path: root/utils/prof/cgprof/daVinci.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/prof/cgprof/daVinci.c')
1 files changed, 760 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/prof/cgprof/daVinci.c b/utils/prof/cgprof/daVinci.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a59d1c89e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/prof/cgprof/daVinci.c
@@ -0,0 +1,760 @@
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * $Id: daVinci.c,v 1.5 2006/01/09 14:38:01 simonmar Exp $
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2000 University of Oxford
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software,
+ * and to incorporate it, in whole or in part, into other software,
+ * is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ * (1) the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
+ * all copies of the source code, and the above copyright notice
+ * appear in clearly visible form on all supporting documentation
+ * and distribution media;
+ * (2) modified versions of this software be accompanied by a complete
+ * change history describing author, date, and modifications made;
+ * and
+ * (3) any redistribution of the software, in original or modified
+ * form, be without fee and subject to these same conditions.
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "daVinci.h"
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+static char* extra_space(int);
+static void recur_graphToDaVinci(int,Matrix *, Matrix *,char*,int);
+static char *parse_word(char**);
+static char *parse_quoted(char**);
+static char *dup_str(char*);
+double this_total_time,
+ this_total_comp_max, this_total_comp_avg,
+ this_total_comm_max, this_total_comm_avg,
+ this_total_comp_idle_max, this_total_comp_idle_avg;
+long int this_hrel_max, this_hrel_avg;
+int this_syncs;
+char *lastDavinciCmd;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Send a command with ok return value daVinci
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void cmdDaVinci(char* format,...) {
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, format);
+ vfprintf(stdout, format, args);
+ fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+ va_end(args);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ lastDavinciCmd = format;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Initialise daVinci
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void initDaVinci() {
+ cmdDaVinci("window(title(\"GHC profiler: cost-centre-stack view\"))\n");
+ cmdDaVinci("set(font_size(8))");
+ cmdDaVinci("set(animation_speed(0))");
+ cmdDaVinci("set(scrolling_on_selection(false))");
+ /* SAJ */
+ /* cmdDaVinci("set(no_cache(true)))"); */
+ cmdDaVinci("app_menu(create_icons(["
+ "icon_entry(\"delete\","
+ "\"delete.xbm\","
+ "\"Delete node and its children\"),"
+ "icon_entry(\"undo\","
+ "\"undo.xbm\","
+ "\"Undo delete\"),"
+ "blank,"
+ "icon_entry(\"time\","
+ "\"time.xbm\","
+ "\"Cost metric view\"),"
+ "icon_entry(\"percent\","
+ "\"percent.xbm\","
+ "\"Percentage view\"),"
+ "blank,"
+ "icon_entry(\"compress\","
+ "\"compress.xbm\","
+ "\"Compressed node view\"),"
+ "icon_entry(\"uncompress\","
+ "\"uncompress.xbm\","
+ "\"Uncompressed node view\"),"
+ "blank,"
+ "icon_entry(\"absolute\","
+ "\"absolute.xbm\","
+ "\"Display inherited profile results\"),"
+ "icon_entry(\"absdelta\","
+ "\"absdelta.xbm\","
+ "\"Display flat profile results\"),"
+ "icon_entry(\"reldelta\","
+ "\"reldelta.xbm\","
+ "\"Trim zero-cost sub-trees\"),"
+ "icon_entry(\"weightdelta\","
+ "\"weightdelta.xbm\","
+ "\"Trim zero-cost nodes\"),"
+ "blank,"
+ "icon_entry(\"sync\","
+ "\"sync.xbm\","
+ "\"Graph view\"),"
+ "icon_entry(\"comp\","
+ "\"comp.xbm\","
+ "\"SCCs critical path\"),"
+ "icon_entry(\"comm\","
+ "\"comm.xbm\","
+ "\"Computation time critical path\"),"
+ "icon_entry(\"wait\","
+ "\"wait.xbm\","
+ "\"Heap usage critical path\"),"
+ "icon_entry(\"hrel\","
+ "\"hrel.xbm\","
+ "\"Node spy\"),"
+ "blank,"
+ "icon_entry(\"help\","
+ "\"help.xbm\","
+ "\"Help\"),"
+ "]))");
+ activateDaVinciMenu("default");
+ cmdDaVinci("app_menu(create_menus([menu_entry_mne(\"jump\",\"Goto a node\",\"G\",control,\"G\")]))\n");
+ /* SAJ */
+ // cmdDaVinci("app_menu(activate_menus([\"jump\"]))");
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Menu FSM
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void activateDaVinciMenu(char *pressed) {
+ static int compress=1,time=1,critical_type=0,critical=0,undo=1,delete=0;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"absolute")==0) critical_type=0;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"absdelta")==0) critical_type=1;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"reldelta")==0) critical_type=2;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"weightdelta")==0) critical_type=3;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"sync")==0) critical=0;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"comp")==0) critical=1;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"comm")==0) critical=2;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"wait")==0) critical=3;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"hrel")==0) critical=4;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"compress")==0 || strcmp(pressed,"uncompress")==0)
+ compress=!compress;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"time")==0 || strcmp(pressed,"percent")==0)
+ time=!time;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"undo")==0) {undo=!undo;}
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"delete")==0) {delete=!delete;}
+ printf("app_menu(activate_icons([");
+ if (critical_type!=0) printf("\"absolute\",");
+ if (critical_type!=1) printf("\"absdelta\",");
+ if (critical_type!=2) printf("\"reldelta\",");
+ if (critical_type!=3) printf("\"weightdelta\",");
+ if (critical!=0) printf("\"sync\",");
+ if (critical!=1) printf("\"comp\",");
+ if (critical!=2) printf("\"comm\",");
+ if (critical!=3) printf("\"wait\",");
+ if (critical!=4) printf("\"hrel\",");
+ if (!compress) printf("\"compress\",");
+ if (compress) printf("\"uncompress\",");
+ if (!time) printf("\"time\",");
+ if (time) printf("\"percent\",");
+ if (!delete) printf("\"delete\",");
+ if (!undo) printf("\"undo\",");
+ cmdDaVinci("\"help\"]))");
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Graph to daVinci
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void graphToDaVinci(int root,Matrix *graph, Matrix *costs, int removezerocosts) {
+ int i,j;
+ object_cost *ptr;
+ char zeronodes[MAX_PROFILE_LINE_LENGTH*2]; // is this a sen. MAX
+ char TEMPzeronodes[MAX_PROFILE_LINE_LENGTH*2];
+ char* p_zeronodes = zeronodes;
+ char* TEMPp_zeronodes = TEMPzeronodes;
+ printf("graph(new([");
+ if (PrintLogo) {
+ /* I have implemented some name changes here. They are purely for output and */
+ /* following the relation (comp = scc, comm = ticks, wait = bytes */
+ printf("l(\"info\",n(\"\",["
+ "a(\"COLOR\",\"gold\"),"
+ "a(\"FONTFAMILY\",\"courier\"),"
+ //"a(\"_GO\",\"icon\"),"
+ //"a(\"ICONFILE\",\"oxpara.xbm\"),"
+ "a(\"OBJECT\",\""
+ "Program statistics\\n\\n"
+ "Time elapsed = %6.2f ticks\\n"
+ "Heap usage = %6.2f bytes\\n"
+ "Total scc count = %6.2f (scc)\\n"
+ "\")],[])),",
+ TotalComm,TotalCompIdle,
+ TotalComp
+ );
+ }
+ if (root==-1) {
+ printf("]))\n");
+ } else {
+ ptr = &Mat(object_cost,*costs,root,0);
+ this_total_comp_max = ptr->comp_max;
+ this_total_comp_avg = ptr->comp_avg;
+ this_total_comm_max = ptr->comm_max;
+ this_total_comm_avg = ptr->comm_avg;
+ this_total_comp_idle_max= ptr->comp_idle_max;
+ this_total_comp_idle_avg= ptr->comp_idle_avg;
+ this_total_time = 0.00001 +
+ this_total_comp_max+ this_total_comm_max;
+ this_hrel_max = ptr->hrel_max;
+ this_hrel_avg = ptr->hrel_avg;
+ this_syncs = ptr->syncs;
+ recur_graphToDaVinci(root,graph,costs,p_zeronodes,removezerocosts);
+ printf("]))\n");
+ fflush(stdout);
+ cmdDaVinci("special(focus_node(\"%d\"))\n",root);
+ /* graph will have been altered so that visted elements are marked
+ by a negative value. These are reset */
+ for(i=0;i<graph->rows;i++) {
+ for(j=0;j<graph->cols;j++) {
+ if (Mat_dense(*graph,i,j))
+ if (Mat(int,*graph,i,j)<0) Mat(int,*graph,i,j)=1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (removezerocosts==1)
+ {
+ if (strlen(p_zeronodes)>0)
+ { strncpy(TEMPp_zeronodes,p_zeronodes,strlen(p_zeronodes)-1);
+ printf("select_nodes_labels([%s])\n",TEMPp_zeronodes);
+ }
+ strcpy(TEMPp_zeronodes,"");
+ strcpy(p_zeronodes,"");
+ }
+ }
+static char *printCompressNode(int node, object_cost *ptr) {
+ char name[MAX_FUNNAME+20];
+ char comp[MAX_FUNNAME+20];
+ char comm[MAX_FUNNAME+20];
+ static char res[(MAX_FUNNAME+20)*4];
+ char tempstring[MAX_FUNNAME+20];
+ char *padding;
+ int x;
+ char delimiter[] = "&";
+ if (symbol_table[node].type==CG_SSTEP)
+ sprintf(name,"%d %s",
+ symbol_table[node].lineno,symbol_table[node].filename);
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy(tempstring,symbol_table[node].filename);
+ sprintf(name,"%s",strtok(tempstring,delimiter));
+ }
+ if (NodeviewTime) {
+ /* changed this for GHC stats */
+ sprintf(comp,"\\nTime %6.2fticks\\n",ptr->comm_max);
+ sprintf(comm,"Bytes %6.2funits",ptr->comp_idle_max);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(comp,"\\nTime %6.2f%%\\n",(ptr->comm_max/TotalComm)*100.0);
+ sprintf(comm,"Bytes %6.2f%%",(ptr->comp_idle_max/TotalCompIdle)*100.0);
+ }
+ /* Slightly arbitrary choice for max display length of CC string */
+ /* If it is larger than this the display nodes look bad */
+ if (strlen(name)>20) name[20]='\0';
+ x=strlen(name);
+ if (((20-(strlen(name)+3))/2)>19)
+ padding = extra_space(0);
+ else
+ padding = extra_space((20-(strlen(name)+3))/2); /* includes \\n */
+ strcpy(res,padding);
+ strcat(res,name);
+ strcat(res,comp);
+ strcat(res,comm);
+ return res;
+static char *printUncompressNode(int node, object_cost *ptr) {
+ char name [MAX_FUNNAME+40];
+ char module [MAX_FUNNAME+40];
+ char group [MAX_FUNNAME+40];
+ char head [MAX_FUNNAME+40];
+ char comp [MAX_FUNNAME+40];
+ char comm [MAX_FUNNAME+40];
+ char wait [MAX_FUNNAME+40];
+ char hrel [MAX_FUNNAME+40];
+ char tempstring[MAX_FUNNAME+20];
+ char tempstring2[MAX_FUNNAME+20];
+ char *tempstring3;
+ char *tempstring5;
+ char tempstring4[MAX_FUNNAME+20];
+ char delimiter[] = "&";
+ static char res[(MAX_FUNNAME+40)*7];
+ char *padding;
+ int width=0,x;
+ if (symbol_table[node].type==CG_SSTEP)
+ sprintf(name,"%s line %d\\n",
+ symbol_table[node].filename,symbol_table[node].lineno);
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy(tempstring,symbol_table[node].filename);
+ strcpy(tempstring2,symbol_table[node].filename);
+ sprintf(name,"%s",strtok(tempstring,delimiter));
+ strcpy(tempstring4,tempstring2);
+ tempstring5 = strpbrk(tempstring4,delimiter);
+ sprintf(module,"%s",strtok(tempstring5+1,delimiter));
+ tempstring3 = strrchr(tempstring2,'&');
+ sprintf(group,"%s",tempstring3+1);
+ }
+ if (NodeviewTime) {
+ sprintf(head, "Metric Total \\n");
+ sprintf(comp, " Time %6.2ft \\n",ptr->comm_max);
+ sprintf(comm, " Bytes %6.2fu \\n",ptr->comp_idle_max);
+ sprintf(wait, " SCC %6.2fc \\n",ptr->comp_max);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(head, "Metric Total \\n");
+ sprintf(comp, " Time %5.1f%% \\n",100.0*SAFEDIV(ptr->comm_max,TotalComm));
+ sprintf(comm, " Bytes %5.1f%% \\n",100.0*SAFEDIV(ptr->comp_idle_max,TotalCompIdle));
+ sprintf(wait, " SCC %5.1f%% \\n",100.0*SAFEDIV(ptr->comp_max,TotalComp));
+ }
+ if ((x=strlen(name))>width) width=x;
+ if ((x=strlen(hrel))>width) width=x;
+ padding = extra_space((width-strlen(name)+3)/2); /* includes \\n */
+ /* strcpy(res,padding); */
+ strcpy(res,"Cost centre: ");
+ strcat(res,name);
+ strcat(res,"\\n");
+ strcat(res,"Module : ");
+ strcat(res,module);
+ strcat(res,"\\n");
+ strcat(res,"Group : ");
+ strcat(res,group);
+ strcat(res,"\\n\\n");
+ strcat(res,head);
+ strcat(res,comp);
+ strcat(res,comm);
+ strcat(res,wait);
+ /* strcat(res,hrel); */
+ return res;
+double nodeColour(object_cost *cost) {
+ switch (CriticalPath + CriticalType) {
+ return SAFEDIV(((double)cost->syncs),((double)this_syncs));
+ return SAFEDIV(cost->comp_max,this_total_comp_max);
+ return SAFEDIV(cost->comm_max,this_total_comm_max);
+ return SAFEDIV(cost->comp_idle_max,this_total_comp_idle_max);
+ return SAFEDIV(((double) cost->hrel_max),((double)this_hrel_max));
+ return SAFEDIV(cost->comp_max,TotalComp);
+ return SAFEDIV(cost->comm_max,TotalComm);
+ return SAFEDIV(cost->comp_idle_max,TotalCompIdle);
+ return SAFEDIV(((double) (cost->hrel_max - cost->hrel_avg)),
+ ((double) (this_hrel_max-this_hrel_avg)));
+ return SAFEDIV((cost->comp_max-cost->comp_avg),
+ (cost->comp_avg*DeltaNormalise));
+ return SAFEDIV((cost->comm_max-cost->comm_avg),
+ (cost->comm_avg*DeltaNormalise));
+ return SAFEDIV((cost->comp_idle_max-cost->comp_idle_avg),
+ (cost->comp_idle_avg*DeltaNormalise));
+ return SAFEDIV(((double) (cost->hrel_max - cost->hrel_avg)),
+ ((double) (cost->hrel_avg*DeltaNormalise)));
+ return (SAFEDIV((cost->comp_max-cost->comp_avg),
+ (cost->comp_avg*DeltaNormalise))*
+ SAFEDIV(cost->comp_max,this_total_comp_max));
+ return (SAFEDIV((cost->comm_max-cost->comm_avg),
+ (cost->comm_avg*DeltaNormalise))*
+ SAFEDIV(cost->comm_max,this_total_comm_max));
+ return (SAFEDIV((cost->comp_idle_max-cost->comp_idle_avg),
+ (cost->comp_idle_avg*DeltaNormalise))*
+ SAFEDIV(cost->comp_idle_max,this_total_comp_idle_max));
+ return (SAFEDIV(((double) (cost->hrel_max - cost->hrel_avg)),
+ ((double) (cost->hrel_avg*DeltaNormalise)))*
+ SAFEDIV(((double) cost->hrel_max),((double)this_hrel_max)));
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+int percentToColour(double colour) {
+ int range=255,base=0;
+ if (!Colour) {
+ base =100;
+ range=155;
+ }
+ if (colour>1.0) return (base+range);
+ else if (colour<0.0) return base;
+ else return (((int) (((double)range)*colour))+base);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Recursively draw the graph
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void recur_graphToDaVinci(int node,Matrix *graph,Matrix *costs,char* p_zeronodes, int mode){
+ object_cost *ptr;
+ int i,j,no_children=0,*children=NULL,colour;
+ char *node_str;
+ char tempnode[MAX_FUNNAME];
+ if (Mat(int,*graph,node,node)<0) {
+ printf("r(\"%d\") ",node);
+ } else {
+ for(i=0;i<graph->cols;i++)
+ if (node!=i && Mat_dense(*graph,node,i)) no_children++;
+ if (no_children>0) {
+ children = calloc(no_children,sizeof(int));
+ if (children==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"{printDaVinci} unable to allocate %d ",no_children);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ for((i=0,j=0);i<graph->cols;i++)
+ if (node!=i && Mat_dense(*graph,node,i)) children[j++]=i;
+ qsort(children,no_children,sizeof(int),
+ (int (*)(const void *,const void *)) cmp_symbol_entry);
+ }
+ ptr = &Mat(object_cost,*costs,node,0);
+ node_str=(NodeviewCompress)?
+ printCompressNode(node,ptr):
+ printUncompressNode(node,ptr);
+ printf("l(\"%d\",n(\"\",[a(\"OBJECT\",\"%s\"),",node,node_str);
+ printf("a(\"FONTFAMILY\",\"courier\"),");
+ // hide the CAF:REPOSITORY as default
+ if (!strncmp(node_str,"Cost centre: CAF:REPOSITORY",26))
+ printf("a(\"HIDDEN\",\"true\"),"); // when uncompressed
+ if (!strncmp(node_str," CAF:REPOSITORY",12))
+ printf("a(\"HIDDEN\",\"true\"),"); // when compressed
+ if (mode==2)
+ {
+ if ((ptr->comm_max+ptr->comp_idle_max+ptr->comp_max) <= 0.0)
+ printf("a(\"HIDDEN\",\"true\"),");
+ }
+ //for pruning all zero-cost nodes
+ if (mode==1)
+ {
+ if ((ptr->comm_max+ptr->comp_idle_max+ptr->comp_max) <= 0.0)
+ { fprintf(logFile,"Node %d %s is a candidate for deletion\n",node, node_str);
+ sprintf(tempnode,"\"%d\",",node);
+ strcat(p_zeronodes,tempnode);
+ }
+ }
+ colour=percentToColour(1.0-nodeColour(ptr));
+ printf("a(\"COLOR\",\"#ff%.2x%.2x\")",colour,colour);
+ printf("],[");
+ Mat(int,*graph,node,node)=-1;
+ for(i=0;i<no_children;i++) {
+ printf("e(\"%d->%d\",[],",node,children[i]);
+ recur_graphToDaVinci(children[i],graph,costs,p_zeronodes,mode);
+ printf(")");
+ if (i<(no_children-1)) {printf(",");}
+ }
+ printf("]))");
+ }
+static void recur_graphToDaVinci_old(int node,Matrix *graph, Matrix *costs) {
+ object_cost *ptr;
+ int i,j,no_children=0,*children=NULL,colour;
+ char *node_str;
+ if (Mat(int,*graph,node,node)<0) {
+ fprintf(logFile,"r(\"%d\") ",node);
+ printf("r(\"%d\") ",node);
+ } else {
+ for(i=0;i<graph->cols;i++)
+ if (node!=i && Mat_dense(*graph,node,i)) no_children++;
+ if (no_children>0) {
+ children = calloc(no_children,sizeof(int));
+ if (children==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"{printDaVinci} unable to allocate %d ",no_children);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ for((i=0,j=0);i<graph->cols;i++)
+ if (node!=i && Mat_dense(*graph,node,i)) children[j++]=i;
+ qsort(children,no_children,sizeof(int),
+ (int (*)(const void *,const void *)) cmp_symbol_entry);
+ }
+ ptr = &Mat(object_cost,*costs,node,0);
+ node_str=(NodeviewCompress)?
+ printCompressNode(node,ptr):
+ printUncompressNode(node,ptr);
+ fprintf(logFile,"l(\"%d\",n(\"\",[a(\"OBJECT\",\"%s\"),",node,node_str);
+ printf("l(\"%d\",n(\"\",[a(\"OBJECT\",\"%s\"),",node,node_str);
+ fprintf(logFile,"a(\"FONTFAMILY\",\"courier\"),");
+ printf("a(\"FONTFAMILY\",\"courier\"),");
+ if (symbol_table[node].type==CG_SSTEP)
+ printf("a(\"BORDER\",\"double\"),");
+ else
+ //if (prune subgraphs of zero cost node)
+ // minNodeSize hardwired
+ if ((ptr->comm_max+ptr->comp_idle_max+ptr->comp_max) < minNodeSize)
+ printf("a(\"HIDDEN\",\"true\"),");
+ //if ((ptr->comm_max+ptr->comp_idle_max+ptr->comp_max) < 0.01)
+ // small=1;
+ //else small=0;
+ colour=percentToColour(1.0-nodeColour(ptr));
+ //if (!small)
+ fprintf(logFile,"a(\"COLOR\",\"#ff%.2x%.2x\")",colour,colour);
+ printf("a(\"COLOR\",\"#ff%.2x%.2x\")",colour,colour);
+ //else
+ // printf("a(\"COLOR\",\"yellow\"),");
+ fprintf(logFile,"],[");
+ printf("],[");
+ Mat(int,*graph,node,node)=-1;
+ for(i=0;i<no_children;i++) {
+ //if (!small)
+ fprintf(logFile,"e(\"%d->%d\",[],",node,children[i]);
+ printf("e(\"%d->%d\",[],",node,children[i]);
+ //else
+ // printf("e(\"%d->%d\",[a(\"EDGECOLOR\",\"yellow\")],",node,children[i]);
+ recur_graphToDaVinci_old(children[i],graph,costs);
+ fprintf(logFile,")");
+ printf(")");
+ if (i<(no_children-1)) {fprintf(logFile,","); printf(",");}
+ }
+ fprintf(logFile,"]))");
+ printf("]))");
+ }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Update colour
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void updateColours(int root, Matrix *graph, Matrix *costs) {
+ int i,colour,last;
+ printf("graph(change_attr([");
+ for(last=costs->rows-1;last>=0;last--)
+ if (Mat_dense(*graph,last,last)) break;
+ for(i=0;i<costs->rows;i++) {
+ if (Mat_dense(*graph,i,i)) {
+ colour = percentToColour(1.0-nodeColour(&Mat(object_cost,*costs,i,0)));
+ printf("node(\"%d\",[a(\"COLOR\",\"#ff%.2x%.2x\")])",
+ i,colour,colour);
+ if (i<last) printf(",");
+ }
+ }
+ printf("]))\n");
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Parse answer from daVinci
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+davinciCmd parseDaVinciCmd(char *input) {
+ davinciCmd result;
+ char *crp;
+ char *word;
+ int i;
+ result.size=1;
+ result.list=NULL;
+ for(crp=input;*crp;crp++)
+ if (*crp==',') result.size++;
+ crp=input;
+ word = parse_word(&crp);
+ if (Verbose) fprintf(logFile,"{parseDaVinciCmd}=%s size=%d\n",word,result.size);
+ if (strcmp(word,"node_selections_labels")==0) {
+ result.type=DAVINCI_NODE;
+ result.list =calloc(result.size,sizeof(char*));
+ if (result.list==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"{parseDaVinciCmd} failed to allocate storage");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ crp+=2;
+ i=0;
+ word = parse_quoted(&crp);
+ result.list[i++] = dup_str(word);
+ while (*crp++==',') {
+ word = parse_quoted(&crp);
+ result.list[i++] = dup_str(word);
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"icon_selection")==0) {
+ result.type=DAVINCI_ICON;
+ result.list =calloc(result.size,sizeof(char*));
+ if (result.list==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"{parseDaVinciCmd} failed to allocate storage");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ crp++;
+ i=0;
+ word = parse_quoted(&crp);
+ result.list[i++] = dup_str(word);
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"tcl_answer")==0) {
+ result.type=DAVINCI_TCL;
+ result.list =calloc(result.size,sizeof(char*));
+ if (result.list==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"{parseDaVinciCmd} failed to allocate storage");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ crp++;
+ i=0;
+ word = parse_quoted(&crp);
+ result.list[i++] = dup_str(word);
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"menu_selection")==0) {
+ result.type=DAVINCI_MENU;
+ result.list =calloc(result.size,sizeof(char*));
+ if (result.list==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"{parseDaVinciCmd} failed to allocate storage");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ crp++;
+ i=0;
+ word = parse_quoted(&crp);
+ result.list[i++] = dup_str(word);
+ }else if (strcmp(word,"node_double_click")==0) {
+ result.type=DAVINCI_OK;
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"edge_selection_labels")==0) {
+ result.type=DAVINCI_OK;
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"ok")==0) {
+ result.type=DAVINCI_OK;
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"quit")==0) {
+ result.type=DAVINCI_QUIT;
+ } else {
+ result.type=DAVINCI_ERROR;
+ }
+ return result;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Misc.
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Function that returns a string containing \texttt{x} spaces. */
+static char* extra_space(int x) {
+ static char space[MAX_FUNNAME+1];
+ int i;
+ if (Verbose) fprintf(logFile,"Padding is %d\n",x);
+ for(i=0;(i<x)&&(i<MAX_FUNNAME);i++) space[i]=' ';
+ space[i]='\0';
+ return space;
+static char *parse_word(char **crp) {
+ static char result[MAX_FUNNAME];
+ int i=0;
+ while(islower(**crp) || **crp=='_') {
+ result[i++]=**crp;
+ (*crp)++;
+ }
+ result[i]='\0';
+ return result;
+static char *parse_quoted(char **crp) {
+ static char result[MAX_FUNNAME];
+ int i=0;
+ if (**crp=='\"') {
+ (*crp)++;
+ while (**crp != '\"') {
+ result[i++]=**crp;
+ (*crp)++;
+ }
+ (*crp)++;
+ }
+ result[i]='\0';
+ return result;
+static char *dup_str(char *xs) {
+ char *result;
+ if (xs==NULL) return NULL;
+ else {
+ result = malloc(strlen(xs)+1);
+ if (result==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"{dup_str}: unable to allocate bytes");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ strcpy(result,xs);
+ return result;
+ }