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diff --git a/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs b/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
index bf1ed76f9e..6984f4a296 100644
--- a/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
@@ -417,18 +417,41 @@ asInfix :: String -> String
asInfix nm | isAlpha (head nm) = "`" ++ nm ++ "`"
| otherwise = nm
+{- Note [OPTIONS_GHC in GHC.PrimopWrappers]
+In PrimopWrappers we set some crucial GHC options
+* Eta reduction: -fno-do-eta-reduction
+ In PrimopWrappers we builds a wrapper for each primop, thus
+ plusInt# = \a b. plusInt# a b
+ That's a pretty odd definition, becaues it looks recursive. What
+ actually happens is that it makes a curried, top-level bindings for
+ `plusInt#`. When we compile PrimopWrappers, the code generator spots
+ (plusInt# a b) and generates an add instruction.
+ Its very important that we don't eta-reduce this to
+ plusInt# = plusInt#
+ because then the special rule in the code generator doesn't fire.
+* Worker-wrapper: performing WW on this module is harmful even, two reasons:
+ 1. Inferred strictness signatures are all bottom (because of the apparent
+ recursion), which is a lie
+ 2. Doing the worker/wrapper split based on that information will
+ introduce references to absentError, which isn't available at
+ this point.
+ We prevent strictness analyis and w/w by simply doing -O0. It's
+ a very simple module and there is no optimisation to be done
gen_wrappers :: Info -> String
gen_wrappers (Info _ entries)
= "{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, NoImplicitPrelude, UnboxedTuples #-}\n"
-- Dependencies on Prelude must be explicit in libraries/base, but we
-- don't need the Prelude here so we add NoImplicitPrelude.
- ++ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations -O0 #-}\n"
- -- No point in optimising this at all.
- -- Performing WW on this module is harmful even, two reasons:
- -- 1. Inferred strictness signatures are all bottom, which is a lie
- -- 2. Doing the worker/wrapper split based on that information will
- -- introduce references to absentError,
- -- which isn't available at this point.
+ ++ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations -O0 -fno-do-eta-reduction #-}\n"
+ -- Very important OPTIONS_GHC! See Note [OPTIONS_GHC in GHC.PrimopWrappers]
++ "module GHC.PrimopWrappers where\n"
++ "import qualified GHC.Prim\n"
++ "import GHC.Tuple ()\n"