path: root/utils/parallel/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/parallel/')
1 files changed, 379 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/parallel/ b/utils/parallel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4fe46f5b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/parallel/
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+# (C) Hans Wolfgang Loidl, July 1995
+# Time-stamp: <Thu Oct 26 1995 18:23:00 Stardate: [-31]6498.62 hwloidl>
+# Usage: SPLIT [options] <gr-file>
+# Generate a set of granularity graphs out of the GrAnSim profile <gr-file>.
+# The granularity graphs are put into subdirs of the structure:
+# <basename of gr-file>-<spark-name>
+# Options:
+# -s <list> ... a perl list of spark names; the given <gr-file> is scanned
+# for each given name in turn and granularity graphs are
+# generated for each of these sparks
+# -O ... use gr2RTS and RTS2gran instead of gran-extr;
+# this generates fewer output files (only granularity graphs)
+# but should be faster and far less memory consuming
+# -d <dir> ... use <dir> as basename for the sub-directories
+# -o <file> ... use <file> as basename for the generated latex files;
+# the overall result is in <file>.ps
+# -t <file> ... use <file> as gran-extr type template file
+# ('.' for local template, ',' for global template)
+# -A ... surpress generation of granularity profiles for overall .gr
+# -h ... help; print this text.
+# -v ... verbose mode.
+require "";
+do process_options();
+if ( $opt_v ) { do print_verbose_message(); }
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Init
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$latex = "/usr/local/tex/bin/latex2e"; # or "/usr/local/tex/bin/latex2e"
+do all() if !$opt_A;
+foreach $s (@sparks) {
+ if ( -f $tmp_file ) { system "rm -f $tmp_file"; }
+ system "tf -H -s $s $gr_file > $tmp_file"
+ || die "Can't open pipe: tf -s $s $gr_file > $tmp_file\n";
+ if ( $opt_d ) {
+ $dir = $opt_d;
+ } else {
+ $dir = $gr_file;
+ }
+ $dir =~ s/\.gr//g;
+ $dir .= "-$s";
+ if ( ! -d $dir ) {
+ mkdir($dir,"755"); # system "mkdir $dir";
+ system "chmod u+rwx $dir";
+ }
+ system "mv $tmp_file $dir/$gr_file";
+ chdir $dir;
+ do print_template();
+ do print_va("Title",$s);
+ if ( -f $va_ps_file ) {
+ local ($old) = $va_ps_file;
+ $old =~ s/\.ps/;
+ system "mv $va_ps_file $old";
+ }
+ if ( $opt_O ) {
+ system "gr2RTS -o $rts_file $gr_file; " .
+ "RTS2gran -t $template_file $rts_file; " .
+ "$latex $va_file; dvips $va_dvi_file > $va_ps_file";
+ } else {
+ system "gran-extr -t $template_file $gr_file; " .
+ "$latex $va_file; dvips $va_dvi_file > $va_ps_file";
+ }
+ chdir ".."; # system "cd ..";
+exit 0;
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub all {
+ $dir = $gr_file;
+ $dir =~ s/\.gr//g;
+ $dir .= "-all";
+ if ( ! -d $dir ) {
+ mkdir($dir,"755"); # system "mkdir $dir";
+ system "chmod u+rwx $dir";
+ }
+ system "cp $gr_file $dir/$gr_file";
+ chdir $dir;
+ do print_template();
+ do print_va("All","all");
+ if ( -f $va_ps_file ) {
+ local ($old) = $va_ps_file;
+ $old =~ s/\.ps/;
+ system "mv $va_ps_file $old";
+ }
+ if ( $opt_O ) {
+ system "gr2RTS -o $rts_file $gr_file; " .
+ "RTS2gran -t $template_file $rts_file; " .
+ "$latex $va_file; dvips $va_dvi_file > $va_ps_file";
+ } else {
+ system "gran-extr -t $template_file $gr_file; " .
+ "$latex $va_file; dvips $va_dvi_file > $va_ps_file";
+ }
+ chdir ".."; # system "cd ..";
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub print_template {
+ open (TEMPL,">$template_file") || die "Can't open $template_file\n";
+ print TEMPL <<EOF;
+-- Originally copied from the master template: GrAn/bin/TEMPL
+-- Intervals for pure exec. times
+G: (1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000, 100000, 200000, 300000)
+-- Intervals for communication (i.e. fetch) times
+F: (1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000, 100000, 200000, 300000)
+-- Intervals for communication percentages
+C: (0, 1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100)
+-- Intervals for no. of sparks
+S: (1, 2, 5)
+-- Intervals for heap allocations
+A: (10,20,30,40,50,100,200,300,400,500,1000,2000,3000)
+-- A: (100, 50000, 66000, 100000)
+g: g.dat
+f: f.dat
+c: c.dat
+s: s.dat
+a: a.dat
+-- Select file name corr coeff file
+Xcorr: CORR
+-- Select file names for GNUPLOT data files for cumulative runtime and
+-- cluster graphs
+Xcumulat-rts: cumu-rts.dat
+Xcumulat-fts: cumu-fts.dat
+Xcumulat-has: cumu-has.dat
+Xcumulat-cps: cumu-cps.dat
+Xclust-rts: clust-rts.dat
+Xclust-has: clust-has.dat
+Xclust-cps: clust-cps.dat
+-- Select file names for GNUPLOT data files for per proc. runnable time
+-- and per spark site runtime
+Xpe: pe.dat
+Xsn: sn.dat
+-- Select file names for sorted lists of runtimes, heap allocs, number of
+-- local and global sparks and communication percentage
+-- Std log scaling
+L: .
+-- ('g',"xy",'Cg',"xy",'Ca',"xy")
+-- Gray level of impulses in the graph (0=black)
+i: 0.3
+-- Number of clusters
+k: 2
+-- Width of impulses (needed for gp-ext-imp)
+e: 150
+-- Input file
+-- -:
+ close(TEMPL);
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# NB: different file must be generated for $opt_O and default setup.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub print_va {
+ local ($title, $spark) = @_;
+ open (VA,">$va_file") || die "Can't open $va_file\n";
+ if ( $opt_O ) {
+ print VA <<EOF;
+% Originally copied from master va-file: grasp/tests/va.tex
+% Page Format
+\\topmargin=0cm %0.5cm
+\\textheight=24cm %22cm
+\\oddsidemargin=0cm %0.75cm
+\\evensidemargin=0cm %0.75cm
+\\rightmargin=0cm %0.75cm
+\\leftmargin=0cm %0.75cm
+\\textwidth=16cm %14.5cm
+\\caption{Granularity {\\bf $spark}}
+\\psfig{angle=270,width=7cm,} &
+\\caption{Cumulative Execution Times {\\bf $spark}}
+ } else {
+ print VA <<EOF;
+% Originally copied from master va-file: grasp/tests/va.tex
+% Page Format
+\\topmargin=0cm %0.5cm
+\\textheight=24cm %22cm
+\\oddsidemargin=0cm %0.75cm
+\\evensidemargin=0cm %0.75cm
+\\rightmargin=0cm %0.75cm
+\\leftmargin=0cm %0.75cm
+\\textwidth=16cm %14.5cm
+\\title{$title; Spark: $spark}
+\\psfig{angle=270,width=7cm,file=$gran_file} &
+\\caption{Granularity \\& Heap Allocations {\\bf $spark}}
+\\psfig{angle=270,width=7cm,} &
+\\caption{Fetching Profile {\\bf $spark}}
+\\psfig{angle=270,width=7cm,} &
+\\caption{Cumulative Execution Times {\\bf $spark}}
+ close (VA);
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub process_options {
+ if ( $opt_h ) {
+ open(ME,$0) || die "Can't open myself ($0): $!\n";
+ $n = 0;
+ while (<ME>) {
+ last if $_ =~ /^$/;
+ print $_;
+ $n++;
+ }
+ close(ME);
+ exit ;
+ }
+ if ( $opt_s ) {
+ $opt_s =~ s/[\(\)\[\]]//g;
+ @sparks = split(/[,;. ]+/, $opt_s);
+ } else {
+ @sparks = ( 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15);
+ }
+ if ( $#ARGV != 0 ) {
+ print "Usage: $0 [options] <gr-file>\n;";
+ print "Use -h option to get details\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ $gr_file = $ARGV[0];
+ ($basename = $gr_file) =~ s/\.gr//;
+ $rts_file = $basename . ".rts"; # "RTS";
+ $gran_file = ""; # $basename . ".ps";
+ #$rts_file = $gr_file;
+ #$rts_file =~ s/\.gr/.rts/g;
+ if ( $opt_o ) {
+ $va_file = $opt_o;
+ $va_dvi_file = $va_file;
+ $va_dvi_file =~ s/\.tex/.dvi/g;
+ $va_ps_file = $va_file;
+ $va_ps_file =~ s/\.tex/.ps/g;
+ } else {
+ $va_file = "va.tex";
+ $va_dvi_file = "va.dvi";
+ $va_ps_file = "";
+ }
+ if ( $opt_t ) {
+ $template_file = $opt_t;
+ } else {
+ $template_file = "TEMPL";
+ }
+ $tmp_file = ",t";
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub print_verbose_message {
+ print "Sparks: (" . join(',',@sparks) . ")\n";
+ print "Files: .gr " . $gr_file . " template " . $template_file .
+ " va " . $va_file . "\n";
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------