path: root/utils
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
2 files changed, 104 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/utils/nofib-analyse/CmdLine.hs b/utils/nofib-analyse/CmdLine.hs
index 0a303e15ae..8b606261fc 100644
--- a/utils/nofib-analyse/CmdLine.hs
+++ b/utils/nofib-analyse/CmdLine.hs
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ reportTitle = case [ t | OptTitle t <- flags ] of
data CLIFlags
= OptASCIIOutput
- | OptLaTeXOutput
+ | OptLaTeXOutput (Maybe String)
| OptHTMLOutput
| OptIgnoreSmallTimes Float
| OptDeviations
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ data CLIFlags
| OptColumns String
| OptRows String
| OptCSV String
- | OptNoNormalise
+ | OptNormalise String
| OptHelp
deriving Eq
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ argInfo =
"Ignore runtimes smaller than <secs>"
, Option ['d'] ["deviations"] (NoArg OptDeviations)
"Display deviations (default)"
- , Option ['l'] ["latex"] (NoArg OptLaTeXOutput)
+ , Option ['l'] ["latex"] (OptArg OptLaTeXOutput "TABLE")
"Produce LaTeX output"
, Option [] ["columns"] (ReqArg OptColumns "COLUMNS")
"Specify columns for summary table (comma separates)"
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ argInfo =
"Specify rows for summary table (comma separates)"
, Option [] ["csv"] (ReqArg OptCSV "TABLE")
"Output a single table in CSV format"
- , Option [] ["no-normalise"] (NoArg OptNoNormalise)
- "Do not normalise to the baseline"
+ , Option [] ["normalise"] (ReqArg OptNormalise "percent|ratio|none")
+ "normalise to the baseline"
, Option ['n'] ["nodeviations"] (NoArg OptNoDeviations)
"Hide deviations"
, Option ['t'] ["title"] (ReqArg OptTitle "title")
diff --git a/utils/nofib-analyse/Main.hs b/utils/nofib-analyse/Main.hs
index 456747fd9e..7bcdd580ca 100644
--- a/utils/nofib-analyse/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/nofib-analyse/Main.hs
@@ -32,17 +32,25 @@ import Data.List
die :: String -> IO a
die s = hPutStr stderr s >> exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
+data Normalise = NormalisePercent | NormaliseRatio | NormaliseNone
main :: IO ()
main = do
when (not (null cmdline_errors) || OptHelp `elem` flags) $
die (concat cmdline_errors ++ usage)
+ norm <- case [ n | OptNormalise n <- flags ] of
+ [] -> return NormalisePercent
+ ["percent"] -> return NormalisePercent
+ ["ratio"] -> return NormaliseRatio
+ ["none"] -> return NormaliseNone
+ _ -> die ("unrecognised value for --normalise\n" ++ usage)
let { html = OptHTMLOutput `elem` flags;
- latex = OptLaTeXOutput `elem` flags;
+ latex = [ t | OptLaTeXOutput t <- flags ];
ascii = OptASCIIOutput `elem` flags;
- csv = [ table | OptCSV table <- flags ];
- no_norm = OptNoNormalise `elem` flags;
+ csv = [ t | OptCSV t <- flags ];
when (ascii && html) $ die "Can't produce both ASCII and HTML"
@@ -66,13 +74,13 @@ main = do
case () of
_ | not (null csv) ->
- putStr (csvTable results (head csv) (not no_norm))
+ putStr (csvTable results (head csv) norm)
_ | html ->
putStr (renderHtml (htmlPage results column_headings))
- _ | latex ->
- putStr (latexOutput results column_headings summary_spec summary_rows)
+ _ | not (null latex) ->
+ putStr (latexOutput results (head latex) column_headings summary_spec summary_rows norm)
_ | otherwise ->
- putStr (asciiPage results column_headings summary_spec summary_rows)
+ putStr (asciiPage results column_headings summary_spec summary_rows norm)
parse_logs :: [String] -> IO [ResultTable]
@@ -397,37 +405,87 @@ calcColor percentage | percentage >= 0 = printf "#%02x0000" val
-- LaTeX table generation (just the summary for now)
-latexOutput :: [ResultTable] -> [String] -> [PerProgTableSpec]
- -> Maybe [String] -> String
-latexOutput results _ summary_spec summary_rows =
+latexOutput :: [ResultTable] -> Maybe String -> [String] -> [PerProgTableSpec]
+ -> Maybe [String] -> Normalise -> String
+latexOutput results (Just table_name) _ _ _ norm
+ = let
+ table_spec = [ spec | spec@(SpecP _ n _ _ _ _) <- per_prog_result_tab,
+ n == table_name ]
+ in
+ case table_spec of
+ [] -> error ("can't find table named: " ++ table_name)
+ (spec:_) -> latexProgTable results spec norm "\n"
+latexOutput results Nothing _ summary_spec summary_rows _ =
(if (length results == 2)
then ascii_summary_table True results summary_spec summary_rows
. str "\n\n"
else id) ""
+latexProgTable :: [ResultTable] -> PerProgTableSpec -> Normalise -> ShowS
+latexProgTable results (SpecP _long_name _ _ get_result get_status result_ok) norm
+ = latex_show_results results get_result get_status result_ok norm
+ :: Result a
+ => [ResultTable]
+ -> (Results -> Maybe a)
+ -> (Results -> Status)
+ -> (a -> Bool)
+ -> Normalise
+ -> ShowS
+latex_show_results [] _ _ _ _
+ = error "latex_show_results: Can't happen?"
+latex_show_results (r:rs) f stat _result_ok norm
+ = makeLatexTable $
+ [ TableRow (BoxString prog : boxes) |
+ (prog,boxes) <- results_per_prog ] ++
+ if nodevs then [] else
+ [ TableLine,
+ TableRow (BoxString "Min" : mins),
+ TableRow (BoxString "Max" : maxs),
+ TableRow (BoxString "Geometric Mean" : gms) ]
+ where
+ -- results_per_prog :: [ (String,[BoxValue a]) ]
+ results_per_prog = [ (prog,tail xs) | (prog,xs) <- map calc (Map.toList r) ]
+ calc = calc_result rs f stat (const True) (normalise norm)
+ results_per_run = transpose (map snd results_per_prog)
+ (_lows,gms,_highs) = unzip3 (map calc_gmsd results_per_run)
+ (mins, maxs) = unzip (map calc_minmax results_per_run)
+normalise :: Result a => Normalise -> a -> a -> BoxValue
+normalise norm = case norm of
+ NormalisePercent -> convert_to_percentage
+ NormaliseRatio -> normalise_to_base
+ NormaliseNone -> \_base res -> toBox res
-- ASCII page generation
asciiPage :: [ResultTable] -> [String] -> [PerProgTableSpec] -> Maybe [String]
+ -> Normalise
-> String
-asciiPage results args summary_spec summary_rows =
+asciiPage results args summary_spec summary_rows norm =
( str reportTitle
. str "\n\n"
-- only show the summary table if we're comparing two runs
. (if (length results == 2)
then ascii_summary_table False results summary_spec summary_rows . str "\n\n"
else id)
- . interleave "\n\n" (map (asciiGenProgTable results args) per_prog_result_tab)
+ . interleave "\n\n" (map (asciiGenProgTable results args norm) per_prog_result_tab)
. str "\n"
. interleave "\n\n" (map (asciiGenModTable results args) per_module_result_tab)
) "\n"
-asciiGenProgTable :: [ResultTable] -> [String] -> PerProgTableSpec -> ShowS
-asciiGenProgTable results args (SpecP long_name _ _ get_result get_status result_ok)
+asciiGenProgTable :: [ResultTable] -> [String] -> Normalise -> PerProgTableSpec -> ShowS
+asciiGenProgTable results args norm (SpecP long_name _ _ get_result get_status result_ok)
= str long_name
. str "\n"
- . ascii_show_results results args get_result get_status result_ok
+ . ascii_show_results results args get_result get_status result_ok norm
asciiGenModTable :: [ResultTable] -> [String] -> PerModuleTableSpec -> ShowS
asciiGenModTable results args (SpecM long_name _ get_result result_ok)
@@ -450,11 +508,12 @@ ascii_show_results
-> (Results -> Maybe a)
-> (Results -> Status)
-> (a -> Bool)
+ -> Normalise
-> ShowS
-ascii_show_results [] _ _ _ _
+ascii_show_results [] _ _ _ _ _
= error "ascii_show_results: Can't happen?"
-ascii_show_results (r:rs) ss f stat result_ok
+ascii_show_results (r:rs) ss f stat result_ok norm
= ascii_header fIELD_WIDTH ss
. interleave "\n" (map show_per_prog_results results_per_prog)
. if nodevs then id
@@ -466,7 +525,7 @@ ascii_show_results (r:rs) ss f stat result_ok
. show_per_prog_results ("Average",gms)
-- results_per_prog :: [ (String,[BoxValue a]) ]
- results_per_prog = map (calc_result rs f stat result_ok convert_to_percentage) (Map.toList r)
+ results_per_prog = map (calc_result rs f stat result_ok (normalise norm)) (Map.toList r)
results_per_run = transpose (map snd results_per_prog)
(lows,gms,highs) = unzip3 (map calc_gmsd results_per_run)
@@ -536,10 +595,10 @@ mungeForLaTeX = map transrow
transchar c s = c:s
table_layout :: Int -> Int -> Layout
-table_layout n w =
- (str . rjustify 15) :
- (\s -> str (space 5) . str (rjustify w s)) :
- replicate (n-1) (str . rjustify w)
+table_layout n w boxes = foldr (.) id $ zipWith ($) fns boxes
+ where fns = (str . rjustify 15 . show ) :
+ (\s -> str (space 5) . str (rjustify w (show s))) :
+ replicate (n-1) (str . rjustify w . show)
:: Result a
@@ -605,7 +664,7 @@ show_per_prog_results_width w (prog,results)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- CSV output
-csvTable :: [ResultTable] -> String -> Bool -> String
+csvTable :: [ResultTable] -> String -> Normalise -> String
csvTable results table_name norm
= let
table_spec = [ spec | spec@(SpecP _ n _ _ _ _) <- per_prog_result_tab,
@@ -615,8 +674,8 @@ csvTable results table_name norm
[] -> error ("can't find table named: " ++ table_name)
(spec:_) -> csvProgTable results spec norm "\n"
-csvProgTable :: [ResultTable] -> PerProgTableSpec -> Bool -> ShowS
-csvProgTable results (SpecP long_name _ _ get_result get_status result_ok) norm
+csvProgTable :: [ResultTable] -> PerProgTableSpec -> Normalise -> ShowS
+csvProgTable results (SpecP _long_name _ _ get_result get_status result_ok) norm
= csv_show_results results get_result get_status result_ok norm
@@ -625,20 +684,17 @@ csv_show_results
-> (Results -> Maybe a)
-> (Results -> Status)
-> (a -> Bool)
- -> Bool
+ -> Normalise
-> ShowS
csv_show_results [] _ _ _ _
= error "csv_show_results: Can't happen?"
-csv_show_results (r:rs) f stat result_ok norm
+csv_show_results (r:rs) f stat _result_ok norm
= interleave "\n" results_per_prog
-- results_per_prog :: [ (String,[BoxValue a]) ]
results_per_prog = map (result_line . calc) (Map.toList r)
- calc = calc_result rs f stat (const True) do_norm
- do_norm | norm = normalise_to_base
- | otherwise = \base res -> toBox res
+ calc = calc_result rs f stat (const True) (normalise norm)
result_line (prog,boxes) = interleave "," (str prog : map (str.showBox) boxes)
@@ -656,7 +712,7 @@ calc_result
-> (String,b) -- the baseline result
-> (String,[BoxValue])
-calc_result rts get_maybe_a get_stat base_ok normalise (prog,base_r) =
+calc_result rts get_maybe_a get_stat base_ok norm_fn (prog,base_r) =
(prog, (just_result m_baseline base_stat :
@@ -680,7 +736,7 @@ calc_result rts get_maybe_a get_stat base_ok normalise (prog,base_r) =
just_result (Just a) _ = toBox a
do_norm Nothing s _ = RunFailed s
- do_norm (Just a) _ baseline = normalise baseline a
+ do_norm (Just a) _ baseline = norm_fn baseline a
-- Calculating geometric means and standard deviations
@@ -747,11 +803,11 @@ calc_minmax xs
-- Show the Results
convert_to_percentage :: Result a => a -> a -> BoxValue
-convert_to_percentage 0 val = Percentage 100
+convert_to_percentage 0 _val = Percentage 100
convert_to_percentage baseline val = Percentage ((realToFrac val / realToFrac baseline) * 100)
normalise_to_base :: Result a => a -> a -> BoxValue
-normalise_to_base 0 val = BoxFloat 1
+normalise_to_base 0 _val = BoxFloat 1
normalise_to_base baseline val = BoxFloat (realToFrac baseline / realToFrac val)
class Real a => Result a where
@@ -809,31 +865,30 @@ data TableRow
= TableRow [BoxValue]
| TableLine
-type Layout = [String -> ShowS]
+type Layout = [BoxValue] -> ShowS
makeTable :: Layout -> [TableRow] -> ShowS
makeTable layout = interleave "\n" . map do_row
- where do_row (TableRow boxes) = applyLayout layout boxes
+ where do_row (TableRow boxes) = layout boxes
do_row TableLine = str (take 80 (repeat '-'))
makeLatexTable :: [TableRow] -> ShowS
makeLatexTable = foldr (.) id . map do_row
where do_row (TableRow boxes)
- = applyLayout latexTableLayout boxes . str "\\\\\n"
+ = latexTableLayout boxes . str "\\\\\n"
do_row TableLine
= str "\\hline\n"
latexTableLayout :: Layout
-latexTableLayout = box : repeat (box . (" & "++))
- where box s = str (foldr transchar "" s)
+latexTableLayout boxes =
+ foldr (.) id . intersperse (str " & ") . map abox $ boxes
+ where
+ abox (RunFailed NotDone) = id
+ abox s = str (foldr transchar "" (show s))
transchar '%' s = s -- leave out the percentage signs
transchar c s = c : s
-applyLayout :: Layout -> [BoxValue] -> ShowS
-applyLayout layout values =
- foldr (.) id [ f (show val) | (val,f) <- zip values layout ]
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- General Utils