path: root/utils/nofib-analyse/Printf.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'utils/nofib-analyse/Printf.lhs')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/nofib-analyse/Printf.lhs b/utils/nofib-analyse/Printf.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33b5290e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/nofib-analyse/Printf.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+-- $Id: Printf.lhs,v 1.5 2002/03/14 17:09:46 simonmar Exp $
+-- (c) Simon Marlow 1997-2001
+> module Printf (showFloat, showFloat') where
+> import Foreign
+> import CTypes
+> import CTypesISO
+> import CString
+> import IOExts
+> import ByteArray
+> showFloat
+> :: Bool -- Always print decimal point
+> -> Bool -- Left adjustment
+> -> Bool -- Always print sign
+> -> Bool -- Leave blank before positive number
+> -> Bool -- Use zero padding
+> -> Maybe Int -- Field Width
+> -> Maybe Int -- Precision
+> -> Float
+> -> String
+> bUFSIZE = 512 :: Int
+> showFloat alt left sign blank zero width prec num =
+> unsafePerformIO $ do
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 500
+> buf <- malloc bUFSIZE
+> snprintf buf (fromIntegral bUFSIZE) (packString format)
+> (realToFrac num)
+> let s = unpackCString buf
+> length s `seq` -- urk! need to force the string before we
+> -- free the buffer. A better solution would
+> -- be to use foreign objects and finalisers,
+> -- but that's just too heavyweight.
+> free buf
+> return s
+> allocaBytes bUFSIZE $ \buf ->
+> withCString format $ \cformat -> do
+> snprintf buf (fromIntegral bUFSIZE) cformat
+> (realToFrac num)
+> peekCString buf
+> where
+> format = '%' :
+> if_bool alt "#" ++
+> if_bool left "-" ++
+> if_bool sign "+" ++
+> if_bool blank " " ++
+> if_bool zero "0" ++
+> if_maybe width show ++
+> if_maybe prec (\s -> "." ++ show s) ++
+> "f"
+> showFloat' :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Float -> String
+> showFloat' = showFloat False False False False False
+> if_bool False s = []
+> if_bool True s = s
+> if_maybe Nothing f = []
+> if_maybe (Just s) f = f s
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 500
+> type PackedString = ByteArray Int
+> foreign import unsafe snprintf :: Addr -> CSize -> PackedString -> Double -> IO ()
+> foreign import unsafe snprintf :: CString -> CSize -> CString -> Double -> IO ()