HOST_OS)
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(darwin_HOST_OS) || defined(linux_HOST_OS)
getLibDir = Just . (\p -> p </> "lib") . takeDirectory . takeDirectory <$> getExecutablePath
getLibDir = return Nothing