path: root/utils
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
34 files changed, 0 insertions, 3346 deletions
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/DList.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/DList.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index c4b9283e52..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/DList.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-module DList where
-newtype DList a = DList ([a] -> [a])
-snoc :: DList a -> a -> DList a
-DList f `snoc` x = DList (f . (x:))
-toList :: DList a -> [a]
-toList (DList f) = f []
-instance Monoid (DList a) where
- mempty = DList id
- DList a `mappend` DList b = DList (a . b)
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Main.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Main.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 99f921c8f4..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Main.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-module Main (main) where
-import DynFlags
-import Control.Monad (forM_)
-import Types hiding (flag)
-import Table
-import Options
-import System.IO
-writeFileUtf8 :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
-writeFileUtf8 f txt = withFile f WriteMode (\ hdl -> hSetEncoding hdl utf8 >> hPutStr hdl txt)
--- | A ReStructuredText fragment
-type ReST = String
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
- -- user's guide
- writeRestFile (usersGuideFile "what_glasgow_exts_does.gen.rst")
- $ whatGlasgowExtsDoes
- forM_ groups $ \(Group name _ theFlags) ->
- let fname = usersGuideFile $ "flags-"++name++".gen.rst"
- in writeRestFile fname (flagsTable theFlags)
- -- man page
- writeRestFile (usersGuideFile "all-flags.gen.rst") (flagsList groups)
-usersGuideFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
-usersGuideFile fname = "docs/users_guide/"++fname
-writeRestFile :: FilePath -> ReST -> IO ()
-writeRestFile fname content =
- writeFileUtf8 fname $ unlines
- [ ".. This file is generated by utils/mkUserGuidePart"
- , ""
- , content
- ]
-whatGlasgowExtsDoes :: String
-whatGlasgowExtsDoes = unlines
- $ [ ".. hlist::", ""]
- ++ map ((" * "++) . parseExt) glasgowExtsFlags
- where
- parseExt ext = inlineCode $ "-X" ++ show ext
--- | Generate a reference table of the given set of flags. This is used in
--- the user's guide.
-flagsTable :: [Flag] -> ReST
-flagsTable theFlags =
- table [60, 100, 30, 55]
- ["Flag", "Description", "Type", "Reverse"]
- (map flagRow theFlags)
- where
- flagRow flag =
- [ role "ghc-flag" (flagName flag)
- , flagDescription flag
- , type_
- , role "ghc-flag" (flagReverse flag)
- ]
- where
- type_ = case flagType flag of
- DynamicFlag -> "dynamic"
- DynamicSettableFlag -> "dynamic/``:set``"
- ModeFlag -> "mode"
--- | Place the given text in an ReST inline code element.
-inlineCode :: String -> ReST
-inlineCode s = "``" ++ s ++ "``"
--- | @role "hi" "Hello world"@ produces the ReST inline role element
--- @:hi:`Hello world`@.
-role :: String -> String -> ReST
-role _ "" = ""
-role r c = concat [":",r,":`",flag,"`",next]
- where
- -- Handle multiple comma separated flags
- (flag, rest) = span (/= ',') c
- next | rest == "" = rest
- | otherwise = concat [", ", role r $ dropWhile (/= '-') rest]
-heading :: Char -> String -> ReST
-heading chr title = unlines
- [ title
- , replicate (length title) chr
- , ""
- ]
--- | Generate a listing of all the flags known to GHC.
--- Used in the man page.
-flagsList :: [Group] -> ReST
-flagsList grps = unlines $
- map doGroup grps ++ map flagDescriptions grps
- where
- doGroup grp = unlines
- [ grpTitle grp
- , " " ++ unwords (map (inlineCode . flagName) (grpFlags grp))
- , ""
- ]
--- | Generate a definition list of the known flags.
--- Used in the man page.
-flagDescriptions :: Group -> ReST
-flagDescriptions (Group _ title fs) =
- unlines $ [ heading '~' title ] ++ map doFlag fs
- where
- doFlag flag =
- unlines $ [ inlineCode (flagName flag)
- , " " ++ flagDescription flag
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Makefile b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 6664830cce..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# (c) 2009 The University of Glasgow
-# This file is part of the GHC build system.
-# To understand how the build system works and how to modify it, see
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-dir = utils/mkUserGuidePart
-TOP = ../..
-include $(TOP)/mk/
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ab1ab696fe..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-module Options (Group(..), groups) where
-import Types
-import Options.CodeGen
-import Options.CompilerDebugging
-import Options.Cpp
-import Options.FindingImports
-import Options.Interactive
-import Options.InterfaceFiles
-import Options.KeepingIntermediates
-import Options.Language
-import Options.Linking
-import Options.Misc
-import Options.Modes
-import Options.Optimizations
-import Options.OptimizationLevels
-import Options.Packages
-import Options.Phases
-import Options.PhasePrograms
-import Options.PhaseSpecific
-import Options.PlatformSpecific
-import Options.Plugin
-import Options.Profiling
-import Options.ProgramCoverage
-import Options.RecompilationChecking
-import Options.RedirectingOutput
-import Options.TemporaryFiles
-import Options.Verbosity
-import Options.Warnings
--- | A group of flags
-data Group = Group { grpName :: String -- ^ Internal name
- , grpTitle :: String -- ^ Human-readable title
- , grpFlags :: [Flag] -- ^ Flags in group
- }
-groups :: [Group]
-groups =
- [ Group "codegen" "Code generation" codegenOptions
- , Group "compiler-debugging" "Debugging the compiler" compilerDebuggingOptions
- , Group "cpp" "C pre-processor" cppOptions
- , Group "finding-imports" "Finding imports" findingImportsOptions
- , Group "interactive" "Interactive mode" interactiveOptions
- , Group "interface-files" "Interface files" interfaceFilesOptions
- , Group "keeping-intermediates" "Keeping intermediate files" keepingIntermediatesOptions
- , Group "language" "Language options" languageOptions
- , Group "linking" "Linking options" linkingOptions
- , Group "misc" "Miscellaneous options" miscOptions
- , Group "modes" "Modes of operation" modeOptions
- , Group "optimization" "Individual optimizations " optimizationsOptions
- , Group "optimization-levels" "Optimization levels" optimizationLevelsOptions
- , Group "packages" "Package options" packagesOptions
- , Group "phases" "Phases of compilation" phaseOptions
- , Group "phase-programs" "Overriding external programs" phaseProgramsOptions
- , Group "phase-specific" "Phase-specific options" phaseSpecificOptions
- , Group "platform-specific" "Platform-specific options" platformSpecificOptions
- , Group "plugin" "Compiler plugins" pluginOptions
- , Group "profiling" "Profiling" profilingOptions
- , Group "program-coverage" "Program coverage" programCoverageOptions
- , Group "recompilation-checking" "Recompilation checking" recompilationCheckingOptions
- , Group "redirecting-output" "Redirecting output" redirectingOutputOptions
- , Group "temporary-files" "Temporary files" temporaryFilesOptions
- , Group "verbosity" "Verbosity options" verbosityOptions
- , Group "warnings" "Warnings" warningsOptions
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/CodeGen.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/CodeGen.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a5d6c1976..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/CodeGen.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-module Options.CodeGen where
-import Types
-codegenOptions :: [Flag]
-codegenOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-fasm"
- , flagDescription =
- "Use the :ref:`native code generator <native-code-gen>`"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fllvm"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fllvm"
- , flagDescription =
- "Compile using the :ref:`LLVM code generator <llvm-code-gen>`"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fasm"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fno-code"
- , flagDescription = "Omit code generation"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fwrite-interface"
- , flagDescription = "Always write interface files"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fbyte-code"
- , flagDescription = "Generate byte-code"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fobject-code"
- , flagDescription = "Generate object code"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-g⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "Produce DWARF debug information in compiled object files." ++
- "⟨n⟩ can be 0, 1, or 2, with higher numbers producing richer " ++
- "output. If ⟨n⟩ is omitted level 2 is assumed."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dynamic"
- , flagDescription = "Build dynamically-linked object files and executables"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dynamic-too"
- , flagDescription =
- "Build dynamic object files *as well as* static object files " ++
- "during compilation"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/CompilerDebugging.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/CompilerDebugging.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d643a1385..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/CompilerDebugging.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-module Options.CompilerDebugging where
-import Types
-compilerDebuggingOptions :: [Flag]
-compilerDebuggingOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-dcore-lint"
- , flagDescription = "Turn on internal sanity checking"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-to-file"
- , flagDescription = "Dump to files instead of stdout"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-asm"
- , flagDescription = "Dump assembly"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-bcos"
- , flagDescription = "Dump interpreter byte code"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-cmm-from-stg"
- , flagDescription = "Dump STG-to-C-- output"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-cmm-verbose"
- , flagDescription = "Show output from each C-- pipeline pass"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-cmm"
- , flagDescription = "Dump the final C-- output"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-core-stats"
- , flagDescription =
- "Print a one-line summary of the size of the Core program at the "++
- "end of the optimisation pipeline"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-cse"
- , flagDescription = "Dump CSE output"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-deriv"
- , flagDescription = "Dump deriving output"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-ds"
- , flagDescription = "Dump desugarer output"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-foreign"
- , flagDescription = "Dump ``foreign export`` stubs"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-hpc"
- , flagDescription = "Dump after instrumentation for program coverage"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-inlinings"
- , flagDescription = "Dump inlining info"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-llvm"
- , flagDescription = "Dump LLVM intermediate code. "++
- "Implies :ghc-flag:`-fllvm`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-occur-anal"
- , flagDescription = "Dump occurrence analysis output"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-opt-cmm"
- , flagDescription = "Dump the results of C-- to C-- optimising passes"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-parsed"
- , flagDescription = "Dump parse tree"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-prep"
- , flagDescription = "Dump prepared core"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-rn"
- , flagDescription = "Dump renamer output"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-rule-firings"
- , flagDescription = "Dump rule firing info"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-rule-rewrites"
- , flagDescription = "Dump detailed rule firing info"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-rules"
- , flagDescription = "Dump rules"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-vect"
- , flagDescription = "Dump vectoriser input and output"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-simpl"
- , flagDescription = "Dump final simplifier output"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-simpl-iterations"
- , flagDescription = "Dump output from each simplifier iteration"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-spec"
- , flagDescription = "Dump specialiser output"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-splices"
- , flagDescription =
- "Dump TH spliced expressions, and what they evaluate to"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-stg"
- , flagDescription = "Dump final STG"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-stranal"
- , flagDescription = "Dump strictness analyser output"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-str-signatures"
- , flagDescription = "Dump strictness signatures"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-tc"
- , flagDescription = "Dump typechecker output"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dth-dec-file=⟨file⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "Show evaluated TH declarations in a .th.hs file"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-types"
- , flagDescription = "Dump type signatures"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-worker-wrapper"
- , flagDescription = "Dump worker-wrapper output"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-if-trace"
- , flagDescription = "Trace interface files"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-tc-trace"
- , flagDescription = "Trace typechecker"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-vt-trace"
- , flagDescription = "Trace vectoriser"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-rn-trace"
- , flagDescription = "Trace renamer"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-rn-stats"
- , flagDescription = "Renamer stats"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-simpl-stats"
- , flagDescription = "Dump simplifier stats"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dno-debug-output"
- , flagDescription = "Suppress unsolicited debugging output"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dppr-debug"
- , flagDescription = "Turn on debug printing (more verbose)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dppr-user-length"
- , flagDescription =
- "Set the depth for printing expressions in error msgs"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dppr-cols=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "Set the width of debugging output. For example ``-dppr-cols200``"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dppr-case-as-let"
- , flagDescription =
- "Print single alternative case expressions as strict lets."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dsuppress-all"
- , flagDescription =
- "In core dumps, suppress everything (except for uniques) that is "++
- "suppressible."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dsuppress-uniques"
- , flagDescription =
- "Suppress the printing of uniques in debug output (easier to use "++
- "``diff``)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dsuppress-idinfo"
- , flagDescription =
- "Suppress extended information about identifiers where they "++
- "are bound"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dsuppress-unfoldings"
- , flagDescription =
- "Suppress the printing of the stable unfolding of a variable at "++
- "its binding site"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dsuppress-module-prefixes"
- , flagDescription =
- "Suppress the printing of module qualification prefixes"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dsuppress-type-signatures"
- , flagDescription = "Suppress type signatures"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dsuppress-type-applications"
- , flagDescription = "Suppress type applications"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dsuppress-coercions"
- , flagDescription =
- "Suppress the printing of coercions in Core dumps to make them "++
- "shorter"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dsource-stats"
- , flagDescription = "Dump haskell source stats"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dcmm-lint"
- , flagDescription = "C-- pass sanity checking"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dstg-lint"
- , flagDescription = "STG pass sanity checking"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dstg-stats"
- , flagDescription = "Dump STG stats"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dverbose-core2core"
- , flagDescription = "Show output from each core-to-core pass"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dverbose-stg2stg"
- , flagDescription = "Show output from each STG-to-STG pass"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dshow-passes"
- , flagDescription = "Print out each pass name as it happens"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dfaststring-stats"
- , flagDescription =
- "Show statistics for fast string usage when finished"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-frule-check"
- , flagDescription =
- "Report sites with rules that could have fired but didn't. "++
- "Takes a string argument."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fcatch-bottoms"
- , flagDescription =
- "Insert ``error`` expressions after bottoming expressions; useful "++
- "when debugging the compiler."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Cpp.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Cpp.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ae5b122bf9..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Cpp.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-module Options.Cpp where
-import Types
-cppOptions :: [Flag]
-cppOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-cpp"
- , flagDescription = "Run the C pre-processor on Haskell source files"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-D⟨symbol⟩[=⟨value⟩]"
- , flagDescription = "Define a symbol in the C pre-processor"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-U⟨symbol⟩"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-U⟨symbol⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Undefine a symbol in the C pre-processor"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-I⟨dir⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "Add ⟨dir⟩ to the directory search list for ``#include`` files"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/FindingImports.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/FindingImports.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 65f5ebacba..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/FindingImports.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-module Options.FindingImports where
-import Types
-findingImportsOptions :: [Flag]
-findingImportsOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-i⟨dir⟩[:⟨dir⟩]*"
- , flagDescription = "add ⟨dir⟩, ⟨dir2⟩, etc. to import path"
- , flagType = DynamicSettableFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-i"
- , flagDescription = "Empty the import directory list"
- , flagType = DynamicSettableFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Interactive.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Interactive.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0137fc8c86..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Interactive.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-module Options.Interactive where
-import Types
-interactiveOptions :: [Flag]
-interactiveOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-ignore-dot-ghci"
- , flagDescription = "Disable reading of ``.ghci`` files"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ghci-script"
- , flagDescription = "Read additional ``.ghci`` files"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fbreak-on-error"
- , flagDescription =
- ":ref:`Break on uncaught exceptions and errors " ++
- "<ghci-debugger-exceptions>`"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-break-on-error"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fbreak-on-exception"
- , flagDescription =
- ":ref:`Break on any exception thrown <ghci-debugger-exceptions>`"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-break-on-exception"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fghci-hist-size=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "Set the number of entries GHCi keeps for ``:history``." ++
- " See :ref:`ghci-debugger`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = ""
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fprint-evld-with-show"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable usage of ``Show`` instances in ``:print``. "++
- "See :ref:`breakpoints`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-print-evld-with-show"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fprint-bind-result"
- , flagDescription =
- ":ref:`Turn on printing of binding results in GHCi <ghci-stmts>`"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-print-bind-result"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fno-print-bind-contents"
- , flagDescription =
- ":ref:`Turn off printing of binding contents in GHCi <breakpoints>`"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fno-implicit-import-qualified"
- , flagDescription =
- ":ref:`Turn off implicit qualified import of everything in GHCi " ++
- "<ghci-import-qualified>`"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-interactive-print ⟨expr⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- ":ref:`Select the function to use for printing evaluated " ++
- "expressions in GHCi <ghci-interactive-print>`"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/InterfaceFiles.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/InterfaceFiles.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 314e0ebb69..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/InterfaceFiles.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-module Options.InterfaceFiles where
-import Types
-interfaceFilesOptions :: [Flag]
-interfaceFilesOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-ddump-hi"
- , flagDescription = "Dump the new interface to stdout"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-hi-diffs"
- , flagDescription = "Show the differences vs. the old interface"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ddump-minimal-imports"
- , flagDescription = "Dump a minimal set of imports"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "--show-iface ⟨file⟩"
- , flagDescription = "See :ref:`modes`."
- , flagType = ModeFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/KeepingIntermediates.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/KeepingIntermediates.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index eb264092a4..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/KeepingIntermediates.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-module Options.KeepingIntermediates where
-import Types
-keepingIntermediatesOptions :: [Flag]
-keepingIntermediatesOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-keep-hc-file, -keep-hc-files"
- , flagDescription = "Retain intermediate ``.hc`` files."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-keep-hi-files"
- , flagDescription =
- "Retain intermediate ``.hi`` files (the default)."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-no-keep-hi-files"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-keep-llvm-file, -keep-llvm-files"
- , flagDescription = "Retain intermediate LLVM ``.ll`` files. "++
- "Implies :ghc-flag:`-fllvm`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-keep-o-files"
- , flagDescription =
- "Retain intermediate ``.o`` files (the default)."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-no-keep-o-files"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-keep-s-file, -keep-s-files"
- , flagDescription = "Retain intermediate ``.s`` files."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-keep-tmp-files"
- , flagDescription = "Retain all intermediate temporary files."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Language.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Language.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index e584d2f38b..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Language.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,775 +0,0 @@
-module Options.Language where
-import Types
-languageOptions :: [Flag]
-languageOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-fconstraint-solver-iterations=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "*default: 4.* Set the iteration limit for the type-constraint "++
- "solver. Typically one iteration suffices; so please "++
- "yell if you find you need to set it higher than the default. "++
- "Zero means infinity."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-freduction-depth=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "*default: 200.* Set the :ref:`limit for type simplification "++
- "<undecidable-instances>`. Zero means infinity."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fcontext-stack=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "Deprecated. Use ``-freduction-depth=⟨n⟩`` instead."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fglasgow-exts"
- , flagDescription =
- "Deprecated. Enable most language extensions; "++
- "see :ref:`options-language` for exactly which ones."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-glasgow-exts"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-firrefutable-tuples"
- , flagDescription = "Make tuple pattern matching irrefutable"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-irrefutable-tuples"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fpackage-trust"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`Safe Haskell <safe-haskell>` trusted package "++
- "requirement for trustworthy modules."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ftype-function-depth=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Deprecated. Use ``-freduction-depth=⟨n⟩`` instead."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XAllowAmbiguousTypes"
- , flagDescription =
- "Allow the user to write :ref:`ambiguous types <ambiguity>`, and "++
- "the type inference engine to infer them."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoAllowAmbiguousTypes"
- , flagSince = "7.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XArrows"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`arrow notation <arrow-notation>` extension"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoArrows"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XApplicativeDo"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`Applicative do-notation desugaring <applicative-do>`"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoApplicativeDo"
- , flagSince = "8.0.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XAutoDeriveTypeable"
- , flagDescription =
- "As of GHC 7.10, this option is not needed, and should not be "++
- "used. Previously this would automatically :ref:`derive Typeable "++
- "instances for every datatype and type class declaration "++
- "<deriving-typeable>`. Implies :ghc-flag:`-XDeriveDataTypeable`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoAutoDeriveTypeable"
- , flagSince = "7.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XBangPatterns"
- , flagDescription = "Enable :ref:`bang patterns <bang-patterns>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoBangPatterns"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XBinaryLiterals"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable support for :ref:`binary literals <binary-literals>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoBinaryLiterals"
- , flagSince = "7.10.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XCApiFFI"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`the CAPI calling convention <ffi-capi>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoCAPIFFI"
- , flagSince = "7.10.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XConstrainedClassMethods"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`constrained class methods <class-method-types>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoConstrainedClassMethods"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XConstraintKinds"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable a :ref:`kind of constraints <constraint-kind>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoConstraintKinds"
- , flagSince = "7.4.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XCPP"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable the :ref:`C preprocessor <c-pre-processor>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoCPP"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XDataKinds"
- , flagDescription = "Enable :ref:`datatype promotion <promotion>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoDataKinds"
- , flagSince = "7.4.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XDefaultSignatures"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`default signatures <class-default-signatures>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoDefaultSignatures"
- , flagSince = "7.2.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XDeriveAnyClass"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`deriving for any class <derive-any-class>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoDeriveAnyClass"
- , flagSince = "7.10.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XDeriveDataTypeable"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable ``deriving`` for the :ref:`Data class "++
- "<deriving-typeable>`. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-XAutoDeriveTypeable`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoDeriveDataTypeable"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XDeriveFunctor"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`deriving for the Functor class <deriving-extra>`. "++
- "Implied by :ghc-flag:`-XDeriveTraversable`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoDeriveFunctor"
- , flagSince = "7.10.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XDeriveFoldable"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`deriving for the Foldable class <deriving-extra>`. "++
- "Implied by :ghc-flag:`-XDeriveTraversable`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoDeriveFoldable"
- , flagSince = "7.10.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XDeriveGeneric"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`deriving for the Generic class <deriving-typeable>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoDeriveGeneric"
- , flagSince = "7.2.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XDeriveLift"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`deriving for the Lift class <deriving-lift>`"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoDeriveLift"
- , flagSince = "7.2.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XDeriveTraversable"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`deriving for the Traversable class <deriving-extra>`. "++
- "Implies :ghc-flag:`-XDeriveFunctor` and :ghc-flag:`-XDeriveFoldable`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoDeriveTraversable"
- , flagSince = "7.10.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XDerivingStrategies"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enables :ref:`deriving strategies <deriving-strategies>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoDerivingStrategies"
- , flagSince = "8.2.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XDisambiguateRecordFields"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`record field disambiguation <disambiguate-fields>`. "++
- "Implied by :ghc-flag:`-XRecordWildCards`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoDisambiguateRecordFields"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XEmptyCase"
- , flagDescription =
- "Allow :ref:`empty case alternatives <empty-case>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoEmptyCase"
- , flagSince = "7.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XEmptyDataDecls"
- , flagDescription = "Enable empty data declarations."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoEmptyDataDecls"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XExistentialQuantification"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`existential quantification <existential-quantification>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoExistentialQuantification"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XExplicitForAll"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`explicit universal quantification <explicit-foralls>`."++
- " Implied by :ghc-flag:`-XScopedTypeVariables`, :ghc-flag:`-XLiberalTypeSynonyms`,"++
- " :ghc-flag:`-XRankNTypes` and :ghc-flag:`-XExistentialQuantification`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoExplicitForAll"
- , flagSince = "6.12.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XExplicitNamespaces"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable using the keyword ``type`` to specify the namespace of "++
- "entries in imports and exports (:ref:`explicit-namespaces`). "++
- "Implied by :ghc-flag:`-XTypeOperators` and :ghc-flag:`-XTypeFamilies`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoExplicitNamespaces"
- , flagSince = "7.6.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XExtendedDefaultRules"
- , flagDescription =
- "Use GHCi's :ref:`extended default rules <extended-default-rules>` "++
- "in a normal module."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoExtendedDefaultRules"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XFlexibleContexts"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`flexible contexts <flexible-contexts>`. Implied by "++
- ":ghc-flag:`-XImplicitParams`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoFlexibleContexts"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XFlexibleInstances"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`flexible instances <instance-rules>`. "++
- "Implies :ghc-flag:`-XTypeSynonymInstances`. "++
- "Implied by :ghc-flag:`-XImplicitParams`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoFlexibleInstances"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XForeignFunctionInterface"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`foreign function interface <ffi>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoForeignFunctionInterface"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XFunctionalDependencies"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`functional dependencies <functional-dependencies>`. "++
- "Implies :ghc-flag:`-XMultiParamTypeClasses`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoFunctionalDependencies"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XGADTs"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`generalised algebraic data types <gadt>`. "++
- "Implies :ghc-flag:`-XGADTSyntax` and :ghc-flag:`-XMonoLocalBinds`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoGADTs"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XGADTSyntax"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`generalised algebraic data type syntax <gadt-style>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoGADTSyntax"
- , flagSince = "7.2.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`newtype deriving <newtype-deriving>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XGenerics"
- , flagDescription =
- "Deprecated, does nothing. No longer enables "++
- ":ref:`generic classes <generic-classes>`. See also GHC's support "++
- "for :ref:`generic programming <generic-programming>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoGenerics"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XImplicitParams"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`Implicit Parameters <implicit-parameters>`. "++
- "Implies :ghc-flag:`-XFlexibleContexts` and :ghc-flag:`-XFlexibleInstances`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoImplicitParams"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XNoImplicitPrelude"
- , flagDescription =
- "Don't implicitly ``import Prelude``. "++
- "Implied by :ghc-flag:`-XRebindableSyntax`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XImplicitPrelude"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XImpredicativeTypes"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`impredicative types <impredicative-polymorphism>`. "++
- "Implies :ghc-flag:`-XRankNTypes`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoImpredicativeTypes"
- , flagSince = "6.10.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XIncoherentInstances"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`incoherent instances <instance-overlap>`. "++
- "Implies :ghc-flag:`-XOverlappingInstances`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoIncoherentInstances"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XTypeFamilyDependencies"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`injective type families <injective-ty-fams>`. "++
- "Implies :ghc-flag:`-XTypeFamilies`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoTypeFamilyDependencies"
- , flagSince = "8.0.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XInstanceSigs"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`instance signatures <instance-sigs>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoInstanceSigs"
- , flagSince = "7.10.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XInterruptibleFFI"
- , flagDescription = "Enable interruptible FFI."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoInterruptibleFFI"
- , flagSince = "7.2.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XKindSignatures"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`kind signatures <kinding>`. "++
- "Implied by :ghc-flag:`-XTypeFamilies` and :ghc-flag:`-XPolyKinds`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoKindSignatures"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XLambdaCase"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`lambda-case expressions <lambda-case>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoLambdaCase"
- , flagSince = "7.6.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XLiberalTypeSynonyms"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`liberalised type synonyms <type-synonyms>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoLiberalTypeSynonyms"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XMagicHash"
- , flagDescription =
- "Allow ``#`` as a :ref:`postfix modifier on identifiers <magic-hash>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoMagicHash"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XMonadComprehensions"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`monad comprehensions <monad-comprehensions>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoMonadComprehensions"
- , flagSince = "7.2.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XMonoLocalBinds"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`do not generalise local bindings <mono-local-binds>`. "++
- "Implied by :ghc-flag:`-XTypeFamilies` and :ghc-flag:`-XGADTs`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoMonoLocalBinds"
- , flagSince = "6.12.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XNoMonomorphismRestriction"
- , flagDescription =
- "Disable the :ref:`monomorphism restriction <monomorphism>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XMonomorphismRestriction"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XMultiParamTypeClasses"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`multi parameter type classes "++
- "<multi-param-type-classes>`. Implied by "++
- ":ghc-flag:`-XFunctionalDependencies`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoMultiParamTypeClasses"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XMultiWayIf"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`multi-way if-expressions <multi-way-if>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoMultiWayIf"
- , flagSince = "7.6.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XNamedFieldPuns"
- , flagDescription = "Enable :ref:`record puns <record-puns>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoNamedFieldPuns"
- , flagSince = "6.10.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XNamedWildCards"
- , flagDescription = "Enable :ref:`named wildcards <named-wildcards>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoNamedWildCards"
- , flagSince = "7.10.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XNegativeLiterals"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable support for :ref:`negative literals <negative-literals>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoNegativeLiterals"
- , flagSince = "7.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XNPlusKPatterns"
- , flagDescription = "Enable support for ``n+k`` patterns. "++
- "Implied by :ghc-flag:`-XHaskell98`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoNPlusKPatterns"
- , flagSince = "6.12.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XNullaryTypeClasses"
- , flagDescription =
- "Deprecated, does nothing. :ref:`nullary (no parameter) type "++
- "classes <nullary-type-classes>` are now enabled using "++
- ":ghc-flag:`-XMultiParamTypeClasses`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoNullaryTypeClasses"
- , flagSince = "7.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XNumDecimals"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable support for 'fractional' integer literals."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoNumDecimals"
- , flagSince = "7.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XOverlappingInstances"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`overlapping instances <instance-overlap>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoOverlappingInstances"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XOverloadedLabels"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`overloaded labels <overloaded-labels>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoOverloadedLabels"
- , flagSince = "8.0.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XOverloadedLists"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`overloaded lists <overloaded-lists>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoOverloadedLists"
- , flagSince = "7.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XOverloadedStrings"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`overloaded string literals <overloaded-strings>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoOverloadedStrings"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XPackageImports"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`package-qualified imports <package-imports>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoPackageImports"
- , flagSince = "6.10.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XParallelArrays"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable parallel arrays. Implies :ghc-flag:`-XParallelListComp`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoParallelArrays"
- , flagSince = "7.4.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XParallelListComp"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`parallel list comprehensions "++
- "<parallel-list-comprehensions>`. "++
- "Implied by :ghc-flag:`-XParallelArrays`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoParallelListComp"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XPartialTypeSignatures"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`partial type signatures <partial-type-signatures>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoPartialTypeSignatures"
- , flagSince = "7.10.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XNoPatternGuards"
- , flagDescription = "Disable :ref:`pattern guards <pattern-guards>`. "++
- "Implied by :ghc-flag:`-XHaskell98`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XPatternGuards"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XPatternSynonyms"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`pattern synonyms <pattern-synonyms>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoPatternSynonyms"
- , flagSince = "7.10.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XPolyKinds"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`kind polymorphism <kind-polymorphism>`. "++
- "Implies :ghc-flag:`-XKindSignatures`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoPolyKinds"
- , flagSince = "7.4.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XPolymorphicComponents"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`polymorphic components for data constructors "++
- "<universal-quantification>`. Synonym for :ghc-flag:`-XRankNTypes`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoPolymorphicComponents"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XPostfixOperators"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`postfix operators <postfix-operators>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoPostfixOperators"
- , flagSince = "7.10.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XQuasiQuotes"
- , flagDescription = "Enable :ref:`quasiquotation <th-quasiquotation>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoQuasiQuotes"
- , flagSince = "6.10.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XRank2Types"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`rank-2 types <universal-quantification>`. "++
- "Synonym for :ghc-flag:`-XRankNTypes`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoRank2Types"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XRankNTypes"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`rank-N types <universal-quantification>`. "++
- "Implied by :ghc-flag:`-XImpredicativeTypes`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoRankNTypes"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XRebindableSyntax"
- , flagDescription =
- "Employ :ref:`rebindable syntax <rebindable-syntax>`. "++
- "Implies :ghc-flag:`-XNoImplicitPrelude`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoRebindableSyntax"
- , flagSince = "7.0.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XRecordWildCards"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`record wildcards <record-wildcards>`. "++
- "Implies :ghc-flag:`-XDisambiguateRecordFields`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoRecordWildCards"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XRecursiveDo"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`recursive do (mdo) notation <recursive-do-notation>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoRecursiveDo"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XRoleAnnotations"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`role annotations <role-annotations>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoRoleAnnotations"
- , flagSince = "7.10.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XSafe"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable the :ref:`Safe Haskell <safe-haskell>` Safe mode."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagSince = "7.2.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XScopedTypeVariables"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`lexically-scoped type variables "++
- "<scoped-type-variables>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoScopedTypeVariables"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XStandaloneDeriving"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`standalone deriving <stand-alone-deriving>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoStandaloneDeriving"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XStaticPointers"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`static pointers <static-pointers>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoStaticPointers"
- , flagSince = "7.10.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XStrictData"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`default strict datatype fields <strict-data>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoStrictData"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XTemplateHaskell"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`Template Haskell <template-haskell>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoTemplateHaskell"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XTemplateHaskellQuotes"
- , flagDescription = "Enable quotation subset of "++
- ":ref:`Template Haskell <template-haskell>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoTemplateHaskellQuotes"
- , flagSince = "8.0.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XNoTraditionalRecordSyntax"
- , flagDescription =
- "Disable support for traditional record syntax "++
- "(as supported by Haskell 98) ``C {f = x}``"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XTraditionalRecordSyntax"
- , flagSince = "7.4.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XTransformListComp"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`generalised list comprehensions "++
- "<generalised-list-comprehensions>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoTransformListComp"
- , flagSince = "6.10.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XTrustworthy"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable the :ref:`Safe Haskell <safe-haskell>` Trustworthy mode."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagSince = "7.2.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XTupleSections"
- , flagDescription = "Enable :ref:`tuple sections <tuple-sections>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoTupleSections"
- , flagSince = "7.10.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XTypeFamilies"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`type families <type-families>`. "++
- "Implies :ghc-flag:`-XExplicitNamespaces`, :ghc-flag:`-XKindSignatures`, "++
- "and :ghc-flag:`-XMonoLocalBinds`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoTypeFamilies"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XTypeInType"
- , flagDescription =
- "Allow :ref:`kinds to be used as types <type-in-type>`, " ++
- "including explicit kind variable quantification, higher-rank "++
- "kinds, kind synonyms, and kind families. "++
- "Implies :ghc-flag:`-XDataKinds`, :ghc-flag:`-XKindSignatures`, " ++
- "and :ghc-flag:`-XPolyKinds`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoTypeInType"
- , flagSince = "8.0.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XTypeOperators"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`type operators <type-operators>`. "++
- "Implies :ghc-flag:`-XExplicitNamespaces`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoTypeOperators"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XTypeSynonymInstances"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`type synonyms in instance heads "++
- "<flexible-instance-head>`. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-XFlexibleInstances`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoTypeSynonymInstances"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XUnboxedTuples"
- , flagDescription = "Enable :ref:`unboxed tuples <unboxed-tuples>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoUnboxedTuples"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName ="-XUnboxedSums"
- , flagDescription = "Enable :ref: `unboxed sums <unboxed-sums>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoUnboxedSums"
- , flagSince = "8.2.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XUndecidableInstances"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`undecidable instances <undecidable-instances>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoUndecidableInstances"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XUnicodeSyntax"
- , flagDescription = "Enable :ref:`unicode syntax <unicode-syntax>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoUnicodeSyntax"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XUnliftedFFITypes"
- , flagDescription = "Enable unlifted FFI types."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoUnliftedFFITypes"
- , flagSince = "6.8.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XUnsafe"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable :ref:`Safe Haskell <safe-haskell>` Unsafe mode."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagSince = "7.4.1"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-XViewPatterns"
- , flagDescription = "Enable :ref:`view patterns <view-patterns>`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-XNoViewPatterns"
- , flagSince = "6.10.1"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Linking.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Linking.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 20d6f1feb2..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Linking.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-module Options.Linking where
-import Types
-linkingOptions :: [Flag]
-linkingOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-shared"
- , flagDescription =
- "Generate a shared library (as opposed to an executable)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-staticlib"
- , flagDescription =
- "Generate a standalone static library (as opposed to an " ++
- "executable). This is useful when cross compiling. The " ++
- "library together with all its dependencies ends up in in a " ++
- "single static library that can be linked against."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fPIC"
- , flagDescription =
- "Generate position-independent code (where available)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dynload"
- , flagDescription =
- "Selects one of a number of modes for finding shared libraries at runtime."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-framework ⟨name⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "On Darwin/OS X/iOS only, link in the framework ⟨name⟩. This " ++
- "option corresponds to the ``-framework`` option for Apple's Linker."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-framework-path ⟨dir⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "On Darwin/OS X/iOS only, add ⟨dir⟩ to the list of directories " ++
- "searched for frameworks. This option corresponds to the ``-F`` "++
- "option for Apple's Linker."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-l ⟨lib⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Link in library ⟨lib⟩"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-L ⟨dir⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "Add ⟨dir⟩ to the list of directories searched for libraries"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-main-is ⟨thing⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Set main module and function"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "--mk-dll"
- , flagDescription = "DLL-creation mode (Windows only)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-no-hs-main"
- , flagDescription = "Don't assume this program contains ``main``"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-rtsopts[=⟨none|some|all⟩]"
- , flagDescription =
- "Control whether the RTS behaviour can be tweaked via command-line"++
- "flags and the ``GHCRTS`` environment variable. Using ``none`` " ++
- "means no RTS flags can be given; ``some`` means only a minimum " ++
- "of safe options can be given (the default), and ``all`` (or no " ++
- "argument at all) means that all RTS flags are permitted."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-with-rtsopts=⟨opts⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Set the default RTS options to ⟨opts⟩."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-no-rtsopts-suggestions"
- , flagDescription =
- "Don't print RTS suggestions about linking with "++
- ":ghc-flag:`-rtsopts[=⟨none|some|all⟩]`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-no-link"
- , flagDescription = "Omit linking"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-split-objs"
- , flagDescription = "Split objects (for libraries)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-split-sections"
- , flagDescription = "Split sections for link-time dead-code stripping"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-static"
- , flagDescription = "Use static Haskell libraries"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-threaded"
- , flagDescription = "Use the threaded runtime"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-debug"
- , flagDescription = "Use the debugging runtime"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ticky"
- , flagDescription =
- "For linking, this simply implies :ghc-flag:`-debug`; "++
- "see :ref:`ticky-ticky`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-eventlog"
- , flagDescription = "Enable runtime event tracing"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fno-gen-manifest"
- , flagDescription = "Do not generate a manifest file (Windows only)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fno-embed-manifest"
- , flagDescription =
- "Do not embed the manifest in the executable (Windows only)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fno-shared-implib"
- , flagDescription =
- "Don't generate an import library for a DLL (Windows only)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dylib-install-name ⟨path⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "Set the install name (via ``-install_name`` passed to Apple's " ++
- "linker), specifying the full install path of the library file. " ++
- "Any libraries or executables that link with it later will pick " ++
- "up that path as their runtime search location for it. " ++
- "(Darwin/OS X only)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-rdynamic"
- , flagDescription =
- "This instructs the linker to add all symbols, not only used " ++
- "ones, to the dynamic symbol table. Currently Linux and " ++
- "Windows/MinGW32 only. This is equivalent to using " ++
- "``-optl -rdynamic`` on Linux, and ``-optl -export-all-symbols`` " ++
- "on Windows."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Misc.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Misc.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index f1d4336806..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Misc.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-module Options.Misc where
-import Types
-miscOptions :: [Flag]
-miscOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-j[⟨n⟩]"
- , flagDescription =
- "When compiling with :ghc-flag:`--make`, compile ⟨n⟩ modules" ++
- " in parallel."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fno-hi-version-check"
- , flagDescription = "Don't complain about ``.hi`` file mismatches"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fhistory-size"
- , flagDescription = "Set simplification history size"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fno-ghci-history"
- , flagDescription =
- "Do not use the load/store the GHCi command history from/to "++
- "``ghci_history``."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fno-ghci-sandbox"
- , flagDescription =
- "Turn off the GHCi sandbox. Means computations are run in "++
- "the main thread, rather than a forked thread."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-flocal-ghci-history"
- , flagDescription =
- "Use current directory for the GHCi command history "++
- "file ``.ghci-history``."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-local-ghci-history"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Modes.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Modes.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index e0afb61999..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Modes.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-module Options.Modes where
-import Types
-modeOptions :: [Flag]
-modeOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "--help,-?"
- , flagDescription = "Display help"
- , flagType = ModeFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "--interactive"
- , flagDescription =
- "Interactive mode - normally used by just running ``ghci``; "++
- "see :ref:`ghci` for details."
- , flagType = ModeFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "--make"
- , flagDescription =
- "Build a multi-module Haskell program, automatically figuring out "++
- "dependencies. Likely to be much easier, and faster, than using "++
- "``make``; see :ref:`make-mode` for details."
- , flagType = ModeFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-e ⟨expr⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "Evaluate ``expr``; see :ref:`eval-mode` for details."
- , flagType = ModeFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "--show-iface ⟨file⟩"
- , flagDescription = "display the contents of an interface file."
- , flagType = ModeFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-M"
- , flagDescription =
- "generate dependency information suitable for use in a "++
- "``Makefile``; see :ref:`makefile-dependencies` for details."
- , flagType = ModeFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "--frontend ⟨module⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "run GHC with the given frontend plugin; see "++
- ":ref:`frontend_plugins` for details."
- , flagType = ModeFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "--supported-extensions, --supported-languages"
- , flagDescription = "display the supported language extensions"
- , flagType = ModeFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "--show-options"
- , flagDescription = "display the supported command line options"
- , flagType = ModeFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "--info"
- , flagDescription = "display information about the compiler"
- , flagType = ModeFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "--version, -V"
- , flagDescription = "display GHC version"
- , flagType = ModeFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "--numeric-version"
- , flagDescription = "display GHC version (numeric only)"
- , flagType = ModeFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "--print-libdir"
- , flagDescription = "display GHC library directory"
- , flagType = ModeFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/OptimizationLevels.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/OptimizationLevels.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index a57fc5291b..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/OptimizationLevels.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-module Options.OptimizationLevels where
-import Types
-optimizationLevelsOptions :: [Flag]
-optimizationLevelsOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-O0"
- , flagDescription = "Disable optimisations (default)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-O"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-O, -O1"
- , flagDescription = "Enable level 1 optimisations"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-O0"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-O2"
- , flagDescription = "Enable level 2 optimisations"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-O0"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Odph"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable level 2 optimisations, set "++
- "``-fmax-simplifier-iterations=20`` "++
- "and ``-fsimplifier-phases=3``."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Optimizations.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Optimizations.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index afefc6e2a5..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Optimizations.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-module Options.Optimizations where
-import Types
-optimizationsOptions :: [Flag]
-optimizationsOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-fcall-arity"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable call-arity optimisation. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-call-arity"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fcase-merge"
- , flagDescription = "Enable case-merging. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-case-merge"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fcase-folding"
- , flagDescription = "Enable constant folding in case expressions. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-case-folding"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fcmm-elim-common-blocks"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable Cmm common block elimination. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-cmm-elim-common-blocks"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fcmm-sink"
- , flagDescription = "Enable Cmm sinking. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-cmm-sink"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fcpr-anal"
- , flagDescription =
- "Turn on CPR analysis in the demand analyser. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-cpr-anal"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fcse"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable common sub-expression elimination. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-cse"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fdicts-cheap"
- , flagDescription =
- "Make dictionary-valued expressions seem cheap to the optimiser."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-dicts-cheap"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fdicts-strict"
- , flagDescription = "Make dictionaries strict"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-dicts-strict"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fdmd-tx-dict-sel"
- , flagDescription =
- "Use a special demand transformer for dictionary selectors. "++
- "Always enabled by default."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-dmd-tx-dict-sel"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fdo-eta-reduction"
- , flagDescription = "Enable eta-reduction. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-do-eta-reduction"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fdo-lambda-eta-expansion"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable lambda eta-expansion. Always enabled by default."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-do-lambda-eta-expansion"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-feager-blackholing"
- , flagDescription =
- "Turn on :ref:`eager blackholing <parallel-compile-options>`"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fenable-rewrite-rules"
- , flagDescription =
- "Switch on all rewrite rules (including rules generated by "++
- "automatic specialisation of overloaded functions). Implied by "++
- ":ghc-flag:`-O`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-enable-rewrite-rules"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fexcess-precision"
- , flagDescription = "Enable excess intermediate precision"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-excess-precision"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fexpose-all-unfoldings"
- , flagDescription =
- "Expose all unfoldings, even for very large or recursive functions."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-expose-all-unfoldings"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ffloat-in"
- , flagDescription =
- "Turn on the float-in transformation. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-float-in"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ffull-laziness"
- , flagDescription =
- "Turn on full laziness (floating bindings outwards). "++
- "Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-full-laziness"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ffun-to-thunk"
- , flagDescription =
- "Allow worker-wrapper to convert a function closure into a thunk "++
- "if the function does not use any of its arguments. Off by default."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-fun-to-thunk"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fignore-asserts"
- , flagDescription =
- "Ignore assertions in the source. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-ignore-asserts"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fignore-interface-pragmas"
- , flagDescription =
- "Ignore pragmas in interface files. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O0` only."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-ignore-interface-pragmas"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-flate-dmd-anal"
- , flagDescription =
- "Run demand analysis again, at the end of the "++
- "simplification pipeline"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-late-dmd-anal"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fliberate-case"
- , flagDescription =
- "Turn on the liberate-case transformation. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O2`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-liberate-case"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fliberate-case-threshold=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "*default: 2000.* Set the size threshold for the liberate-case "++
- "transformation to ⟨n⟩"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-liberate-case-threshold"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-floopification"
- , flagDescription =
- "Turn saturated self-recursive tail-calls into local jumps in the "++
- "generated assembly. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-loopification"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fmax-inline-alloc-size=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "*default: 128.* Set the maximum size of inline array allocations "++
- "to ⟨n⟩ bytes (default: 128). GHC will allocate non-pinned arrays "++
- "of statically known size in the current nursery block if they're "++
- "no bigger than ⟨n⟩ bytes, ignoring GC overheap. This value should "++
- "be quite a bit smaller than the block size (typically: 4096)."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fmax-inline-memcpy-insns=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "*default: 32.* Inline ``memcpy`` calls if they would generate no "++
- "more than ⟨n⟩ pseudo instructions."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fmax-inline-memset-insns=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "*default: 32.* Inline ``memset`` calls if they would generate no "++
- "more than ⟨n⟩ pseudo instructions"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fmax-relevant-binds=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "*default: 6.* Set the maximum number of bindings to display in "++
- "type error messages."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-max-relevant-bindings"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fmax-valid-substitutions=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "*default: 6.* Set the maximum number of valid substitutions for"++
- "typed holes to display in type error messages."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-max-valid-substitutions"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fmax-uncovered-patterns=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "*default: 4.* Set the maximum number of patterns to display in "++
- "warnings about non-exhaustive ones."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fmax-simplifier-iterations=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "*default: 4.* Set the max iterations for the simplifier."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fmax-worker-args=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "*default: 10.* If a worker has that many arguments, none will "++
- "be unpacked anymore."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fno-opt-coercion"
- , flagDescription = "Turn off the coercion optimiser"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fno-pre-inlining"
- , flagDescription = "Turn off pre-inlining"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fno-state-hack"
- , flagDescription =
- "Turn off the \"state hack\" whereby any lambda with a real-world "++
- "state token as argument is considered to be single-entry. Hence "++
- "OK to inline things inside it."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fomit-interface-pragmas"
- , flagDescription =
- "Don't generate interface pragmas. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O0` only."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-omit-interface-pragmas"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fomit-yields"
- , flagDescription =
- "Omit heap checks when no allocation is being performed."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-omit-yields"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-foptimal-applicative-do"
- , flagDescription =
- "Use a slower but better algorithm for ApplicativeDo"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-optimal-applicative-do"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fpedantic-bottoms"
- , flagDescription =
- "Make GHC be more precise about its treatment of bottom (but see "++
- "also :ghc-flag:`-fno-state-hack`). In particular, GHC will not "++
- "eta-expand through a case expression."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-pedantic-bottoms"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fregs-graph"
- , flagDescription =
- "Use the graph colouring register allocator for register "++
- "allocation in the native code generator. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O2`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-regs-graph"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fregs-iterative"
- , flagDescription =
- "Use the iterative coalescing graph colouring register allocator "++
- "in the native code generator."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-regs-iterative"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fsimplifier-phases=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "*default: 2.* Set the number of phases for the simplifier. "++
- "Ignored with :ghc-flag:`-O0`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fsimpl-tick-factor=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "*default: 100.* Set the percentage factor for simplifier ticks."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fspec-constr"
- , flagDescription =
- "Turn on the SpecConstr transformation. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O2`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-spec-constr"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fspec-constr-count=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "default: 3.* Set to ⟨n⟩ the maximum number of specialisations that"++
- " will be created for any one function by the SpecConstr "++
- "transformation."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-spec-constr-count"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fspec-constr-threshold=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "*default: 2000.* Set the size threshold for the SpecConstr "++
- "transformation to ⟨n⟩."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-spec-constr-threshold"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fspecialise"
- , flagDescription =
- "Turn on specialisation of overloaded functions. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-specialise"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fcross-module-specialise"
- , flagDescription =
- "Turn on specialisation of overloaded functions imported from "++
- "other modules."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-cross-module-specialise"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fstatic-argument-transformation"
- , flagDescription = "Turn on the static argument transformation."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-static-argument-transformation"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fstrictness"
- , flagDescription = "Turn on strictness analysis." ++
- " Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O`. Implies :ghc-flag:`-fworker-wrapper`"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-strictness"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fstrictness-before=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "Run an additional strictness analysis before simplifier phase ⟨n⟩"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-funbox-small-strict-fields"
- , flagDescription =
- "Flatten strict constructor fields with a pointer-sized "++
- "representation. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-unbox-small-strict-fields"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-funbox-strict-fields"
- , flagDescription = "Flatten strict constructor fields"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-unbox-strict-fields"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-funfolding-creation-threshold=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription = "*default: 750.* Tweak unfolding settings."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-funfolding-dict-discount=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription = "*default: 30.* Tweak unfolding settings."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-funfolding-fun-discount=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription = "*default: 60.* Tweak unfolding settings."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-funfolding-keeness-factor=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription = "*default: 1.5.* Tweak unfolding settings."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-funfolding-use-threshold=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription = "*default: 60.* Tweak unfolding settings."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fvectorisation-avoidance"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable vectorisation avoidance. Always enabled by default."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-vectorisation-avoidance"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fvectorise"
- , flagDescription = "Enable vectorisation of nested data parallelism"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-vectorise"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fworker-wrapper"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable the worker-wrapper transformation after a strictness" ++
- " analysis pass. Implied by :ghc-flag:`-O`, and by :ghc-flag:`-fstrictness`." ++
- " Disabled by :ghc-flag:`-fno-strictness`. Enabling :ghc-flag:`-fworker-wrapper`" ++
- " while strictness analysis is disabled (by :ghc-flag:`-fno-strictness`)" ++
- " has no effect."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-worker-wrapper"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Packages.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Packages.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index d2aed64c63..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Packages.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-module Options.Packages where
-import Types
-packagesOptions :: [Flag]
-packagesOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-this-unit-id ⟨unit-id⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "Compile to be part of unit (i.e. package)" ++
- " ⟨unit-id⟩"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-package ⟨pkg⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Expose package ⟨pkg⟩"
- , flagType = DynamicSettableFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-hide-all-packages"
- , flagDescription = "Hide all packages by default"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-hide-package ⟨pkg⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Hide package ⟨pkg⟩"
- , flagType = DynamicSettableFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ignore-package ⟨pkg⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Ignore package ⟨pkg⟩"
- , flagType = DynamicSettableFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-package-db ⟨file⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Add ⟨file⟩ to the package db stack."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-clear-package-db"
- , flagDescription = "Clear the package db stack."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-no-global-package-db"
- , flagDescription = "Remove the global package db from the stack."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-global-package-db"
- , flagDescription = "Add the global package db to the stack."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-no-user-package-db"
- , flagDescription = "Remove the user's package db from the stack."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-user-package-db"
- , flagDescription = "Add the user's package db to the stack."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-no-auto-link-packages"
- , flagDescription =
- "Don't automatically link in the base and rts packages."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-trust ⟨pkg⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Expose package ⟨pkg⟩ and set it to be trusted"
- , flagType = DynamicSettableFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-distrust ⟨pkg⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "Expose package ⟨pkg⟩ and set it to be distrusted"
- , flagType = DynamicSettableFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-distrust-all"
- , flagDescription = "Distrust all packages by default"
- , flagType = DynamicSettableFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-package-env ⟨file⟩|⟨name⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Use the specified package environment."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/PhasePrograms.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/PhasePrograms.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e13fb8b26..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/PhasePrograms.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-module Options.PhasePrograms where
-import Types
-phaseProgramsOptions :: [Flag]
-phaseProgramsOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-pgmL ⟨cmd⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Use ⟨cmd⟩ as the literate pre-processor"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-pgmP ⟨cmd⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "Use ⟨cmd⟩ as the C pre-processor (with ``-cpp`` only)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-pgmc ⟨cmd⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Use ⟨cmd⟩ as the C compiler"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-pgmlo ⟨cmd⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Use ⟨cmd⟩ as the LLVM optimiser"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-pgmlc ⟨cmd⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Use ⟨cmd⟩ as the LLVM compiler"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-pgms ⟨cmd⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Use ⟨cmd⟩ as the splitter"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-pgma ⟨cmd⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Use ⟨cmd⟩ as the assembler"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-pgml ⟨cmd⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Use ⟨cmd⟩ as the linker"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-pgmdll ⟨cmd⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Use ⟨cmd⟩ as the DLL generator"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-pgmF ⟨cmd⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Use ⟨cmd⟩ as the pre-processor (with ``-F`` only)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-pgmwindres ⟨cmd⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "Use ⟨cmd⟩ as the program for embedding manifests on Windows."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-pgmlibtool ⟨cmd⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "Use ⟨cmd⟩ as the command for libtool (with ``-staticlib`` only)."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/PhaseSpecific.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/PhaseSpecific.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index bf903bc8f3..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/PhaseSpecific.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-module Options.PhaseSpecific where
-import Types
-phaseSpecificOptions :: [Flag]
-phaseSpecificOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-optL ⟨option⟩"
- , flagDescription = "pass ⟨option⟩ to the literate pre-processor"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-optP ⟨option⟩"
- , flagDescription = "pass ⟨option⟩ to cpp (with ``-cpp`` only)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-optF ⟨option⟩"
- , flagDescription = "pass ⟨option⟩ to the custom pre-processor"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-optc ⟨option⟩"
- , flagDescription = "pass ⟨option⟩ to the C compiler"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-optlo ⟨option⟩"
- , flagDescription = "pass ⟨option⟩ to the LLVM optimiser"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-optlc ⟨option⟩"
- , flagDescription = "pass ⟨option⟩ to the LLVM compiler"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-opta ⟨option⟩"
- , flagDescription = "pass ⟨option⟩ to the assembler"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-optl ⟨option⟩"
- , flagDescription = "pass ⟨option⟩ to the linker"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-optdll ⟨option⟩"
- , flagDescription = "pass ⟨option⟩ to the DLL generator"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-optwindres ⟨option⟩"
- , flagDescription = "pass ⟨option⟩ to ``windres``."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Phases.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Phases.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 54c886e310..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Phases.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-module Options.Phases where
-import Types
-phaseOptions :: [Flag]
-phaseOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-F"
- , flagDescription =
- "Enable the use of a :ref:`pre-processor <pre-processor>` "++
- "(set with :ghc-flag:`-pgmF ⟨cmd⟩`)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-E"
- , flagDescription = "Stop after preprocessing (``.hspp`` file)"
- , flagType = ModeFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-C"
- , flagDescription = "Stop after generating C (``.hc`` file)"
- , flagType = ModeFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-S"
- , flagDescription = "Stop after generating assembly (``.s`` file)"
- , flagType = ModeFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-c"
- , flagDescription = "Stop after generating object (``.o``) file"
- , flagType = ModeFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-x ⟨suffix⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Override default behaviour for source files"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/PlatformSpecific.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/PlatformSpecific.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d43665ea9..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/PlatformSpecific.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-module Options.PlatformSpecific where
-import Types
-platformSpecificOptions :: [Flag]
-platformSpecificOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-msse2"
- , flagDescription = "(x86 only) Use SSE2 for floating-point operations"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-msse4.2"
- , flagDescription = "(x86 only) Use SSE4.2 for floating-point operations"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Plugin.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Plugin.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index a948b94c9f..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Plugin.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-module Options.Plugin where
-import Types
-pluginOptions :: [Flag]
-pluginOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-fplugin=⟨module⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Load a plugin exported by a given module"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fplugin-opt=⟨module⟩:⟨args⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "Give arguments to a plugin module; module must be specified with "++
- "``-fplugin``"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Profiling.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Profiling.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index af3853fafc..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Profiling.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-module Options.Profiling where
-import Types
-profilingOptions :: [Flag]
-profilingOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-prof"
- , flagDescription = "Turn on profiling"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fprof-auto"
- , flagDescription =
- "Auto-add ``SCC``\\ s to all bindings not marked INLINE"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-prof-auto"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fprof-auto-top"
- , flagDescription =
- "Auto-add ``SCC``\\ s to all top-level bindings not marked INLINE"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-prof-auto"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fprof-auto-exported"
- , flagDescription =
- "Auto-add ``SCC``\\ s to all exported bindings not marked INLINE"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-prof-auto"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fprof-cafs"
- , flagDescription = "Auto-add ``SCC``\\ s to all CAFs"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-prof-cafs"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fno-prof-count-entries"
- , flagDescription = "Do not collect entry counts"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fprof-count-entries"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ticky"
- , flagDescription =
- ":ref:`Turn on ticky-ticky profiling <ticky-ticky>`"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/ProgramCoverage.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/ProgramCoverage.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8da7df37b7..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/ProgramCoverage.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-module Options.ProgramCoverage where
-import Types
-programCoverageOptions :: [Flag]
-programCoverageOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-fhpc"
- , flagDescription =
- "Turn on Haskell program coverage instrumentation"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-hpcdir ⟨dir⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "Directory to deposit ``.mix`` files during compilation "++
- "(default is ``.hpc``)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/RecompilationChecking.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/RecompilationChecking.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index f119c1111e..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/RecompilationChecking.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-module Options.RecompilationChecking where
-import Types
-recompilationCheckingOptions :: [Flag]
-recompilationCheckingOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-fforce-recomp"
- , flagDescription =
- "Turn off recompilation checking. This is implied by any " ++
- "``-ddump-X`` option when compiling a single file " ++
- "(i.e. when using :ghc-flag:`-c`)."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-force-recomp"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/RedirectingOutput.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/RedirectingOutput.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 162131166c..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/RedirectingOutput.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-module Options.RedirectingOutput where
-import Types
-redirectingOutputOptions :: [Flag]
-redirectingOutputOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-hcsuf ⟨suffix⟩"
- , flagDescription = "set the suffix to use for intermediate C files"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-hidir ⟨dir⟩"
- , flagDescription = "set directory for interface files"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-hisuf ⟨suffix⟩"
- , flagDescription = "set the suffix to use for interface files"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-o ⟨file⟩"
- , flagDescription = "set output filename"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-odir ⟨dir⟩"
- , flagDescription = "set directory for object files"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ohi ⟨file⟩"
- , flagDescription = "set the filename in which to put the interface"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-osuf ⟨suffix⟩"
- , flagDescription = "set the output file suffix"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-stubdir ⟨dir⟩"
- , flagDescription = "redirect FFI stub files"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dumpdir ⟨dir⟩"
- , flagDescription = "redirect dump files"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-outputdir ⟨dir⟩"
- , flagDescription = "set output directory"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dyno ⟨file⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Set the output filename for dynamic object files (see ``-dynamic-too``)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dynosuf ⟨suffix⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Set the object suffix for dynamic object files (see ``-dynamic-too``)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-dynhisuf ⟨suffix⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Set the hi suffix for dynamic object files (see ``-dynamic-too``)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/TemporaryFiles.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/TemporaryFiles.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index a66ca3b967..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/TemporaryFiles.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-module Options.TemporaryFiles where
-import Types
-temporaryFilesOptions :: [Flag]
-temporaryFilesOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-tmpdir ⟨dir⟩"
- , flagDescription = "set the directory for temporary files"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Verbosity.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Verbosity.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index aa608769b7..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Verbosity.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-module Options.Verbosity where
-import Types
-verbosityOptions :: [Flag]
-verbosityOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-v"
- , flagDescription = "verbose mode (equivalent to ``-v3``)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-v ⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription = "set verbosity level"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = ""
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fhide-source-paths"
- , flagDescription = "hide module source and object paths"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = ""
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fprint-potential-instances"
- , flagDescription =
- "display all available instances in type error messages"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-print-potential-instances"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fprint-explicit-foralls"
- , flagDescription =
- "Print explicit ``forall`` quantification in types. " ++
- "See also :ghc-flag:`-XExplicitForAll`"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-print-explicit-foralls"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fprint-explicit-kinds"
- , flagDescription =
- "Print explicit kind foralls and kind arguments in types. " ++
- "See also :ghc-flag:`-XKindSignatures`"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-print-explicit-kinds"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fprint-explicit-runtime-reps"
- , flagDescription =
- "Print ``RuntimeRep`` variables in types which are "++
- "runtime-representation polymorphic."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-print-explicit-runtime-reps"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fprint-unicode-syntax"
- , flagDescription =
- "Use unicode syntax when printing expressions, types and kinds. " ++
- "See also :ghc-flag:`-XUnicodeSyntax`"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-print-unicode-syntax"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fprint-expanded-synonyms"
- , flagDescription =
- "In type errors, also print type-synonym-expanded types."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-print-expanded-synonyms"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fprint-typechecker-elaboration"
- , flagDescription =
- "Print extra information from typechecker."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-print-typechecker-elaboration"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fdiagnostics-color=(always|auto|never)"
- , flagDescription = "Use colors in error messages"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-f[no-]diagnostics-show-caret"
- , flagDescription = "Whether to show snippets of original source code"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-ferror-spans"
- , flagDescription = "Output full span in error messages"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Rghc-timing"
- , flagDescription =
- "Summarise timing stats for GHC (same as ``+RTS -tstderr``)."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fshow-hole-constraints"
- , flagDescription = "Show constraints when reporting typed holes"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Warnings.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Warnings.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index da88ec68b6..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Warnings.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
-module Options.Warnings where
-import Types
-warningsOptions :: [Flag]
-warningsOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-W"
- , flagDescription = "enable normal warnings"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-w"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-w"
- , flagDescription = "disable all warnings"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wall"
- , flagDescription =
- "enable almost all warnings (details in :ref:`options-sanity`)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-w"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wcompat"
- , flagDescription =
- "enable future compatibility warnings " ++
- "(details in :ref:`options-sanity`)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-compat"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Werror"
- , flagDescription = "make warnings fatal"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wwarn"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Werror=⟨wflag⟩"
- , flagDescription = "make a specific warning fatal"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wwarn=⟨wflag⟩"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wwarn"
- , flagDescription = "make warnings non-fatal"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Werror"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wwarn=⟨wflag⟩"
- , flagDescription = "make a specific warning non-fatal"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Werror=⟨wflag⟩"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wunrecognised-warning-flags"
- , flagDescription =
- "throw a warning when an unreconised ``-W...`` flag is "++
- "encountered on the command line."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-unrecognised-warning-flags"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fshow-warning-groups"
- , flagDescription = "show which group an emitted warning belongs to."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-show-warning-groups"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fdefer-type-errors"
- , flagDescription =
- "Turn type errors into warnings, :ref:`deferring the error until "++
- "runtime <defer-type-errors>`. Implies "++
- ":ghc-flag:`-fdefer-typed-holes` and "++
- ":ghc-flag:`-fdefer-out-of-scope-variables`. "++
- "See also :ghc-flag:`-Wdeferred-type-errors`"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-defer-type-errors"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fdefer-typed-holes"
- , flagDescription =
- "Convert :ref:`typed hole <typed-holes>` errors into warnings, "++
- ":ref:`deferring the error until runtime <defer-type-errors>`. "++
- "Implied by :ghc-flag:`-fdefer-type-errors`. "++
- "See also :ghc-flag:`-Wtyped-holes`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-defer-typed-holes"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fdefer-out-of-scope-variables"
- , flagDescription =
- "Convert variable out of scope variables errors into warnings. "++
- "Implied by :ghc-flag:`-fdefer-type-errors`. "++
- "See also :ghc-flag:`-Wdeferred-out-of-scope-variables`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-defer-out-of-scope-variables"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fhelpful-errors"
- , flagDescription = "Make suggestions for mis-spelled names."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-helpful-errors"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-freverse-errors"
- , flagDescription =
- "Display errors in GHC/GHCi sorted by reverse order of "++
- "source code line numbers."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-reverse-errors"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fmax-errors"
- , flagDescription =
- "Limit the number of errors displayed in GHC/GHCi."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fno-max-errors"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wdeprecated-flags"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn about uses of commandline flags that are deprecated"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-deprecated-flags"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wduplicate-constraints"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn when a constraint appears duplicated in a type signature"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-duplicate-constraints"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wduplicate-exports"
- , flagDescription = "warn when an entity is exported multiple times"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-duplicate-exports"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Whi-shadowing"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn when a ``.hi`` file in the current directory shadows a library"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-hi-shadowing"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Widentities"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn about uses of Prelude numeric conversions that are probably "++
- "the identity (and hence could be omitted)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-identities"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wimplicit-prelude"
- , flagDescription = "warn when the Prelude is implicitly imported"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-implicit-prelude"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wincomplete-patterns"
- , flagDescription = "warn when a pattern match could fail"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-incomplete-patterns"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wincomplete-uni-patterns"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn when a pattern match in a lambda expression or "++
- "pattern binding could fail"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-fmax-pmcheck-iterations=⟨n⟩"
- , flagDescription =
- "the iteration limit for the pattern match checker"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wincomplete-record-updates"
- , flagDescription = "warn when a record update could fail"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-incomplete-record-updates"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wmissing-fields"
- , flagDescription = "warn when fields of a record are uninitialised"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-missing-fields"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wmissing-import-lists"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn when an import declaration does not explicitly list all the"++
- "names brought into scope"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-fnowarn-missing-import-lists"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wmissing-methods"
- , flagDescription = "warn when class methods are undefined"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-missing-methods"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wmissing-signatures"
- , flagDescription = "warn about top-level functions without signatures"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-missing-signatures"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wmissing-exported-sigs"
- , flagDescription =
- "*(deprecated)* "++
- "warn about top-level functions without signatures, only if they "++
- "are exported. takes precedence over -Wmissing-signatures"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-missing-exported-sigs"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wmissing-exported-signatures"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn about top-level functions without signatures, only if they "++
- "are exported. takes precedence over -Wmissing-signatures"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-missing-exported-signatures"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wmissing-local-sigs"
- , flagDescription =
- "*(deprecated)* "++
- "warn about polymorphic local bindings without signatures"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-missing-local-sigs"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wmissing-local-signatures"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn about polymorphic local bindings without signatures"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-missing-local-signatures"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wmissing-monadfail-instances"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn when a failable pattern is used in a do-block that does " ++
- "not have a ``MonadFail`` instance."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-missing-monadfail-instances"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wsemigroup"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn when a ``Monoid`` is not ``Semigroup``, and on non-" ++
- "``Semigroup`` definitions of ``(<>)``?"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-semigroup"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wmissed-specialisations"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn when specialisation of an imported, overloaded function fails."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-missed-specialisations"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wall-missed-specialisations"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn when specialisation of any overloaded function fails."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-all-missed-specialisations"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wmonomorphism-restriction"
- , flagDescription = "warn when the Monomorphism Restriction is applied"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-monomorphism-restriction"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wname-shadowing"
- , flagDescription = "warn when names are shadowed"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-name-shadowing"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn when ``Applicative`` or ``Monad`` instances have "++
- "noncanonical definitions of ``return``, ``pure``, ``(>>)``, "++
- "or ``(*>)``. "++
- "See flag description in :ref:`options-sanity` for more details."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-noncanonical-monad-instances"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wnoncanonical-monadfail-instances"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn when ``Monad`` or ``MonadFail`` instances have "++
- "noncanonical definitions of ``fail``."++
- "See flag description in :ref:`options-sanity` for more details."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-noncanonical-monadfail-instances"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn when ``Semigroup`` or ``Monoid`` instances have "++
- "noncanonical definitions of ``(<>)`` or ``mappend``. "++
- "See flag description in :ref:`options-sanity` for more details."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-noncanonical-monoid-instances"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Worphans"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn when the module contains :ref:`orphan instance declarations "++
- "or rewrite rules <orphan-modules>`"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-orphans"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Woverlapping-patterns"
- , flagDescription = "warn about overlapping patterns"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-overlapping-patterns"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wtabs"
- , flagDescription = "warn if there are tabs in the source file"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-tabs"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wtype-defaults"
- , flagDescription = "warn when defaulting happens"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-type-defaults"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wunrecognised-pragmas"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn about uses of pragmas that GHC doesn't recognise"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-unrecognised-pragmas"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wunticked-promoted-constructors"
- , flagDescription = "warn if promoted constructors are not ticked"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-unticked-promoted-constructors"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wunused-binds"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn about bindings that are unused. Alias for "++
- ":ghc-flag:`-Wunused-top-binds`, :ghc-flag:`-Wunused-local-binds` and "++
- ":ghc-flag:`-Wunused-pattern-binds`"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-unused-binds"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wunused-top-binds"
- , flagDescription = "warn about top-level bindings that are unused"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-unused-top-binds"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wunused-local-binds"
- , flagDescription = "warn about local bindings that are unused"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-unused-local-binds"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wunused-pattern-binds"
- , flagDescription = "warn about pattern match bindings that are unused"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-unused-pattern-binds"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wunused-imports"
- , flagDescription = "warn about unnecessary imports"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-unused-imports"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wunused-matches"
- , flagDescription = "warn about variables in patterns that aren't used"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-unused-matches"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wunused-foralls"
- , flagDescription = "warn about type variables in user-written "++
- "``forall``\\s that are unused"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-unused-foralls"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wunused-type-variables"
- , flagDescription = "warn about variables in type family or data "++
- "family instances that are unused"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-unused-type-variables"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wunused-do-bind"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn about do bindings that appear to throw away values of types "++
- "other than ``()``"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-unused-do-bind"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wwrong-do-bind"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn about do bindings that appear to throw away monadic values "++
- "that you should have bound instead"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-wrong-do-bind"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wunsafe"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn if the module being compiled is regarded to be unsafe. "++
- "Should be used to check the safety status of modules when using "++
- "safe inference. Works on all module types, even those using "++
- "explicit :ref:`Safe Haskell <safe-haskell>` modes (such as "++
- ":ghc-flag:`-XTrustworthy`) and so can be used to have the compiler check "++
- "any assumptions made."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-unsafe"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wsafe"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn if the module being compiled is regarded to be safe. Should "++
- "be used to check the safety status of modules when using safe "++
- "inference. Works on all module types, even those using explicit "++
- ":ref:`Safe Haskell <safe-haskell>` modes (such as "++
- ":ghc-flag:`-XTrustworthy`) and so can be used to have the compiler check "++
- "any assumptions made."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-safe"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wtrustworthy-safe"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn if the module being compiled is marked as "++
- ":ghc-flag:`-XTrustworthy` but it could instead be marked as "++
- ":ghc-flag:`-XSafe`, a more informative bound. Can be used to detect"++
- "once a Safe Haskell bound can be improved as dependencies are updated."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-safe"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wwarnings-deprecations"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn about uses of functions & types that have warnings or "++
- "deprecated pragmas"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-warnings-deprecations"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wdeprecations"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn about uses of functions & types that have warnings or "++
- "deprecated pragmas. Alias for :ghc-flag:`-Wwarnings-deprecations`"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-deprecations"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wamp"
- , flagDescription =
- "*(deprecated)* warn on definitions conflicting with the "++
- "Applicative-Monad Proposal (AMP)"
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-amp"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wredundant-constraints"
- , flagDescription =
- "Have the compiler warn about redundant constraints in type"++
- "signatures."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-redundant-constraints"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wdeferred-type-errors"
- , flagDescription =
- "Report warnings when :ref:`deferred type errors "++
- "<defer-type-errors>` are enabled. This option is enabled by "++
- "default. See :ghc-flag:`-fdefer-type-errors`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-deferred-type-errors"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wtyped-holes"
- , flagDescription =
- "Report warnings when :ref:`typed hole <typed-holes>` errors are "++
- ":ref:`deferred until runtime <defer-type-errors>`. See "++
- ":ghc-flag:`-fdefer-typed-holes`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-typed-holes"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wdeferred-out-of-scope-variables"
- , flagDescription =
- "Report warnings when variable out-of-scope errors are "++
- ":ref:`deferred until runtime. "++
- "See :ghc-flag:`-fdefer-out-of-scope-variables`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-deferred-out-of-scope-variables"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wpartial-type-signatures"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn about holes in partial type signatures when "++
- ":ghc-flag:`-XPartialTypeSignatures` is enabled. Not applicable when "++
- ":ghc-flag:`-XPartialTypesignatures` is not enabled, in which case "++
- "errors are generated for such holes. See "++
- ":ref:`partial-type-signatures`."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-partial-type-signatures"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wderiving-typeable"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn when encountering a request to derive an instance of class "++
- "``Typeable``. As of GHC 7.10, such declarations are unnecessary "++
- "and are ignored by the compiler because GHC has a custom solver "++
- "for discharging this type of constraint."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-deriving-typeable"
- }
- , flag { flagName = "-Wmissing-home-modules"
- , flagDescription =
- "warn when encountering a home module imported, but not listed "++
- "on the command line. Useful for cabal to ensure GHC won't pick "++
- "up modules, not listed neither in ``exposed-modules``, nor in "++
- "``other-modules``."
- , flagType = DynamicFlag
- , flagReverse = "-Wno-missing-home-modules"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Table.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Table.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index eeff8205cb..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Table.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-module Table where
-import Data.Char
-import Data.List
-import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe)
-import qualified DList
-type Row = [String]
-type ColWidth = Int
-type WrappedString = [String]
--- | Wrap a string to lines of at most the given length on whitespace
--- if possible.
-wrapAt :: Int -> String -> WrappedString
-wrapAt width = wrapLine
- where
- wrapLine :: String -> WrappedString
- wrapLine s =
- go width mempty (take width s : wrapLine (drop width s)) s
- go :: Int -- ^ remaining width
- -> DList.DList Char -- ^ accumulator
- -> WrappedString -- ^ last good wrapping
- -> String -- ^ remaining string
- -> WrappedString
- go 0 _ back _ = back
- go n accum _ (c:rest)
- | breakable c = go (n-1) accum'
- (DList.toList accum' : wrapLine rest) rest
- where accum' = accum `DList.snoc` c
- go n accum back (c:rest) = go (n-1) (accum `DList.snoc` c) back rest
- go _ accum _ [] = [DList.toList accum]
- breakable = isSpace
-transpose' :: [[a]] -> [[Maybe a]]
-transpose' = goRow
- where
- peel :: [a] -> (Maybe a, [a])
- peel (x:xs) = (Just x, xs)
- peel [] = (Nothing, [])
- goRow xs =
- case unzip $ map peel xs of
- (xs', ys)
- | any isJust xs' -> xs' : goRow ys
- | otherwise -> []
-table :: [ColWidth] -> Row -> [Row] -> String
-table widths hdr rows = unlines $
- [rule '-'] ++
- [formatRow hdr] ++
- [rule '='] ++
- intersperse (rule '-') (map formatRow rows) ++
- [rule '-']
- where
- formatRow :: Row -> String
- formatRow cols =
- intercalate "\n"
- $ map (rawRow . map (fromMaybe ""))
- $ transpose'
- $ zipWith wrapAt (map (subtract 4) widths) cols
- rawRow :: Row -> String
- rawRow cols = "| " ++ intercalate " | " (zipWith padTo widths cols) ++ " |"
- padTo width content = take width $ content ++ repeat ' '
- rule :: Char -> String
- rule lineChar =
- ['+',lineChar]
- ++intercalate [lineChar,'+',lineChar]
- (map (\n -> replicate n lineChar) widths)
- ++[lineChar,'+']
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Types.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Types.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 340672e3b6..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Types.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-module Types where
-data FlagType = DynamicFlag
- -- ^ Dynamic flag
- | DynamicSettableFlag
- -- ^ Dynamic flag on which @:set@ can be used in GHCi
- | ModeFlag
- -- ^ A mode of execution (e.g. @--mode@)
-data Flag = Flag { flagName :: String
- , flagDescription :: String
- , flagType :: FlagType
- , flagReverse :: String
- , flagSince :: String
- }
-flag :: Flag
-flag = Flag "" "" DynamicFlag "" ""
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/ b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/
deleted file mode 100644
index 069634b96d..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# (c) 2009 The University of Glasgow
-# This file is part of the GHC build system.
-# To understand how the build system works and how to modify it, see
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-utils/mkUserGuidePart_GENERATED_FLAGS_SETS := \
- codegen \
- compiler-debugging \
- cpp \
- finding-imports \
- interactive \
- interface-files \
- keeping-intermediates \
- language \
- linking \
- misc \
- modes \
- optimization \
- optimization-levels \
- packages \
- phase-programs \
- phases \
- phase-specific \
- platform-specific \
- plugin \
- profiling \
- program-coverage \
- recompilation-checking \
- redirecting-output \
- temporary-files \
- verbosity \
- warnings
-# See Note [Blessed make target file]
- docs/users_guide/what_glasgow_exts_does.gen.rst
- $(addprefix docs/users_guide/flags-,$(addsuffix .gen.rst,$(utils/mkUserGuidePart_GENERATED_FLAGS_SETS))) \
- docs/users_guide/all-flags.gen.rst
-utils/mkUserGuidePart_GENERATED_RST_SOURCES := \
-utils/mkUserGuidePart_USES_CABAL = YES
-utils/mkUserGuidePart_PACKAGE = mkUserGuidePart
-utils/mkUserGuidePart_dist_PROGNAME = mkUserGuidePart
-utils/mkUserGuidePart_dist_INSTALL_INPLACE = YES
-$(eval $(call build-prog,utils/mkUserGuidePart,dist,2))
-$(eval $(call clean-target,utils/mkUserGuidePart,gen,$(utils/mkUserGuidePart_GENERATED_RST_SOURCES)))
- $(mkUserGuidePart_INPLACE)
- $(TOUCH_CMD) $@
-all_utils/mkUserGuidePart: $(mkUserGuidePart_INPLACE)
-# Note [Blessed make target file]
-# make cannot express nicely a single build rule
-# with multiple targets:
-# > all: a b
-# > a b:
-# > touch a b
-# This code will run 'touch' rule twice when parallel
-# make is used:
-# > $ make -j
-# > touch a b
-# > touch a b
-# But there is a workaround for it:
-# We pick a single file of a group and depend on it
-# as an ultimate target. We also need to make sure
-# that file has latest timestamp in the group:
-# > all: a b
-# > b:
-# > a: b
-# > touch a b
-# > touch $@
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/ b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/
deleted file mode 100644
index e07033cd02..0000000000
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-Name: mkUserGuidePart
-Version: @ProjectVersionMunged@
-Copyright: XXX
-License: BSD3
--- XXX License-File: LICENSE
--- XXX Author:
--- XXX Maintainer:
-Synopsis: Generate various portions of GHC's documentation
- This tool is responsible for producing ReStructuredText sources which
- are included in GHC's user's guide and manpage.
-build-type: Simple
-cabal-version: >=1.10
-Executable mkUserGuidePart
- Default-Language: Haskell2010
- Main-Is: Main.hs
- Other-Modules:
- Types
- DList
- Table
- Options
- Options.CodeGen
- Options.CompilerDebugging
- Options.Cpp
- Options.FindingImports
- Options.Interactive
- Options.InterfaceFiles
- Options.KeepingIntermediates
- Options.Language
- Options.Linking
- Options.Misc
- Options.Modes
- Options.OptimizationLevels
- Options.Optimizations
- Options.Packages
- Options.PhasePrograms
- Options.Phases
- Options.PhaseSpecific
- Options.PlatformSpecific
- Options.Plugin
- Options.Profiling
- Options.ProgramCoverage
- Options.RecompilationChecking
- Options.RedirectingOutput
- Options.TemporaryFiles
- Options.Verbosity
- Options.Warnings
- Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5,
- -- mkUserGuidePart uses the compiler's DynFlags to determine
- -- a few options-related properties of the compiler.
- -- Consequently we should make sure we are building against
- -- the right compiler.
- ghc == @ProjectVersionMunged@