path: root/utils/hpc/HpcReport.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/hpc/HpcReport.hs')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/utils/hpc/HpcReport.hs b/utils/hpc/HpcReport.hs
index d3e3ef0723..12403eb5b3 100644
--- a/utils/hpc/HpcReport.hs
+++ b/utils/hpc/HpcReport.hs
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ bbtPlus (BBT b1 tt1 ft1 bt1) (BBT b2 tt2 ft2 bt2) =
BBT (b1+b2) (tt1+tt2) (ft1+ft2) (bt1+bt2)
bbtPercentage :: String -> Bool -> BinBoxTixCounts -> String
-bbtPercentage s withdetail (BBT b tt ft bt) =
- showPercentage s bt b ++
- if withdetail && bt/=b then
+bbtPercentage s withdetail (BBT b tt ft bt) =
+ showPercentage s bt b ++
+ if withdetail && bt/=b then
detailFor tt "always True"++
detailFor ft "always False"++
detailFor (b-(tt+ft+bt)) "unevaluated"
@@ -160,11 +160,11 @@ modInfo hpcflags qualDecList tix@(TixModule moduleName _ _ tickCounts) = do
modReport :: Flags -> TixModule -> IO ()
modReport hpcflags tix@(TixModule moduleName _ _ _) = do
mi <- modInfo hpcflags False tix
- if xmlOutput hpcflags
+ if xmlOutput hpcflags
then putStrLn $ " <module name = " ++ show moduleName ++ ">"
else putStrLn ("-----<module "++moduleName++">-----")
printModInfo hpcflags mi
- if xmlOutput hpcflags
+ if xmlOutput hpcflags
then putStrLn $ " </module>"
else return ()
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ modDecList :: Flags -> ModInfo -> IO ()
modDecList hpcflags mi0 =
when (decList hpcflags && someDecsUnused mi0) $ do
putStrLn "unused declarations:"
- mapM_ showDecPath (sort (decPaths mi0))
+ mapM_ showDecPath (sort (decPaths mi0))
someDecsUnused mi = tixCount (top mi) < boxCount (top mi) ||
tixCount (loc mi) < boxCount (loc mi)
@@ -202,39 +202,39 @@ modDecList hpcflags mi0 =
report_plugin :: Plugin
report_plugin = Plugin { name = "report"
- , usage = "[OPTION] .. <TIX_FILE> [<MODULE> [<MODULE> ..]]"
- , options = report_options
- , summary = "Output textual report about program coverage"
- , implementation = report_main
- , init_flags = default_flags
- , final_flags = default_final_flags
- }
+ , usage = "[OPTION] .. <TIX_FILE> [<MODULE> [<MODULE> ..]]"
+ , options = report_options
+ , summary = "Output textual report about program coverage"
+ , implementation = report_main
+ , init_flags = default_flags
+ , final_flags = default_final_flags
+ }
report_main :: Flags -> [String] -> IO ()
report_main hpcflags (progName:mods) = do
- let hpcflags1 = hpcflags
- { includeMods = Set.fromList mods
- `Set.union`
- includeMods hpcflags }
- let prog = getTixFileName $ progName
- tix <- readTix prog
+ let hpcflags1 = hpcflags
+ { includeMods = Set.fromList mods
+ `Set.union`
+ includeMods hpcflags }
+ let prog = getTixFileName $ progName
+ tix <- readTix prog
case tix of
Just (Tix tickCounts) ->
- makeReport hpcflags1 progName
- $ sortBy (\ mod1 mod2 -> tixModuleName mod1 `compare` tixModuleName mod2)
- $ [ tix'
- | tix'@(TixModule m _ _ _) <- tickCounts
- , allowModule hpcflags1 m
- ]
+ makeReport hpcflags1 progName
+ $ sortBy (\ mod1 mod2 -> tixModuleName mod1 `compare` tixModuleName mod2)
+ $ [ tix'
+ | tix'@(TixModule m _ _ _) <- tickCounts
+ , allowModule hpcflags1 m
+ ]
Nothing -> hpcError report_plugin $ "unable to find tix file for:" ++ progName
-report_main _ [] =
- hpcError report_plugin $ "no .tix file or executable name specified"
+report_main _ [] =
+ hpcError report_plugin $ "no .tix file or executable name specified"
makeReport :: Flags -> String -> [TixModule] -> IO ()
makeReport hpcflags progName modTcs | xmlOutput hpcflags = do
putStrLn $ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
putStrLn $ "<coverage name=" ++ show progName ++ ">"
- if perModule hpcflags
+ if perModule hpcflags
then mapM_ (modReport hpcflags) modTcs
else return ()
mis <- mapM (modInfo hpcflags True) modTcs
@@ -250,11 +250,11 @@ makeReport hpcflags _ modTcs =
printModInfo hpcflags (foldr miPlus miZero mis)
element :: String -> [(String,String)] -> IO ()
-element tag attrs = putStrLn $
- " <" ++ tag ++ " "
- ++ unwords [ x ++ "=" ++ show y
- | (x,y) <- attrs
- ] ++ "/>"
+element tag attrs = putStrLn $
+ " <" ++ tag ++ " "
+ ++ unwords [ x ++ "=" ++ show y
+ | (x,y) <- attrs
+ ] ++ "/>"
xmlBT :: BoxTixCounts -> [(String, String)]
xmlBT (BT b t) = [("boxes",show b),("count",show t)]
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ xmlBBT (BBT b tt tf bt) = [("boxes",show b),("true",show tt),("false",show tf),(
report_options :: FlagOptSeq
= perModuleOpt
. decListOpt
. excludeOpt
@@ -273,5 +273,5 @@ report_options
. srcDirOpt
. hpcDirOpt
. xmlOutputOpt