path: root/utils/parallel/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/parallel/')
1 files changed, 280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/parallel/ b/utils/parallel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc33e2a60c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/parallel/
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+# (C) Hans Wolfgang Loidl, November 1995
+# Time-stamp: <Sun Nov 5 1995 00:23:45 Stardate: [-31]6545.08 hwloidl>
+# Usage: SN [options] <gr-file>
+# Create a summary of spark names that occur in gr-file (only END events in
+# gr-file are necessary). Creates a gnuplot impulses graph (spark names by
+# number of threads) as summary.
+# Options:
+# -h ... help; print this text.
+# -v ... verbose mode.
+$gran_dir = $ENV{'GRANDIR'};
+if ( $gran_dir eq "" ) {
+ print STDERR "SN: Warning: Env variable GRANDIR is undefined\n";
+push(@INC, $gran_dir, $gran_dir . "/bin");
+# print STDERR "INC: " . join(':',@INC) . "\n";
+require "";
+require "";
+require "";
+do process_options();
+if ( $opt_v ) { do print_verbose_message(); }
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Init
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+chop($date = `date`);
+chop($stardate = `stardate`);
+open (IN,"<$input") || die "$!: $input";
+$n = 0;
+while (<IN>) {
+ $is_end = 1 if /END\s+(\w+).*SN\s+(\d+).*RT\s*(\d+)/;
+ next unless $is_end;
+ $n++;
+ $sn = $2;
+ $rt = $3;
+ #$sn_dec = hex($sn);
+ $num_sns{$sn}++;
+ $rts_sns{$sn} += $rt;
+ #do inc ($sn_dec);
+ $is_end=0;
+close (IN);
+@sorted_keys=sort {$a<=>$b} keys(%num_sns);
+open (SUM,">$summary") || die "$!: $summary";
+print SUM "# Generated by SN at $date $stardate\n";
+print SUM "# Input file: $input\n";
+print SUM "#" . "-"x77 . "\n";
+print SUM "Total number of threads: $n\n";
+print SUM "# Format: SN: Spark Site N: Number of threads AVG: average RT\n";
+# . "RTS: Sum of RTs ";
+foreach $k (@sorted_keys) {
+ $num = $num_sns{$k};
+ $rts = $rts_sns{$k};
+ $avg = $rts/$num;
+ #print SUM "SN: $k \tN: $num \tRTS: $rts \tAVG: $avg\n";
+ print SUM "$k \t$num \t$avg\n";
+close (SUM);
+open (OUT,">$output") || die "$!: $output";
+print OUT "# Generated by SN at $date $stardate\n";
+print OUT "# Input file: $input\n";
+print OUT "#" . "-"x77 . "\n";
+foreach $k (@sorted_keys) {
+ $num = $num_sns{$k};
+ $max_val = $num if $num > $max_val;
+ print OUT "$k\t$num\n";
+close (OUT);
+do write_gp($gp_file,$ps_file);
+print "Gnu plotting figures ...\n";
+system "gnuplot $gp_file";
+print "Extending thickness of impulses ...\n";
+$ext_size = 100;
+$gray = 0.3;
+do gp_ext($ps_file);
+exit (0);
+# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+sub inc {
+ local ($sn) = @_;
+ local (@k);
+ @k = keys(%num_sns);
+ if ( &is_elem($sn, @k) ) {
+ $num_sns{$sn}++;
+ } else {
+ $num_sns{$sn} = 1;
+ }
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub is_elem {
+ local ($x,@list) = @_;
+ local ($found);
+ for ($found = 0, $y = shift(@list);
+ $#list == -1 || $found;
+ $found = ($x == $y), $y = shift(@list)) {}
+ return ($found);
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub process_options {
+ if ( $opt_h ) {
+ open(ME,$0) || die "Can't open myself ($0): $!\n";
+ $n = 0;
+ while (<ME>) {
+ last if $_ =~ /^$/;
+ print $_;
+ $n++;
+ }
+ close(ME);
+ exit ;
+ }
+ if ( $opt_s ) {
+ $opt_s =~ s/[\(\)\[\]]//g;
+ @sparks = split(/[,;. ]+/, $opt_s);
+ } else {
+ @sparks = ( 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15);
+ }
+ if ( $#ARGV != 0 ) {
+ print "Usage: $0 [options] <gr-file>\n;";
+ print "Use -h option to get details\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ $input = $ARGV[0];
+ ($ps_file = $input) =~ s/\.gr/;
+ ($gp_file = $input) =~ s/\.gr/;
+ ($summary = $input) =~ s/\.gr/;
+ #($basename = $gr_file) =~ s/\.gr//;
+ #$rts_file = $basename . ".rts"; # "RTS";
+ #$gran_file = ""; # $basename . ".ps";
+ #$rts_file = $gr_file;
+ #$rts_file =~ s/\.gr/.rts/g;
+ if ( $opt_o ) {
+ $output = $opt_o;
+ } else {
+ ($output = $input) =~ s/\.gr/-SN.dat/;
+ }
+ if ( $opt_e ) {
+ $ext_size = $opt_e;
+ } else {
+ $ext_size = 100;
+ }
+ if ( $opt_i ) {
+ $gray = $opt_i;
+ } else {
+ $gray = 0;
+ }
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub print_verbose_message {
+ print "Input: $input \tOutput: $output\n";
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ToDo: Takes these from global module:
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub gp_ext {
+ local (@file_names) = @_;
+ local ($file_name);
+ local ($ps_file_name);
+ local ($prg);
+ #$prg = system "which gp-ext-imp";
+ #print " Using script $prg for impuls extension\n";
+ $prg = $ENV{GRANDIR} ? $ENV{GRANDIR} . "/bin/gp-ext-imp"
+ : $ENV{HOME} . "/bin/gp-ext-imp" ;
+ if ( $opt_v ) {
+ print " (using script $prg)\n";
+ }
+ foreach $file_name (@file_names) {
+ $ps_file_name = $file_name; # NB change to orig !!!!&dat2ps_name($file_name);
+ system "$prg -w $ext_size -g $gray " .
+ $ps_file_name . " " .
+ $ps_file_name . "2" ;
+ system "mv " . $ps_file_name . "2 " . $ps_file_name;
+ }
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub write_gp {
+ local ($gp_file,$ps_file) = @_;
+ local ($str);
+ $xsize = 1;
+ $ysize = 1;
+ $xlabel = "Spark sites";
+ $ylabel = "Number of threads";
+ $xstart = &list_min(@sorted_keys);
+ $xend = &list_max(@sorted_keys);
+ $ymax = $max_val;
+ $xtics = ""; "(" . join(',',@sorted_keys) . ")\n";
+ $in_file = $output;
+ $out_file = $ps_file;
+ open (GP,">$gp_file") || die "$!: $gp_file";
+ print GP "set term postscript \"Roman\" 20\n";
+ # identical to the part in write_gp_record of RTS2gran
+ $str = "set size " . $xsize . "," . $ysize . "\n" .
+ "set xlabel \"" . $xlabel . "\"\n" .
+ "set ylabel \"" . $ylabel . "\"\n" .
+ ($xstart eq "" ? ""
+ : "set xrange [" . int($xstart) .":" . int($xend) . "]\n") .
+ ($opt_Y ?
+ ("set yrange [" . (index($logaxes,"y") != -1 ? 1 : 0) . ":$opt_Y]\n") :
+ ($ymax eq "" ? ""
+ : "set yrange [" . (index($logaxes,"y") != -1 ? 1 : 0) .
+ ":" . &list_max(2,int($ymax+$ymax/5)) . "]\n")) .
+ ($xtics ne "" ? "set xtics $xtics" : "") .
+ "set tics out\n" .
+ "set border\n" .
+ ( $nPEs!=0 ? "set title \"$nPEs PEs\"\n" : "" ) .
+ "set nokey \n" .
+ "set nozeroaxis\n" .
+ "set format xy \"%8.8g\"\n" .
+ (index($logaxes,"x") != -1 ?
+ "set logscale x\n" :
+ "set nologscale x\n") .
+ (index($logaxes,"y") != -1 ?
+ "set logscale y\n" :
+ "set nologscale y\n") .
+ "set output \"" . $out_file . "\"\n" .
+ "plot \"" . $in_file . "\" with impulses\n\n";
+ print GP $str;
+ close (GP);
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------