path: root/utils/ghc-pkg
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/ghc-pkg')
3 files changed, 1297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb3ef07c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1184 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004.
+-- Package management tool
+-- TODO:
+-- - validate modules
+-- - expanding of variables in new-style package conf
+-- - version manipulation (checking whether old version exists,
+-- hiding old version?)
+module Main (main) where
+import Version ( version, targetOS, targetARCH )
+import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
+import Distribution.Compat.ReadP
+import Distribution.ParseUtils ( showError )
+import Distribution.Package
+import Distribution.Version
+import Compat.Directory ( getAppUserDataDirectory, createDirectoryIfMissing )
+import Compat.RawSystem ( rawSystem )
+import Prelude
+#include "../../includes/ghcconfig.h"
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 504
+import System.Console.GetOpt
+import Text.PrettyPrint
+import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
+import Data.Maybe
+import GetOpt
+import Pretty
+import qualified Exception
+import Maybe
+import Data.Char ( isSpace )
+import Monad
+import Directory
+import System ( getArgs, getProgName, getEnv,
+ exitWith, ExitCode(..)
+ )
+import System.IO
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 600
+import System.IO.Error (try)
+import System.IO (try)
+import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, intersperse, groupBy, sortBy )
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+import Foreign
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 504
+import Foreign.C.String
+import CString
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Entry point
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ args <- getArgs
+ case getOpt Permute flags args of
+ (cli,_,[]) | FlagHelp `elem` cli -> do
+ prog <- getProgramName
+ bye (usageInfo (usageHeader prog) flags)
+ (cli,_,[]) | FlagVersion `elem` cli ->
+ bye ourCopyright
+ (cli,nonopts,[]) ->
+ runit cli nonopts
+ (_,_,errors) -> tryOldCmdLine errors args
+-- If the new command-line syntax fails, then we try the old. If that
+-- fails too, then we output the original errors and the new syntax
+-- (so the old syntax is still available, but hidden).
+tryOldCmdLine :: [String] -> [String] -> IO ()
+tryOldCmdLine errors args = do
+ case getOpt Permute oldFlags args of
+ (cli@(_:_),[],[]) ->
+ oldRunit cli
+ _failed -> do
+ prog <- getProgramName
+ die (concat errors ++ usageInfo (usageHeader prog) flags)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Command-line syntax
+data Flag
+ = FlagUser
+ | FlagGlobal
+ | FlagHelp
+ | FlagVersion
+ | FlagConfig FilePath
+ | FlagGlobalConfig FilePath
+ | FlagForce
+ | FlagAutoGHCiLibs
+ | FlagDefinedName String String
+ | FlagSimpleOutput
+ deriving Eq
+flags :: [OptDescr Flag]
+flags = [
+ Option [] ["user"] (NoArg FlagUser)
+ "use the current user's package database",
+ Option [] ["global"] (NoArg FlagGlobal)
+ "(default) use the global package database",
+ Option ['f'] ["package-conf"] (ReqArg FlagConfig "FILE")
+ "act upon specified package config file (only)",
+ Option [] ["global-conf"] (ReqArg FlagGlobalConfig "FILE")
+ "location of the global package config",
+ Option [] ["force"] (NoArg FlagForce)
+ "ignore missing dependencies, directories, and libraries",
+ Option ['g'] ["auto-ghci-libs"] (NoArg FlagAutoGHCiLibs)
+ "automatically build libs for GHCi (with register)",
+ Option ['?'] ["help"] (NoArg FlagHelp)
+ "display this help and exit",
+ Option ['D'] ["define-name"] (ReqArg toDefined "NAME=VALUE")
+ "define NAME as VALUE",
+ Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg FlagVersion)
+ "output version information and exit",
+ Option [] ["simple-output"] (NoArg FlagSimpleOutput)
+ "print output in easy-to-parse format when running command 'list'"
+ ]
+ where
+ toDefined str =
+ case break (=='=') str of
+ (nm,[]) -> FlagDefinedName nm []
+ (nm,_:val) -> FlagDefinedName nm val
+ourCopyright :: String
+ourCopyright = "GHC package manager version " ++ version ++ "\n"
+usageHeader :: String -> String
+usageHeader prog = substProg prog $
+ "Usage:\n" ++
+ " $p register {filename | -}\n" ++
+ " Register the package using the specified installed package\n" ++
+ " description. The syntax for the latter is given in the $p\n" ++
+ " documentation.\n" ++
+ "\n" ++
+ " $p update {filename | -}\n" ++
+ " Register the package, overwriting any other package with the\n" ++
+ " same name.\n" ++
+ "\n" ++
+ " $p unregister {pkg-id}\n" ++
+ " Unregister the specified package.\n" ++
+ "\n" ++
+ " $p expose {pkg-id}\n" ++
+ " Expose the specified package.\n" ++
+ "\n" ++
+ " $p hide {pkg-id}\n" ++
+ " Hide the specified package.\n" ++
+ "\n" ++
+ " $p list [pkg]\n" ++
+ " List registered packages in the global database, and also the\n" ++
+ " user database if --user is given. If a package name is given\n" ++
+ " all the registered versions will be listed in ascending order.\n" ++
+ "\n" ++
+ " $p latest pkg\n" ++
+ " Prints the highest registered version of a package.\n" ++
+ "\n" ++
+ " $p describe {pkg-id}\n" ++
+ " Give the registered description for the specified package. The\n" ++
+ " description is returned in precisely the syntax required by $p\n" ++
+ " register.\n" ++
+ "\n" ++
+ " $p field {pkg-id} {field}\n" ++
+ " Extract the specified field of the package description for the\n" ++
+ " specified package.\n" ++
+ "\n" ++
+ " The following optional flags are also accepted:\n"
+substProg :: String -> String -> String
+substProg _ [] = []
+substProg prog ('$':'p':xs) = prog ++ substProg prog xs
+substProg prog (c:xs) = c : substProg prog xs
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Do the business
+runit :: [Flag] -> [String] -> IO ()
+runit cli nonopts = do
+ prog <- getProgramName
+ let
+ force = FlagForce `elem` cli
+ auto_ghci_libs = FlagAutoGHCiLibs `elem` cli
+ defines = [ (nm,val) | FlagDefinedName nm val <- cli ]
+ --
+ -- first, parse the command
+ case nonopts of
+ ["register", filename] ->
+ registerPackage filename defines cli auto_ghci_libs False force
+ ["update", filename] ->
+ registerPackage filename defines cli auto_ghci_libs True force
+ ["unregister", pkgid_str] -> do
+ pkgid <- readGlobPkgId pkgid_str
+ unregisterPackage pkgid cli
+ ["expose", pkgid_str] -> do
+ pkgid <- readGlobPkgId pkgid_str
+ exposePackage pkgid cli
+ ["hide", pkgid_str] -> do
+ pkgid <- readGlobPkgId pkgid_str
+ hidePackage pkgid cli
+ ["list"] -> do
+ listPackages cli Nothing
+ ["list", pkgid_str] -> do
+ pkgid <- readGlobPkgId pkgid_str
+ listPackages cli (Just pkgid)
+ ["latest", pkgid_str] -> do
+ pkgid <- readGlobPkgId pkgid_str
+ latestPackage cli pkgid
+ ["describe", pkgid_str] -> do
+ pkgid <- readGlobPkgId pkgid_str
+ describePackage cli pkgid
+ ["field", pkgid_str, field] -> do
+ pkgid <- readGlobPkgId pkgid_str
+ describeField cli pkgid field
+ [] -> do
+ die ("missing command\n" ++
+ usageInfo (usageHeader prog) flags)
+ (_cmd:_) -> do
+ die ("command-line syntax error\n" ++
+ usageInfo (usageHeader prog) flags)
+parseCheck :: ReadP a a -> String -> String -> IO a
+parseCheck parser str what =
+ case [ x | (x,ys) <- readP_to_S parser str, all isSpace ys ] of
+ [x] -> return x
+ _ -> die ("cannot parse \'" ++ str ++ "\' as a " ++ what)
+readPkgId :: String -> IO PackageIdentifier
+readPkgId str = parseCheck parsePackageId str "package identifier"
+readGlobPkgId :: String -> IO PackageIdentifier
+readGlobPkgId str = parseCheck parseGlobPackageId str "package identifier"
+parseGlobPackageId :: ReadP r PackageIdentifier
+parseGlobPackageId =
+ parsePackageId
+ +++
+ (do n <- parsePackageName; string "-*"
+ return (PackageIdentifier{ pkgName = n, pkgVersion = globVersion }))
+-- globVersion means "all versions"
+globVersion :: Version
+globVersion = Version{ versionBranch=[], versionTags=["*"] }
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Package databases
+-- Some commands operate on a single database:
+-- register, unregister, expose, hide
+-- however these commands also check the union of the available databases
+-- in order to check consistency. For example, register will check that
+-- dependencies exist before registering a package.
+-- Some commands operate on multiple databases, with overlapping semantics:
+-- list, describe, field
+type PackageDBName = FilePath
+type PackageDB = [InstalledPackageInfo]
+type PackageDBStack = [(PackageDBName,PackageDB)]
+ -- A stack of package databases. Convention: head is the topmost
+ -- in the stack. Earlier entries override later one.
+getPkgDatabases :: Bool -> [Flag] -> IO PackageDBStack
+getPkgDatabases modify flags = do
+ -- first we determine the location of the global package config. On Windows,
+ -- this is found relative to the ghc-pkg.exe binary, whereas on Unix the
+ -- location is passed to the binary using the --global-config flag by the
+ -- wrapper script.
+ let err_msg = "missing --global-conf option, location of global package.conf unknown\n"
+ global_conf <-
+ case [ f | FlagGlobalConfig f <- flags ] of
+ [] -> do mb_dir <- getExecDir "/bin/ghc-pkg.exe"
+ case mb_dir of
+ Nothing -> die err_msg
+ Just dir -> return (dir `joinFileName` "package.conf")
+ fs -> return (last fs)
+ let global_conf_dir = global_conf ++ ".d"
+ global_conf_dir_exists <- doesDirectoryExist global_conf_dir
+ global_confs <-
+ if global_conf_dir_exists
+ then do files <- getDirectoryContents global_conf_dir
+ return [ global_conf_dir ++ '/' : file
+ | file <- files
+ , isSuffixOf ".conf" file]
+ else return []
+ -- get the location of the user package database, and create it if necessary
+ appdir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "ghc"
+ let
+ subdir = targetARCH ++ '-':targetOS ++ '-':version
+ archdir = appdir `joinFileName` subdir
+ user_conf = archdir `joinFileName` "package.conf"
+ user_exists <- doesFileExist user_conf
+ -- If the user database doesn't exist, and this command isn't a
+ -- "modify" command, then we won't attempt to create or use it.
+ let sys_databases
+ | modify || user_exists = user_conf : global_confs ++ [global_conf]
+ | otherwise = global_confs ++ [global_conf]
+ e_pkg_path <- try (getEnv "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH")
+ let env_stack =
+ case e_pkg_path of
+ Left _ -> sys_databases
+ Right path
+ | last cs == "" -> init cs ++ sys_databases
+ | otherwise -> cs
+ where cs = parseSearchPath path
+ -- The "global" database is always the one at the bottom of the stack.
+ -- This is the database we modify by default.
+ virt_global_conf = last env_stack
+ -- -f flags on the command line add to the database stack, unless any
+ -- of them are present in the stack already.
+ let flag_stack = filter (`notElem` env_stack)
+ [ f | FlagConfig f <- reverse flags ] ++ env_stack
+ -- Now we have the full stack of databases. Next, if the current
+ -- command is a "modify" type command, then we truncate the stack
+ -- so that the topmost element is the database being modified.
+ final_stack <-
+ if not modify
+ then return flag_stack
+ else let
+ go (FlagUser : fs) = modifying user_conf
+ go (FlagGlobal : fs) = modifying virt_global_conf
+ go (FlagConfig f : fs) = modifying f
+ go (_ : fs) = go fs
+ go [] = modifying virt_global_conf
+ modifying f
+ | f `elem` flag_stack = return (dropWhile (/= f) flag_stack)
+ | otherwise = die ("requesting modification of database:\n\t" ++ f ++ "\n\twhich is not in the database stack.")
+ in
+ go flags
+ -- we create the user database iff (a) we're modifying, and (b) the
+ -- user asked to use it by giving the --user flag.
+ when (not user_exists && user_conf `elem` final_stack) $ do
+ putStrLn ("Creating user package database in " ++ user_conf)
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True archdir
+ writeFile user_conf emptyPackageConfig
+ db_stack <- mapM readParseDatabase final_stack
+ return db_stack
+readParseDatabase :: PackageDBName -> IO (PackageDBName,PackageDB)
+readParseDatabase filename = do
+ str <- readFile filename
+ let packages = read str
+ Exception.evaluate packages
+ `Exception.catch` \_ ->
+ die (filename ++ ": parse error in package config file")
+ return (filename,packages)
+emptyPackageConfig :: String
+emptyPackageConfig = "[]"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Registering
+registerPackage :: FilePath
+ -> [(String,String)] -- defines
+ -> [Flag]
+ -> Bool -- auto_ghci_libs
+ -> Bool -- update
+ -> Bool -- force
+ -> IO ()
+registerPackage input defines flags auto_ghci_libs update force = do
+ db_stack <- getPkgDatabases True flags
+ let
+ db_to_operate_on = my_head "db" db_stack
+ db_filename = fst db_to_operate_on
+ --
+ checkConfigAccess db_filename
+ s <-
+ case input of
+ "-" -> do
+ putStr "Reading package info from stdin ... "
+ getContents
+ f -> do
+ putStr ("Reading package info from " ++ show f ++ " ... ")
+ readFile f
+ expanded <- expandEnvVars s defines force
+ pkg0 <- parsePackageInfo expanded defines force
+ putStrLn "done."
+ let pkg = resolveDeps db_stack pkg0
+ overlaps <- validatePackageConfig pkg db_stack auto_ghci_libs update force
+ new_details <- updatePackageDB db_stack overlaps (snd db_to_operate_on) pkg
+ savePackageConfig db_filename
+ maybeRestoreOldConfig db_filename $
+ writeNewConfig db_filename new_details
+ :: String
+ -> [(String,String)]
+ -> Bool
+ -> IO InstalledPackageInfo
+parsePackageInfo str defines force =
+ case parseInstalledPackageInfo str of
+ ParseOk _warns ok -> return ok
+ ParseFailed err -> die (showError err)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Exposing, Hiding, Unregistering are all similar
+exposePackage :: PackageIdentifier -> [Flag] -> IO ()
+exposePackage = modifyPackage (\p -> [p{exposed=True}])
+hidePackage :: PackageIdentifier -> [Flag] -> IO ()
+hidePackage = modifyPackage (\p -> [p{exposed=False}])
+unregisterPackage :: PackageIdentifier -> [Flag] -> IO ()
+unregisterPackage = modifyPackage (\p -> [])
+ :: (InstalledPackageInfo -> [InstalledPackageInfo])
+ -> PackageIdentifier
+ -> [Flag]
+ -> IO ()
+modifyPackage fn pkgid flags = do
+ db_stack <- getPkgDatabases True{-modify-} flags
+ let ((db_name, pkgs) : _) = db_stack
+ checkConfigAccess db_name
+ ps <- findPackages [(db_name,pkgs)] pkgid
+ let pids = map package ps
+ savePackageConfig db_name
+ let new_config = concat (map modify pkgs)
+ modify pkg
+ | package pkg `elem` pids = fn pkg
+ | otherwise = [pkg]
+ maybeRestoreOldConfig db_name $
+ writeNewConfig db_name new_config
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Listing packages
+listPackages :: [Flag] -> Maybe PackageIdentifier -> IO ()
+listPackages flags mPackageName = do
+ let simple_output = FlagSimpleOutput `elem` flags
+ db_stack <- getPkgDatabases False flags
+ let db_stack_filtered -- if a package is given, filter out all other packages
+ | Just this <- mPackageName =
+ map (\(conf,pkgs) -> (conf, filter (this `matchesPkg`) pkgs))
+ db_stack
+ | otherwise = db_stack
+ db_stack_sorted
+ = [ (db, sort_pkgs pkgs) | (db,pkgs) <- db_stack_filtered ]
+ where sort_pkgs = sortBy cmpPkgIds
+ cmpPkgIds pkg1 pkg2 =
+ case pkgName p1 `compare` pkgName p2 of
+ LT -> LT
+ GT -> GT
+ EQ -> pkgVersion p1 `compare` pkgVersion p2
+ where (p1,p2) = (package pkg1, package pkg2)
+ show_func = if simple_output then show_easy else mapM_ show_regular
+ show_func (reverse db_stack_sorted)
+ where show_regular (db_name,pkg_confs) =
+ hPutStrLn stdout (render $
+ text (db_name ++ ":") $$ nest 4 packages
+ )
+ where packages = fsep (punctuate comma (map pp_pkg pkg_confs))
+ pp_pkg p
+ | exposed p = doc
+ | otherwise = parens doc
+ where doc = text (showPackageId (package p))
+ show_easy db_stack = do
+ let pkgs = map showPackageId $ sortBy compPkgIdVer $
+ map package (concatMap snd db_stack)
+ when (null pkgs) $ die "no matches"
+ hPutStrLn stdout $ concat $ intersperse " " pkgs
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Prints the highest (hidden or exposed) version of a package
+latestPackage :: [Flag] -> PackageIdentifier -> IO ()
+latestPackage flags pkgid = do
+ db_stack <- getPkgDatabases False flags
+ ps <- findPackages db_stack pkgid
+ show_pkg (sortBy compPkgIdVer (map package ps))
+ where
+ show_pkg [] = die "no matches"
+ show_pkg pids = hPutStrLn stdout (showPackageId (last pids))
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Describe
+describePackage :: [Flag] -> PackageIdentifier -> IO ()
+describePackage flags pkgid = do
+ db_stack <- getPkgDatabases False flags
+ ps <- findPackages db_stack pkgid
+ mapM_ (putStrLn . showInstalledPackageInfo) ps
+-- PackageId is can have globVersion for the version
+findPackages :: PackageDBStack -> PackageIdentifier -> IO [InstalledPackageInfo]
+findPackages db_stack pkgid
+ = case [ p | p <- all_pkgs, pkgid `matchesPkg` p ] of
+ [] -> die ("cannot find package " ++ showPackageId pkgid)
+ ps -> return ps
+ where
+ all_pkgs = concat (map snd db_stack)
+matches :: PackageIdentifier -> PackageIdentifier -> Bool
+pid `matches` pid'
+ = (pkgName pid == pkgName pid')
+ && (pkgVersion pid == pkgVersion pid' || not (realVersion pid))
+matchesPkg :: PackageIdentifier -> InstalledPackageInfo -> Bool
+pid `matchesPkg` pkg = pid `matches` package pkg
+compPkgIdVer :: PackageIdentifier -> PackageIdentifier -> Ordering
+compPkgIdVer p1 p2 = pkgVersion p1 `compare` pkgVersion p2
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Field
+describeField :: [Flag] -> PackageIdentifier -> String -> IO ()
+describeField flags pkgid field = do
+ db_stack <- getPkgDatabases False flags
+ case toField field of
+ Nothing -> die ("unknown field: " ++ field)
+ Just fn -> do
+ ps <- findPackages db_stack pkgid
+ mapM_ (putStrLn.fn) ps
+toField :: String -> Maybe (InstalledPackageInfo -> String)
+-- backwards compatibility:
+toField "import_dirs" = Just $ strList . importDirs
+toField "source_dirs" = Just $ strList . importDirs
+toField "library_dirs" = Just $ strList . libraryDirs
+toField "hs_libraries" = Just $ strList . hsLibraries
+toField "extra_libraries" = Just $ strList . extraLibraries
+toField "include_dirs" = Just $ strList . includeDirs
+toField "c_includes" = Just $ strList . includes
+toField "package_deps" = Just $ strList . map showPackageId. depends
+toField "extra_cc_opts" = Just $ strList . ccOptions
+toField "extra_ld_opts" = Just $ strList . ldOptions
+toField "framework_dirs" = Just $ strList . frameworkDirs
+toField "extra_frameworks"= Just $ strList . frameworks
+toField s = showInstalledPackageInfoField s
+strList :: [String] -> String
+strList = show
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Manipulating package.conf files
+checkConfigAccess :: FilePath -> IO ()
+checkConfigAccess filename = do
+ access <- getPermissions filename
+ when (not (writable access))
+ (die (filename ++ ": you don't have permission to modify this file"))
+maybeRestoreOldConfig :: FilePath -> IO () -> IO ()
+maybeRestoreOldConfig filename io
+ = io `catch` \e -> do
+ hPutStrLn stderr (show e)
+ hPutStr stdout ("\nWARNING: an error was encountered while the new \n"++
+ "configuration was being written. Attempting to \n"++
+ "restore the old configuration... ")
+ renameFile (filename ++ ".old") filename
+ hPutStrLn stdout "done."
+ ioError e
+writeNewConfig :: FilePath -> [InstalledPackageInfo] -> IO ()
+writeNewConfig filename packages = do
+ hPutStr stdout "Writing new package config file... "
+ h <- openFile filename WriteMode
+ hPutStrLn h (show packages)
+ hClose h
+ hPutStrLn stdout "done."
+savePackageConfig :: FilePath -> IO ()
+savePackageConfig filename = do
+ hPutStr stdout "Saving old package config file... "
+ -- mv rather than cp because we've already done an hGetContents
+ -- on this file so we won't be able to open it for writing
+ -- unless we move the old one out of the way...
+ let oldFile = filename ++ ".old"
+ doesExist <- doesFileExist oldFile `catch` (\ _ -> return False)
+ when doesExist (removeFile oldFile `catch` (const $ return ()))
+ catch (renameFile filename oldFile)
+ (\ err -> do
+ hPutStrLn stderr (unwords [ "Unable to rename "
+ , show filename
+ , " to "
+ , show oldFile
+ ])
+ ioError err)
+ hPutStrLn stdout "done."
+-- Sanity-check a new package config, and automatically build GHCi libs
+-- if requested.
+validatePackageConfig :: InstalledPackageInfo
+ -> PackageDBStack
+ -> Bool -- auto-ghc-libs
+ -> Bool -- update
+ -> Bool -- force
+ -> IO [PackageIdentifier]
+validatePackageConfig pkg db_stack auto_ghci_libs update force = do
+ checkPackageId pkg
+ overlaps <- checkDuplicates db_stack pkg update force
+ mapM_ (checkDep db_stack force) (depends pkg)
+ mapM_ (checkDir force) (importDirs pkg)
+ mapM_ (checkDir force) (libraryDirs pkg)
+ mapM_ (checkDir force) (includeDirs pkg)
+ mapM_ (checkHSLib (libraryDirs pkg) auto_ghci_libs force) (hsLibraries pkg)
+ return overlaps
+ -- ToDo: check these somehow?
+ -- extra_libraries :: [String],
+ -- c_includes :: [String],
+-- When the package name and version are put together, sometimes we can
+-- end up with a package id that cannot be parsed. This will lead to
+-- difficulties when the user wants to refer to the package later, so
+-- we check that the package id can be parsed properly here.
+checkPackageId :: InstalledPackageInfo -> IO ()
+checkPackageId ipi =
+ let str = showPackageId (package ipi) in
+ case [ x | (x,ys) <- readP_to_S parsePackageId str, all isSpace ys ] of
+ [_] -> return ()
+ [] -> die ("invalid package identifier: " ++ str)
+ _ -> die ("ambiguous package identifier: " ++ str)
+resolveDeps :: PackageDBStack -> InstalledPackageInfo -> InstalledPackageInfo
+resolveDeps db_stack p = updateDeps p
+ where
+ -- The input package spec is allowed to give a package dependency
+ -- without a version number; e.g.
+ -- depends: base
+ -- Here, we update these dependencies without version numbers to
+ -- match the actual versions of the relevant packages installed.
+ updateDeps p = p{depends = map resolveDep (depends p)}
+ resolveDep dep_pkgid
+ | realVersion dep_pkgid = dep_pkgid
+ | otherwise = lookupDep dep_pkgid
+ lookupDep dep_pkgid
+ = let
+ name = pkgName dep_pkgid
+ in
+ case [ pid | p <- concat (map snd db_stack),
+ let pid = package p,
+ pkgName pid == name ] of
+ (pid:_) -> pid -- Found installed package,
+ -- replete with its version
+ [] -> dep_pkgid -- No installed package; use
+ -- the version-less one
+checkDuplicates :: PackageDBStack -> InstalledPackageInfo -> Bool -> Bool
+ -> IO [PackageIdentifier]
+checkDuplicates db_stack pkg update force = do
+ let
+ pkgid = package pkg
+ (_top_db_name, pkgs) : _ = db_stack
+ --
+ -- Check whether this package id already exists in this DB
+ --
+ when (not update && (pkgid `elem` map package pkgs)) $
+ die ("package " ++ showPackageId pkgid ++ " is already installed")
+ --
+ -- Check whether any of the dependencies of the current package
+ -- conflict with each other.
+ --
+ let
+ all_pkgs = concat (map snd db_stack)
+ allModules p = exposedModules p ++ hiddenModules p
+ our_dependencies = closePackageDeps all_pkgs [pkg]
+ all_dep_modules = concat (map (\p -> zip (allModules p) (repeat p))
+ our_dependencies)
+ overlaps = [ (m, map snd group)
+ | group@((m,_):_) <- groupBy eqfst (sortBy cmpfst all_dep_modules),
+ length group > 1 ]
+ where eqfst (a,_) (b,_) = a == b
+ cmpfst (a,_) (b,_) = a `compare` b
+ when (not (null overlaps)) $
+ diePrettyOrForce force $ vcat [
+ text "package" <+> text (showPackageId (package pkg)) <+>
+ text "has conflicting dependencies:",
+ let complain_about (mod,ps) =
+ text mod <+> text "is in the following packages:" <+>
+ sep (map (text.showPackageId.package) ps)
+ in
+ nest 3 (vcat (map complain_about overlaps))
+ ]
+ --
+ -- Now check whether exposing this package will result in conflicts, and
+ -- Figure out which packages we need to hide to resolve the conflicts.
+ --
+ let
+ closure_exposed_pkgs = closePackageDeps pkgs (filter exposed pkgs)
+ new_dep_modules = concat $ map allModules $
+ filter (\p -> package p `notElem`
+ map package closure_exposed_pkgs) $
+ our_dependencies
+ pkgs_with_overlapping_modules =
+ [ (p, overlapping_mods)
+ | p <- closure_exposed_pkgs,
+ let overlapping_mods =
+ filter (`elem` new_dep_modules) (allModules p),
+ (_:_) <- [overlapping_mods] --trick to get the non-empty ones
+ ]
+ to_hide = map package
+ $ filter exposed
+ $ closePackageDepsUpward pkgs
+ $ map fst pkgs_with_overlapping_modules
+ when (not update && exposed pkg && not (null pkgs_with_overlapping_modules)) $ do
+ diePretty $ vcat [
+ text "package" <+> text (showPackageId (package pkg)) <+>
+ text "conflicts with the following packages, which are",
+ text "either exposed or a dependency (direct or indirect) of an exposed package:",
+ let complain_about (p, mods)
+ = text (showPackageId (package p)) <+> text "contains modules" <+>
+ sep (punctuate comma (map text mods)) in
+ nest 3 (vcat (map complain_about pkgs_with_overlapping_modules)),
+ text "Using 'update' instead of 'register' will cause the following packages",
+ text "to be hidden, which will eliminate the conflict:",
+ nest 3 (sep (map (text.showPackageId) to_hide))
+ ]
+ when (not (null to_hide)) $ do
+ hPutStrLn stderr $ render $
+ sep [text "Warning: hiding the following packages to avoid conflict: ",
+ nest 2 (sep (map (text.showPackageId) to_hide))]
+ return to_hide
+closure :: (a->[a]->Bool) -> (a -> [a]) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+closure pred more [] res = res
+closure pred more (p:ps) res
+ | p `pred` res = closure pred more ps res
+ | otherwise = closure pred more (more p ++ ps) (p:res)
+closePackageDeps :: [InstalledPackageInfo] -> [InstalledPackageInfo]
+ -> [InstalledPackageInfo]
+closePackageDeps db start
+ = closure (\p ps -> package p `elem` map package ps) getDepends start []
+ where
+ getDepends p = [ pkg | dep <- depends p, pkg <- lookupPkg dep ]
+ lookupPkg p = [ q | q <- db, p == package q ]
+closePackageDepsUpward :: [InstalledPackageInfo] -> [InstalledPackageInfo]
+ -> [InstalledPackageInfo]
+closePackageDepsUpward db start
+ = closure (\p ps -> package p `elem` map package ps) getUpwardDepends start []
+ where
+ getUpwardDepends p = [ pkg | pkg <- db, package p `elem` depends pkg ]
+checkDir :: Bool -> String -> IO ()
+checkDir force d
+ | "$topdir" `isPrefixOf` d = return ()
+ -- can't check this, because we don't know what $topdir is
+ | otherwise = do
+ there <- doesDirectoryExist d
+ when (not there)
+ (dieOrForce force (d ++ " doesn't exist or isn't a directory"))
+checkDep :: PackageDBStack -> Bool -> PackageIdentifier -> IO ()
+checkDep db_stack force pkgid
+ | not real_version || pkgid `elem` pkgids = return ()
+ | otherwise = dieOrForce force ("dependency " ++ showPackageId pkgid
+ ++ " doesn't exist")
+ where
+ -- for backwards compat, we treat 0.0 as a special version,
+ -- and don't check that it actually exists.
+ real_version = realVersion pkgid
+ all_pkgs = concat (map snd db_stack)
+ pkgids = map package all_pkgs
+realVersion :: PackageIdentifier -> Bool
+realVersion pkgid = versionBranch (pkgVersion pkgid) /= []
+checkHSLib :: [String] -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> IO ()
+checkHSLib dirs auto_ghci_libs force lib = do
+ let batch_lib_file = "lib" ++ lib ++ ".a"
+ bs <- mapM (doesLibExistIn batch_lib_file) dirs
+ case [ dir | (exists,dir) <- zip bs dirs, exists ] of
+ [] -> dieOrForce force ("cannot find " ++ batch_lib_file ++
+ " on library path")
+ (dir:_) -> checkGHCiLib dirs dir batch_lib_file lib auto_ghci_libs
+doesLibExistIn :: String -> String -> IO Bool
+doesLibExistIn lib d
+ | "$topdir" `isPrefixOf` d = return True
+ | otherwise = doesFileExist (d ++ '/':lib)
+checkGHCiLib :: [String] -> String -> String -> String -> Bool -> IO ()
+checkGHCiLib dirs batch_lib_dir batch_lib_file lib auto_build
+ | auto_build = autoBuildGHCiLib batch_lib_dir batch_lib_file ghci_lib_file
+ | otherwise = do
+ bs <- mapM (doesLibExistIn ghci_lib_file) dirs
+ case [dir | (exists,dir) <- zip bs dirs, exists] of
+ [] -> hPutStrLn stderr ("warning: can't find GHCi lib " ++ ghci_lib_file)
+ (_:_) -> return ()
+ where
+ ghci_lib_file = lib ++ ".o"
+-- automatically build the GHCi version of a batch lib,
+-- using ld --whole-archive.
+autoBuildGHCiLib :: String -> String -> String -> IO ()
+autoBuildGHCiLib dir batch_file ghci_file = do
+ let ghci_lib_file = dir ++ '/':ghci_file
+ batch_lib_file = dir ++ '/':batch_file
+ hPutStr stderr ("building GHCi library " ++ ghci_lib_file ++ "...")
+#if defined(darwin_HOST_OS)
+ r <- rawSystem "ld" ["-r","-x","-o",ghci_lib_file,"-all_load",batch_lib_file]
+#elif defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+ execDir <- getExecDir "/bin/ghc-pkg.exe"
+ r <- rawSystem (maybe "" (++"/gcc-lib/") execDir++"ld") ["-r","-x","-o",ghci_lib_file,"--whole-archive",batch_lib_file]
+ r <- rawSystem "ld" ["-r","-x","-o",ghci_lib_file,"--whole-archive",batch_lib_file]
+ when (r /= ExitSuccess) $ exitWith r
+ hPutStrLn stderr (" done.")
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Updating the DB with the new package.
+ :: PackageDBStack -- the full stack
+ -> [PackageIdentifier] -- packages to hide
+ -> [InstalledPackageInfo] -- packages in *this* DB
+ -> InstalledPackageInfo -- the new package
+ -> IO [InstalledPackageInfo]
+updatePackageDB db_stack to_hide pkgs new_pkg = do
+ let
+ pkgid = package new_pkg
+ pkgs' = [ maybe_hide p | p <- pkgs, package p /= pkgid ]
+ -- When update is on, and we're exposing the new package,
+ -- we hide any packages which conflict (see checkDuplicates)
+ -- in the current DB.
+ maybe_hide p
+ | exposed new_pkg && package p `elem` to_hide = p{ exposed = False }
+ | otherwise = p
+ --
+ return (pkgs'++ [new_pkg])
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Searching for modules
+#if not_yet
+findModules :: [FilePath] -> IO [String]
+findModules paths =
+ mms <- mapM searchDir paths
+ return (concat mms)
+searchDir path prefix = do
+ fs <- getDirectoryEntries path `catch` \_ -> return []
+ searchEntries path prefix fs
+searchEntries path prefix [] = return []
+searchEntries path prefix (f:fs)
+ | looks_like_a_module = do
+ ms <- searchEntries path prefix fs
+ return (prefix `joinModule` f : ms)
+ | looks_like_a_component = do
+ ms <- searchDir (path `joinFilename` f) (prefix `joinModule` f)
+ ms' <- searchEntries path prefix fs
+ return (ms ++ ms')
+ | otherwise
+ searchEntries path prefix fs
+ where
+ (base,suffix) = splitFileExt f
+ looks_like_a_module =
+ suffix `elem` haskell_suffixes &&
+ all okInModuleName base
+ looks_like_a_component =
+ null suffix && all okInModuleName base
+okInModuleName c
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The old command-line syntax, supported for backwards compatibility
+data OldFlag
+ = OF_Config FilePath
+ | OF_Input FilePath
+ | OF_List
+ | OF_ListLocal
+ | OF_Add Bool {- True => replace existing info -}
+ | OF_Remove String | OF_Show String
+ | OF_Field String | OF_AutoGHCiLibs | OF_Force
+ | OF_DefinedName String String
+ | OF_GlobalConfig FilePath
+ deriving (Eq)
+isAction :: OldFlag -> Bool
+isAction OF_Config{} = False
+isAction OF_Field{} = False
+isAction OF_Input{} = False
+isAction OF_AutoGHCiLibs{} = False
+isAction OF_Force{} = False
+isAction OF_DefinedName{} = False
+isAction OF_GlobalConfig{} = False
+isAction _ = True
+oldFlags :: [OptDescr OldFlag]
+oldFlags = [
+ Option ['f'] ["config-file"] (ReqArg OF_Config "FILE")
+ "use the specified package config file",
+ Option ['l'] ["list-packages"] (NoArg OF_List)
+ "list packages in all config files",
+ Option ['L'] ["list-local-packages"] (NoArg OF_ListLocal)
+ "list packages in the specified config file",
+ Option ['a'] ["add-package"] (NoArg (OF_Add False))
+ "add a new package",
+ Option ['u'] ["update-package"] (NoArg (OF_Add True))
+ "update package with new configuration",
+ Option ['i'] ["input-file"] (ReqArg OF_Input "FILE")
+ "read new package info from specified file",
+ Option ['s'] ["show-package"] (ReqArg OF_Show "NAME")
+ "show the configuration for package NAME",
+ Option [] ["field"] (ReqArg OF_Field "FIELD")
+ "(with --show-package) Show field FIELD only",
+ Option [] ["force"] (NoArg OF_Force)
+ "ignore missing directories/libraries",
+ Option ['r'] ["remove-package"] (ReqArg OF_Remove "NAME")
+ "remove an installed package",
+ Option ['g'] ["auto-ghci-libs"] (NoArg OF_AutoGHCiLibs)
+ "automatically build libs for GHCi (with -a)",
+ Option ['D'] ["define-name"] (ReqArg toDefined "NAME=VALUE")
+ "define NAME as VALUE",
+ Option [] ["global-conf"] (ReqArg OF_GlobalConfig "FILE")
+ "location of the global package config"
+ ]
+ where
+ toDefined str =
+ case break (=='=') str of
+ (nm,[]) -> OF_DefinedName nm []
+ (nm,_:val) -> OF_DefinedName nm val
+oldRunit :: [OldFlag] -> IO ()
+oldRunit clis = do
+ let new_flags = [ f | Just f <- map conv clis ]
+ conv (OF_GlobalConfig f) = Just (FlagGlobalConfig f)
+ conv (OF_Config f) = Just (FlagConfig f)
+ conv _ = Nothing
+ let fields = [ f | OF_Field f <- clis ]
+ let auto_ghci_libs = any isAuto clis
+ where isAuto OF_AutoGHCiLibs = True; isAuto _ = False
+ input_file = my_head "inp" ([ f | (OF_Input f) <- clis] ++ ["-"])
+ force = OF_Force `elem` clis
+ defines = [ (nm,val) | OF_DefinedName nm val <- clis ]
+ case [ c | c <- clis, isAction c ] of
+ [ OF_List ] -> listPackages new_flags Nothing
+ [ OF_ListLocal ] -> listPackages new_flags Nothing
+ [ OF_Add upd ] ->
+ registerPackage input_file defines new_flags auto_ghci_libs upd force
+ [ OF_Remove pkgid_str ] -> do
+ pkgid <- readPkgId pkgid_str
+ unregisterPackage pkgid new_flags
+ [ OF_Show pkgid_str ]
+ | null fields -> do
+ pkgid <- readPkgId pkgid_str
+ describePackage new_flags pkgid
+ | otherwise -> do
+ pkgid <- readPkgId pkgid_str
+ mapM_ (describeField new_flags pkgid) fields
+ _ -> do
+ prog <- getProgramName
+ die (usageInfo (usageHeader prog) flags)
+my_head :: String -> [a] -> a
+my_head s [] = error s
+my_head s (x:xs) = x
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- expanding environment variables in the package configuration
+expandEnvVars :: String -> [(String, String)] -> Bool -> IO String
+expandEnvVars str defines force = go str ""
+ where
+ go "" acc = return $! reverse acc
+ go ('$':'{':str) acc | (var, '}':rest) <- break close str
+ = do value <- lookupEnvVar var
+ go rest (reverse value ++ acc)
+ where close c = c == '}' || c == '\n' -- don't span newlines
+ go (c:str) acc
+ = go str (c:acc)
+ lookupEnvVar :: String -> IO String
+ lookupEnvVar nm =
+ case lookup nm defines of
+ Just x | not (null x) -> return x
+ _ ->
+ catch (System.getEnv nm)
+ (\ _ -> do dieOrForce force ("Unable to expand variable " ++
+ show nm)
+ return "")
+getProgramName :: IO String
+getProgramName = liftM (`withoutSuffix` ".bin") getProgName
+ where str `withoutSuffix` suff
+ | suff `isSuffixOf` str = take (length str - length suff) str
+ | otherwise = str
+bye :: String -> IO a
+bye s = putStr s >> exitWith ExitSuccess
+die :: String -> IO a
+die s = do
+ hFlush stdout
+ prog <- getProgramName
+ hPutStrLn stderr (prog ++ ": " ++ s)
+ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
+dieOrForce :: Bool -> String -> IO ()
+dieOrForce force s
+ | force = do hFlush stdout; hPutStrLn stderr (s ++ " (ignoring)")
+ | otherwise = die (s ++ " (use --force to override)")
+diePretty :: Doc -> IO ()
+diePretty doc = do
+ hFlush stdout
+ prog <- getProgramName
+ hPutStrLn stderr $ render $ (text prog <> colon $$ nest 2 doc)
+ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
+diePrettyOrForce :: Bool -> Doc -> IO ()
+diePrettyOrForce force doc
+ | force = do hFlush stdout; hPutStrLn stderr (render (doc $$ text "(ignoring)"))
+ | otherwise = diePretty (doc $$ text "(use --force to override)")
+-- Cut and pasted from ghc/compiler/SysTools
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+subst a b ls = map (\ x -> if x == a then b else x) ls
+unDosifyPath xs = subst '\\' '/' xs
+getExecDir :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
+-- (getExecDir cmd) returns the directory in which the current
+-- executable, which should be called 'cmd', is running
+-- So if the full path is /a/b/c/d/e, and you pass "d/e" as cmd,
+-- you'll get "/a/b/c" back as the result
+getExecDir cmd
+ = allocaArray len $ \buf -> do
+ ret <- getModuleFileName nullPtr buf len
+ if ret == 0 then return Nothing
+ else do s <- peekCString buf
+ return (Just (reverse (drop (length cmd)
+ (reverse (unDosifyPath s)))))
+ where
+ len = 2048::Int -- Plenty, PATH_MAX is 512 under Win32.
+foreign import stdcall unsafe "GetModuleFileNameA"
+ getModuleFileName :: Ptr () -> CString -> Int -> IO Int32
+getExecDir :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
+getExecDir _ = return Nothing
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- FilePath utils
+-- | The 'joinFileName' function is the opposite of 'splitFileName'.
+-- It joins directory and file names to form a complete file path.
+-- The general rule is:
+-- > dir `joinFileName` basename == path
+-- > where
+-- > (dir,basename) = splitFileName path
+-- There might be an exceptions to the rule but in any case the
+-- reconstructed path will refer to the same object (file or directory).
+-- An example exception is that on Windows some slashes might be converted
+-- to backslashes.
+joinFileName :: String -> String -> FilePath
+joinFileName "" fname = fname
+joinFileName "." fname = fname
+joinFileName dir "" = dir
+joinFileName dir fname
+ | isPathSeparator (last dir) = dir++fname
+ | otherwise = dir++pathSeparator:fname
+-- | Checks whether the character is a valid path separator for the host
+-- platform. The valid character is a 'pathSeparator' but since the Windows
+-- operating system also accepts a slash (\"\/\") since DOS 2, the function
+-- checks for it on this platform, too.
+isPathSeparator :: Char -> Bool
+isPathSeparator ch = ch == pathSeparator || ch == '/'
+-- | Provides a platform-specific character used to separate directory levels in
+-- a path string that reflects a hierarchical file system organization. The
+-- separator is a slash (@\"\/\"@) on Unix and Macintosh, and a backslash
+-- (@\"\\\"@) on the Windows operating system.
+pathSeparator :: Char
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+pathSeparator = '\\'
+pathSeparator = '/'
+-- | The function splits the given string to substrings
+-- using the 'searchPathSeparator'.
+parseSearchPath :: String -> [FilePath]
+parseSearchPath path = split path
+ where
+ split :: String -> [String]
+ split s =
+ case rest' of
+ [] -> [chunk]
+ _:rest -> chunk : split rest
+ where
+ chunk =
+ case chunk' of
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+ ('\"':xs@(_:_)) | last xs == '\"' -> init xs
+ _ -> chunk'
+ (chunk', rest') = break (==searchPathSeparator) s
+-- | A platform-specific character used to separate search path strings in
+-- environment variables. The separator is a colon (\":\") on Unix and Macintosh,
+-- and a semicolon (\";\") on the Windows operating system.
+searchPathSeparator :: Char
+#if mingw32_HOST_OS || mingw32_TARGET_OS
+searchPathSeparator = ';'
+searchPathSeparator = ':'
diff --git a/utils/ghc-pkg/Makefile b/utils/ghc-pkg/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8a075d5b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ghc-pkg/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+include $(TOP)/mk/
+# hack for ghci-inplace script, see below
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ghc-pkg.bin
+SRC_HC_OPTS += -cpp -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-unused-matches
+# This causes libghccompat.a to be used:
+include $(GHC_COMPAT_DIR)/
+# This is required because libghccompat.a must be built with
+# $(GhcHcOpts) because it is linked to the compiler, and hence
+# we must also build with $(GhcHcOpts) here:
+SRC_HC_OPTS += $(GhcHcOpts)
+ifeq "$(ghc_ge_504)" "NO"
+SRC_HC_OPTS += -package lang -package util -package text
+# On Windows, ghc-pkg is a standalone program
+# ($bindir/ghc-pkg.exe), whereas on Unix it needs a wrapper script
+# to pass the appropriate flag to the real binary
+# ($libexecdir/ghc-pkg.bin) so that it can find package.conf.
+ifeq "$(HOSTPLATFORM)" "i386-unknown-mingw32"
+HS_PROG = ghc-pkg.exe
+HS_PROG = ghc-pkg.bin
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------=
+# Create the Version.hs file
+VERSION_HS = Version.hs
+boot :: $(VERSION_HS)
+Version.hs : Makefile $(TOP)/mk/
+ @$(RM) -f $(VERSION_HS)
+ @echo "Creating $(VERSION_HS) ... "
+ @echo "module Version where" >>$(VERSION_HS)
+ @echo "version, targetOS, targetARCH :: String" >>$(VERSION_HS)
+ @echo "version = \"$(ProjectVersion)\"" >> $(VERSION_HS)
+ @echo "targetOS = \"$(TargetOS_CPP)\"" >> $(VERSION_HS)
+ @echo "targetARCH = \"$(TargetArch_CPP)\"" >> $(VERSION_HS)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ghc-pkg script
+ifeq "$(INSTALLING)" "1"
+ifeq "$(BIN_DIST)" "1"
+endif # BIN_DIST
+ifneq "$(HOSTPLATFORM)" "i386-unknown-mingw32"
+INSTALLED_SCRIPT_PROG = ghc-pkg-$(ProjectVersion)
+INPLACE_SCRIPT_PROG = ghc-pkg-inplace
+ifneq "$(HOSTPLATFORM)" "i386-unknown-mingw32"
+PKGCONFOPT = --global-conf $(PKGCONF)
+ifeq "$(INSTALLING)" "1"
+ifneq "$(HOSTPLATFORM)" "i386-unknown-mingw32"
+LINK = ghc-pkg
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# don't recurse on 'make install'
+ifeq "$(INSTALLING)" "1"
+all :: $(HS_PROG)
+clean distclean maintainer-clean ::
+# ghc-pkg is needed to boot in rts/ and library dirs
+# Do a recursive 'make all' after generating dependencies, because this
+# will work with 'make -j'.
+ifneq "$(BootingFromHc)" "YES"
+boot :: depend
+ $(MAKE) all
+include $(TOP)/mk/
diff --git a/utils/ghc-pkg/ b/utils/ghc-pkg/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d482fc094e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ghc-pkg/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Mini-driver for ghc-pkg
+exec $GHCPKGBIN $PKGCONFOPT ${1+"$@"}